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18946003 No.18946003 [Reply] [Original]

>I could go on but for now I will leave it at that.

>> No.18947357
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>a full explanation of this would require a book in its own right, so I will only provide a brief comment on the matter...

>> No.18947379

>one thing lead to another

>> No.18947504
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>I could cut a man in half with one wave of my pen, but you, alas, wouldn't believe it.

>> No.18947524
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>the reader will no doubt agree that

>> No.18947534

> it is easy to see that
> the proof is trivial

>> No.18947557

>Alas, I am too tired to continue.

>> No.18948114

>my book should be praised not for what it said
>but for its tactful silence

>> No.18948122

>but as this is not our main focus, we will leave it for now

>> No.18948125

>This raises further questions, which I will not deign to answer here.

>> No.18948130

>Further discussion of which will be reserved for my complete work on the matter, to be published after this volume.

>> No.18948139

>The proof of which I leave as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.18948284
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>this was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.18949045

mmmm, yes, very wise

>> No.18949062
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>peu de moyens, beaucoup d'effet

>> No.18949067
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>being a dangerous matter, the less we dwell on these questions the safer we shall be

>> No.18949070

>But that's a story for another time.

>> No.18949123

>Much could be said about this, but for the sake of brevity I shall not explain in detail.

>> No.18950104
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>Having bored the gentle reader enough with my digressions already, I return to more central matters

>> No.18950154
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>"It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them."
— Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.18950186
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>And if you, my dear reader, would like to learn more, meet me up in the parking lot at midnight

>> No.18950977

>No critical appraisal seems called for.

>> No.18951006

>So it appears that this complicated line of reasoning has brought us right back to our initial conundrum

>> No.18951055

>a topic I have discussed at length elsewhere

>> No.18951307
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>on that note, let us consider the case of something quite unrelated

>> No.18951329
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