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18945753 No.18945753 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys every skip pages when you are bored? Sometimes I skip a lot of pages.

>> No.18945762

the fuck?
that should be a sin

>> No.18945761

Never, you animal.

>> No.18945778

i get bored

>> No.18945800

stop reading the book and pick up something better then

>> No.18945811

but sometimes im already pretty far into it and that doesnt seem like an option anymore

>> No.18945815
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Based fucking retard

>> No.18945822

Skip pages? what the hell do you gain from that? """finishing""" the book earlier? psha!

>> No.18945827

yeah I skip the entire book and then add it to my list on goodreads

>> No.18945841

>but sometimes im already pretty far into it
>t. some fag who thinks that how far into a book you are is determined by the page number you're on.

>> No.18945844

this anon fucks

>> No.18945851

yeah. not too often, though. I'll either go back and read what I skipped, or I'll just toss the book. I don't have the patience to waste my time reading something I don't enjoy.

>> No.18945897

once im done i can do this >>18945827
which tends to impress the other literature enjoyers i hang around.
they think i read really fast

>> No.18945904

yes, it happens very rarely but when I do I make a point of trying to push through 2-3 times and if I still can't I just skip ahead. IMO it is completely acceptable as long as you make sure you don't skip anything important or at least recognize that you are missing out on part of the text, anyone who tells you otherwise is a pseud or hasn't read much


>Atlas Shrugged John Galt speech, went through maybe a dozen pages before I realized it was just the same shit repeated over and over. Kept going for a while longer thinking "it's got to be over soon" eventually just flipped ahead to see how much was left and when I saw it was 50+ more pages I just skipped the whole thing
>Cicero - Selected Works introduction, author goes on a 10 page aside on translation issues which was really just him coping with his translation and trying to convince the reader it's not that bad; I read the first 2-3 pages before skipping the entire thing
>Infinite Jest all the footnotes where it was just a multi page list of movies, would skim through at best. Wanted to skip a lot of the tennis stuff but pushed my way through it

I have a copy of moby dick and will read it for the first time soon; based on what I've read on this board there's apparently a lot of autistic whale lore so depending on how much there is, how tedious it is, and how relevant it is to the plot I may or may not skip some of it

>> No.18945919

All the time. I‘m an academic so it’s called selective reading instead - and efficient. You see, I read the texts *differently.

>> No.18946024
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Yea, sometimes I also read the words and I don't even process them. So I've just read fifteen pages and I don't know what's going on. So I just make up what I think happened and continue reading. Is this bad>

>> No.18946086

i skipped 2/3 of John Galts long ass speech in Atlas shrugged. he just kept repeating the same shit over and over.

>> No.18946198

>but sometimes im already pretty far into it
That's because you're skipping pages, dumbass.

>> No.18946211

When I get bored I practice my speedreading for a few paragraphs, check to make sure I'm not missing anything important and then do a few more paragraphs. I only read in 20 minute intervals before I take a break. I used to think adhd was a curse but I realize it's a good thing. I don't waste time

>> No.18946227

The nice thing about Moby Dick is all the autistic stuff is separated into chapters so you can skip whole chapters and continue on without missing anything and then go back if you want to look at the autistic shit

>> No.18946322

Only if it’s something like a book of short stories or essays.

>> No.18946329

I sometimes skip sections in academic/technical books when I know they're not relevant. Why would you skip sections in fiction books, though? Are you retarded?

>> No.18946377

Then stop reading the book and read it later

>> No.18946412

>only skipping the speech
Think you can skip most of the last 800 pages and not really miss the points she's trying to make.
I skip the songs and poems in LOTR.
Skipped ahead in Knausgaard whenever he started describing housework or making instant coffee, or going shopping

>> No.18946478


I agree, I kept reading past the halfway point because I really wanted to know what happened to all the industrialists (Was someone kidnapping them? Is it something supernatural? What the hell is going on?) then when it tells you I literally couldn't believe the bullshit I was reading, it was like "are you serious? This can't be it, there must be a catch or something", then when I realized there wasn't I was already 3/4 of the way through the book so I figured may as well finish it

>> No.18946481

I pushed through the IJ filmography because it was the first of the long endnotes and was actually relatively entertaining (pun unintended), plus it contained info pertinent to an informed reading. The fact that it was worth doing encouraged me to read the other very long ones as they came up.

>> No.18946653

What? The poems are just a page? Just read them and go to the next page.

>> No.18946704

yeah sometimes but i rarely read books where there are parts worth skipping

>> No.18946711

sometimes a book will generally be a good study of philosophy or culture but it will have some sections about how bad white people or men are, I just skip that crap and get back to the good material

>> No.18946720

no. if i skip one i'm skipping it all.

>> No.18946735

>I skip the songs and poems in LOTR.

I admit if there are song lyrics in a book I skip them very often.

>> No.18946776

hmm i guess you guys just dont mind wasting your time as much as i do

>> No.18946781

Read better books

>> No.18946787

But i like the books i read. I just skip pages sometimes and sometimes i skip a lot

>> No.18946790

>he said while on 4chan

>> No.18946802

stop skipping

>> No.18946983

but i get bored