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/lit/ - Literature

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18952803 No.18952803 [Reply] [Original]

Bros...his shit is as good as they say
What do I read next besides the 200+ old and obscure books he mentions?

>> No.18952865

Why are you gushing over a deformed trust fund baby?

>> No.18952899

Because his writing is interesting and in many ways eye-opening.

>> No.18952900
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2000 year old books.

>> No.18952946

its not

>> No.18952960

Fucking christfags... I'll get to it eventually, okay?

I disagree.

>> No.18952969

>Just replace governments with a tech oligarchy guys
>Noooo don't actually do it!!!

>> No.18952980

whats his views about culture in his utopian society?

>> No.18953008

He barely talks about culture.

>> No.18953081

I suspect that he is just a bugman codemonkey without any taste and wants to universalize his pathetic condition

>> No.18953094

I mean... you're either going to read him or not. I doubt anything posted here will be able to convince you one way or the other.

>> No.18953298
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>What do I read next besides the 200+ old and obscure books he mentions?
No. Read the books.

>> No.18953303

bruh is that his ex

>> No.18953358

No, that would very disrespectful, that's well known podcast personality, Mrs Ana "skinny but with big tits" Katchmeifyoukan.

>> No.18953363


>> No.18953369

anon its 2022. There was a reason to read him in 09 if you were unemployed and an ex-libertarian. There is absolutely no reason to bother with "neoliberalism except more racist.... also google's ceo will be king" today.

>> No.18953379

he has an ex? last i heard he has 3 moldbuglets

>> No.18953381

Define neoliberalism

>> No.18953391

Neoliberalism is when something you don't like happens.

>> No.18953393

a system of laws designed to maximally empower the rentier class, adjucating as much of the state's revenue collecting ability into their own private coffers as possible. Shit like chicago having tollroads that actually pay private companies that played no role in building them.

>> No.18953398

That's literally not what he advocates though.

Yeah he got some bitch on his dick within months of being single. Some men age into Chadhood.

>> No.18953410

>not what he advocates
Unfortunately when you write in a Straussian manner midwits will always insist that what you REALLY mean is whatever surface level misinterpretation they come up with first.

>> No.18953419

which is not remotely what he advocated

>> No.18953420 [DELETED] 

Explicate motherfucker, speak basedboi. Don't just shit out a thread into existence from what you consumed if you got nothing to say about it.

>> No.18953427

>trust fund kid with spook parents thinks techno neo-feudalism is good
>also wears greaser jacket

>> No.18953431
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Explicate motherfucker, speak basedboi. Don't just shit out a thread into existence from what you consumed if you got nothing to say about it.

>> No.18953433


>> No.18953440

m8 he wrote an article about a year ago advocating for the government nationalizing the Fed and then literally buying out all financialized assets

Does that sound like a fucking neoliberal to you?

>> No.18953452

>this isn't literally what his "patchwork" funhouse jewish reinterpetation of liberalism was
i actually read his adderal fueled logorhea because i was unemployed at the time he was spewing it forth, and what I always found strange was he was hard pressed to say what he actually disapproved of in the Faggot Regime. He certainly was in favor of their social liberalism, as well "meritocratic" disdain for the poor. The only thing I could come up with is he was mad that he didn't get to hold the whip hand.

>> No.18953457
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95%+ of the people here who will criticize him have no idea what his actual positions are and have not read him beyond his wikipedia article and a couple /lit/ posts about him.

Leftists are absolutely not ready for him.

>> No.18953464
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the state doesn't have to buy anything. It would be good for merchants to remember this.

>> No.18953466

Nah I feel too lazy. He's good, he's got the exact same IQ as Uncle Ted, you'll probably learn something. Thinking in stereotypes like 'code monkey bugman' isn't helpful here.

>> No.18953469

He wasn't advocating for that to occur you literal-brained sob-story, he was laying out what would be necessary and what the consequences would be IF anyone wanted to try and do that.

>> No.18953473

Congratulations. Talk about it then.

>> No.18953476


>> No.18953478

Yes and his article is largely based on a very shitty academic piece.

>> No.18953492

Lol moron

>> No.18953530

>Thinking in stereotypes like 'code monkey bugman'
that is exactly what he is thought.

>> No.18953613

patchwork type states WILL exist in the 2100s

>> No.18953646

I'm getting into the UR archives now. It's pretty fun reading.

