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18956174 No.18956174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Waldun Lore just dropped bros, get in here


>> No.18956204

>Open browser
>Faggot starts speaking
>Everyone running around like faeries
>Talk about nothing
>Close browser

>> No.18956292

Waldunfags begone
/lit/ is a John David Card board now.

>> No.18956876

Waldunbros... our time will come... and the world will love us though they shun us now.

>> No.18956884

fuck bald bitch

>> No.18956898

wait lol what is this who are these niggas

>> No.18956904

Holy fuck this is cringe beyond belief
You people should honestly be ashamed

>> No.18956937

By "You people" you mean Australians, right?

>> No.18956996
File: 18 KB, 364x336, 1581528218766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bit from 4:00 where they go to the publishing house and have an awkward conversation about "starting a writers collective"

>> No.18957031

I thought for sure it was going to work out.

>> No.18957077

>le streets le streets

>> No.18957082

Kino. Every day Waldun posts is a good day for Waldunchads.

>> No.18957132

>be the battering ram to the f00kin' doors
>and don't apologize

4chuds absolutely BTFO

>> No.18957137

>and don't apologize
is that a subtle jab at valdun?

>> No.18957229

Must be fun being a pseud normie.

>> No.18957255

So this will actually be a book. If this turns out to be good this board will have an amazing metldown.

>> No.18957262

people were saying the same thing about The Academy and look how that turned out

>> No.18957268

I'm not saying it will be, a piece of crap is far more likely, but I wish for the opposite.

>> No.18957275

Jay and Jaidyn can actually write, yet they don't use their platform to dishout advice. they just create

>> No.18957286
File: 133 KB, 548x573, dreameater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already a book. Jaidyn, the editor, put a gay "this book was published on stolen land" message on the copyright page.

>> No.18957297

>"this book was published on stolen land"
Then why doens't he get the fuck out?

>> No.18957298

besides the punctuation it's not bad. you can tell waldun didn't write this

>> No.18957300

Did they hire a professional proof-reader/editor for this book?

>> No.18957320

>besides the punctuation it's not bad
this is bad
>Which he collected, and used, to feed.

>> No.18957328

They behave as if they were high on anphetamines

>> No.18957347

They have a caffeine buzz from coffee :)

>> No.18957365

They didn't even hire a professional author for it.

>> No.18957368

I think they boys will do a good job, plus going to a publisher like that, even if a little cringy, has got to be a good fun moment for the video ;)

>> No.18957404

Where did you get it?

>> No.18957409

can someone paste the mozart passage?

>> No.18957428

do you guys think they've experimented sexually with each other yet, unironically of course

>> No.18957440

it's the preview on amazon, it's been up since Waldun's book

>> No.18957451

I can't find it for the life of me. Maybe it's region locked.
Will someone take one for the team and buy it so we can share it?

>> No.18957459

and i assume the same url for each region

>> No.18957463
File: 81 KB, 470x595, 1617563817729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an exclusive pre-order paperback available to amazon members only

>> No.18957478
File: 334 KB, 1489x881, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job amazon. I searched for the exact title and nothing. Looked through all the resutls.

>> No.18957480

you fookin muffinhead lad
you right snozy gozny
marshmallow milky tit
dimwitted fanny pad

>> No.18957490

Be honest anons, you wished you had a friendship like this

>> No.18957519

It's a shame that no matter how good the book ends up being, we'll laugh at it. Anything related to Waldun will be seen with lolcow eyes. This will ruin their friendship.

>> No.18957539

Amazon's search function is useless now, it throws up plenty of sponsored crap but often exact wording gets you nothing. It's even more annoying with an older book w/ multiple editions, you might never find the Oxford Classics version thru scrolling but Amazon will make sure to give you a dozen different print-on-demand choices..

>> No.18957543

Do you think Joyce and Pound would be making content like this if they were Zoomers? I like to think so.

>> No.18957548

I assume they were hoping to piggyback off the success of L'Academie.

>> No.18957557

They seem to genuinely like each other and Jay seems like an ok dude, much better than that Clark bloke

>> No.18957593

go to goodreads, find your edition, get the isbn, paste into amazon
dead simple. you're just retarded

>> No.18957601

hello bong

>> No.18957618

hello bing

>> No.18957626

The point, silly, is that Amazon's search function is broken.

>> No.18957635

If they wanted attention, it worked. The center of literary world is talking about the book right now.

>> No.18957664

Jaidyn has some of that diamond in the rough quality. He's a good writer and I hope he succeeds.

