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18951002 No.18951002 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books about autists and/or schizoids, or just with characters with that kind of vibe?

>> No.18951242

The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas.

>> No.18951349
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>The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas.
I didn’t say retarded, anon.

>> No.18952420
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>> No.18952432
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>> No.18952433

Raskolnikov was both.

>> No.18952446
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>> No.18952772

Notes from Underground?

>> No.18953284

Leave society by tao lin

>> No.18953315

This, also everything else by tao lin

>> No.18954010
File: 168 KB, 833x1200, The_Blind_Owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an added bonus, the book is cursed.

>> No.18954014
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>> No.18954803

my diary desu

(shame on you for this not being top reply)

>> No.18954816


The OP called for things that are both good, and also books (comics are not books).

>> No.18955258

Chesterton: The man who was Thursday.
Robert Walser: Jakob von Gunten.
Beckett's novels.

>> No.18955569

Le epic neurological condition

>> No.18955671


>> No.18955999

When the sun bursts

>> No.18956015

the book of disquiet
yes or woodcutters by bernhard

>> No.18956193
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digots are checked sirs

>> No.18956429

I have aspergers and found Rodion Raskolnikov relatable.

>> No.18956618

Hunger by Hamsun