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18957266 No.18957266 [Reply] [Original]

In 6 hours I have written 200 words of my novel

>> No.18957274

the words yesterday, their order today

>> No.18957280
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>I have a 200 word essay due in 5 hours
>haven't started

>> No.18957282

it took several months for Flobert to write one scene and one month for Nabokov to write one paragraph
talking about specific cases, not usual writing speed, naturally

>> No.18957303

If you're having a slow day, try writing the easier parts first. Figure out how many 'the's you think you'll need and just work on writing those.

>> No.18957336

at least you're writing

>> No.18957337

In 12 hours you will have written 100 words of your novel, congratulations anon

>> No.18957382


>> No.18957406

I just spam thousands of words out and edit it all down later.

>> No.18957408

And how many words have you written in here in the same amount of time?

>> No.18957414

Good, that means you're very meticulous.

>> No.18958739

Post them?

>> No.18959040

That's barely a page in mla format.

>> No.18959107

Your first draft is going to be shit even if you took 200 hours to write the first 200 words just get the story out you twerp

>> No.18959127

How do I 'just write' bros?

>> No.18959145

Have talent incel

>> No.18959322

Stop caring about making mistakes; that's what editting is for. Don't try to get it perfect on your first try because you won't; as soon as you accept that you'll actually start enjoying writing. If you get really stuck at a certain part, just make a note to finish it later and move on.

>> No.18959416

you're fucked

>> No.18959419

By having sex first, incel

>> No.18959468

Just. blame white people and im sure you'll be somewhere around the topic.

>> No.18959558

Honestly, the hardest part for me is ideas. I always have confidence that even if what I write comes out as crap, I can edit and revise until it’s crap done well. You can edit bad style and prose until it’s good, but you can’t edit a bad idea until it’s good. People say otherwise, but I remain unconvinced. So for me, the hard people is feeling like “Yes, that’s a winner. I can make a story out of that.” Sometimes it feels like my brain just doesn’t work that way.

>> No.18959748

Not even close to a page, that's not even a long paragraph

>> No.18959852

It's okay anon progress needs time.

>> No.18960082

>100 word essay due next week
it's over for me isn't it?

>> No.18960183


Wanna know how I know you haven't been to college but believe everything the right has successfully sold you about them?

>> No.18960726
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>wrote 64 pages in six days

>> No.18961460


>> No.18961496

You must suffer. Only then you will gather the inspiration to write something because you will feel like redirecting all that anger and anguish towards it.

>> No.18961594

>regular old fag
we got a triple threat here folks

>> No.18962316

just use public domain stories

>> No.18962360

Not even your mother will read your novel. She will pretend to and read Paulo Coelho instead.

>> No.18962371

bullshit thats like 25k words. no way is it any good.

>> No.18962382
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dunking on trannies is independent of /pol/ tho.

>> No.18962503

You're 200 words ahead of me, Bro. Keep at it.

>> No.18962515
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The muse died and I shot it for good measure. It was a pitiful, limpid thing, and I felt only a twinge of regret as I lowered it into its grave. Kneeling there, surrounded by the dirt I'd dug up, the shovel long since discarded, I wondered to myself what kind of creature slays his hopes; what sort of monster abandons his dreams.

Abruptly I stood and returned to the house, falling back on the couch and bringing up one of the tabs from earlier to check for (you)s.