>> No.18957720
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the guy who wrote this shows promise?

>> No.18957735

This reads like it was written by a lovesick sixteen-year-old boy.

>> No.18957739

a lovesick sixteen-year-old boy would be embarrassed by it

>> No.18957752

He was a love sick eighteen-year-old boy at the time. Stop being so harsh. He has lots of potential. I agree with >>18957664

>> No.18957789

I dare anyone in here to post a better poem (written by yourself)

>> No.18957811

yeah i wish waldun would give me free shit just for hanging out and larping with him

>> No.18957838

Is this the same poster that said he knew gardener? What’s he think of the Waldun fallout? Does he even care?

>> No.18957843

everyone knows gardner
he's on every discord

>> No.18957886

>There's No End to This Slope
Amazon AI is making fun of how many Waldun threads that have been created.

>> No.18957896

mozart...moods bizzare

>wow arthur it rhymes!

>> No.18957898

grazie waldunscholar sir

>> No.18957899

He probably doesn’t even know who Waldun is.

>> No.18957943

>not "wow... arthur... it... it rhymes!"
not waldunesque enough

>> No.18957952

Why tf would Gardner give a shit? He writes horror pulp. Waldun is a completely opposite type of author.

>> No.18957957

It's all about the movement...

>> No.18958036
File: 516 KB, 775x371, waldun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tought Waldun wore his writer cosplay 24/7 but here he is wearing normal clothes. Waldun, tone down on the sweaters and fancy clothers, you'd look better

>> No.18958048

I opened it in an incognito window and closed it soon after.
Cringe is an understatement.

>> No.18958065
File: 460 KB, 754x574, 2021-08-31_15-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is from my copy

>> No.18958072

I'm so sick of these faggots using words like "tale," precocious slop, can't fucking stand it. Talk like a human being.

>> No.18958079


>> No.18958089

*tips earbuds

>> No.18958091

This is the first time I've heard Jay talk, and he sounds like he has Downs.

>> No.18958095

"When one submits to Mozart, all are absolved from pussy farts."

>> No.18958163

Gardner came off rather well in this affair.

Given his work habits and ability, I predict he is going to be the next Robert Bloch. Or if not Bloch, then Christopher Golden, and if not Golden then Graham Masterton, and if not Masterton then Ronald Malfi, and if not Malfi then Keith C. Blackmore.

Alternatively, he might aim at being the next R.L. Stine.

>> No.18958176

And if that all fails he can try his hand at Moldbug.

>> No.18958198

>Gardner came off rather well in this affair.

What do you mean?

>> No.18958247

isn't he on some crazy amphetamines? i saw some trannycord screenshot of him saying he takes a heavy duty concentration drug

>> No.18958277
File: 131 KB, 1600x900, human suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair/balanced prediction about this book:
>The Writing will be decent on a technical level.
Jay can write well as can Jaidyn. Now, that doesn't mean the writing will be great or anything but those 2 are at least capable of stringing together words. I don't think we'll see the level of nonsensical storytelling we were subjected to in L'Academie (plus TATTTC is journaling/Jay's travel writing so they won't be responsible for creating a world--only reporting on one). They'll reproduce a writing style they love but without personalizing it and making it they're own (i.e. at most it will be an ornamental homage to "muh Kerouac" sans anything interesting in itself).
>The content will be ok
Lots of mediocre art is elevated by the real-life shit that inspired it (e.g. the writing in Schindler's List is a mediocre morality play elevated by the subject matter it deals with). The normies did their homework by going around talking to mentally ill societal outcasts and odds are their takes will appeal to other normies. My prediction here is that the bare content, the reportage itself, will carry more weight than anything these guys have to say about it. Their takes will be contrived--there will be little to bring the actual character of the freaks/loners they've encountered. Basically, we'll see superficial interactions and shallow takes expressed by way of purple prose.

The deeper, more literary, meaning of their work will lie in just how out of touch they are with actual suffering.

>> No.18958305

Half of this board is probably on something if they’re writers t.b.h.

>> No.18958316

Tbh works too fellow stratterabro

>> No.18958331
File: 39 KB, 1280x112, gardnerstatement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18958354

i dont agree with this at all desu
the editors did him dirty and he needs to release the names

>> No.18958357

Go and hang, you strange fruit nigger.
Discord was a mistake. And your shitty idea to make one for Waldun was a bigger mistake. I hope you choke on tranny cock, nigger.

>> No.18958359
