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/lit/ - Literature

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18944120 No.18944120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/
I've just learned about the existance of this disgusting thing here

As far as I've garnenered, it is a "movement" dedicated to "remove the focus" from "white" literature (such as the Odyssey, see pic related) to promote equity and "critical literature", i.e. removing them altogether because they are deemed "problematic".
It's just ... classical literature. Nothing more nothing less, I can't even make out any deliberate pattern of what they deem problematic. It's literally random.

It is completely fair if you shitpost me for this, but I am honestly at my breaking point.
Am I seeing this wrong or are these people who genuienly seem to celebrate the intellectual automutilation they're promoting with this?

> To Kill a mocking bird
Problematic, racist, should be removed

> Romeo and Juliet
Unhealthy relationship, needs to be crticially commented

> The great gatsby
makes people feel uncomfortable, should be removed

They're not even trying to hide it

Just check out this twitter hashtag, too

Why are they doing this? What could they have to gain by removing humanities most important literature bit by bit?
Is there something I / you / one / we could do or is it just going to get even worse?

>> No.18944127

What is wrong with Odyssey? I genuinely have no idea.

>> No.18944128
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Also, for good measure

>> No.18944130

Yeah, and now you've advertised that shit for free. Good job faggot

>> No.18944132

The canon has zero to do with merit. Stop defending it.

>> No.18944136

So why are you advertising it if you don't want it to gain traction, you triple nigger?

>> No.18944138
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I haven't found the tweet or explanation yet, anon.
But I found this, among many others - pic related
It's a fucking rabbit hole

>> No.18944144

good, women can fuck off from reading the classics/greats and leave them to people who aren't idpol retards to find and enjoy through movements like ClassicalEducation instead
let them spend their entire lives in turmoil over the historic supremacy of the white man, it makes no difference to any of us
plenty of women who genuinely possess a level of intellect love classic literature and these kinds of women celebrating (on fucking twitter) the removal of books from curriculum were never going to appreciate them in the first place
fuck them, let them rot in their inferiority

>> No.18944146

How am I advertising it if I bring it here to talk about it?
Should I just leave it uncommented so it gains more traction?

STFU contrareeees and leave

>> No.18944147

Previous 2000 years of European literature, of all various cultures is now just "white" and we should remove it and add american superb novels about nigger lesbians.

>> No.18944148

>movements like ClassicalEducation
what's that, anon?

>> No.18944154

americans are fucking retarded they should be nuked to oblivion
I fucking hate that country so much I'm so glad I was born in Poland

>> No.18944155

>Should I just leave it uncommented so it gains more traction?
It's not like anyone here will actually do something about it retard, all it does is create more outrage, thus helping people who already agree with those attitudes find it. Fuck off you retarded cocksucker

>> No.18944160

it's just a small subset of people looking to enrich their lives with things like classic literature, philosophy and the trivium/quadrivium etc.
basically just people believing in the value of older education systems rather than the supposedly pozzed shit that exists now
the main place i've seen congregation around this idea is everybody's favourite website, leddit, but it is also to be found on youtube and on random websites
there are organisations like Great Books and shit like that as well but idk if they're any good because they're paid services and fuck that lmao

>> No.18944161

> people who want to cancel literature will lurk /lit/

Do a flip, faggot, and accept that people come to boards to talk about what bothers them

>> No.18944165

You fucking quadruple nigger, do you think 4chan is your personal army or something? That we're all just gonna get up now and order hits on these twitter trannies or something? Are you delusional, insanely fragile, or both? What did you expect? What objective do you have here? Get le epic bourchammers on the case? Suck my dick you quintuple nigger. And take your shit thread with you, I'll be filing all your posts.

>> No.18944176

Good riddance. We shouldn’t be normalising a yearning for “homeland”. Borders and “nations” are arbitrary mental constructs.

>> No.18944184

>americans being retarded
thanks for sharing. They allowed and supported this, and are now getting angry at the fruit of it? I do not feel bad about it at all.

>> No.18944186

>teehee i dont understand guys!
Guys, the relevant piece of information to understanding this is the woman's last name, Levine, as it's traditional jewish. This person is a jew and hates white people.

