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/lit/ - Literature

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18961305 No.18961305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else who's /lit/ and /fit/ ?

>> No.18961328

I'm not /fit/ as they come but I'm also not ottermode.

>> No.18961342
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>> No.18961349

go for ten push ups, filtered at 6
go for ten pages, filtered at 1

>> No.18961356

Yeah, I'm going to the gym, but I really want to get into bouldering. My routine has three calf exercises but nothing for forearms.

>> No.18961487

Yup, started lifting regularly in 2010. First bodybuilding show 2014, first powerlifting meet in 2015, and two CrossFit opens after that. I also do ultradistance cycling, including one 400 km race that took me 19 hours to complete.

Started writing short stories in 2011 in high school and have since published multiple, have written for larger news outlets (Forbes, Bloomberg, Reader's Digest), have 1 self-published novel, and am working on a second that will soon go out on submission for trad publishing (about my bike trip, you guys might've seen it shilled here before).

Lit/fit is the ultimate lifestlye.

>> No.18961491

Bearmode currently but am a /lit/ brainlet, currently reading through Simon Singh's Big Bang after Bill Bryson's Short History and my Zarathustra arrived yesterday.

>> No.18961492

i dont read and i barely go to the gym anymore

>> No.18961582
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I listen to audiobooks while I lift or run.

>> No.18961631

I'm a girl btw

>> No.18962282


>> No.18962297

Got a rowing machine and some adjustable dumbells. Currently reading Society Must Be Defended and writing a paper about instinct and energy

>> No.18962300

Delete this thread before you summon Butterfly

>> No.18962301

>400 km race that took me 19 hours

Ok the rest of this is based but that's just retarded lmao.

>> No.18962311

Plato says that those who refine the mind but not the body are reincarnated as fish
I don’t want to swim around in my own piss

>> No.18962312

Somewhat /fit/. Dunno, if I apply, because I smoke.

>> No.18962378

Fitness (cardio, calisthenics, athletics, gymnastics etc.) is /lit/. Bodybuilding, powerlifting, barbell work is absolutely vain, decadent, feminine and degenerate.

>> No.18962396

I've made some really great progress this past 6 months to a year where I actually learned how to train properly. I went from 0 pullups to sets of 6 with a wide grip. From struggling with bodyweight squats to hitting 300 pounds for 4x8, and now when I walk or go up stairs it feels like I'm floating. I don't know what the equivalent bench press is but I've been doing about 4x10 pushups on rings with a 40 pound weight vest.

>> No.18962417

Common, powerlifting is cool.
I can see how bodybuillding is decadent and vain though.

>> No.18962433

not me, I am a skinny ascetic /lit/ chad

>> No.18962442

wtf is the problem with ottermode? yes, I like women finding me attractive.

>> No.18962461

Fixed for you.

>> No.18962473

Yup. For the most part, although I was /lit/ before I un-fatassed myself. Mainly cardio and labor however, aesthetics may forever be beyond me. Or maybe that's the body dysmorphia lmao

>> No.18962647

I do pull ups/dips 4x a week and go for a 45 minute walk everyday; good enough for me.

>> No.18962665

Bodybuilding is vain and for the young and ignorant. But you need weights if you ever want to be able to shift more than your bodyweight, like a wife or injured buddy. Unless you are sick or a woman, get weights.

>> No.18962690


>> No.18962712

how the hell did you go from struggling with bw squats to squatting 300 lbs 4x8? Genuinly mirin if true. I am loong to get back into lifting so let me in on your secrets

>> No.18962724

If you eat a lot and squat regularly your legs just absolutely balloon

>> No.18962774

Not that guy but from my experience squats progress faster than anything else. All I do for legs is squat or a squat variation at the start of a workout and I look like a T-Rex.

>> No.18962808

Eat right, train every muscle group twice a week, and do more work than last time. Record everything you do in a notebook, your sets, reps, weight, and rest times, and then be as consistent as you can from workout to workout. That's really about all there is to it. Everything else is minutia.

>> No.18962820

>like a wife
Is your wife heavier than you? Is she obese or something? lmao

>> No.18962828

I'm trying. Sucks when you're just starting out and it's a constant reminder how bad you look all the time

>> No.18962829

Bouldering is comfy as fuck if you have access to a smaller locale. Nothing worse than after a hard day of slacking at work and arrive at the boulderinggym and there are 50 kids screaming

>> No.18962839

No you don't. You can quite easily progressively overload with lots of bodyweight exercises.