FYI, Ted K's 167 was a ratio IQ from like fifth grade, not a deviation score.
He took a real IQ test in 1996 and scored a 136. He ironically did better on verbal (138) than performance (124). I don't put that much stock in high IQ but he wasn't close to +4 SD.

Even more tangentially, his subscore pattern is similar to my own result on the openpsychometrics online test. We both did well above average in most subtests but only average in visual memory.

>> No.18953654


>> No.18953751

And i added the last part because I'm borderline HFASD and it makes me wonder if that's a common subscore balance for spergy types lol

>> No.18953757

Imagine being blown away by software engineer bloggers

>> No.18954013

I'm beginning to feel like an accfag (accfag)

>> No.18954281

Fucking kek. The absolute state of feudalists.

>> No.18954333
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I only judge literature by the author's physiognomy.

>> No.18954336

>noooooo not leftist tech oligarchy, this isn't how it was suppose to happen!

>> No.18954339

This but unironically.

>> No.18954561

Read all the people that he ripped off, Burnham's Machiavellians, Voegelin, Carlyle. A recent book he's been shilling to people is The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges.

>> No.18954562

>Curtis Yarvin was born in 1973 to a highly educated, liberal, secular family[16] and is paternally Jewish.

they all have that physiognomy

>> No.18954565

>heh.... feudalism.. is le bad...
Damn ya BTFO him there kid

>> No.18954578

My experience with his detractors is uniformly this, I ask them what pieces they've read and they haven't read any and only give general sweeping oppositions to abstractions of positions that he doesn't hold. The people who have read him and are critical of him mostly have either extremely shit tier and incoherent arguments (i.e. Neoreaction: A Basilisk) or else publicly attack him solely for clout after pretty much understanding everything. This last category do so in a crypto kind of '50 Stalins' argument where they say he doesn't go far enough. But for the most part the vast majority of people who are critical of him have no understanding of anything he's written.

>> No.18954581

For all his pretenses as a cynical gen x bugman, Mr Moldbug has a very deep soul.

>> No.18954590

you're telling me I should trust a jew?

>> No.18954598

You don't need to trust someone to listen to their arguments and evaluate them for yourself, what are you scared of? He's not going to mind control you from off the page with ancient jewish mind rays

>> No.18954616

yes why not? read weininger

>> No.18955003

Do an actual test administered by a trained psychiatrist. Thanks for the info though, didn't know that

>> No.18955028

read Carlsbad,
this is a fun entry to begin with:

>> No.18955156

wow, a thread full of incel faggots

>> No.18955162

I haven't read much myself except for a couple of blogposts here and there, but I tend to agree. I find him really interesting whenever he makes a guest appearance on my favourite podcasts.

If you're a normie lib or an AOC-tranny I understand there Will be some antipathy, otherwise he should be pretty palatable wherever you might be on the political spectrum.

>> No.18955163

Where's you chin Curtis?
Stop shilling your jewfaggotry here

>> No.18955173
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>> No.18955174

How about you engage on something of substance rather than this catty bullshit

>> No.18955188
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>Um um um um...like...um um um... umm... umm... have you... umm... umm... read BOOK?
Totally worth the Patreon subscription

>> No.18955191

OK Osama Chin Laden
Hope whoever stole your chin didn't vanish in chin air and you'll get it back.

>> No.18955193

I agree he's and ugly and cringe nerd, but I still think he's got some interesting things to say at times.

>> No.18955195

He doesn't have a Patreon bro

>> No.18955197

the new genre of Alt-Jews having Conversations and Dunking On Libs and WASPs is basically IDW 2.0 for dumb hipsters

>> No.18955199
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referring to pic rel

>> No.18955315

It was leaked, look in the comments on his recent posts

>> No.18955401

The difference is Moldbug's conception would be voluntary. You know, that thing the Right likes and the Left cannot stand? I'd happily live in such a society of I signed up for it and it was sympathetic to my morals.

>> No.18955405

>Imagine thinking tech monopolies aren't going to define the 2030s

>> No.18955409

If we're sharing NRx blogs, I actually liked this take on Moldbug's neofeudal society. If you can get past the autism, it's basically a homeowner's association on steroids. I would live here ngl


>> No.18955465

>right likes voluntarism

>> No.18955488

voluntarism on the right is a function of their desire to get away from the left, but the left won't let them leave.

>> No.18955493

Exit, no voice.

>> No.18955499

>I put hahaha that means their arguments are invalid
Yeah it's the Right who shout about seizing other people's property isn't it?

