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File: 186 KB, 880x495, C02A63EC-DE52-4598-8D82-367161981C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18954248 No.18954248 [Reply] [Original]

Is this for real? Or are we being trolled by the CIA?

I mean the secret teachings for all ages? Chomsky? The secret history of the federal reserve?

I feel like the CIA assigned a fresh, ambitious snarky Yale grad with ample Reddit experience the job of coming up with a list of books that Bin Laden would read…many of which seem to be favorites of educated dissidents from either the left or the right.


>> No.18954257

>All the lists are real, though some of the books are not*
Read nigger

>> No.18954260

You really shouldn't ever trim a moustache so it doesn't cover your upper lip. Leaving the lips completely exposed looks like your getting ready to suck a dick. It is certainly not what Allah intended, let the hair grow people.

>> No.18954265

Do you have a lot of experience with sucking dicks?

>> No.18954270

>You really shouldn't ever trim a moustache so it doesn't cover your upper lip
Bruh that is standard Wahabist practice. It is also more hygienic.

>> No.18954293

It's in the Koran or one of the Hadiths, Mohammed told his men to let their beards grow but to shave their moustaches to distinguish themselves in battle

>> No.18954303

Wait, are you guys being serious? I was mostly joking around, but I am growing a moustache myself and have some opinions on these things. Am I really in direct conflict with Mohammed? I have a lot to think about.

>> No.18954312 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't know if it is in keeping with Quranic law but Wahabists and many devout Sunni's do shave their mustache or trim it like that.

>> No.18954314

Funny enough I was actually in the Army for a while and I happened to kill some Wahabist, but I never knew about the moustache aspect. Maybe I knew subconsciously the whole time. I'm from Texas and have a healthy respect for cowboys, outlaws and the entire individualistic American mindset. Of course, Sam Elliot style moustaches play a significant role in this individual-centric philosophy, I would have never guessed it can all be tied together at the upper lip.

>> No.18954321

Tell us the kill story, anon. Eternal regret of mine having never seen the white elephant.

>> No.18954383
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Shelf thread?

>> No.18954405

As the years go by each time I se him in a more sympathetical frame.
The death of God was a mistake.

>> No.18954409

But think of all the wagies whose misery he ended on 9/11

>> No.18954412

>implying he did 9/11

>> No.18954451

I mean, the guy was a millionaire, from what I could gather. He could just have lived his life fucking hoes day and night without giving a single shit for his country. Maybe eventually immigrating for Europe (maybe Germany?) and saying fuck to that shithole. But instead he chosed living in the caves, always hiding, always running for his life. Blowing people and stuff.
But WHY??
Think about it, WHY ALL OF THIS, ANON?
Does it make sense to you?

>> No.18954467
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I don't know if I'm exactly up for it right now, I'm not feeling particularly artistic, but I am a couple of beers deep so I'll give it a shot.
I was in 1st ranger battalion for six years. On my first deployment to Afghanistan, I didn't go on a single mission because I deployed mid-rotation and was still a fresh private, I was too much of a liability to take out. Plus, Sharana is at a very high altitude so the 46's are strict with weight requirements on flights, no unnecessary bodies. My platoon did a lot that deployment, I really missed out. Look up the dog named Laika, like the Russian. She was on the cover of national geographic after she got her leg amputated. We went through 3 dogs that rotation. When I got back to savannah and learned that some of my good friends in other platoons that were deployed in other parts of Afghanistan saw combat, I was jealous.
My platoon saw combat on my second and third deployment, but I still hadn't fired my weapon. I was a part of a 240B machine gun team for these early years and mostly just carried heavy fucking bags of 7.62 around like a mule.
On my fourth deployment I went to BAF, by this point I was pretty salty. I was an E5 and part of a line squad as a team leader. At this point in the war, we weren't going on missions as a whole platoon, it was usually just the squad leaders, a couple of team leaders, the officers, and a platoon of Afghans. During my time in Weapons squad as a private, I also spent some time as a Gustav gunner, which made me a valuable team leader to take out on these select missions.
Should I keep going? The next part goes into the mission where we killed 40 people. Pic related is a casing from the hel;icopter mini gunsthat they gave mne as a war throphy.

>> No.18954478

Not hard to imagine it's real. He was probably just like the typical /lit/ poster: he collected edgy books and never read them.

>> No.18954508
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Jesus no wonder he hated America

>> No.18954515

Keep going, nigger.

>> No.18954523

Oh fuck tan beret. Tune in /lit/ this is about to be kino war wave. Please, go on.

>> No.18954531


>> No.18954542
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I'm listening

>> No.18954567

That bitch won't deliver. It's taking too long, lads.

