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/lit/ - Literature

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18956133 No.18956133 [Reply] [Original]

The Nobel Prize in Literature will be announced on October 7. Who do you think will win?

>> No.18956144

Pynchon, DeLillo, or Houellebecq. I hope.

>> No.18956146

Female writer from Afghanistan no one ever heard of.

>> No.18956148
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A gentile.

>> No.18956155

Probably a writer nobody will remember in 5 years or maybe Haruki Murakami, why not? They just have to forget he put out anything after Wind up bird and he's a strong candidate. I want Mccarthy to win though, he deserves it more than anyone else.

>> No.18956171
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Thiong'o seems a shoe-in every year and his books are great, but never ever. Modiano was the worst. Hopefully its someone like Svetlana Alexievich, whichs just gives me a couple of solid reading recommendations I would never have picked up otherwise.

But lets be real, after all the scandals its going to >>18956146

>> No.18956191

Some nigger/pajeet/woman/ultrakike who gives a shit

>> No.18956199

They’re gonna give it to the entire erowid trip report database

>> No.18956202

>le disabled lesbian rohingya
you say this every year and then they don't
also it's Ngugi not Thiong'o, it's like with Icelandic names

>> No.18956209

Anyone but McCarthy is a wrong choice

>> No.18956216

Laureate? Does he mean nominee?

>> No.18956231

Reminder no black writer has the nobel since VS Naipaul, 20 years ago. Before him only three other black writers have won it. No pajeet has won since Tagore more than a century ago. One turk has won it.
This is a prize for whites and chinks

>> No.18956236

V.S. Naipaul is of Indian descent. He’s a pajeet, not black.

>> No.18956239

if dubs homero aridjis will finally win

>> No.18956302

I was right 3 of the 5 past years.
My prediction is Annie Ernaux. If not, then Mia Couto. Don't care. Both are dogshit.
The only thing more embarassing than the nobel prize in literature are faggots here pretending that they are qualified to be outraged over McCarthy or DeLillo not getting it. The faggots barely read, those two are all they know.

>> No.18956318

My boy Krasznahorkai

>> No.18956324

post taste

>> No.18956326

No. He’s white. Also, read more than just Satantango

>> No.18956331

I read a book of poems by Louise Gluck the other week, just to see what earns you a Nobel these days. I knew without checking she would be an academic. It's decent academic poetry but in the end it's still just academic poetry.

She suffers from the same problem as someone like Carl Dennis: she's got no balls.

>> No.18956333

RC Waldun

>> No.18956335

I would give it to Gerald Murnane or Krasznahorkai
I would also make them apologize for not giving it to Tolstoy

>> No.18956343
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>leave the Nobel Prize to me

>> No.18956348

>I said leave it to me
>but I literally don't care
>its a bad prize
>I actually don't care
>I don't even care
>I don't even care
>I don't even care
>God damn it, I don't care
>I don't even care

>> No.18956359

>she's got no balls.
You'd prefer that a tranny got laureated?

>> No.18956365

I really should get around to checking him out. The good thing about the Nobel is that you can get an overview of contemporary literature by reading who people think will/should win. Who they actually give it to doesn't really matter.
For example I checked out one of this guy's books so if he wins I can say "I read him before he won" like the faggot that I am.

>> No.18956366


>> No.18956376


>> No.18956377


>> No.18956391

Absolutely based. ALA is a great writer, but he sure is an attention whore

>> No.18956394

If a tranny still has balls by the time he's old enough to win a Nobel Prize, he's hardly serious about being a tranny. He doesn't have the balls to go through with it, in fact.

>> No.18956399
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>I really should get around to checking him out
Murnane is unbelievably /comfy/. The Plains and Border Districts are both good entry points. Prepare for extreme boomer autism though. In a good way.

>The good thing about the Nobel is that you can get an overview of contemporary literature by reading who people think will/should win
Oh boy, I can't wait for /lit/ to recommend an extremely overrated american meme again, and for reddit/world lietrature forum to screech about tranny and nigger representation again
I do sorta agree though.

>ALA is a great writer
I haven't read him for the same reason I am refusing to read Javier Marias and that irish guy. They seem like they try way too hard and take themselves too seriously. Maybe I am wrong, just an impression I got from interviews and reviews.

>> No.18956402

Since they're doing all this bollocks "let's re-write history" crap (pardonning people from 200 years ago, pulling statues down, etc) you would think they might start awarding Nobel Prizes to dead people who *should* have won.