>> No.18944191

>it's 2021 and I still don't understand the jewish question
what are you even doing?

>> No.18944194

i don't have the time nor energy to care about these people

>> No.18944196
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Which reminds me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td_PHG9K1-I

>> No.18944199

Women are useless grifters

>> No.18944202

Changes nothing. Them being jews, or any type of secret society, Americans themselves worship it, and thus deserve to be stomped on by the ruling classes they chose.

>> No.18944204
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>americans are fucking retarded
Come home literary man

>> No.18944205

based nalaposter
how can one single cat make such perfect faces in every photo kek

>> No.18944208

> implying I need or want something from your unwashed ass
> over a post that asks for input kek

Seethe harder, mang. The net apparently deprived you off your last functioning braincell

>> No.18944209

Imagine thinking people choose a ruling class.

>> No.18944210

>, but I am honestly at my breaking point
Calm down. Don't get so worked up over something you read about on Twitter. It's a small movement inflated by a bunch of gonads

>> No.18944215

And it deprived of your fucking testicles, you pitifully fragile freak.

>> No.18944225

You're right I guess.
It's just - 'A movement to rebuild the literary canon using an antibias, antiracist critical literacy lens.'

How can someone support shit like that? This is intellectual mutilation of the highest order. Why are they expecting people to not read important literature because it has been written in different times?

>> No.18944232


>> No.18944235

> Contrary faggot complies with my demand to seethe moar

Kek'd and thanked for, you illiterate living sneedpost. Hit a shower

>> No.18944249

They do. Through action or inaction. The angloid greed is what allowed the usury to take over the world, and the poor anglo is to blame for choosing coca cola over hard work.

>> No.18944253

She's american, stop making excuses for your infantile anti-intellectual McCulture.

>> No.18944271

>just ignore it bro
>just ignore the gays they’re a small subset of society
>just ignore the trannies they’re just a small group
>just ignore the blacks ruining your they’re a small minority
>just ignore the subversion leaking into and taking over your schools
All of these things we keep ignoring are literally destroying society

>> No.18944283

>[Twitter] now boasts 330 million active users worldwide. That sounds like a lot, but it amounts to only 4.2% of the world’s population. And "active users" include anyone who checks Twitter at least once a month. Less than 1.9% of those active users (about 6.25 million people) check Twitter daily. The number of people who post content is smaller still. A 2018 Pew Research Center study found that 80% of that content is generated by 10% of users.
shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.18944284

I'm not excusing it, I'm calling it judaized. That's the relevant factor here. If you see woman named Levine celebrating ruining Western classics, that is the work of judaism. I have no defense of American culture, I'll only say that normal people are innocent products of their very poor environment. There's no reason to pick a fight.

>> No.18944290

But at least people can post their (you)s and thoughts of shills instead of assuming something isn't a shitpost for once.

I just wonder if there's something the individual can do besides trying to spread awareness.
Is it senseless trying to talk to these people?

>> No.18944292

I mean, I hope you do realize you ignoring it, or getting really mad about it on the internet has the same bearing on the physical world. The fact that you came here, to a place for people all around the world, to complain about some irrelevant American culture war shit tells me it'll end at you getting really angry about it on the internet.

>> No.18944299

>american problems
yeah man no other country in the world is suffering from being overrun by darkies and trannies

>> No.18944308

you've literally never encountered a transgender person in your entire life you sheltered shut in faggot, stop posting

>> No.18944311

you got any other assumptions chang

>> No.18944313

Well ye, that's Americans exporting their problems to other greedy fucks who worship materialism over all, and then get mad when someone's better at it than them.

>> No.18944318

If you don't care and think it's so irrelevant why don't you try not posting in the thread about it? Obnoxious faggot.
literally saw one yesterday, some fucking puerto rican with a beard in heels

>> No.18944324 [SPOILER] 
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Nobody can tie knots & knowledge together anymore. Bit of a lost Eden education butler in the hands of someone else's office. Can I please have my alter motive back. Benign little tumours the doctors caplock gave u...foe. all found in the church ofsome spoilt Italian spinco. Jeff the Jesuit knew priests whom babbled. And this is all the internet

>> No.18944339

DisruptText is full of teachers who are too lazy (or inept) to teach classic literature in meaningful ways. They'd rather "remove" something like the Odyssey, and "replace" it with a graphic novel, than have kids explore complex themes of freedom.

