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/lit/ - Literature

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18949762 No.18949762 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that never or rarely get posted

>> No.18949764
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>> No.18949777
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>> No.18949779
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>> No.18949785

I'm glad Powys is unmemeable.

>> No.18949827
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it would be nice if he were read more

>> No.18949836
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>> No.18949868
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>> No.18949869
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>> No.18949872
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>> No.18949884
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came across this book in a similar such thread, bought it on a whim and loved it

>> No.18949889
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>> No.18950012
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>> No.18950015
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>> No.18950043
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Wine of Satan by Laverne Gay.
It's fantastic, though I've never seen it mentioned by anyanon else.

>> No.18950065
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I think I'm the only one who's ever read it.

>> No.18950068

Literary fiction doesn't get much of a mention anymore.

>> No.18950071
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pic related is fantastic. short and without a dull moment. Anyone read it and got some similar recommendations? Surreal worldbuilding and such.

>> No.18950098
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>> No.18950113
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i've never seen a big thread on gurdjieff, which seems weird

>> No.18950115

Henry Miller shilled him a lot. kiss of death.

>> No.18950150
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maybe this

>> No.18950173

thanks man, gonna check it out. Did you read the Vorrh? This also had a great, in parts otherworldly atmosphere.

>> No.18950183

no but it's on my list. a very long list.

>> No.18950236

I read that, and liked it, but I'm not sure anything actually happened? He's like an impressionistic painter. Great writer, but never going to make any massive breakthrough.

>> No.18950238

it's a great book, the prose is really something else. Didn't read the other two books of this trilogy but Vorrh alone is sufficient, i suppose.

>> No.18950261
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Definitely putting a lot of these on my lists.

When Murnane is discussed it’s usually related to The Plains, but I think Border Districts is even better.

>> No.18950287

It's a big meandering book. I admit to getting bored half way through as it seemed to be wandering interminably. But there are beautiful passages throughout, some of the best I've ever read, and the story of small town dark histories, incest and secret children etc. is a rich one.

>> No.18950291
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>> No.18950296
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>> No.18950305
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>> No.18950321
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>> No.18950331
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>> No.18950625
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I bought a first edition of this last year on a whim, and partially due to the semi ironic parallels to today. It's bound in burlap and is set in a typeface from I guess the original printing. I haven't yet read it, though it seems quite interesting.

>> No.18950630

I still think about A Glastonbury Romance every day.

>> No.18950642

This is such a good and crazy read. Nonstop is a good way to put it. I also have NO idea what happens, as the is it or isn't it fever dream feeling is strong and engaging.

>> No.18950644

very cool. the other book is by a different author though.

>> No.18950880

yeah man. Such a shame that Bernanos didn't get the recognition he deserved.

>> No.18950894
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>> No.18950935

Fucking God damn it. Thanks for not calling me a nigger, though.
I'm pretty sure he died like a year after this came out and when he did I believe there was great lament in the literary world over the early loss of such potential.

>> No.18951282
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>> No.18951324
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>> No.18951331

My actual diary desu

>> No.18951386

A Glastonbury Romance was a meme here for a month or so

>> No.18951403

That was just one dude spamming it if I remember right. I'm glad he did or I'd have not heard of it.

>> No.18951404


>> No.18951479

F :(

>> No.18951528

thats how I found out about Powys as well

>> No.18952104
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>> No.18952166
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>> No.18952173
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>> No.18952702
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>> No.18953079
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I’m probably the only person on /lit/ who owns this book

>> No.18953128


>> No.18954433
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Invade a Gunan thread with it.

>> No.18954459

I always try to give a shout out to these books:

>Of Human Bondage by Maugham
>A Sportsman’s Notebook by Turgenev
>The Opposing Shore by Gracq
>Germinal by Zola
>Rings of Saturn by Sebald
>Sometimes A Great Notion by Kesey
>Sons And Lovers by Lawrence
>A Sentimental Education by Flaubert

None are obscure but I rarely see threads or even name drops on these

>> No.18954482

I read it once

>> No.18954634

Polish anons will go absolutely livid at the mention of her name. Anyway, I didn't like that one much, thought Flights was strong

>> No.18956052
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>> No.18957024

>The Opposing Shore

my negus. I also read Sebald's Immigrants, but it wasn't exactly to my taste. How's Rings of Saturn? Sebald has a lot of good writing tips, though: https://richardskinner.weebly.com/blogposts/max-sebalds-writing-tips

>> No.18957045

Gracq is a hack

>> No.18957666

no, u

>> No.18957939

Sometimes a great notion occasionally makes it onto the yearly top 100 list. I'm reading it at the moment incidentally, pretty good so far.

>> No.18958040
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>> No.18958098

RoS gave me a feeling of bittersweet melancholy. The overall tone is sad but seeing how history echoes and how human interaction can make a lasting impact gave me an optimistic feel, oddly enough
It’s such a great nuanced book. It showed how the good and the bad of unions and how pretty much everyone is in an unfair situation in one way or another. Hank Stamper would be one of lit’s heroes if the book was read more

>> No.18958138
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There's plenty I've read that I'm the only goodreads reviewer and have given 5/5.

What's the run down

Looks kino, thanks.

>> No.18958394


>> No.18958625

Came here to post this

>> No.18958899
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>> No.18959190
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>> No.18959853

>Odyssey Modern Sequel
Honestly one of the greatest novels ever written

>> No.18959859

We have had daily Call of the Crocodile threads for the entire past year.

>> No.18960275
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>> No.18960732


>> No.18960756
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>> No.18960871

>Of Human Bondage by Maugham
currently on page 64 and eady to put it down for good. I'm finding it totally boring, and the prose isn't anywhere near as good as Middlemarch.

I will admit: I was about to put down Middlemarch as well, but did some reading about what people love about it and they said one of the best parts of the book is the forgiveness of the narrator to every character, even the really despicable ones. Reading that made me pick the book back up again and I fucking loved it to bits.

What makes this Maugham book worth reading?

>> No.18960876

haven't read ros but i loved austerlitz. especially good if you are interested in history/photography/architecture

>> No.18961534
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The works of Alasdair Gray
Specifically Lanark and 1982 Janine

>> No.18961542
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>> No.18961579

The Books of Jacob comes out in English this November. Looking forward to reading it.