Tolstoy would be first I imagine but it's a long list. They would never catch up with the living again.

>> No.18956406

Singles Ian Mcewan if dubs Michel Houellebecq. It's been a while since someone from Britain or France won if I recall

>> No.18956412

F. Garder or R.C. Waldun

>> No.18956415

Retro Nobel prize, I could get behind. Maybe start with 1900 and award for 1900-1905, 1906-1910, etc.
Not giving it to Tolstoy was extremely unwise

>> No.18956418

They could give it to Tolstoy on merit, then strip it from him for being problematic
Mccarthy won't get it unless he publishes the Passenger or whatever its called, or have they changed that rule?

>> No.18956423

jon fosse screencap this shit

>> No.18956425

What rule? The prize has to be for a specific work written recently or something?

>> No.18956426

McCarthy won't get it, period. He probably has never even made the shortlist.

you have said the same thing 3 years in a row, I am still waiting for an explanation how half of his plays aren't just plagiarisms of Waiting for Godot

>> No.18956427

Nah, ALA is not a tryhard. True talent, that's what he has. But he is indeed a cunt, and that has nothing to do with the War.

>> No.18956438

Yes, you had to have published something recently, however slight, to be eligible, even if you are being honored for your whole corpus

>> No.18956475

>Oh boy,
have you tried not being high strung and on edge? I know it's impossible to ask that without sounding like you're seething yourself but a lot of people here seem to completely discard this option
>world literature forum screech about tranny
doesn't seem to be too much of an issue

>> No.18956491

Nice projection, my friend.
Guess how I know you have never browsed WLF (aka gay democrats talk about Ngugi and Rijneveld).

>> No.18956507

by communicating from some parallel universe where your statement is true?

>> No.18956518

Whatever man, I don't know why you would pretend that WLF isn't mostly radical wokeists when some of the main contributors explicitly admit to being "closest thing to a right-wingers nightmare of a SJW" but I don't care.
See a therapist.

>> No.18956530

>you should see a therapist because I am incapable of not over-inferring from what you say

>> No.18956536

I'd rather they choose more coloured men before any women regardless of colour. Louise Gluck is a shit poet and did not deserve it last year.

>> No.18956538

Maybe I am retarded after all. I literally can't understand what you are saying and I am disinclined to continue talking because you are more passive-aggressive than a menstruating woman.

>> No.18956543

I meant simply what I said

>> No.18956547

**Also by coloured I didn't mean niggers, someone like Adonis.

>> No.18956561

Ishiguro is British. Can't see McEwan winning, though he's managed a 20 year run of stinkers while still selling well and getting these sorts of meaningless gongs
Hillary Mantel seems more likely

>> No.18956571

Arabs are completely fine, only /pol/tards would disregard a writer because they are an arab or far-eastern.Women are unlikely to be good writers but there are exceptions. On the other hand, niggers haven't produced a single thing of value in their entire existence.

>> No.18956590


Ishiguro already won it a few years ago how can he win it again. I enjoyed Atonement, Machines Like Me and Saturday. Those were okay. It'll probably be someone like Rushdie or Atwood if a British novelist wins

>> No.18956593

Jon Fosse. Before he's getting too old.

>> No.18956606

Ezra Pound

>> No.18956716

that would be awesome

>> No.18956729

This. Nobel prize is a joke.

>> No.18956807

Books checked out of the Nobel library this year:

Homero Aridjis (Mexican Poet) - 6 books
Can Xue (Chinese Novelist) - 6 books
Anne Carson (Canadian Poet) - 4 books
Mia Couto (Mozambican Novelist) - 11 books
Helene Cixous (French Philosopher) - 3 books
Inger Edelfeldt (Swedish Children’s Author) - 3 books
Annie Ernaux (French Novelist) - 18 books
Jon Fosse (Norwegian Novelist/Dramatist) - 11 books
David Grossman (Israeli Novelist) - 3 books
Anna Hallberg (Swedish Poet) - 5 books
Ann Jäderlund (Swedish Poet) - 3 books
Karl One Knausgard (Norwegian Writer) - 5 books
Michel Houellebecq (French Novelist) - 8 books
Peter Nadas (Hungarian Novelist) - 4 books
Malte Persson (Swedish Novelist) - 3 Books
Jila Mossaed (Swedish Academy Member) - 3 books
Marilynne Robinson (American Author) - 3 books
Steve Sem-Sandberg (Swedish Sci-Fi/Holocaust Author) - 7 books
Jenny Tunedal (Swedish poet) - 4 books
Dubravka Ugresic (Croatian Novelist) - 4 Books
Lyudmila Ulitskaya (Russian Novelist) - 4 books
Ivan Vladislavic (South African author) - 8 books
Xi Xi (Chinese short story writer) - 6 books
Yu Hua (Chinese novelist) - 6 books
Zoe Wicomb (Scottish/South African author) - 6 books
Yan Lianke (Chinese Novelist) - 3 books
Charles Simic (American Poet) - 14 books