>> No.18944340

(((They))) may be the ones who orchestrates it all, but it couldn't be done without the dull minds of Americans.

>> No.18944343

Because it showed up in the catalog? And pissing you off might stop future postings of this. Stick to /tv/, cringe retard. Maybe eat some burger, send a job application to mcdonalds and be really proud of all the things you can buy.

>> No.18944359

this thread sure is full of a lot of coping eurofags
>it’s all America’s fault
look at the mosque outside your window

>> No.18944369

>American thread displaying what a powerless and subdued people they are
>heh, 4 European countries have an immigration problem, that's very comparable.
The American mind is a wonder, and should be studied.

>> No.18944375

that means the other 90% either agree or tolerate it.

>> No.18944376


>> No.18944379
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>le 56% face

>> No.18944384
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>look at the mosque outside your window

>> No.18944385

I think it's just that one Polish guy having a meltdown, seriously what a fucking asshole lol

>> No.18944393

who gives a shit? our entire culture is completely anti-intellectual already, public school teachers aren't going to do shit about it. might as well give kids something they want to read with the hope they move on to something more substantial independently later on in life

>> No.18944399

What do the people in that mosque think of trans rights? What's their stance on antisemitism and feminism? Idk feels like a large Muslim population would solve a lot of problems Americans ITT identified.

>> No.18944409


>> No.18944410

So Russia and China being ahead of the U.S. in virtually every degree in 10-15 years, with all it's implications, is no matter of anyone giving a shit?

Don't you see the problem with amplyfing the trend of anti-intellectualism? Or is this a spurt of acceleration?

>> No.18944424

>So Russia and China being ahead of the U.S. in virtually every degree in 10-15 years,
lmao Russia isn't doing shit. But to answer your question, we're an empire in decline, there's no saving us now, we're too far gone. sit back and watch the show and don't waste your time getting mad at things of no importance

>> No.18944651

>lmao Russia isn't doing shit

They just manipulated the US's whole presidential elections last time, and who knows what else.

>> No.18944656

you don't actually believe this do you?

>> No.18944666

I am all for eliminating To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby from schools. If you think either of these are great literature you might have a low IQ.

>> No.18944691

>So Russia and China being ahead of the U.S. in virtually every degree in 10-15 years, with all it's implications, is no matter of anyone giving a shit?
In 30 years global civilization will collapse due to climate change. So 15 years of Chinese primacy will not change anything.

>> No.18944694

Why is "disruption" considered a good thing now? I constantly hear business news channels talking about prolific "industry disruptors" like it's a good thing.
I would be fine if they said they were "improving" or even "changing" something, but the word "disrupt" makes it sound like you just want to destroy with no thought of the consequences. Was this term popularized by a certain person or book?

>> No.18944720

>look at the mosque outside your window
Muslims would kill trannies and faggots on sight if they could, you gigantic faggot. I'd rather live under sharia law than in America.

>> No.18944729

How fucking dare she, the greeks were black indigenous PoC, many of them were queer, and nearly everyone was homosexual.

>> No.18944733

>“As I reflect, this was a good first step for me to disrupt the classics that plague our curriculum. Learning from #DisruptTexts, books like White Fragility, and also learning that I have a lot to unlearn, I can begin to recognize my mistakes and also dismantle the framework of privilege that I used to teach from. I know in the future I will be better equipped to point out the oppressive structure that both Lee and Shakespeare rely on—that is, if I even return to teaching either story at all.”
this feels like some cultural revolution shit with an american fake smile added. so much confused guilt. in a way they are higienized people afraid of life and the intrinsic messy part of it, students will know by themselves, this people are the today stiff puritan hateful teachers as they always were.
anyway im not against teachers choosing new books to read in classroom. this people are just too dumb and weak to anything in general. they would believe whatever nonsense the tribe tell them.

