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/lit/ - Literature

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18969538 No.18969538 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/
I must step back from this board. I regularly look down upon others for scrolling through instagram when they are bored but this place has become a very similar habit to me. I hesitate to compare them because /lit/ has much more of a sense of community, but still this has become a way for me to avoid doing nothing and my concentration is suffering. I just want to make this post to thank all of you for teaching me so many obscure things that I couldn't get from any of the normies out there in the real world. I think i am drawn to scroll through threads because at best this board really does feel like visiting friends, vile as many of you may be. I will still be here but in much smaller doses, and I have a sense of how good this place can be to me because even that feels very significant to me.
I hope that all of you struggling find peace

>> No.18969546

Cheers mate. See you when you get back, best of luck if you don't.

>> No.18969545

See you in a week buddy

>> No.18969580

Same place tomorrow mate?

>> No.18969590

have a good one, dear anon, and all the best

>> No.18969632

Good night sweet prince

>> No.18969640

Don't care. Skimmed your post and read only a few words here and there.

>> No.18969670
File: 440 KB, 500x626, lost_hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shithole is all I have left. Every dream is shattered, every hope has collapsed, every smile is lost. I just come on this site and target random people as my catch-all hedonist brat strawmen and unload all my hate on them. I don't even care about politics. I used to have this desire to make things and share them and "connect" and "get in touch" but I don't care about any of these things anymore. I'm just waiting for death or the day when I'll have the opportunity to off myself and while I wait I just rage against the wind. Everyone is just a faceless ghost who's laughing back at me but at least I feel like I'm doing something and damaging something real.
I really wish I could find a little bit of the enthusiasm I used to have but every year it got harder and harder and now I don't even have that faint spark anymore. Feels like shit. It's really horrible when you have truly, completely given up and the only emotion you feel in your waking life is resentment for life and the world and people.

>> No.18969763

>has much more of a sense of community,
Stop it. That's what hooks people on social media. It's even worse to do it here because your sense of community is coming from an anonymous mass with which any communing with consistency and concentration and coherency is de facto impossible. You are wasting time you could be building bonds with five senses and a history of shared experience and reputation that online will never encapsulate, in order to get barely two fifths of that actual sense of community which you could be establishing all around you. You know none of these people, and you're killing your chances of ever actually knowing them by limiting yourself to a "community" that only exists in a light box.

>> No.18970087

>hurr just go outside and interact with normies
armchair life coaches are the worst
there's a fucking reason why anyone would find himself here

>> No.18970098

clearly I'm aware of the issues with this place if I'm stepping back. I only used the word community in comparison to other forms of social media which are objectively worse. This place has it's downfalls but at least I'm coming here to have conversations with people who are interested in things. Can that be said about instagram? Not at all. Its just a platform to earn likes for showing your ass. What i appreciate about this board is it is largely what you make of it. If there aren't any interesting threads I always have the opportunity to make my own and even if a thread isn't going well I can contribute in a way to enliven the conversation.

>> No.18970104

also I have the freedom to be an asshole. suck my dick and chock on my semen

>> No.18970119

I'm not the normie you answered to but there is nothing good holding this board together. All that works in its favor is that it's anonymous so you risk very little by speaking your mind but what you say will also be completely irrelevant.
There are normalfags here who're like "hurr make friends IRL and just use 4chan to shitpost", these people should be kicked out. They are the enemy. It's not ther fault they just cannot conceive why people wouldn't be able to make friends IRL. They just assume that you are falling short, not that you fucking hate normalfaggots like them. Normalfags are literally the reason why the world is going to shit, and they ruin everything they touch including this site.

>> No.18970120

>no I'll pretend I spend my time reading here for books instead of trying to fulfill my need for a 3d hug
Pseuds like you, who don't even have the good grace to call me an entry level Nietzschean for telling anon a walk in trees will do more for him than any imagine you're walking through trees app he can find, are exactly why I'm going to one day beat one of your to death in your gamer chair with Schopenhauer's corrections on Kant. It will be sublime. Enjoy your gravel ASMR in 4k or whatever you think passes for kalon.

>> No.18970128

I'm not reading your post, go talk about sportsball with your college friends you stupid zoomer mongoloid

>> No.18970139

>Books are like sports right?

