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18951547 No.18951547 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to read this. What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.18951576

bullshit from two dickheads who did LSD and deluded themselves into thinking they understood schizophrenia, just like every other anti-psychiatry hippie bullshitter. It's not cute, it's not correct, fuck all academic hipster shitheads and especially the lying Marxist social climbers

>> No.18951580

Indispensable for understanding our schizo world.

>> No.18951605

Just don't take it seriously (and realise the academy has moved on in the last 50 years) and it can be great fun to read

Some knowledge of Freud/Lacana and the events of May 1968 are helpful

>> No.18951615

>realise the academy has moved on in the last 50 years
Imagine thinking that academic recognition should be regarded as the scale trough which anti-academic work should be judged. Pure domestication.

>> No.18951617

>t. illiterate
I like Deleuze's solo stuff more. Haven't read Guattari on his own. There's some decent concepts and analysis in here but they go full retard with "muh fascism" though perhaps it made sense at the time, or for Deleuze who's brother was killed. Most of the book is gonna fly over your head if you aren't at least a little familiar with what this anon says >>18951605
as well as a few others like Nietzsche, Hegel, Kant, Plato, and Deleuze's projects up until AO.

Or you can just read it and end up with some vague anti-moral moralism. Make yourself a body without organs by physically removing them!

>> No.18951647

Deleuze is great but I hate Deleuzians so much

>> No.18951656

if it wasn't for academic recognition you would have never head of this work, let alone Deleuze, you fucking moron

or literally any work this board wanks off about constantly. "Anti-academic" but still produced WITHIN and IN DIALOGUE WITH the academy you dickhead/ The whole book is a commentary on the academic and revolutionary character of post-war France

fuck me you're a psued. don't even reply to this you've already outed yourself as a stupid cunt.

>> No.18951715

found the pet. At least you are still capable of seething, the cuck is not fully neutered yet!

>> No.18951938

Its an exponentially worse version of Logic of Sense (Deleuze's real masterpiece)

>> No.18952045

Why? I don't think LoS is better than DR. Also, as far as I know, CS I & II generalizes the analysis from DR and LS to all historical periods and physical strata, so LS and DR are not works to be compared to CS.

>> No.18952359

Kind of retarded, like most '68core. But the sheer insanity of this one makes it more entertaining than most of its contemporaries.

It also BTFO'd Lacan beyond repair, which is pretty based.

>> No.18952474

the NEET is a BwO

>> No.18953593

Read secondary literature and familiarise yourself with Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche, Foucault. Kant is most important imho. Basics is fine unless your going for a deep reading.

A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia is good particularly in regard to semiotics, even though the author is a loser. Machinic Desire and Capitalism's Transcendental Time Machine are probably the most helpful texts if you are interested le epic accelerationism

The book's OK - I like the Neorationalist treatments of it

>> No.18953603

The Transcendental Aesthetic is fine in regards to Kant

>> No.18953610

>Doesn't want to sleep with his mom

>> No.18953619
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>> No.18953641

Major cringe peddled by two authors co-opting a mental disorder to push their own obscurantist flavor of neoliberalism.

>> No.18953652

To pay the devil his due: Deleuze's early stuff (Logic of Sense, D&R) is far better and worth reading. I don't know if it's Guattari or what but the psychoanalytic bullshit is intellectally mediocre at best.