>> No.18954584

We're waiting friend

>> No.18954597
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Alright, so we were going on a mission right on the border of Pakistan. We passed Jbad on the way to the target. I was listening to RATM (I'm very aware of the irony) on my iPod as we flew over the city. I distinctly remember flying over the river at the border during infill looking at Pakistan from the door of the Blackhawk. Me and the Afgan medic sitting next to me were pretty friendly, despite the language barrier. We traded flags before the mission, I think the Afganis found my Gustav endearing. The miniguns on the Blackhawk opened up before we touched down, which was pretty rare, but not exactly exciting. I decided to flip my safety off and fire a few rounds into the water just so I could at least say I had fired my weapon during the war.
The guys we were going after were an ISIS affiliate involved with some kind of media production, I’m not too sure of the details, I never paid attention during the intel part of the mission briefs, I just knew we were looking for hard drives and cameras.
We landed, and a fucking donkey ran in front of me through the haze of the brown out. It was dead quiet after the miniguns stopped and the birds left. It felt cinematic with the smoke, IR lasers, night vision, and the donkey. After a little commotion we got our bearings and started the maybe 3k hike to the target building. We basically just had to follow the river and there were no elevation changes so it would be an easy movement. You could almost feel the firefight coming in the air and I was excited when my squad leader brough me to the very front of the movement. I was the third guy in the formation, My squad leader was leading out to the target compound, another squad leader was behind him, and then me with the Gustav and my AG. Both of those squad leaders got silver stars after this.

>> No.18954615

Dont worry I'll write it all up tonight, I;ve never actually thought it thru before and will keep this for myself.

>> No.18954641

The Taliban offered to hand over bin Laden if the Bush Administration would provide proof that he was behind 9/11. The Administration would not.

>> No.18954646
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Keep posting nigger

>> No.18954664
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Damn this nigga had a big gun

>> No.18954687
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As we got closer to the target compound, we took a left turn off the river and started to walk up a dirt road. As we were moving up this road, we were passing a small compound on our left side. At this point, the entire village was aware of our presence, thanks to the miniguns. I still don’t even know what the fuck they were shooting at in the first place. It was quiet and still. It felt like every other boring mission. Walk to target, try not to heatCat, try not to lose anything or fuck up. Then I heard something from the compound 25 meters to our left and saw A--, the squad leader directly in front of me do a left turn ready up and I instantly did the same. J—had already passed the door but me and A—were perpendicular with it. I barely remember seeing anything. I saw the shadow of the door, I saw at least one silhouette, maybe two, and I think I heard the sound of an AK charging handle being racked. Regardless, I opened fire and dumped half a mag, so did A—and J--. Whoever was there, died. I think it was a man and his wife. As per SOP, we dumped mags, found cover, threw grenades, and achieved overwhelming fire power. Eventually, things got quiet, and we got the call to continue to the target compound. Before we moved out, I told another squad leader who was a part of a sniper team for this mission that I just killed a guy, he high fived me. That sniper team was very busy later in the night. We were there until daybreak. D—got paralyzed entering the compound. The medic and my very good friend still, C—saved his fucking life, it was amazing, and I was there at assisting him. He gave D—like 5 needle decompressions for the lung shots. It really was amazing what C—did.
I felt calm the entire time. It felt like we had kicked a beehive, there was a lot of shooting. I killed another guy running near the target compound, he was laying, moaning, about 200 meters from my position after I shot him. You could a dozen different IR lasers dancing all around him firing pop shots afterwards. You can communicate very effectively with only a laser at night.
Daytime came, we carried D—out, dropped some hellfire’s on the compound, leveled it, and never even went inside. I did get to fire my Gustav to make a breach in the compound wall and had the distinction of being one of the few people to actually use the damn thing. On the way back too BAF a bird flew into the helicopter rotors and exploded all over my face. The guy who high fived me was worried that I got hurt because of the blood on my face. I was fine.

>> No.18954705

Kino, friend

>> No.18954717
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Later when we were back in Savannah, I saw a picture posted on the door of our platoon CP. It was from a drone, it showed dozens of rectangular holes in the ground lined up like a grid. They were graves that the villagers dug for all of the people we killed. That's how they knew to put 41 x EKIA on our war trophies.
pic related is my Gustav, Carl, and his friend.

>> No.18954731

Any more on the compound raid? How did D get fucked up? What was the sniper team doing? Did you cop any super serial ISIS tapes? Regardless, thanks for sharing. RLTW. As an aside: did you ever feel like all that time and training went to waste fighting goat fuckers? This isn't a dig, mainly just cope for myself for not doing it.

>> No.18954734

Damn, what do you think about all this?

>> No.18954741

here is an article I found on it, so much for OPSEC haha, whatever. I gotta go to sleep.

