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18952565 No.18952565 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Bronze Age Pervert’s seminal work, Bronze Age Mindset?

>> No.18952577

I think this faggot would have sucked off he Sea Peoples and welcomed the destruction of civilization.

>> No.18952580

Anyways, picking up where we left off, someone mentioned Pietro Boselli, Bronze Age Pervert’s muse, having a podcast. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Does anyone know what it’s called and where to find it?

>> No.18952585

What the book's about

>> No.18952589

He's still alive, and doing that right now, in this very moment.

>> No.18952601

It’s watered down Nietzsche

>> No.18952605

Garbage. Sheer self-negating homosexual cope.

and this.

>> No.18952616

Friendly reminder that "bap" is a pseudo intellectual midwit cuckservative irony bro who deserves to be executed along with all other ironybro twitter users.
His shitty book is just an ironic rip off of might is right with none of the grace and sincerity that redbeard's work has. It's might is right if you took out everything good and honest about it and replaced it with a bunch of midwit ironic twitter memes. the only reason anyone has ever heard of it is because BAP and his dicksucking dyel clique shill it everywhere.
Fuck twitter ironybros. fuck bap. fuck kantbot. fuck anyone who takes these midwits seriously

>> No.18952617

Should I read this or Harassment Architecture first?

>> No.18952618

Biggest historical cope ever put to print

>> No.18952677

It's not ironic. Saying things that aren't literally true isn't the same as being insincere or ironic.

>> No.18952909

Costin Alamariu
Finance banking
Thiel bucks

>> No.18952938

It's not interesting. There's a lot you can say about it like >>18952616 did but put more simply: it is not interesting.

>> No.18953010
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I just wanna coom all over his face

>> No.18953061

Read BAM first. It's more interesting. BAM influences Harassment Architecture. Harassment Architecture isn't really a serious book like BAM tho. It's more of a meme.

>> No.18953069

BAP is a conservative. Nietzsche is expressly anti-conservative.

>> No.18953083

So confirmed homo and CIA?

>> No.18953085

How on earth is he a conservative

>> No.18953110
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what is this book about
give a rundown pls

>> No.18953122

Everyone suggests it’s a rip off of Nietzsche. I don’t know about that, but nobody ever talks about the obvious influence of Kracht’s book, Imperium.

>> No.18953123

All BAPtards need to go back to.

>> No.18953143

Eternal reminder that BAP aka Costin Alamariu is a literal Romanian immigrant to the USA and his brother works in the national security industry.

>> No.18953145

>to twitter*
got you, king

>> No.18953150

>architect of neoconservatism


>> No.18953157


>> No.18953166

They seem completely unaware that neocons are led by a group of ex-commie Jews, I guess even knowing this is to be a nazi or something for progs

>> No.18953187

It was on his gumroad billing receipts lol

>> No.18953190

The dude that wrote it is a homo? Sauce?

>> No.18953195

So what if they're ex commie Jews?

>> No.18953212

Look at his old Salo forum posts where he talked about fucking boys

>> No.18953252

Not too excited by that prospect. You sure he wasn’t just taking a weird piss though?

>> No.18953370

it's based, no other book makes trannies seethe as much as this one so i get a dopamine hit every time it's posted (yes, my life revolves around petty culture war skirmishes on 4chan, doesn't yours?)

>> No.18953388
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He seems sincere about it and it's completely consistent with the whole Nietzchean pagan thing he's got going on

>> No.18953438

I was expecting a polemic and got a prose poem. Surprisingly sensitive and Romantic. Enjoyable.

>> No.18953458
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>> No.18953495

I'd call it digested Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and pre-Socratic Greeks. I've gone through the philosophy ringer, reading all the books in the Nietzsche-Schop track and I was very happy to find BAP is spot on with all the references.

Weird shills! Can't read! Uninformed cringe lol

>> No.18953546

Part 1 is about how evolution and history is all fake and gay, and the world is much more mysterious than we think.
Part 2 is about how the world in modernity is controlled space. You can't feel free living in the modern world because of governments and women and jews having authoritarian control on every aspect of life.
Part 3 is about fighting against the rulers of the modern world. It has a lot of stories of warriors of the past who had the "bronze age mindset," and it encourages you to become a warrior/soldier type.
Part 4 is just common sense advice for right wing activists. Nothing very exciting in this part.

>> No.18953682

Either you're bap himself or one of his gay twitter sycophants seething
your book is shit, you're a neoliberal cuckservative neocon faggot twink with a pencil neck who looks nothing like the people you post, BAM is for midwit pseuds and always will be.
Read might is right, kid

>> No.18953684

thanks officer

>> No.18953728

Read neither

>> No.18953738

Ohhhh fuck. Oh no, no, no...

>> No.18953881

Sounds manly to me.

>> No.18953971

Sounds like you’re a psycho to me

>> No.18953977

I am a very stable genius.

>> No.18954278


>> No.18954319

Rabbi Rabinowitz here, I just fart out nigger cum into my Rabbi robe. I really should wash this shit and nigger cum and nigger AIDS and dried foreskins out of this old robe of mine. Until then let me just tell you, I hate the goyim so god damn much!!!11 and I especially HATE BAP. He reminds me of what my people were before the Romans genocided the living shit out of us. It’s definitely better though to be a psychopathic demon race of narcissistic female energy, soooo much easier to infiltrate and spiritually rape the goyim’s institutions

>> No.18954343
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>> No.18954346

so this is the power of bronze age mindset....

