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/lit/ - Literature

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18952818 No.18952818 [Reply] [Original]

To say that these books are bad gives them way too much credit. To say they're diarrhea on paper is paying them an extreme compliment. It's hard to express how mind-numbingly retarded the people who enjoy these books are.

>> No.18952825

Well said OP. Personally I'm of the opinion that it would be even sneed

>> No.18952827

There are lots of fans of those books here on /lit/.

>> No.18952829

Formerly Chuck's in case you weren't aware.

>> No.18952835

Yeah, and a good 80% of /lit/ browsers are drooling morons.

>> No.18952841

No there aren’t. The opinion of less than five shills does not count.

>> No.18952844

Diabolical my good sir, 3 internets for you and a merry festivity

>> No.18952854


>> No.18952858

I got a good laugh from Ma's book, it's more entertaining than some shitty youtube video. If anything (it being basically a comedy book or a big shitpost) placing it besides those two makes me want to read them under the guise of comedy books

>> No.18952871

Jasper and jade! Wot and wont naught clobber the ol till

>> No.18952880

This thread is for people to post midwit literature in, not just to comment on the OP.

>> No.18952922

>brendan m.p. heard
Imagine having your knowledge of art history formed by some twitter retard. Just lmao

>> No.18952931

>pretends to be an expert on aesthetics
>fat, balding, and ugly
He should internalize his aesthetic ideal

>> No.18952961

>these books are bad
Really interesting post. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.18952968

Ok but do you have any reasons why or points to make? Or just “durrrr BAD!”

>> No.18952970

You're being too generous. This is dimwit literature.

>> No.18952985

Welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay.

>> No.18952989
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>> No.18952994

>the bible

>> No.18953002

Would be genuinely surprised if you’ve read even three of those.

>> No.18953036
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>To say these sneeds are chucks gives them way too much feedit. To say they're feed on seed is paying them an extreme chuck. It's sneedchuck to sneed how chuck formerly the sucks who enjoy these fucks are.

>> No.18953060

Go back

>> No.18953065

Based. Kind of want to read it now.

>> No.18953091

They're just lifestyle magazines for twitter kids. There's no actual substance to them, they only read them to feel a part of the in-group--frog twitter, trad twitter, retard twitter whatever

>> No.18953135

all of these that i haven't read seem pretty interesting
you'll never put the brakes on my midwit pleasure!

>> No.18953151

This is unironically among the few very best charts /lit/ has made.

>> No.18953160

>Saint Thomas Aquinas

>> No.18953172


>> No.18953175
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>To say that these books are bad gives them way too much credit. To say they're diarrhea on paper is paying them an extreme compliment. It's hard to express how mind-numbingly retarded the people who enjoy these books are.

>> No.18953176

>implying anyone here reads at all

>> No.18953317

Imagine reducing the works of Aquinas to just the 5 ways.

>> No.18953340

u 2

>> No.18953348

Dilate. /lit/ is a right-wing board.

>> No.18953447
File: 42 KB, 614x551, IMG_0733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bronze Age and the Mike Ma book are both right up /lit/'s alley. Not sure why OP is upset. BAM is a fun digestion of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche (by an expert) and Harassment Architecture is a fun digestion of Fight Club and American Psycho. Not sure why the two books trigger some people. They're not even political, just the fans are...

>> No.18953468

>midwit literature
>no blood meridian or any c. mccarthy

>> No.18953508

Did you really link a video by the amazing atheist to call someone else a midwit? The absolute state

>> No.18953672

Friendly reminder that "bap" is a pseudo intellectual midwit cuckservative irony bro who deserves to be executed along with all other ironybro twitter users.
His shitty book is just an ironic rip off of might is right with none of the grace and sincerity that redbeard's work has. It's might is right if you took out everything good and honest about it and replaced it with a bunch of midwit ironic twitter memes. the only reason anyone has ever heard of it is because BAP and his dicksucking dyel clique shill it everywhere.
Fuck twitter ironybros. fuck bap. fuck kantbot. fuck anyone who takes these midwits seriously

>> No.18953687

/lit/ btfo

>> No.18953695
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>> No.18953879

Are they bad books, or are they midwit books? Bronze Age Mindset is far too obscure and esoteric to be midwit. Midwit things are wildly popular online. BAM is only known to an isolated far-right community. You can criticize it all you want. After all, it's 150 pages of the rambling of a childless Romanian meathead. But "midwit" is not the right word.

>> No.18953887

BAP studied Leo Strauss at Yale. The "he's some internet rando" argument fell apart the day he got doxed.

>> No.18953895

Midwit is thrown around whenever a book becomes slightly popular; a psyop by the seething contrarians.

>> No.18953931

>BAP studied Leo Strauss at Yale
So what? Where's his profound insights into Strauss' thought?

>> No.18953932


>> No.18954001

Yeah he's more dimwit

>> No.18954018

Yes, it is a right-wing board, not a board for dimwit e-celebs

>> No.18954041

Fuck off kike.

>> No.18954120

Costin's thesis--about a Jew--was literally funded by JINSA, you bloody nonce