>> No.18963090

>Bodybuilding is vain and for the young and ignorant.
>mfw dady is old, ignorant/vain and is into bodybuiding
Yeah, I can confirm.

>> No.18963120

>he's never met a pregnant woman
>quantity not intensity
wtaf are you doing? It's basically cardio at that point.
Make him eat a lot of water heavy foods. He's probably retarded from permanent dehydration.

>> No.18963147

>Make him eat a lot of water heavy foods. He's probably retarded from permanent dehydration.
I don't think so. It's a spiritual rather than a physical maladie. The guy is stuck in that boomer mentality, if you know what I mean.

>> No.18963165

You're not building any significant size or strength with bodyweight exercises, even if we're talking about some of the most advanced calisthenics. The 1-6 rep range is ideal for pure strength training and once you get to 30 reps you're not really training any strength at all, but endurance. If you take a guy who can do a 30 pushup set and compare him to a guy that do 100 they're going to have equivalent strength. Beyond 20 reps you're not really building any size so you need to find ways to add resistance.

>> No.18963517

>>he's never met a pregnant woman
They only gain around 10kg and won't weight as much for more than 2 months. Shouldn't be heavier than an average height fit man, unless she is tall. But fair enough.

>> No.18963959

Spoken like a true limp wristed femenine faggot

>> No.18964245

Based Yukio gymmaxing chad


>> No.18964268

I'm not overweight and I run sometimes. Does it qualify me as fit by american standards?

>> No.18964326

Try hitting the weights 3-4 times a week, doing +200 skips daily and picking up a sport like basketball.

Based Yakuza enjoyer.

>> No.18964377

ÜbermenschAnons please give me a gym starter routine

>> No.18964385

Do you have access to a full gym?

>> No.18964392


>> No.18964436

I recommend a 4 day upper/lower split both because you get plenty of rest and it's also one of the most efficient in terms of training frequency. Monday and Thursday upper. Tuesday and Friday lower. Pick any variation of these exercises and stick with them. Do 4 sets of everything and in the 3-12 rep range.

Lat pulldown or pullups
Bench press
Tricep extensions

Hamstring curls or stiff leg deadlifts
Calf Raises
Then do whatever the hell you want for abs

>> No.18964493


Mark Riptoe's Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 are both great programs to get you started for your first 3-5 months. I'd supplement those programs with a bit of accessory work such as bicep curls, lateral raises, and pull-ups, for which you can find basic routines online. Basically, focus on strength and building the correct movement pattern. Wear Converse Chuck Taylors to the gym, not running shoes. Better yet, squat and deadlift barefoot. Learn the basic principles of macronutrition - if anything, eat one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. And sleep well. That's it.

>> No.18964504
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Very based
Lift weights is as good as taking hrt
We'll save the west and become bodybuilders like the greeks

>> No.18964526
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Thank you frens, much appreciated! We're all gonna make it I think

>> No.18964666

>wtf is the problem with ottermode?
I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.18964684
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Can a based Uberchad recommend books on the horseshoe theory of idpol?

>> No.18964738
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I'm too dyel for /fit/ yet too well read for /lit/

>> No.18965074

Hot body desu

>> No.18965145

I was a pump obsessed fag for 2 years then thought fuck that and started boxing

>> No.18965185

I went to /fit/ and I got even more confused. Whats wrong with being natty, i.e not taking steroids? Whats a frame? Should I eat carbs or not? Why are the jannies there so gay?

>> No.18965280
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I don't lift for vanity, but perhaps you do since that's what first came to your mind. Oh right, you don't even lift

>> No.18965418

If you ever listen to anybody on anything on this website, let it be this. Ignore anyone that tells you to avoid carbs. They don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.18965432

I alternate between reading and going to the gym when I'm supposed to be working at home, so yeah I'd say I'm /fitlit/

>> No.18965572
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>quantity not intensity
>30 reps
You guys are barbell-brained retards. Upping quantity isn't the only way to overload using bodyweight.

>> No.18965650

>still maxxes out at bodyweight
>Noooo weights will add nothing
Are you legit retarded?

>> No.18965803

>maxxes out at bodyweight
Based retard

>> No.18965843

>lift weights, huge time commitment
>stop either from laziness, no time, medical issue/injury, cant afford gym, any myriad of reasons
>lose all your gains in a few months
why do we lift weights again?