>> No.18956819

Black woman. 100%

>> No.18956828

>calling Malte Persson a novelist instead of a poet
before someone gets worried: none of the swedes are in consideration for the nobel

>> No.18956832

>Sci-Fi/Holocaust Author

>> No.18956868

They've literally never done that. Are you fucking stupid? No one on this board seems to have the slightest fucking clue what the Academy is or what Alfred Nobel's will says. You're free to despise the Nobel Prize for any reason you want, but it's not the fucking Man Booker prize or the Pulitzer.

>> No.18956879

they gave it to obama lol
that's all you need to know

>> No.18956897

>a different committee from a different country gave a different prize founded by the same dynamite money to obama
>that's all you need to know

>> No.18956900

>different country
they're all from israel

>> No.18956902

Never reply to a post of mine again

>> No.18956905


>> No.18956909


>> No.18956916

Simic should've got it instead of Gluck, they won't give it to another American anytime soon though so rip. I honestly hope it's Jon Fosse.

>> No.18956922

Michelle Welbeck

>> No.18956934

>all those swedes lmao
After the Harry Martison it's not going to happen again.

>> No.18956938

>implying they give it poc

>> No.18956949

Give it to me
I'll write something to be worthy of it later

>> No.18956965

>He probably has never even made the shortlist.
He has been one of America's front runner for over a decade. They have surely considered him.

>> No.18956978

They gave it to Dylan ahead of any contemporary American writer. None of them are getting it

>> No.18956993

He will not get it for his unrepentant pessimism and "violence". Gluck won last year so Americans are out of the race for atleast half a decade.

>> No.18957000

do you all actually read these cucks?
for what purpose?

>> No.18957049

I bet they didn't even start with the Greeks.

>> No.18957053

His books haven't been checked out much for the past 4 years and before that the academy said that the american novel is really not in a good place right now.

>They gave it to Dylan ahead of any contemporary American writer
Honestly, if I had to give it to an american I might do the same. He is like Churchill, it's cool to hate on him, but there is a great amount of literary achievement involved. Haters are fags.

>> No.18957066

the way the nobel prize has been trending probably Cardi B for WAP

>> No.18957091

Boomer humor

>> No.18957111

Some woman. Because of the politics. It is a joke

>> No.18957121
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I've never read a single book by a woman that engaged me even slightly

>> No.18957123

Guenon retroactively

>> No.18957144

Simone Weil and Nelly Sachs are the only two I've enjoyed.

>> No.18957162

Remember, when the old men die, the Nobel committee for the rest of your lifetime will be the same pozzed Swedish girls you see on Twitter.

>> No.18957170

Maybe you're just a brainlet

>> No.18957174

You are both unwise

>> No.18957183

>whiteknighting for imaginary bitches

>> No.18957190

Hahahahahahahaaah, a great amount of literary achievement
Pull your head out of your ass

>> No.18957192

You're a retard, you are

>> No.18957203
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>> No.18957212

There must be some way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion
I can't get no relief
Businessmen, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
Know what any of it is worth
No reason to get excited
The thief, he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour is getting late
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too
Outside, in the distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
The wind began to howl

>> No.18957241

Hendrix version might be the one if the greatest achievements in rock by sheer atmosphere alone

>> No.18957247

It doesn't really work without the melody, none of his stuff does imo. The wildcat 'did' growl did it? Barefoot servants too is doggerel
Great songwriter though, for me it's Ballad of a Thin Man

>> No.18957263

some black idiot i'm sure

>> No.18957278

Lyrics always suck as poetry when printed as poetry. No exception here

>> No.18957290

Can Xue is a good choice. I doubt an American will win again but so is Simic or Robinson. Anyone that says McCarthy should win just reveals how little they know about contemporary literature. Knausguard and Nadas also won't win.
Yes, I shilled Simic last year but said Gluck or Carson would win.

