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/lit/ - Literature

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18971383 No.18971383 [Reply] [Original]

I am 25 years old and I have never read a book before.

Why? Because it's either made-up BS (can't force myself to care about fake shit) or seems like way too much information for some niche thing I don't care about that much anyway. (If I want to know more about something, a couple paragraphs is enough.)

What book do you recommend me?

>> No.18971388

start with the greeks

>> No.18971393

>I have never read a book before.
Surely, you jest.

>> No.18971395

Why should I read entire books instead of the first 2 paragraphs of relevant wikipedia articles? Not joking.

>> No.18971401

Nope. My mom read me children's books when I was a little kid, but that doesn't count because I wasn't the one reading.

>> No.18971409

>ecause it's either made-up BS (can't force myself to care about fake shit)
so, you've never watched a movie either? jackass

>> No.18971411

Go away from here.

>> No.18971413

I've gotten dragged to the movie theater by friends and my family used to make me attend "family movie night," but I haven't watched a movie in like 7 years and don't plan on watching one any time soon.

>> No.18971499

What the fuck do you do with your time? Play retard videogames?

>> No.18971536

I like politics and music.

>> No.18971545

why don't you just listen to 10 seconds of the songs and move on?

>> No.18971550

lmfao fuck off >>>/pol/

>> No.18971560

Were you also home schooled?

>> No.18971561

Because music directly stimulates the senses

>> No.18971568

Politics is not real

>> No.18971573

No, I went to public school and read book summaries online to get good grades in my English classes.
Yes it is.

>> No.18971576

Start with the greeks or leave, or both.

>> No.18971581

>Yes it is.
[citation needed]

>> No.18971587

Politics is when things happen on a large scale irl.

>> No.18971588

How were your grades? Just curious

>> No.18971591

Please, please, (you are so fucking stupid), please: delete this thread and go sit in your room.

>> No.18971599

My GPA in high school was around 3.5, my GPA in college was around 3.0, and my current GPA in medical school is 3.4.

>> No.18971602
File: 107 KB, 792x1023, The_C_Programming_Language_download-pdf-freecomputerbookspdf.blogspot.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(can't force myself to care about fake shit)
>(If I want to know more about something, a couple paragraphs is enough.)
Something that cannot be summarized into a couple paragraphs.

I have just the book for you.

>> No.18971608

I've already read the beginning of the wikipedia article for that programming language, so I already know what it is, which was all I ever wanted to know about it.

>> No.18971616

How’d you graduate high school?

How do you know anything about politics without books?

>> No.18971624

>which was all I ever wanted to know about it.
I don't think reading is for you Anon.

>> No.18971626

I was actually in AP English even though I've never read a single book in my life. I'm pretty good at writing.
>How do you know anything about politics without books?
I watch political video content (usually on 2x speed) and sometimes read parts of articles.

>> No.18971630

Do you listen to music or play it? Also, did you follow politics growing up?

>> No.18971633

>mindlessly consuming propaganda is my hobby
are you my 82 year old grandmother? what the fuck are you doing man?
this has to be a troll

>> No.18971639

Reading is a curse. Don't read.

>> No.18971642

forget i asked

>> No.18971645

>I'm pretty good at writing.
I'm sure your great for a high school-level writer, but I'm going to conservatively surmise that that the extent of it.

>> No.18971655

I listen to it, but I learned piano when I was a kid.
I wasn't very interested in politics until I was in college.
Do you read fiction or nonfiction? I can understand reading nonfiction slightly more, but like I said, it's just way, way too much information.

>> No.18971657
File: 34 KB, 670x670, Guardian Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're just jaded. Here's an idea: tomorrow's Satuday, pick up the Guardian or whatever kind of paper like it is printed in your country, it has a book review magazine. Just have a look at some of the new stuff, it might give you a fresh perspective since they review all kinds of different books of various genres. Even if you don't actually end up buying or reading any of the books, you'll get to read a bit about what's out there these days.

>> No.18971669

Wikipedia articles dont give you any depth of knowledge

>> No.18971674

I was just checking to see if you were just a consumer or if you actually had a hobby. Don't bother reading dude, it will not be worth it for you.

>> No.18971678

I work on Saturdays.
What deep knowledge do you have that you think I should have?

>> No.18971680

Hurricanes are things that happen on large scale

>> No.18971681

Some people just like having a short cut and knowing the bare minimum of any subject.
I don't know, man, keep doing what you're doing if it works for you. But understand that you will never know anything of worth.

>> No.18971686

>can't force myself to care about fake shit

You sad little cretin

>> No.18971688

What do you know that I can't learn without reading hundreds of pages -- and you think I'd actually be interested in knowing?

>> No.18971689

Nice bait anon.

>> No.18971693

>and you think I'd actually be interested in knowing?
That's the problem

>> No.18971696

Tomorrow is Friday

>> No.18971698

Please just delete your HDD you sad little oaf

>> No.18971699

As it turns out, there's a lot of depth and context you miss out on by learning the subject in passing. You will only have a basic grasp on things and not be able to speak with nuance or intelligence on the subject. To put it in terms you'll understand, you'll be like Vaush or Destiny when they speak to people who read, and they are way out of the their depth. There's nothing wrong with having a shallow understanding of subjects, it that's what you miss out on.

>> No.18971708

I live in Ireland, it's 1.22am on Friday morning (technically). Point taken though.

>> No.18971711

Pick literally anything from any field, having a cursory understanding of what something is doesn't mean you know anything about it.
Know a capital city and its population is not worth anything.
>and you think I'd actually be interested in knowing?
I am not psychic

>> No.18971716

Why should laymen cultivate expertise on subjects they only have a passing interest in?

>> No.18971724

A question you have to answer for yourself and if you want to justify the effort. I am simply informing you of the difference.

>> No.18971729

who said they should?

>> No.18971739

Honestly don’t listen to these fags they have deified and romanticized reading in their minds to an insane extent because it’s the only thing they do and the only thing that makes them special. Reading simply isn’t for everyone, people of average intelligence who lead normal social lives don’t need to read. To be sure, there ARE benefits to reading, and if you spend your time wasting away playing video games or mindlessly surfing online and jacking off then you would be much better off reading than doing all that, but if you actually have your life in order already and know what you’re doing you simply don’t need reading to do that, there is no point.

>> No.18971743

Based didn't-read-a-single-post-in-the-thread-as-usual-bro

>> No.18971744


>> No.18971746

T.V. has made your brain lazy. You are an idiot now. Truly.

>> No.18971763

Literally two posts above you is a guy telling him not to read because it may not be worth his effort. You might actually be more retarded than OP

>> No.18971780
File: 13 KB, 220x229, B9D9C537-E64A-4ABD-834F-2D12D8402D6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why should I have?

>> No.18971782

Don't be new.

>> No.18971829

Continue to not read books, it increases your IQ.

>> No.18971830

Seek help.