>> No.18970148

Here's a counter proposal:
You can't kick me out without undermining what you love about the place
Hahahahahahahaha hahaha. Can you smell the world turn? Never seems to turn in your favor.

>> No.18970149

I would sincerely suggest trying Reddit. The bigger subs are hellholes, but smaller ones centered around a particular interest can be quite enjoyable, and can give you the sense of community you desire. Discord as well.

>> No.18970165

I know people here. They are very sincere and open. Here I am part of the collective mass, as a small naive fish. Once in a while, another fish is formed. I love image boards - has there even been a time where such an anonymous gathering occured? The perfect mask, the perfect gathering.

>> No.18970169

Nobody talks about books where I lve,i literally nobody reads outside of what they are studying in college
have you considered this you retard? can't you conceive that not everyone lives in a place where people read, assuming you do read and you're not a fucking pseud yourself since you like throwing the word around so much
God, I fucking hate you all so much. You fucking stink through the pixels. You always argue in bad faith, you always say the same inane stupid shit all the fucking time, every single time. It's like talking to the same fucking faggot every single time. Normalfags really are braindead. Please fuck off this site and go back.

>> No.18970183

trying too hard m'dude

>> No.18970184

>no I refuse to make anyone interested in my hobby
Pls, pseuds like you show up everywhere, it's easy to get people hooked.

>> No.18970212

>just change people's lives
trying way too hard
I fucking hate you normie fucks so much. You ruin everything you touch

>> No.18970232

can't teach a fish to climb a tree

>> No.18970244

You are here for 2 more weeks

>> No.18970253

>no but if I'm not the only pseud in the village how will I be the only one interested in my hobby
Dude, literal autism sufferers with train fascinations actually make more friends based in their hobby than you do. The problem is that you're afraid to be one of those people who likes their hobby enough to be a sperger. Your normieness is the source of your pseudery. You could spend that time on books with more book friends, but here you are trying to steer the conversation from books to normies like a fucking pseud. Fake interest in books better.

>> No.18970270

Plenty of fish climb trees. Mangrove killifish for a start.

>> No.18970271

nice just in time for lockdown to end

>> No.18970293

I haven't tried. I am literally typing stream of consciousness.
The world changed. The little safe spots on the net arent the same and never will be. These spots are now the zone for every negative emotion people can't put out in society and a new type of entertainment. We are one big venician party, with the crazies babbling in tongues, the skeevy breaking things for sport, and the pervs jerking off with a camera. This is the internet now, sucker. This is the red lights district, and the streets are full of the tourists, and you are the attraction. You don't even get paid.
Browse iro2.net if you want some real comfy old school net. Even in the altchans it's full of incels and faggots lambasting in their own emotional diarrhea, and half of them won't even reply to an honest post. This is the now, can't roll it back.

>> No.18970314

neat idea but it seems full of underage retards

>> No.18970333

If you want boomer go for a powerlifting forum.

>> No.18970465

pure denial isn't healthy, anon

>> No.18970533

neither is anal sex but that never stopped you did it

>> No.18970568

Go outside, do sports. Pet animals. Grow plants.
Anyways, I know you don't care for that, so I'm just gonna say that life is too short and you can always get it back, I believe in you.

>> No.18970586

Horrible post. Not because >plebbit but because if you go that far, why not just real life? The point of 4chan is to not be like that.

>> No.18970637

>go outside and lift and hydrate and dilate
the only way this kind of post can be any worse is to copy/paste some suicide hotline phone number in just in case
you don't even know what my "outside" looks like. you wouldn't want to "go outside" if you lived here
I don't understand why the fuck people make these infuriatingly useless posts, ffs
they literally have bots for this shit on reddit that auto-post this shit and everyone but the suicidal guy congratulates the creator of the bot, we're on 4 fucking chan I genuinely appreciate some comment that I should livestream my suicide better than this, at least it's sincere.

>> No.18970653

so much raw incel energy in this thread

>> No.18970776

i know its glorious

>> No.18970788

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.18970934

>I hate it here and I refuse to move
Well, it makes a change from imagining Sisyphus happy.