>> No.18944735

A quick whois lookup and you'll see their domain registrar is Automattic Inc - the parent company of WordPress, WooCommerce, Tumblr etc. In other words this isn't some grassroots group of progressive teachers.

>> No.18944752
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>I don't like trannies and faggots so I'd rather live in a medieval theocratic shithole
Fuck off Al-Chudeen. Move to Afghanistan if you hate the west so much.

>> No.18944754

I can't believe anons ITT are perplexed by the motivations of this woman.

>> No.18944755

Essentially every European country except a few shitty ex-Soviet states have an "immigration problem" (if such an understated term can even be used to describe what is happening there).

>> No.18944758
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>> No.18944788

Amerimutt: the post

>> No.18944826

I'm not big on America but I prefer it over some LE HECKIN BASED AND TRAD! Sharia Law state where there's literally no fun allowed and guys resort to fucking goats to satisfy their libido.

It's also funny that retards say we should turn to Islam to combat "muh degeneracy" when Muslims themselves are no less degenerate than westerners. The only difference is they just don't push it into mainstream culture like the west does.

>> No.18944876

If you can't see how your posts are entirely made out of americentric strawmen, you should really learn to read. This will go nowhere.

>> No.18944927

The Greeks are the cornerstone for European identity. These people hate whites and want them destroyed. When you understand this everything they do makes sense. It really is that simple.

>> No.18944936

They're demons.


>> No.18944952

They can't be strawmen when they're the reality. Now go suck off your goat Abdul.

>> No.18945033

Nothing is stopping you from reading great literature, this is a literal nothingburger. Literature is lost on people in public school anyway and Americans in particular - there's no point in even teaching them to read.

>> No.18945073

Fuck off, it's not about whether any individual can read it. This is about the destruction of our history and culture, and the indoctrination of the next generations into an anti-white philosophy. Most people don't read great books and without exposure to books like the Odyssey in school they won't be exposed to it at all. That is what they're counting on.

>> No.18945090

You faggots are only looking for somehting to seethe at. You think daquan in the hood is going to give a shit either way if he is made to read the odyssey or some other bullshit? You can't make people care about literature. They have to get into it themselves.
Just look at how much of a faggot OP is:
>It is completely fair if you shitpost me for this, but I am honestly at my breaking point.
>my breaking point
joker origin story moment
>Is there something I / you / one / we could do or is it just going to get even worse?
Yes, here's what you can do, faggot: touch grass. The world isn't out to get you. I bet you haven't even read the Odyssey.

>> No.18945112

>This is about the destruction of our history and culture, and the indoctrination of the next generations into an anti-white philosophy.
Americans don't have a history or culture lol, America has a handful of decent novelists and no other high culture whatsoever. Any attempts to have them read "Great Books" will be totally lost on them, like I said there's no point even teaching them to read in school. This is histrionic paranoia and persecution fantasy over literally nothing.

>> No.18945125

Define history and culture. Tell me how it makes sense for a people to not have any sort of history or culture.

>> No.18945140

well for example you could be from South America, like this anon>>18945112

>> No.18945152

What the hell does that even mean? I don't even care. You're an idiot.

>> No.18945159

>Americans don't have a history or culture lol
'American' identity has always been a mess since independence. In fact, their actual history and culture IS what OP hates: rampant liberalism, identitarian lunacy, consoomer culture, empty aesthetic aspirations. Resulting in: Trannyism (an inherently american phenomenon), libertine degeneracy, funkopop basedboys, and castrated 'conservatives' like OP.

>> No.18945162

>how can a people not have a history or a culture
When said "people" is merely "people who got off a boat last week in the same general location for the purposes of making money".

>> No.18945168

>another thread where no one defines what they mean by culture


>> No.18945191

I am a classics and biblical studies student. Although I think the tweeter is a retarded bitch, I don't think we should have the Odyssey be taught in high school. It is too risky. A high school teacher is likely to fuck it up and ruin the book for most students, causing them to never revisit the classics. They should get students' feet wet with smaller works and not chance ruining a work as great as the Odyssey.