>> No.18954372

>Thiel bucks
qrd? (who, how, how much?)

>> No.18954401

based jew ngl

>> No.18954422

>jew mad that his zionist ironybro amerimutt foreign policy defending hack has been caught out

>> No.18954471

where did you get this from?

>> No.18954474

This is a literal JIDF post. Every time some jewboi posts that BAP is a neocon Israeli dick sucker I ask them to link to some evidence AND THEY NEVER DO lol. Go ahead provide evidence, as in anything he has posted or written that suggests he is a neocon sub human. This is JIDF bitchbois butthurt that some goy is not going along for the Globohomo ride. Fuck you kike. Everyone is waking up to your psychotic evil once again

>> No.18954481


>> No.18954488

Why are Jews so evil?

>> No.18954494

It’s their evolutionary strategy

>> No.18954503

Please take this thread down. It has has become VERY anti Semitic.

>> No.18954555

Evo morales is an indio national socialist who despises israel and international jewry yet on twitter bronze age neocon seethed at morales and defended muttmericas fake coup against him
fuck off kike

>> No.18954637

Can you provide the link?

>> No.18954684

Costin Alamariu Salo posts

>> No.18954699


>> No.18955087
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>> No.18955885

twitter memes circlejerk, also it's written chaotically bad 'on purpose'

>> No.18955894


>> No.18955946

So it's yet another book on how to "live authentically"? kind of sad, desu

>> No.18955972

Why should I read a book literally written by a pervert?

>> No.18956137

Sure you are champ

>> No.18956726

it was on his twitter before it got taken down just look at the archives BAPFAG

>> No.18956751

It was a good read. Encouraged me to begin weightlifting. He may be gay or laughing at all of us but at least he had some good influence.

>> No.18956787
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Posting this every time someone posts this pseud.
Sage goes in all fields

>> No.18956872

Is fun book to read, fun podcast to listen

>> No.18956930

The more time goes on the more I realise these extremist American political groups are just an aesthetic. BAP and Hasan Piker have more in common with Waldun then any 20th century fascist or commie.

>> No.18956953


>> No.18957064

based. doing god's work anon

>> No.18957182

All the people I see who are really into this tend to be incel trad-larpers with no real sense of culture or society except for that it’s spiritually corrupt (duh). Obvious red flag for women. I might read it, but would never share that fact if I did.

>> No.18957199

imagine listening to a dude named Marie-Louise

>> No.18957326

This is the correct answer. It's an interesting and short read, but there's not much there that hasn't been said by Nietzsche. It's hilarious though how BAP makes the tranny degenerates and globohomo bots in this thread seethe.

>> No.18957338

uhhh we are the unphased dismissal ones in this thread not you chud

>> No.18957341


Funded by Peter Thiel

>> No.18957435

Kantbot go rant about German Idealism again you fucking retard
maybe you'll get the job at the New York Times this round, yeah?
fat fuck

>> No.18957547

I don’t even know who kantbot is sorry you got brainwashed by a Romanian homosexual into a retarded online friendship community

>> No.18957777

Sounds kinda gay ngl

>> No.18957823

real schizo hours who up

>> No.18957918

There's a looming balance of payments crisis that comes with paying Social Security for boomers. So Thiel and other rich creeps might be funding this stuff to convince young men to murder their grandparents or just allow the government to let them die to save the nation and yada yada yada.

Probably already happening.

>> No.18957934
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Like, basically, it's a fascist regime run by creepy corporate leaders who believe in social Darwinism, and futurism, and other ideas like that and are taking over, but it's Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and his ditsy girlfriend.


>> No.18957937

Funding racist bodybuilding Twitter? You guys have lost the plot lel

>> No.18958310

haven't listened to Grimes since her two first albums, what the fuck happened to her? From cute quirky dream-pop to this degenerate futurist pretentious shit?

>> No.18958326

I don't.

>> No.18958333

>BAM is for midwit pseuds and always will be.
This is preferable to 80% of contemporary literature outputs anyway. At least it's humorous and relates some philosophy in an anti-establishment narrative

>> No.18958389

i think all the talk about her being a genius got to her head, plus she was always a power hungry asshole

>> No.18958399
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>This is preferable to 80% of contemporary literature outputs anyway. At least it's humorous and relates some philosophy in an anti-establishment narrative

>> No.18958403

It’s not anti establishment at all. AOC is unironically a bigger threat to the establishment than BAP and his gang of homos

>> No.18958421

its anti establishment

>> No.18958443

I've got to say it. I fucking hate niggers. I really do.

>> No.18958460

what the fuck is wrong this fucking board

>> No.18958473

It gets raided by Marxoids and libs at 7 pm CET.

>> No.18958483

You cant seriously think that lmao

>> No.18958905

midwit tier garbage unironically

>> No.18958912
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actually made me kek out loud

>> No.18959128

not your safe space sweaty

>> No.18959386


>> No.18959453

Deluded and rent free

>> No.18959487

>/lit/ doesn't like retarded e-celeb

>> No.18959604

Gothic Violence, then BAM, then HA