>> No.18957301

>soulless bugxir

>> No.18957312

But seriously, Houllebecq? Stir some shit up

>> No.18957332

JUDEN PETERSTEIN for maps of meaning or 12 rules for life:an antidote to chaos

>> No.18957339

What do you know about Contemporary literature? Can Xue is shit so someone else.

>> No.18957479

We did this song and dance last year but enough to know Gluck or Carson would win last year, despite Simic deserving it the most. Check the archived threads. Not going to explain why McCarthy, Pynchon, Knausgard, Krasznahorkai etc. won't win again. Wasted enough time with that already. Like always, Houellebecq has a chance (and better than last year) but I think Can Xue or Annie Ernaux would be the best pick.

>> No.18957485
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>capital C Contemporary

>> No.18957486

You will not pass go or collect your 200 bob until one of you cunts fuckin tell me how to prnounce houllebeck's name

>> No.18957524

It will be Yasmina Reza, screen this.
McCarthy doesn't deserve a Nobel. It was an American last year so it won't be an American this year.

>> No.18957602

Not sure if you are pretending to be me or we are the same person.
I wrote the exact same thing last year though I don't like Can Xue anymore. I had a bit of an embarassing meltdown over Gluck winning instead of Simic because I got drunk and started typing.

>> No.18957608

I was asking for recommendations. Most contemporaries (excluding guys like McCarthy, Updike, Ondaatje etc.) that I have read are very middling. Banville is shit, Knausgard shouldn't sniff a nobel, Amis is shit, Handke was mediocre, Kundera's last good book was in the 80s, Houellebecq was never good etc. I had hopes with Krasznahorkai, but really spotty writer. The best 'new' writer was Sebald, but that dude is 6 ft under and was never going to win the nobel anyway.

>> No.18957615

for a second i thought it was a real scene like the underground man
p disappointed

>> No.18957637

Yu Hua
Botho Strauss
Handke is not mediocre, Slow Homecoming is really damn good, but true, goalie book and meme mother memoirs are shit

give me recs, brother

>> No.18957661

Meanwhile, at the Nobel Prize main event in some europoor shithole town:
kuntdera wrestles with 'wellbeck' over a cheap abyss of discarded nobel trophies
beneath the rubble, pynchon soundly naps
a gaggle of talentless women storm up the bridge followed by a steaming cloud of nobel gnats
smell of pennies, old dishcloths, sandwiches left in a lunch box
bantzville takes a shit into noseguard's mouth while 'chief' handke wipes his ass with a kleenex and feeds it to 'anis' amis
balding sebald drops his hairless eggs into the gaping mouth of can xue who *can really suck a mean one
it is the Slow Mouthcoming
a plane hovers over the scene writing in chemtrails 'l'academie' with no accent. kdbooks looks up furious, beats his wife as an outlet for his exasperations
oprah's book club picks and its readers are unloaded into a landfill
pynchon smiles

>> No.18957665

There once was a writer called Houellebecq,
Who purchased some software from Deltek,
But he found he preferred
To use Microsoft Word,
(Though it comes with American spellcheck).

>> No.18957680

Why would I pretend to be you from 1 year ago? Maybe you posted similar things though I never had a meltdown. I just said Simic deserves to win but because of the scandal last year Carson or Gluck would get it. Carson would have still deserved it but Gluck was a poor choice. I also spent way too long explaining to people why their favorite /lit/ author would never win.

Handke is not mediocre lol. Neither is Can Xue. You can see the list of checked-out books >>18956807 otherwise what kind of recommendation do you want? Prynne, Djordjević, Zagajewski?

>> No.18957682

kek not bad my friend
not bad at all
*leans back in rocking chair and smokes pipe

>> No.18957683

Gorecki immediately falls over because he has no legs - Berio stabs him.
Xenakis is busy fooling with the UPIC and looking at books on architecture and is splashed with acid by Penderecki. Xenakis screams as his "good side" is now just as bad and then dies in agony.
Berio and Ligeti get into a close quarters knife fight. Berio is wounded, but determined to kill ligeti so keeps coming
Meanwhile Penderecki is rigging up an elaborate acid trap, with color coded strings and trip wires.
Ligeti gets lucky and disembowels Berio - his guts spill everywhere and then Ligeti kicks the knife out of his hand and proceeds to choke him with his own intestines.