>> No.18954748
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>ever feel like all that time and training went to waste fighting goat fuckers?
based hermit anon doesn't read the news

>> No.18954769 [DELETED] 

Right. No, i just meant like, do you need to practice room clearing for hundreds of hours to fight Tabriz and the boys at the mud hut.

>> No.18954817

I'm not sure man.

>> No.18954922
File: 94 KB, 954x1024, 57A466B1-0C8A-4DF9-82C5-611739CC06F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw its a zogbot that didnt die in his rage

>> No.18955055

God bless America

>> No.18955061

he doesn't think he follows orders

>> No.18955637

more on this?

>> No.18956225

Watch bitter lake

>> No.18956241

trimming the mustache is literal sunna you retarded libcuck

>> No.18956361

sunna my dick

>> No.18956382
File: 1.22 MB, 340x205, C6F5AED8-8FBA-4636-874A-BAE41F540690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or are we being trolled by the CIA?
Yes. Regardless of whether the book-list is real or not, yes.

Dubya founded the Arbusto oil company then struck a business deal with Osama bin Laden’s brother, Salem bin Laden, who invested in it sometime after Bush created the company in 1979. Around this time, Osama bin Laden was on the CIA’s payroll as part of the Mujaheedin, Afghani freedom fighters battling against Soviet occupation. Then, decades later, Bush is president, and this same fucker is blamed for 9/11, which is promptly used to invade the Middle East and steal oil reserves from them.

>> No.18956622

>tfw nigga actually delivered
Thanks lad, it was really kino.
An interesting thread overall, is good seeing some original content from anon lit/eratti sometimes.
That said, now I think the Illiad was right and war is kinda sad.

>> No.18956694

I can't read the article, screenshot?

>> No.18956735

It's been known that the mujahideen are mostly from bourgeois educated backgrounds.

>> No.18956893


>> No.18956903

Are deepstatecore books worth a read? What are the best books that uncover the secrets of the corporate war machine?

>> No.18956918

>In Jalalabad, deputy prime minister Haji Abdul Kabir - the third most powerful figure in the ruling Taliban regime - told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, but added: "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country".
>"If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved" and the bombing campaign stopped, "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country", Mr Kabir added.
>But it would have to be a state that would never "come under pressure from the United States", he said.

>> No.18956964

>>But it would have to be a state that would never "come under pressure from the United States", he said.
Which one could that be though?

>> No.18957072

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.

>> No.18957573

Shia country? For a Wahabite?
>North Korea
Small, poor, irrelevant puppet of China, for a billionaire?
After he fought the Soviets?
Last choice, seems the one which makes more sense
Religious extremist leader protected by officially atheist country?
To my understanding, Uyghur camps were set up only 15 years later than 9/11, but still

>> No.18957660

>Religious extremist leader protected by officially atheist country?
You know, there's a saying:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Realpolitik is a thing, honey.
As you may know, the U.S.A. gave guns, training and information to the afhgans NOT because the afhgans were liberalism's christian democrats but because they were the enemies of their enemies, on that occasion.
Why do you think then that this is a far-fetched idea?

>> No.18957714
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us army are the real terrorists, just killed a ton of innocent people for fun.

not directly your fault of course, youre a cog, but its still pretty awful

>> No.18957961

It's all just from some torrent he downloaded. He downloaded a bunch of ROMs to but I doubt he played them

>> No.18957972

>"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
It's a bit more complicated than than, sweetheart
Turkey is in NATO and often sides with Russia on some issues, while also attacking Assad (Russia's ally) and supporting ISIS (which had with USA more or less the same relationship USA had with talibans)
>Why do you think then that this is a far-fetched idea?
China has nothing to gain from muslim extremist, and in fact they're doing stuff to prevent the emergence of such ISIS/AlQaeda affiliated groups - which has been praised by literally OIC, including those who fund these jihadist groups.
Why would they want that fucking troublemaker on their soil? Just to piss off India & please Pakistan (which, incidentally, is a Major non-NATO ally, MNNA, alongside Israel, Taiwan, Japan et. al)?

>> No.18958129

you're a pussy and going to hell if there is one. have fun

>> No.18958274

war is hell baby

>> No.18958677

I heard he downloaded a lot of anime too

>> No.18958696

>Uyghur camps
CIA brainwashing in an anti-CIA brainwashing thread, such delicious pottery

>> No.18958708

Based as fuck, I just got a shopping list. If you're right about glowniggers all they've done is present Osama as a well-read and intelligent man rather than a retarded goatherder.

>*This is a real list of the books that were found by US forces in Bin Laden’s compound. Future columns might look at titles owned by fictional characters and may include works that were never completed
Take your own advice negro.

