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/lit/ - Literature

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18945676 No.18945676 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.18945707

It's good! I'm vicariously living it through Waldun so I've got no problems

>> No.18945858

I’m getting all my things in order to finally publish on Amazon KDP, and while I’m satisfied with how I’ve done, I have no illusions that this will ever be my career

>> No.18945888

Falling to the side as the drinking career takes off.

>> No.18945912 [SPOILER] 
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>became a journalist

>> No.18945925

The fantasies within my head are real enough for me. In fact, there really is no difference between fantasy and reality if you get far enough in your delusions, that you forget your delusions are delusions in the first place. That's how I cope, at least. Anything is possible within my head.

>> No.18946029

I'm majoring in Finance and information systems. I get too much financial aid from the business school to major in English.
I haven't written on my own in a while. Not sure why. I guess it hasn't been a priority in my life. Nothing really has been. I suppose I am depressed.

>> No.18946195
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I'm not arrogant enough to think my fantasies are of any interest to anyone. What I hope is that I get to create what I want to create before leaving this Earth.

>> No.18946222

Blessed trips.

>> No.18946235

Why would you even want to be a writer? Novels are dead and no one reads anymore.

>> No.18946261

Don't care. I'll probably still write even if humanity just ended up extinct one day. Would be a bitch to find constructive criticism though.

>> No.18946866

Probably in the future there will be powerful machines (and humans connected to machines) that would be able to analyze millions of books per minute. If you will save your works and if your works are good, then in the future you will be appreciated.

>> No.18947018

Same. However these fantasies are becoming a problem for me.

I seeing it therapist for it.

>> No.18947025

Do something you care about anon.

Everything else is wasting your life.

Sounds cliché, but it's true.

I was very much into the "work doesn't matter, it's just 8h day. Free time does matter." Philosophy.

No. It matters.

>> No.18947071

It’s great! I bought and host my own domain so I can’t be deplatformed. I write whatever I want. I am invisible to search engines. And the hapless FBI officer assigned to me has to read all of it.

>> No.18947085

>Falling to the side as the drinking career takes off.
Thread theme commence

>> No.18947092

jesus fucking christ

>> No.18947103

A lot of writers didn't major in or study literature in university. Getting a job in the real world that doesn't relate to literature will make whatever you do write more interesting as you can then come off as an expert. Just keep reading and spend 1-6 hours writing every week and you'll eventually have a first draft on an interesting novel.

>> No.18947108

I have slightly lost my interest towards that goal. Maybe in a month from now I will be thinking completely different. But today, in my head a writing career is an absolute farce. Why would anyone write if he lacks all kind of sugary feelings towards the "people"? I don't care, i don't write.

>> No.18947120

I am the helpless FBI officer assigned to you. Just wanted to let you know that i am halfway through your shit and i only hold my puke twice so far. Sincerely I hope we meet in hell where i will see you rotting.

>> No.18947271

People read fanfics and light novels.

>> No.18947287

I haven't written any fiction for ten years and I work in a factory. I have managed to keep an excellent diary for almost a full year though now and I am writing more than ever in it. I consider this a small but satisfying victory.

>> No.18947299

Because it's a rewarding process, and you don't need a large audience to take satisfaction from art you create. I write stories to entertain my friends, that's it. It's a comfy hobby.

>> No.18947312

I was reading The Three Body problem recently. In the last novel humanity is dying and it is decided that a tombstone for humanity should be erected. The problem is how to communicate human culture in a way that can last millions of years. No technology lasts very long, even in the future, modern USBs last longer than they do. Printed pages wither and crumble. There exists a future where even Homer is forgotten. It's decided the most durable medium is rock carving.

I admit to being taken by the idea of the immortal writer for a very long time. The idea that I could write something and be remembered in some way through it. This book, which was wonderful by the way, really shot that to pieces with reality. Nothing endures time. Everything fades to nothing.

>> No.18947315

Nice, diaries are a great source of material to mine for future writing too.

>> No.18947334

Agota Kristof pilled

>> No.18947353

i want to release my historical adventure novel in serial format - 10k chapters. But I also dont want to miss my chance of publishing it.

>> No.18947375

there two types of people that write fiction or poetry nowadays.
1. Those that feel the need to express themselves but don't know how to do anything so they do the thing that is seemingly the easiest and lowest effort — literature
2. Those that choose literature as a mode of expression because their ideas cannot be conceptualized and solidified in any other form other than literature.

The latter are of course are the only novels worth reading these days.

>> No.18947385

This is partly true. But it's also true that literature is not film, or music, or dance, or any other medium. It is unique. Whether it is appreciated or not by the masses does not matter. It may be a cyclical thing, and a new wave of literary popularity will come. I seriously doubt that but it may. Probably we will get new and more fantastic technologies that expand upon the visual medium, such as a truly immersive VR. In any case, literature will still be unique. For those that enjoy it the allure is obvious.

>> No.18947386

Try querying literary agents first. Literary agents and small presses. Give it some time, see if you get any bites, any requests for sample pages. If you don't, you can consider putting it out on your own.

>> No.18947435

Considering where to shop my next piece around. Been published a couple places now and a lt least one publisher is very interested in future work. These are small independent presses though, really underground stuff. Pretty based when I type it out but I still want to kms so it doesn't mean as much as I thought it would I guess

>> No.18947596

they both sound like the two biggest types of fools out there

>> No.18947607
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My therapist wants me to put myself out there but I know shit about publishing. Sometimes I daydream about being a modestly successful author. When I'm feeling particularly egotistical I think about my novel being made into a movie and who would play each role. A couple people on AO3 like myself, thougg

>> No.18947749

In a sense, good.
I write for my job quite a bit. Study protocols. It's obviously technical type writing, but I really enjoy it. I like the precision of the language. Others often compliment my writing, too.
So, it's nothing personal or eapeciat creative, but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.18947812
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Hey bro. I read. I'll read your novel. Even if no one else does.

