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18948321 No.18948321 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on these books?

>> No.18948324

I have no thoughts on these books

>> No.18948333

what's with all the wumao threads lately

discord trannies?

>> No.18948343
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>what's with all the wumao threads lately
>discord trannies?

>> No.18948380

I honestly think china is an example of a healthy society but I would never want to live there.

fookin insectoids

>> No.18948386

Likes of kike /leftypol/ shills. We need to pogrom the board and give them helicopter rides

>> No.18948394

Same. I see China as a kind of silver medal for civilization. I think the west is, or was, better and that our metaphysics tend toward greatness but also court greater risk. China is a stable controlled marathon runner compared to the wests reckless sprinting, and this stability will likely win in the long run.

>> No.18948407

>China is a stable controlled marathon

>> No.18948416
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>> No.18948424

As soon as the housing bubble collapses the Chinks are going to start eating each other again.

>> No.18948437
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>> No.18948441

>China is a stable controlled marathon runner
China is looped footage of a runner for 30 minutes when in reality he keeled over from dehydration after the first 5.

>> No.18948455
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>> No.18948459

China is collapsing in ..... anytime guys!

>> No.18948464
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Read this

>> No.18948483
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>> No.18948566
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Xi's writing is not a whole lot better than Trump's
Trump's is clearly ghostwritten, as are all his books, which ironically means it's actually higher quality than one might expect when jumping into a book unironically entitled
>Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again
which is just about the most boomery, pretentious moral grandstanding name I have ever seen
Xi's writing does seem, credit to the man, to be in his own words, but DAMN he is not a writer. He explains some of his concepts well enough, but there is a constant tone of flatness and bureaucratic, sterile prose.
Perhaps it's better in the original language, I've only read an English translation. But I hear from people who have read it in the original language that it's about the same

Generally, if I'm going to be reading a politician's book, I'm going to be reading an Indian politician. They're beautiful writers nearly universally, and many of them are extremely talented innovators in governance as well.

I remember especially being impressed with A. J. P. Abdul Kalam. I know the India 2020 plan was a bit of a meme on here, but the book that the policy was originally proposed in is fascinating, and seems like a fairly accurate prediction of India's trajectory in the world, as we stand one year past.