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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 773 KB, 2526x3570, St. Thomas Aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18960010 No.18960010 [Reply] [Original]

What were Aquinas contributions to philosophy and why is he considered as important as Plato and Aristotle?.

>> No.18960051

Affirmation of faith and reason in response to Averroes , 5 proofs of God, Essence and Existence distinction, against coercion

>> No.18960061

>What were Aquinas contributions to philosophy
Ripping off and watering down Aristotle's thought.
>and why is he considered as important as Plato and Aristotle?
He isn't.

>> No.18960069

He isn’t. He isn’t even a philosopher properly speaking. He’s a “theologian”. IE a cleric who pretends to be a philosopher.
He’s rather embarrassing footnote

>> No.18960081

>Essence and Existence distinction
What's the difference?

>> No.18960090

>Ripping off and watering down Aristotle's thought.

>> No.18960097

Opinion discarded

>> No.18960109

Greatly developed Natural law, was a precusor to rationalism and his causality pretty much btfo's atheists.


>> No.18960111

Just a fact. That he’s a footnote is the opinion many though.

>> No.18960119

>just a fact
That's not what a fact is and consensus doesn't make it any more true. Read Gilson

>> No.18960138

It’s recorded fact. A category. You want to connect it to philosophy? whatever

>> No.18960151

What does Gilson say?

>> No.18960164

That the greeks and scholastics had vastly different conclusions

>> No.18960169

> why is he considered as important as Plato and Aristotle?
Your Catholic is showing..

>> No.18960180

created the smug aristo thomist sophistry apologetics cling to today, then was refuted personally by God himself, then apologized and quit
>Reginald, I cannot, because all that I have written seems like straw to me

>> No.18960189

finish the quote

>> No.18960208 [DELETED] 

>considered as important as Plato and Aristotle?
this must only be the case in the christian world. he was no different than islamic golden age philosophers who chose one of the greek philosophers they were translating to best girl over

>> No.18960214
File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-the-rosary-is-the-most-beautiful-and-the-most-rich-in-graces-of-all-prayers-it-is-the-pope-pius-x-75-88-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know?

>> No.18960223

>I adjure you by the living almighty God, and by the faith you have in our order, and by charity that you strictly promise me you will never reveal in my lifetime what I tell you. Everything that I have written seems like straw to me compared to those things that I have seen and have been revealed to me.
Not him, but this is what I found

>> No.18960240

literally anything explainable got a natural explanation
goes on to suggest a supernatural explanation..
what a retard

>> No.18960252

Because you lied to embellish a certain someone, that Catholics would be motivated to embellish

>> No.18960304

"You have written well of me"

>> No.18960318

GOD said that?

>> No.18961045

Only famous for being the only philosopher of the Middle Ages.

>> No.18961095

Aquinas really was his own worst critic if he doesn't think anyone should read his texts.

>> No.18961468

watch this video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven /lit/ it's very easy to be saved from hell


>> No.18961471

>Grace is a gift
Catholicism btfo.

>> No.18961473

You are a dyke and were raped

>> No.18961486

>Atheist Tranny

Why did you even bother replying? You literally have the same opinion with every thread concerning religion, especially Christianity.

>> No.18962429


>> No.18962437

how big is your nose?

>> No.18962446

What did Aquinas say about selling indulgences and scaring people that can't pay with hellfire?

>> No.18962451

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »
Yeah I'm not reading whatever awful fucking take on literature you’ve decided to grace us with today
Stop posting, PLEASE stop posting

>> No.18962480

>selling indulgences
nothing wrong with that
>scaring people that can't pay with hellfire
never happened, you don't know what indulgences are

>> No.18962547
File: 344 KB, 1028x1542, 1630499681676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would the scholastics have said about two headed niggas? Would this lil nigga have the plant soul, animal soul, and two rational souls or just one rational soul? I know Aquinas had a different conception than most medievals.

>> No.18962558


>> No.18962576
File: 27 KB, 667x275, 9B882110-FB3D-4309-A56C-53899DD7C262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a little button nose

>> No.18962580

>Theology is a legitimate branch of philosophy. REEEEE

>> No.18962603

Substantia et accidens

>> No.18962615

All philosophy which isn't pure skepticism is fundamentally also theology.

>> No.18962619

No. Categorically no.

>> No.18962652

You exist and exist as something
Clearly you never actually read Aristotle, or you read a Thomistic interpretation of Aristotle and were too retarded to realise that you were reading Aquinas words

>> No.18962654

Yes, categorically yes.