>> No.18945214

Whiter than you, Muhammad

>> No.18945220

lol this image is fantastic

>> No.18945225

Go dilate or something. Better yet, neck yourself. Isn't that what you trannies do? Just seethe some place else.

>> No.18945228

Who cares. The only thing a non-white author can show me is where a white man has already been.

>> No.18945230

This doesn't tell me what history or culture is. You're a bad thinker.

>> No.18945247

You know there are anglo communities in the US that have been there for 400 years

>> No.18945248

>Amerimutts seethe about not being white or european

>> No.18945272

redpill me with your version then

>> No.18945292

How long did it take to open the borders to literally whoever since the Revolution? Not long.

You are a resentful American seething over not being European deep down.

>> No.18945302
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Every single of these homosexuals and feminist women who want to "bring down the white man" want to be, in fact, dominated by a heterosexual Caucasian man. Resentment is how they cope with being genetically inferior. The women especially, be they Ashkenazim, Chinese, African American - they all want to be inseminated by the whitest, most stately, and dominant man from their sordid imaginations. Anyone with an understanding of the blackpill knows this. Just because they want to rid the public consciousness of anything that reminds them of patriarchal rule, does not mean that they yearn to become one with it, albeit in the most perverse, basal, and unconscious ways possible.

>> No.18945404
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>> No.18945439

so it's about ending "racist"/single-race literature and the "core principle" is based on race.
>center black, indigenous, and voices of colour in literature
Amerimutts, I don't even...

>> No.18945445

>European identity
That's a "globohomo" thing.
There's nothing wrong with Greek classics in terms of literature.

>> No.18945451

Black hole as a brain doesn't work, that means your brain is massive as fuck.

>> No.18945464

If white nationalshits don't hate greeks maybe they should promote guenon's cult less

>> No.18945473

Literally what are you talking about

>> No.18945481

umm sweaty? you know you can read whatever you want whenever you want? the point of these courses is developing abilities to be able to read and analyse a literary text. if you just want a book club where you and other insecure wh*toids circlejerk over their supposed european "heritage" you can literally do that?

>> No.18945482

These people need to be called what they are : Misomuses. They detest art, and only tolerate it at best when it serves them or a further purpose

>> No.18945492

Based Sheenposter

>> No.18945519

i find it hard to believe anyone over the age of 30 still goes out of their way to be mad at shit like this anymore. let it lie.

>> No.18945571

>over the age of 30
where do you think you are

>> No.18945575

Incredibly based old man

>> No.18945606

I mean, the Odyssey is an incredibly old book that is part of American culture due to its roots in Europe. Most Western European culture has been at least touched by the ancient Greeks, so it isn't actually censorship or steering of American culture, it is actively discouraging diversity by removing American connection to ancient views.
>define "culture"
Bullshit, and you know it. Some people might use culture to allude to a system of power but that is clearly not the case here. Censorship of literature is in itself an expression of power, one that was heavily abused in the past and is being abused. As a third party who believes in public access to most knowledge, in part to diversify viewpoints and better educate them, this is awful.

If these people truly valued diversity they would not replace but add to curriculum, to further discussion and criticism, rather than hide the views and experiences of the past.

>> No.18945619
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>> No.18945645


>> No.18945760

Why do you care what they do? Why are you at a breaking point? Are you a pussy? Man up. Reading has always been a solitary activity. Who cares what these idiots think. Getting upset does nothing. What's that going to accomplish? What's will your crying accomplish? Absolutely nothing.

Readers have always been in the minority. And readers of good books have been a minority in that minority. Don't ever think the bigger reading public will ever embrace more sophisticated books. They never will. Only thing you can do is read.

Although I always hope these people go after Shakespeare. He's not only the best writer in English, but he's also easily accessible to most readers. You can never remove him from the Canon unless you find a way to stop people from reading him. Direct attacks against him only weaken their own movement.