>> No.18955502

Pretty grandiose, but the precedents cited makes me think it could work. Throw in mandatory waifus for all males and I'm in

>> No.18955585

He just makes mental gymnastics to explain how progressivism is to blame for everything and that's why they hold all the position of power, instead of accepting the fact that the problem is capitalism, which co opt progressivist/leftists because they are the genuine threat of the system, not reactionaries. Read some Mark Fisher instead.

>> No.18955592
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>> No.18955606


>> No.18955620

Yes, corporations bend over backwards to appeal to leftist ideals because they are the real threat to the system, and not because they are trying to flatter America's ruling class.

>> No.18955638

Another retard hasn't actually read him

>> No.18955716

Mark Fisher was too good for this world.

>> No.18955719

Yeah let's read the political tract of a failure who killed himself, really sounds like a movement that's going places!

>> No.18955726

Well, if people had actually read him then leftism wouldn't have been hijacked by the establishment and now we could have an actual way to fight against it.

>> No.18955736

what does he propose that's anything different from contemporary chapotranny leftism? he wrote for OpenDemocracy btw, not very anti-establishment

>> No.18955752
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>the establishment isn't pushing *true* leftism! they've been co-opted! down with the traitors!

>> No.18955768

There is absolutely no reason to take an IQ test over the age of 21. Simply see how many standard deviations your income is from the American average. Boom, there is your IQ.

>> No.18955779

He's got such a beta face yet nobody here takes the warning

>> No.18955784

There have been numerous posts ITT attacking his physiognomy

>> No.18955785

>”choosing” your society
Truly a depraved Jewish liberal. I suppose he wants to choose his parents as well to best fit his lifestyle?

>> No.18955792

That's demanding the pioneers play by the same rules as their descendants. If everybody did that, there'd be no descendants in the first place.

>> No.18955821

This cannot be a serious tweet

>> No.18955827

more like its pointing out he doesn't really have any problems with the faggot regime, he's just upset he doesn't hold the whip.

>> No.18955842

By 20 he accomplished more than you ever will.

>> No.18955896

not really, he was obviously under-employed and tweaking for data entry style dildo work in 11 which would put him at 36

>> No.18956176

I just unsubscribed to his substack. It's pretty evident that he's out of ideas. Now all he does is send relationship advice for San Fran "bad boys' and the absolute worst poetry I've ever read.

>> No.18956272

He dropped out of a PhD at 19 to run a successful start-up which allowed him to sit on his ass, read and work on Urbit, which is his real Magnum Opus.

>> No.18956430

Damn I gotta remember this trick to make my PhD washout sound like a work of genius. “No you see, I was needed to consume massive amounts of adderal and write a blog about being a dark lord cause I can notice nigs aren’t very bright.

>> No.18956814

post it then

>> No.18958112

You'll start your PhD at 26 at the earliest, he was doing it at 19.

>> No.18958118

It's always the people who'v'e never read anything by him that are the most hostile

>> No.18958213

I think the openpsych test is informative enough. I just wanted a very rough sense of my cognitive profile.

>> No.18958234

It would be cool if IQ followed a power-law distribution. I guess it kind of does if you look at all species lol

>> No.18958251

You can skip Moldbug and miss absolutely nothing so long as you have read actual thinkers and not some depressed kike programmer.

>> No.18958264

What's the best equivalent of How Dawkins Got Pwned series but for a different "actual" thinker?

>> No.18958272

What successful startup?

>> No.18958348

he worked on this and wrote one of the first kernels for mobile browers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Application_Protocol

>> No.18958449

breh i've read probably 80% of the open letter, and i followed his blog when he was publishing. It was fun because he would get BTFO every day in his combox by real racists who couldn't stop laughing at his how grand theory of history (calvinist (?) quakers (?!??!) did it, here is some 1920 article by the world conference of churches) ends abruptly in 1967

>> No.18958456

>he's not a "real racist"

>> No.18958494

its not enough just to know blacks are stupid, but to also hate them.

>> No.18958506

>he washedout way earlier than you
well grats adderalman, you failed first.

>> No.18958518

The comment section on his Why I Am Not An Antisemite post was hilarious

>> No.18958532

>Thinking in stereotypes isn't helpful here
>invoking IQ

>> No.18958700

>hating a group so much that they live rent in your skull and inform every choice you make

dang, almost like they own you

>> No.18958842

>2 jews

>> No.18958975

yep, the general impression from his blog was an underemployed guy on speed and addicted to wikipedia. He kept re creating his goofy "caste system in america" optimates, brahmins, , blah blah blah. Ever think about calling them Kohanim? Oh no? that might distract from the dastardly calvinists? well, continue on then!