>> No.18971318

I do not browse this website/board every day, but when I do, I usually post in it.

>> No.18971338

>but at least I feel like I'm doing something and damaging something real
What are you damaging besides yourself?

>> No.18971435

Nothing. I just enjoy the abstract feeling that someone is taking my abuse. I know they're probably having a laugh instead.
No idea how to get out. It's not a lifestyle issue but more of a pride thing, I don't want to accept that I'll have to give up and live the rest of my life doing unfulfilling things. I cannot accept it so when I try to let go I am stuck in this state until I eventually realize I'm about to go mad or kill myself and I have to try again. But every attempt is weaker. I'm not driven by genuine dreams anymore but just the need to survive. No matter how I spin it I suffer just the same.

>> No.18971445

Where do you live? Can't be worse than india.

>> No.18971455

gives huevibes

>> No.18972254

Have you read Notes from Underground? Because you just sound like a modern recreation of the Underground Man now
>I don't want to accept that I'll have to give up and live the rest of my life doing unfulfilling things
Why do you have to do that? Anyone can spend their days doing fulfilling things, it simply depends on what you find fulfilling

>> No.18972261

>Plenty of fish climb trees. Mangrove killifish for a start
>The mangrove rivulus can spend up to 66 consecutive days out of water, which it typically spends inside fallen logs, breathing air through its skin
The fuck

>> No.18972262

Reddit is leaking again

>> No.18972266

I usually read and have 4chan open and look up. I don't know what the point of quitting it would be unless I wanted to go completely anti-social. It might help my writing for a bit, but then I'd probably come back. Maybe I'll quit too for a time anon.

Shut up

>> No.18972276

See you tomorrow, fren

>> No.18973532

>it simply depends on what you find fulfilling
I only find art fulfilling
I've tried doing other things, I'm unhappy.

>> No.18973543

you have fallen unto a gravitational field of the morbid-monad. Irradiations of disharmony, double-bind, necessity, lack and debt are looshing on and out of you. a visible contrast to the OP post, who is clearly in contact with the light-monad which is attuned to harmony.
this place is good. and potentially is even better. Reformation is needed. as a meme, as a striving, as a synchronization with the light-monad.

>> No.18973631

stop trying to sound like DFW
pathetic fuck

>> No.18973654

Ah, yes, DFW, the author known for his schizo mystic beliefs and succinct sentences.

>> No.18973667

there was nothing succinct about the vomit you just spuked you bandanaposting fag

>> No.18973718

project of self-awareness of boards is on its way. as gunk cursed emanations will fall off. and be exposed for what they are: disruptive radiance preventing the next stage (crab 17 pt 3). they are feeble and running once an initiate has attuned his interface to the source.

>> No.18973829

Back yet?

>> No.18973843

That's called a dyad, retard. A monad can't be divided in two

>> No.18973849

you put more thought into it than he did.
he writes this garbled shit and in his head it's some lucid insight
honest to god cringe

>> No.18973856

Use words properly nigger, that's my thought

>> No.18973863

basically you keep poisoning yourself with shit, keeping anger and bitterness close to your heart, and now cry how it feels bad.
not impressed, normie.

>> No.18973944

study Monadology of Leibniz, he explains monadic multiplicity.

>> No.18973982

you are underage.

>> No.18974020

spoken like a fine boomer.

>> No.18974050

if youre gonna study monads
first you need some gonads

>> No.18974220

what no pussy does to a mf no cap

>> No.18974257

can you not?
I can't with you

>> No.18974317

once caught up in an incel-monad's field, he remains chained to its signature; bound to secrete toxic bile that would cement his ontology as a 'no puccy scenario' type beat. incel-monad is an archontic spirit possessing those who get into resonance with it.

>> No.18974382

>can you not?
what no pussy does to a mf no cap

>> No.18974395

what pussy does to a mf on a buck

>> No.18974708

Actually it was exactly pussy that lead me to this state. It all started with a breakup in 2009.

>> No.18976082


>> No.18976105

tfw been lurking on 4chan since 2006

I don't even post that much never have and social media elsewhere barely holds my attention especially the new crop of twitter and instagram and all that

>> No.18976204

God bless and good luck, anon!