>> No.18945784

Ironically Shakespeare wrote plays and not books
Theater was what cinema is today, mass entertainment

>> No.18945786

This thread is a mess. I will say what compels me whenever I read some writing by one of these "disruptors" is how awkward and stuffy they come across in text, that sense of total, near religious conviction that they're involved in something important and that the kids in their classroom are going to grow up and shoot some unarmed black guy because they were never told not to. It is almost like the entire country was gaslighted into believing every police-related mishap occurred due to racism, and not just the simpler explanation that law enforcement is complicated in dangerous areas because everyone is strapped and sometimes mistakes happen. I just wish someone could prove to me Floyd died somehow due to racism and not just because some cop making an awful decision by pinning his neck for 10 minutes to subdue him. Remember the whole Daniel Shaver incident? That was easily the most fucked up thing of the past 10 years, but nobody cared because it was a white cop killing a white guy, and he wasn't even charged. The sad truth is no one really cares about police brutality as a concept, just police brutality as an excuse to call everyone evil racists. That's a pretty good way to make sure the issue never gets fixed.

>> No.18945884
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Some cats are blessed with being beyong photogenic

>> No.18945894

Jews, americans, what's the fucking difference? They both have botches penises and massacre dessert villages for fun.

>> No.18945921

>bible banned in 1963
I’m sure the correlation between that and the fallout ever since is just a coincidence

>> No.18945979
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God this is too funny. First, a complete lack of self-awareness.

>Four Core Principles to #DisruptTexts
>1. Continuously interrogate our own biases and how they inform our thinking.

And then an open admission that it's just astroturfing.

>Official #DisruptTexts Guides
>In the November 2020, the #DisruptTexts team, in collaboration with Penguin Random House

Penguin have obviously already sold all the copies of the Odyssey that they can to schools, and a new translation isn't going to cut it, so why not sell them Darius the Great is Not Okay instead.

>> No.18945984

This isn't a good thing imo. Yes, I'm an Eurofag but I actually don't try to dab on amerilards for once - once - when I'm saying that we've had stuff like that in our high school, lower levels even.
Maybe the teachers didn't used to be as shit as in current year 'Murcia, but it didn't "ruin" anything for me - and the couple of illiterates who dislike basic reading comprehension wouldn't have gotten into it either way.

>> No.18945993

good post, thanks anon

>> No.18946018

If they can't teach the Odyssey then why even trust them to teach math? I would do away with public schools entirely but if we're going to happen we may as well make the best of it. There's no good in cutting students off from history entirely by acquiescing to anti-white political movements.

>> No.18946072

All I'm saying is that I'm glad I read Gilgamesh, Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid when I did and with whom I did, which was as a freshman in college in an epic poetry in translation course.

>> No.18946091

Notice the soulless corporate art style on these covers, too.
Judging the book by the cover, it'll be total trash.

>> No.18946094

That's not all you said because if it was I wouldn't have said anything. You said they shouldn't be taught in high school and I'm telling you that's the exact same argument used to remove Greek and Latin from the curriculum.

>> No.18946097

He's right, you know.

>> No.18946099

>Anonymous 08/29/21(Sun)22:11:27 No.1894609
L... Latin is removed from the curriculum?

>> No.18946106

No I just said it for no fuck off reason at all

>> No.18946112

It actually means your brain is dense as fuck, which metaphorically speaking is a fair insult, but scientifically speaking it means you are a genius.

So you're right for the wrong reasons.

>> No.18946118

Oh good, I was already concerned they'd have it removed. Thanks anon, you lifted my heart.

>> No.18946128

>holiday tree

>> No.18946290

classical literature is basically shit that yurofag aristocracy was coming over 1600s-early 1900s
now younger generations of the american upper class are heavily pulling for struggle lit by brown americans
why the fuck should we follow their lead for what we read to our kids in school?
what I'm saying is, fuck the classical curriculum, fuck liberal race obsessive curriculum too, read a wide variety of shit yourself and decide what you think the kids should be reading, instead of obsessing over their place on Harold the cuck's shitty list
yeah this shit is funny, all super new fiction.
read some dubois or some Malcolm X speeches, song of Solomon for sure. like there aren't outstanding works from history outside of Europe we can look at already

>> No.18946530

There is no better of identity politics then this. Ignorant people saying their woke.
This. Sheep make for good shepard.

>> No.18946630

> Those covers
> Those titles
Shame that "Patron Saints of Nothing" was used for this shit. That sounds like a rad title.