>> No.18947815

I wish that was me

>> No.18947842

Learning to code during the day, writing at night. It's not so bad. A few days ago I wrote a chapter that wasn't very good though, and part of me says "editing will fix it" and another part of me says "scrap the fucking thing and maybe start over later".

>> No.18947877

Finished my book yesterday. Wrote 23 pages in one night. 500 pages total. I'll probably publish this one once I get the kinks worked out

>> No.18947898

50 shades of grey isn't lit

>> No.18947903

Good work, Anon.

>> No.18947909

If you have a better idea, scrap it and start over.
No, but I do have several depictions of cute girls in maid uniforms, and individuals tied up (like hostages, not fetishes)... I suppose its closer to 50 Shades of Gray than I first thought.

>> No.18947918

Thanks man

>> No.18947984
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I queried almost 30 agents about my story and so far none of them have asked for sample pages of it. Not even a request for the first 50 pages, which I have gotten from agents for previous books.

And yet the people who have preread my story all seem to love it. I've had people whose judgment I trust rave about it, and about my talents as a writer in general.

Should I just try releasing the book myself? I have a modest social media presence and I'm not afraid to self-promote. If it really is as good as I've been told it is, it might be able to make its way in the world, right?

>> No.18947990

One word at at time :^)

>> No.18948014

I write poems for my own sanity and have faint dreams of being a bukowski type 40 years from now when I've finally developed my voice

>> No.18948042

Women steal your writing gains. Don't ever fall in love bros, just don't.

>> No.18948080

This has been true for the last 500 years. Reading has always been a niche hobby, a niche market.

>> No.18948098

I'm currently in Mexico working my way towards a 50k-60k worder. I'm broke, a borderline alcoholic, I'm traveling at the same time. I want to land a job as a remote technical writer soon to get some money coming in. This has all been a great time.

After this one I'll pump out the next one, which should be about the same the length. I never talk about my works in progress but because I'm anon I'll tell you, the first one is about a character who's mental health declines precipitously while he works as a salesman in a dying industry, the second will be about a man with a family who needs a knee surgery that gets a job delivering packages and tries to make it 90 days so that his healthcare kicks in but he doesn't make it because the A.I. in his van basically fires him for "driving infractions".

I will never be famous or rich off of my writing while alive. If I'm lucky people will discover my writing decades after I'm dead. Such is writing life.

>> No.18948103

I mean admirable my good chap.
See we're not total niggers!

>> No.18948109

I am wise and intelligent and a few readers love me. They are my disciples. I dont give a shit about selling tofu tots as a tofu tot to Potter thots.

>> No.18948111

Give me 500 years and I'll be the next Buddha

>> No.18948113

>I get to create what I want to create before leaving Earth.

This is truly all that matters. People think that what they do in life might save them from death. True writers know they're doomed and do it anyways.

>> No.18948690

Give us a sample

>> No.18949476

My poetry got third place in a competition and I got published by someone else a day later. After a year of rejections from litmags, getting an acceptance feels good, like I'm going to make it.

>> No.18949525
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I was writing a book on the geopolitics of the post cold war world but my hard drive failed and I never backed it up.

>> No.18949544

I’m doing an English Lit degree (not entirely by choice) but I want to be optimistic and believe that being a published author is a possible dream. It’s a University extremely prestigious for creative writing but you need a portfolio to apply to the course so I just went for Eng lit on its own—but you can take creative writing modules. I always saw getting published as an impossibility on par with “making it” in any creative field but it’s nice to dream.

>> No.18949637

Guys, how unrealistic is it to be a fulltime writer that can live off comfortably off his income? I saw some indie writers making close to seven figures per year and even secure movie deals.

>> No.18949776

I just get down when I start reading my favorites and think “how the hell did they come up with this/write like that” and feel as if I couldn’t do the same.

>> No.18949897

Am neet realise that opensyllabus lists all the books for an English literature degree plus all style and grammar books. Why lit don't you read academic books.

Anyway I'll take step and read unlike you buggerys. Short stories scare me kate chopin and Perkins makes me close my hands. But I'll write one day. Sighing off.

>> No.18949994

I'm not published yet (not even finished my first draft yet), but don't standard submission guidelines have you submit your first 3 chapters with the query anyway, then they ask for the full thing if they're interested?

Maybe it works different in your country, but if you're not submitting a sample when they ask for one you might just be getting autofiltered for not meeting the submersion guidelines.

>> No.18951417

Can you name some of those presses? I might be interested in sending my own stuff to them

>> No.18951424

Im do chemistry research, and write at least 5 hours on weekdays, more on weekends. A lot of months went into learning about how to even make literature at all. I have far more impetus now and its coming together after a few drafts. Not a career yet, coukd take 3 or 5 years before I could reasonably quit my day job.

>> No.18951711

For a small town or a certain subject?

>> No.18952793

>t. Lady Gaga

>> No.18952809

Good for you, anon

>> No.18952901

Literally a graduated journalist in a city

>> No.18952936

damn why'd you depress me like that

>> No.18953087

>I'll probably publish this one once I get the kinks worked out
sure buddy. any day now

>> No.18953417

Just about to finish my first book!! Only 10,000 or so more words, bringing me to a total of ~72,000

>> No.18954308

Terribly. But Waldun has given me hope because I'm nowhere near as bad as him.

>> No.18955987

Gettin' there.

>> No.18956050
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