After finishing off Berio, Ligeti stands up to take in the situation.
Behind a massive contraption stands Penderecki, silently watching.
"Your opera was shitty" says Penderecki calmy
Ligeti gets out a hair dryer, determined to dry his lips to a level that will cause critical hygroscopy and thereby suck the moisture out of the air, and perhaps even out of Penderecki's body should it come in contact with the negatively-moisture charged lips.

Ligeti, satisfied his weaponized lips are ready begins to approach the contraption, and in the center of it, Penderecki.

Ligeti deftly avoids the first few trip wires but suddenly the color-coding and need to repeat small aleatoric movements overwhelms him and he triggers the contraption. Acid splashes from multiple directions and Ligeti screams, gurgling as his windpipe dissolves. Penderecki silently watches, the image of Ligeti's contorting figure reflecting on his glasses.

Finally Ligeti is nothing but a steaming pile of goop and bones suspended in the color coded contraption.
Penderecki walks away, humming a dissonant section of his requiem and spinning his cane.

>> No.18957698

Ja, ja, ja, ja!
The nobel prize winner's a pussy
He has no real balls
And his books coat the walls
Of my asshole my dick and my bushy

>> No.18957722

Some nonwhite female author whose prose is Waldun tier and plots are about oppression and evil yt pepo. You are retarded if you take any prize seriously.

>> No.18957729

You have said the same thing for the last 5 years and it never happens

>> No.18957732

are you two acquainted with one another?
what a coincidence

>> No.18957740

>he doesn't know about the karmic signals

>> No.18957749
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but it's his only line!

>> No.18957770

thats the Booker prize newfaggot

>> No.18957778

fucking /pol/ tourists are almost as obnoxious as woketards
not quite, but close

>> No.18957779

off by one

>> No.18957783

Banville is a better writer than Ondaatje by orders of magnitude.

>> No.18957785

/pol/ meme magic has cursed me for my heresy I suppose
I have pents and two quads though

>> No.18957791
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I'm not familiar with any of these writers apart from Houllebecq and Pynchon

>> No.18957797

>entire database
nah. datura and benadryl trip reports on the other hand...

>> No.18957812

a fellow man of culture I see.

>> No.18957828

He has one good book (Newton letter), I know because I have been burned 4 times now. Ondaatje's English patient is light years ahead.

>> No.18957833

I'm not English Patient enough to get through his prose! oh ho ho

>> No.18957835

Read Agatha Christie, I like her books

>> No.18957837

They are all blue checkmark twitter writers

>> No.18957842

The English Patient sort of sucks

>> No.18957848

>Homero Aridjis (Mexican Poet) - 6 books
0% chance. it's pure caca.

>> No.18957864

Roundabout of saying you are incel and 18 year old /lit/ user.

>> No.18957865

I don't understand how your sentences are connected.

>> No.18957904

Special citation for those and gravol of course

>> No.18957907

The last winner I read was Llosa who left me completely blank. Previously it was Le Clezio,, that was mediocre.

>(Swedish Sci-Fi/Holocaust Author)

>> No.18957910

Zero chance they choose another American.

>> No.18957912

Sebald would have been a lock imo.
Solstead (spelling?) is one of my favorite contemporary writers

>> No.18958155

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.18958390

it's just something to be angry about

>> No.18958699

A minority with no talent like every other year

>> No.18958824

Tell these stupid faggots

>> No.18958836

Read more, newfaggot.

>> No.18958859
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I am, I just never heard of those people. Should I have?

>> No.18959564
File: 960 KB, 750x1334, 6CFE8064-D475-4DBB-8AE9-C1B46E489541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect choice. Will cause just the right controversy and publicity.

>> No.18959981

Zero chance they choose another white man.

>> No.18959983

You retards said this before they picked Handke too

>> No.18959990

>This is a prize for whites and chinks
that's because they write the best lit

>> No.18960033

shut up jew

>> No.18960104

Check the brokers in England. There is money involved, so go with it.
I would bet on Adunis, maybe Yu Hua if his recent book is good.

>> No.18960171

go back
Adonis would be a good choice since he has been passed over for a few years and is by far the best middle eastern poet. I doubt Yu Hua will win over Can Xue or Bei Dao or even Xi Xi (all 3 also deserve it more imo).

>> No.18960187

Border Districts is so good, I just finished it. It feels like it’s written as a culmination of his entire work, do you think this is accurate? I’ve only read The Plains before and Border Districts seemed to contain it and extend further to me. Also the incredibly personal nature of the book makes it feel like a career full stop. What would you recommend of his after these two?