>> No.18959381
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>> No.18959431

i love reading his latest stuff about how an apex dark triad alpha deals with a breakup with a 28 year old girl after a 2 month relationship and after his wife died 6 months ago

>> No.18959479

moldberg killed his wife? some dark shit going down in the bay area

>> No.18959485

is she actually jewish? i mean, she's armenian, i thought it was one of those things in which they look the same to outsiders but absolutely hate one another. Jews should circumsize their females so we could confirm/deny it.

>> No.18959665

Hello Auron, lost any weight recently?

>> No.18959702


>> No.18959705

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18959710

Don't worry, keep making YouTube videos. I'm sure you'll make a change.

>> No.18959765

>the only person who has ever read UR must be some e-celeb that I'm talking to

>> No.18960593

capital is sentient

>> No.18960635


>> No.18960688

Lolwat. I thought the pic was a shoop. Fucking breeders.

Ok, I gotta say, I kinda like some of his ideas. But more in a descriptive sense. I couldn't care less about the neoreactonary stuff. Fuck godawful ancient values.
Gimme gender accelerationism instead.

>> No.18960730

from where is this? from the podcast with anna khachiyan?

>> No.18961061
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>I'll get to it eventually
In you won't. You'll jump between "edgy" alt philosophers and secular jews like Moldbug until it's too late and have no one to blame buy yourself. You faggots don't want solutions. You want a costume.

>> No.18961216

>I'm going to write the next Machiavellian Mirror for Princes to get us to the next regime
>turns into an agony aunt column and shitty poetry dump almost instantly

>> No.18961421

>28 year old
Pretty based.

>> No.18961566

his writing on unqualified reservations was far more impressive. but something happened since then, his writing on gray mirror just isnt as great

>> No.18962747

every time i hear someone criticize moldbug it's like this 'he's not good' 'this writing is bad' but no substance, no actual critique, no pointing out specifically how is he wrong. Yeah, i'm thinking he's based.

>> No.18963014

>Gimme gender accelerationism instead.
like what, stuffing even weirder things up your ass?

>> No.18963026

He’s no longer taking adderal. It’s also why he got fat

>> No.18963029

UR was fundamentally anon shitposting that's why it was based

>> No.18963062

Why the fuck would you trust an atheist jew at this point in history? He's just trying to create another honeypot for disaffected men to keep them from returning to Christianity. He's no better than the IDW jews.

>> No.18963234

Damn, the original WAP

>> No.18963271

to those that have read him, what is your favorite piece from UR
mine is from mises to carlyle.
particularly part 2:

His defense of slavery and patron-client relationships is probably the most based thing he has ever written.

>> No.18963459

i thought his post-colonial pro eritrea stuff was funny

>> No.18963467

'Open Letter' is my favorite for obvious reasons. It's actually one of the few documents that could actually convert someone IMO, maybe not into a reactionary but certainly into a non-prog.

>> No.18964130

when did he write about eritrea?

>> No.18964218

can't remember, its been like a decade since i willingly read something written by a jew.

>> No.18964485
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Does this man sound like he's trying to promote atheism?

>> No.18964517

He looks Chad as fuck in dat leather
Just need ta lift the iron bro

>> No.18964615

I mean he is a self described atheist who is suspicious of converts

>> No.18964785

My favorite was open letter part 3, a Jacobite theory of history

>> No.18965732

It's definitely good food for thought but I resent the way he writes. He makes it so verbose that it's a chore to get through, then acts like it's your fault for not getting it

Mfer your ideas aren't that complex, just edit it a bit

>> No.18966849

This channel does a good job covering this topic

>> No.18966857

Checked and based.Left-tard weep

>> No.18966867

wake up and smell the coffee, this people don't live in the same universe as you

>> No.18966881

Stop bumping your midwit thread

>> No.18968243

Not his thread bruv

>> No.18968562

Media lost it's shit over the afghan thing and such though

>> No.18968567

fucking kek

>> No.18968857
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>> No.18968886

His stuff about the holocaust and how it definitely WAS 6 million. Read that anon. He tells you how clever his article is going to be at the beginning so you know how cleverly he's proving that, whilst everything else in this modern world is nonsense his people definitely were genocided at a supernaturally rapid rate in death showers for no reason at all.

>> No.18968927

Did he do that without access to exclusively 'Jewish free loan' capital which, in our capitalist society he hates, ensures success for almost all Jewish ventures?