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18945496 No.18945496 [Reply] [Original]

Books for someone who's about to end it all?

>> No.18945505

unironically Winnie the Pooh

>> No.18945508

osamu dazai no longer human
hermann hesse steppenwolf

>> No.18945510

Are you okay anon

>> No.18945520
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>> No.18945658

Don't do that anon

>> No.18945773

Do you want to chat about how you’re feeling anon? We’re here for you.

>> No.18945831

Beckett's trilogy
finish the whole thing please

>> No.18945954

You're gonna die, fren, don't hasten it.

>> No.18945968

the bible

>> No.18945999

On the heights of despair - Cioran

>> No.18946026

Schopenhauer's essay 'On Suicide'
Read it first, it won't take long. Then read some of his other essays.

>> No.18946084
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>‘I asked myself: What is this that, ever since earliest years, thou hast been fretting and fuming, and lamenting and self-tormenting, on account of? Say it in a word: is it not because thou art not HAPPY? Because the Thou (sweet gentleman) is not sufficiently honoured, nourished, soft-bedded, and lovingly cared for? Foolish soul! What Act of Legislature was there that thou shouldst be Happy? A little while ago thou hadst no right to be at all. What if thou wert born and predestined not to be Happy, but to be Unhappy! Art thou nothing other than a Vulture, then, that fliest through the Universe seeking after somewhat to eat; and shrieking dolefully because carrion enough is not given thee? Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe.’

>> No.18946090

The Bell Jar since you might relate to certain aspects such as not knowing what to do with your life and watching everyone else seem to know what they want. Though it gets depressing in the end and the writer commited suicide 2 months after publlishing. Still a good read but sad

>> No.18946208

obviously not nigger

>> No.18946282

based, i wish i had the courage to do it myself.

>> No.18946362

it requires ignorance, not courage.

>> No.18946403

Depends on the reasoning
see >>18946098

>> No.18946422

Read Tolstoy's A Confession.

He tells the tale of his cowardice unable to suicide, and his finding of meaning in life.

>> No.18946455
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>his finding of meaning in life.
what was it? let me guess: advocating for an ideal of tragic heroism. that sure doesn't equate to wallowing in self-deceptive happiness, ie cope

>> No.18946463

That was nice, can you post more from i

>> No.18946570

No, shut the fuck up. It's the most honest and painful depict of utter pointlessness and meaninglessness in life, and his finding meaning is completely unique and I wasn't even sure if I should tell you 'he finds meaning' because that is completely reductive and sounds more like an anime story.

>> No.18946582

>‘Temptations in the Wilderness!’ exclaims Teufelsdröckh: ‘Have we not all to be tried with such? Not so easily can the old Adam, lodged in us by birth, be dispossessed. Our Life is compassed round with Necessity; yet is the meaning of Life itself no other than Freedom, than Voluntary Force: thus have we a warfare; in the beginning, especially, a hard-fought battle. For the God-given mandate, Work thou in Welldoing, lies mysteriously written, in Promethean Prophetic Characters, in our hearts; and leaves us no rest, night or day, till it be deciphered and obeyed; till it burn forth, in our conduct, a visible, acted Gospel of Freedom. And as the clay-given mandate, Eat thou and be filled, at the same time persuasively proclaims itself through every nerve,—must not there be a confusion, a contest, before the better Influence can become the upper?

>‘To me nothing seems more natural than that the Son of Man, when such God-given mandate first prophetically stirs within him, and the Clay must now be vanquished, or vanquish,—should be carried of the spirit into grim Solitudes, and there fronting the Tempter do grimmest battle with him; defiantly setting him at naught, till he yield and fly. Name it as we choose: with or without visible Devil, whether in the natural Desert of rocks and sands, or in the populous moral Desert of selfishness and baseness,—to such Temptation are we all called. Unhappy if we are not! Unhappy if we are but Half-men, in whom that divine handwriting has never blazed forth, all-subduing, in true sun-splendour; but quivers dubiously amid meaner lights: or smoulders, in dull pain, in darkness, under earthly vapours!—Our Wilderness is the wide World in an Atheistic Century; our Forty Days are long years of suffering and fasting: nevertheless, to these also comes an end. Yes, to me also was given, if not Victory, yet the consciousness of Battle, and the resolve to persevere therein while life or faculty is left. To me also, entangled in the enchanted forests, demon-peopled, doleful of sight and of sound, it was given, after weariest wanderings, to work out my way into the higher sunlit slopes—of that Mountain which has no summit, or whose summit is in Heaven only!’

>> No.18947104


>> No.18947143

my diary dosu

>> No.18947182

kill yourself or shut the fuck up.

>> No.18947212

Yeah youre right. But very rarely is it courageous, especially if it's some fag crying on 4chan

>> No.18947433

The fact that you're considering suicide and the last thing you want to do is read books is precisely the problem.

>> No.18947706

anon, a nigger would not feel concerned with another man's sufferings enough to ask if everything is okay

>> No.18947811

Hey anon. I'm really struggling too right now. I've been suffering from mind-numbing depression and social anxiety for the last ten months. The urge to kill myself has been getting stronger each day, so strong that I'm struggling to fight it. I dropped out of all my classes, left all social connections behind, and have been alone for a long time now. Please, just keep holding on. Your life is worth living, if only you can find your way back to it. I know it feels like hope is impossible, and maybe hope is impossible right now. But you need to have some meta-awareness of the fact that you are in an altered state right now. Your mind is filtering reality through the most despicable, life-denying lens. That life-denial is not truth -- all of it is illusion. I am tired, so tired. I can't look another person in the eyes without feeling fear and panic. I can't walk in public without being overstimulated. But I cannot give up. Life is all we know anon, all we have ever known. Perhaps this life is all we will ever know. Do not forsake yourself until you have tried everything in your power to live.

>> No.18947832

>I dropped out of all my classes, left all social connections behind, and have been alone for a long time now.
how are you funding this neet lifestyle?

>> No.18947856


>> No.18947885

Shill thread. Only glowops and trannies push suicide on this board. Disregard.

>> No.18947901

Wealthy parents who feel guilty for blowing up mine and my sisters' lives with a ridiculously messy divorce when I was a kid. Mom burned the house down, dad had her institutionalized and made sure she'd never get any custody.

My dad provided a stipend of a few hundred dollars a month while I was in school. That ended when I dropped out of classes. My mom has been giving me money since May when I dropped out. She and stepdad own multiple properties, one of which I've been living in since October.

>> No.18947967
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>> No.18948362
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>> No.18948404

comfy. read books and eat canned fish, that's the good life anon

>> No.18948420

also wouldn't hurt to get yourself a suicide stack of hedera hashgraph (ticker: hbar)