>> No.18958719

>CIA brainwashing
They exist and they are not extermination camps, they are re-education camps. Can you even read what I wrote?

>> No.18958727

>Based as fuck, I just got a shopping list.
Can you screenshot the article? I can't read it

>> No.18959242

You said camps with no other distinction, and the world is currently seething about the alleged extermination camps, i apologize for the assumption anon

>> No.18959251

meant for

>> No.18959293

Osama spent a decade hiding in the desert and adapted the reading list of the typical schizo misanthrope.
t. read most of those books

>> No.18959483

>coming up with a list of books
start with the greeks

>> No.18959921

>Uyghur camps
Directly reactionary to Uigur separatist mass terror attacks on ethnic Han. The other moslem groups don't have special sinicization facilities, only the Xinjiang Uigurs.

>> No.18959995

just stopping by to remind everyone that bin laden died from kidney failure in 1999

>> No.18960032


>> No.18960059

I have already answered

>> No.18960064

How do you know? I mean, the bin Laden is quite a huge family, I wouldn't be surprised if there was another Osama

>> No.18960074

Interesting theory.
This is true

>> No.18960093 [DELETED] 

now that the real you is here what did you think of my war story.

>> No.18960771
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>intact passports of terrorists flutter down to the street after the collapse
>Despite that Osama is to be proud of the attack, does not claim credit for it and denies he did it
>Taliban asks US for proofs that he Osama did 9/11 before giving him up
>US gives no proofs, invades instead
>when found in 2011, he was surrounded in his hideout by 9/11-truther books and conspiracy stuff regarding who really did 9/11

>> No.18961558

Didn’t he admit in one of his interviews that he did it? In 2004?

>> No.18962271

Did butterfly also die years ago and what we have now is an impostor?

>> No.18962283

source on that last one?

>> No.18962293

>Didn’t he admit in one of his interviews that he did it? In 2004?
Now I'm curious about this.

>>when found in 2011, he was surrounded in his hideout by 9/11-truther books and conspiracy stuff regarding who really did 9/11
Maybe it was amusing to him to know all the bullshit people came up while he knows in details the truth.

>> No.18962870

And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and xchildren.


>> No.18962932

> many of which seem to be favorites of educated dissidents from either the left or the right.
I’m surprised nobody pointed out that bin Laden was exactly that. He studied in Oxford.

>> No.18962939

But of course we have to assume the cia has the capability to create a fake video.

And herein lies the problem the majority of the information we are told with respect to wars and such from the press at some point originates with the government or their affiliates.


>> No.18962988

Let's be real Bin Laden was one of the biggest psyops they ever pulled off and it completely worked
His real name was probably John Mahmud and he was born in New York

>> No.18963063

>But of course we have to assume the cia has the capability to create a fake video.
>Implying deep fakes are a recent phenomenon and the secret agencies didn't have acess to this tecnology like 20 years ago.
Think, anon, think!

>> No.18963073

>His real name was probably John Mahmud and he was born in New York
>Implying Obama is not Osama.
I'm gonna stop dropping truth-bombs.

>> No.18963319

>>Implying Obama is not Osama.

>> No.18964258

>Maybe it was amusing to him to know all the bullshit people came up while he knows in details the truth.
thats the cope western media claims when confronted with this fact

>> No.18964297

Compare that video (and look up the suspiciouns of fakery surrounding it) with his statements before it when he denies being part of that

>> No.18965225
File: 2.47 MB, 720x480, 911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget what Bill Cooper said a few months before he got suicided
>they're going to commit a false flag on American soil and blame Bin Laden, don't trust them

I don't know how they brought them down, but it was Israeli "art students" that were given complete architectural access to every restricted area of the wtc mere months before they collapsed into dust. What's also interesting is that the vast majority of amateur footage of the second impact was taken by media professionals that specialized in computer graphics, video producing, 3D modelling, special effects. I'm not even making that shit up, you can go verify that yourself

>> No.18966274

Funny how tonally different the 'official' account is from your spit-balled one.

>> No.18966978

>just killed a ton of innocent people for fun.

>> No.18968141

Don't be surprised then.

>> No.18968541

Don't be surprised by what? You forgot to finish your sentence.

>> No.18969005

And yet you guys lost the war, lmaoing my ass at americans

>> No.18969450

archive link - the Independent is paywalled.

>> No.18970367

here you go tardanon, I looked it up for you

>> No.18970746
File: 124 KB, 750x566, USA wars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our greatest ally thanks you for your service

>> No.18971596

It's this the 4chan version of the make-believe 6 million?

>> No.18971955
File: 601 KB, 1170x780, this makes mutts seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your friends died for nothing

>> No.18972756

None of my friends died. Only one guy in my platoon got shot over 5 deployments.