>> No.18962703

Oh. I suppose we can put them all safely under the fiction section now too.
So much more clear this way, no?

>> No.18962800
File: 23 KB, 512x512, received_1163281174087720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of a unicorn, a trilobite, and a lion. Even if you were to understand its essence (it's "quiddity," what-ness, what you would give in answer to "what is it?") with perfect understanding, you wouldn't be able to say which exists now, which used to exist, and what never has existed. From this, St. Thomas concludes that existence is not part of these essences. They must receive existence from something else. If that thing's existence is distinct from its essence, you encounter the problem again.
The tl;dr is that you are able to reason from the distinction between essence and essentia, "what it is" and "that it is" to that which IS subsistent Being Itself, that in which essence and existence are not distinct. There's a lot of philosophical groundwork going into this, but if you want more it's in Ed Feser's book on proofs, and Gaven Kerr and Chris Tomaczewski do good jobs presenting it on youtube, eg https://youtu.be/a633NN2cMoE

As stated he's most famous for his esse/essentia distinction, but he also systemized theology and presented Aristotle's thought in a more clear and refined way, Christianized it but also harmonized it with the more dominant platonic strains in western thought. His opinions on things like divine simplicity, foreknowledge and free will, the uses of act and potency in metaphysics, etc. build on Aristotle and Plato but with key improvements. You can't pretend he's not important, even if you're a prot, simply because he stands head and shoulders above anyone else after 500 AD. Also certain prots like Southern Evangelical Seminary rely on his philosophical method even when they ignore his Catholic distinctives.

Hylic hands typed this post. Who are Boethius, Roscelin, Anselm, Bonaventure, Duns Scotus Erigenia, (((William of Ockham))), and countless more?

>> No.18962990


I'm also a Thomist and I think you are also on the server of Reason & Theology.

What's your nickname man? Only for curiosity.

>> No.18963065

>(((William of Ockham)))
What the best medieval philosopher being le bad joo tells about cuckstianity?

>> No.18963309
File: 46 KB, 788x699, 1630442103516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow R&T but I'm not on the server. Alulim 8333 if you want to invite me

>> No.18963363

>important as Plato and Aristotle

>profane heathens
pick only one

>> No.18963398

I know you aren't that anon

He haven't answer this >>18963065

>> No.18963578

>settings (bottom of page)
>filters and post hiding
>check filter and highlight specific threads/posts
>check auto and hide
>in pattern, type this (tripcode): !!bGBGaUpA8kS
>check on
>save settings
Now you can ignore this attention seeking tranny in peace

>> No.18963720
File: 158 KB, 500x707, 47214385-5256-44FB-9C2C-454BA8A0877F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your cell, padre.

>> No.18963727

God blesa you anon

>> No.18963850

> Aquinas thread
> Shinobu pic

This board is pure autism and I love it

>> No.18964141

God bless, here's a bump just for you

>> No.18964159
File: 40 KB, 283x315, africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the opinion of many

>> No.18964186

There still remains some schizophrenics who believe this shit. A shrinking number of them though. They find other gods to worship more these days.

>> No.18964396

He's a christian theologian and not a philosopher, he didn't contribute anything to philosophy and is not considered as important as Plato and Aristotle by far. Philosophy in the Europe in the Middle Ages is mostly an embarrasing shadow of Greece and a thousand-year squandring of their gifts.

>> No.18964529
File: 18 KB, 300x452, summa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was important for being one of the few good religious scholars who would comment on and try to combine Neoplatonism with Catholicism and did do in a way which resembled an early perennialism. He is taught in all Medieval philosophy and theology classes at University

>> No.18964651
File: 65 KB, 734x605, 1629159469296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an embarrassing post.
I am so. I just didn't want to respond to >18963065 calling William of Ockham "the best medieval philosopher." He's wasn't a Jew, he was an Anglo, basically the same thing but paler of countenance. His arguments for scepticism didn't carry and his invention of nominalism, while philosophically bankrupt, paved the way for all of the problems of modernity, from Protestantism through troons.

>> No.18964672

ITT: Christcucks and /pol/tards congregate to discuss "philosophy" :^)

>> No.18964822

>some fag who LARPs as a saint on twitter but can't stop jerking off knows aquinas better than aquinas

>> No.18964863
File: 217 KB, 800x437, Blessed-John-Duns-Scotus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh you forgot my boy Blessed John Duns Scotus