>> No.18960229

chinks and sandnigs, honestly who cares? the nobel is trash just like any other prize and you are proving why

>> No.18960236

who do you think should win

>> No.18960278

I was thinking after I posted: who is a better poet than Adunis nowadays? I got his book by luck last year before the Nobel (it was in the "future Nobel" stand) and he's amazing.
I posted Yu Hua because him and Mo Yan are the only living writers from China that I know.

Adunis is amazing. Even in translation his poetry is good.

>> No.18960731

Some muslim faggot

>> No.18961333
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>> No.18961778

He was rumoured to be on the shortlist in 2011, along with Roth and Dylan. We won't know until 2061 though. His chance is gone, if he was to win, he would have around 2010-12 when he was registering Murakami tier odds. The longer he goes without releasing something, the worse his chances.

>> No.18961834

top kek

>> No.18961847

maybe they're waiting for him to finally finish The Passenger

>> No.18961870

>do you think this is accurate?
Maybe in a way. But all of his works feel like that. View them as a spatial landscape without chronology.

>What would you recommend of his after these two?
Inland or Barley Patch but all of his stuff is good. Some of it is a bit more experimental I suppose, these two are classic Murnane, if you enjoyed the other two, you should enjoy these as well.

>He was rumoured to be on the shortlist in 2011, along with Roth and Dylan
You might be right, I only started following it in 2014. I was going purely on the statements academy members later on american literature. Either way, he has absolutely 0 chance now.

>> No.18961874

Our boy mura kami

>> No.18961878

I-I kneel Waldun-sama...

>> No.18961880

Some unknown brown person

>> No.18961896
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Yeah, wtf, wokeism is out of control, the /pol/ brigades spam this every time we have this thread, and they are right every time!

>> No.18962120

>Joyce never won it
How can I take it seriously?

>> No.18962203

there are plenty of problems with the prize but it has never been a Hall of Fame of literature

>> No.18962218

To not have Joyce is nothing but a stain on the prize itself though.

>> No.18962220


>> No.18962230

I'd say Tolstoy, Ibsen and Zola were the bigger stains, not some Irish Nigger.

>> No.18962362

Some tranny

>> No.18962407
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>go back

>> No.18962538

He may be a tranny but at least he is not proven wrong every year

>> No.18962718

>Can Xue
where to start with her?

>> No.18963081

Depends on what you like but I would recommend Dialogues in Paradise. If you want a specific short story, The Hut on the Mountain. The only thing I wouldn't recommend right away is Frontier.

>> No.18963093

I like Flannery O'Connor desu

>> No.18963907

thats because McCarthy sucks. There's no bias other than basic human capacity to distinguish filth from anything not rotten and stupid

>> No.18963957

i read a couple of gluck's collections after she won and i really like them
thanks nobel
i hope someone else i don't know about who writes things i like wins again

>> No.18963972


>> No.18963984


>> No.18964132

I’m the same way, but just started Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor. I have to say, it is very good

>> No.18964228

What would Tolstoy’s citation have been? “He perfectly captures the histrionics of a soap opera, with accessibility and vapidity”

>> No.18964408

Proust and Borges too.

>> No.18964413

proust died before finishing the book

>> No.18964644
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i finished picrel two weeks ago and it was amazing

then i actually read something by Tokarczuk (polish anon here), noble prize winner 2018, and her book was one of the worst things i have read ever. power fantasy about a crone killing le evil nature-hating white males (it read like a parody at times). ultra-leftists are mentally ill.

you have to research authors you pick

>> No.18964659

mrs dalloway is overhyped feminist sputum that tries poorly to rip off proust remembrance

>> No.18964676

You could add Kafka, Chekhov and Nabokov too maybe. With the number of barely known mediocre writers that got it the snubs are just ridiculous.

>> No.18965272

Died before the novels were published.

>> No.18965412

Anon didn't say that Kazuo would win, he was pointing out that he is British so the prior anon's comment about someone from Britain not winning recently was wrong.

>> No.18965413

The Nobel isn't an induction into some literature Hall of Fame. You misunderstand the purpose of the award.

>> No.18965419
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What is the purpose, anon?

>> No.18965464

To give Alfred Nobel something nicer to be remembered by than inventing a cheap way to blow things and people up

>> No.18965466

Oh, ok. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.18965480

F Gardner

>> No.18965724
File: 117 KB, 372x499, Ninja Ashida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashida KIm

>> No.18965770

hopefully william gass

>> No.18965783


>> No.18965820

Who cares??