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/lit/ - Literature

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18938896 No.18938896 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18938915

i am a god who can do whatever they please and it makes me feel guilty

>> No.18938919

But can you please whatever you please?

>> No.18938921

But are you a good dancer?

>> No.18938942

I learned from going to college that liberalism is like a muscle you work out. And I'm doing some today. The kind of liberalism I'm talking about is almost more like libertinism, the small lives of lesser people who are free to complicate themselves, like Germinal's miners who live in endless orgy even while starving to death, and yet while not a sexless bourgeois myself, I am more like the living avatar of the Voreux, and whether I am the mine or merely a lair of solid rock means absolutely nothing to me, yet if I wish to continue as the avatar rather than returning to the eternal state of truth, I must suffer liberalism/libertinism, and so today I'm doing that and it feels largely fruitless.

>> No.18938946

you cannot please everyone
i have motion but no one has ever seen me, therefore I don't know

>> No.18938950

When I think of south America I imagine children playing soccer in the late afternoon on dying grass
This is like a substantial portion of the mental space I allot to the concept 'south America'

>> No.18938960
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how do I quit smoking cigarettes? I cant jog for more than 5 minutes without dying. this shit sucks lol.

>> No.18938961

When I think of "South America", I think of Dominican Frieza:
(it's 3x funnier if you know what they're saying)

>> No.18938966


>> No.18938992

I’m going to start writing and reading again.

>> No.18938994

Similar to working out, one is at risk of over-targeting muscles, or reaching the point of wondering... why bother, if the world of physical action is dead anyways and there's nothing but vanity to keep us from sitting in our comfy pods getting fat while consooming. If I embrace liberalism/libertinism because I want to remain open to having fun, being social beyond the limitations of my "pod", understanding weird aggressive people even if I don't necessarily like them, then it can be like that, where you realize, well, maybe all that is dead anyways and people are just starving homunculi trying to crawl back to the full scape of their bodies, and I should do what my governor says and stay inside and continue indulging in the smaller realms of contentment rather than striving towards an unknown horizon that may be unpleasant anyways, like a museum that is over-expensive and full of boring art and ugly people taking too many pictures of everything.

>> No.18939031

Why was Kirkegaard so sad?

>> No.18939037

I wake up, go to work, wageslave, come home, go to sleep and repeat.
Between the work, I see things around me that makes my blood boil, that makes me want to do something. But I can't because I am powerless. I am just a wagie.
Even if I was powerful, even equivalent to most powerful man in the world, I would only to able to make few things right. What I want require the power of God. That's right. I want to be a fucking god to make things right.

>> No.18939057

>read a bunch of poetry romanticising unfulfilled love
>broke up with his long-time girlfriend so that she may forever be an unattainable object of desire for him
>she ended up marrying some other guy
>regretted all of his decisions immediately, never touched another woman ever again
Don't do romanticism, kids.

>> No.18939138

>never touched another woman ever again
kinda based desu

>> No.18939157

no it wasn't based, his confidence was shattered, it wasn't a volcel thing.

>> No.18939193

you wanna know what happens to women sometimes? sometimes our nipples hurt completely at random- it feels like someone is biting down on them, hard. y'know, just cuz. miserable fucking things

>> No.18939204

wouldn't that be because they're chafing?

>> No.18939264

nope. it's hormones, apparently, and it's a little difficult to mistake "biting" with chafing, even if it was something else.

>> No.18939322

There is a fly next to me. It was getting really cheeky and landing on my hand, but it was slow so I caught it in a glass. I'm gonna let it stay there for a while and reflect on its actions. But I'm letting it go in the morning because I feel kind of sorry for it. I named it Timeout.

>> No.18939330

damn son, female bodies are such a hassle

>> No.18939353

man you know i can go ages without smoking but as soon as my lips touch liquor the cravings hit like a freight train and ill embarrass myself bumming a smoke off of someone i shouldn't just to get one

>> No.18939461

I woke up on a park bench this morning with an empty bottle of jamie by my feet. We are not living in the same world.

>> No.18939532

When I'm in a group and they offer me a drink, I say "I'm not a social drinker. I only drink when I'm depressed and alone."

>> No.18939690

I went on a two day crack binge with a homeless man who I let sleep in my bed
I had an acute psychotic episode
I handed myself into the police for viewing child abuse imagery
I was arrested
I was sectioned
I spent £30,000 on gambling and cocaine
I took 25g of coke, 14g of ket, 100x10mg valium in two weeks
I took an overdose
I was sectioned again
I was released
I poured fuel from the petrol station all of my body and tried to set myself on fire
I failed
Diesel isn't flammable, it turns out
I am an alcoholic
I went on a 14g coke binge
Now I got a new job
New city
New start

>> No.18940045

Damn, sucks for you.

>> No.18940082
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How the fuck do you develop or rather realize your self worth?
I'm tired of this cycle - I'm fine by myself then I feel lonely and eventually meet a girl that quickly becomes my focal point and key holder to my mental state.
I don’t have to say how dysfuntional the whole thing is, and how much suffering it brings. Time after time, failure after failure...
It feels like I'm a ceramic piece trying to interact with others, but they're all finished pieces while I haven't got fired yet, I'm fresh and malleable, getting way more hurt than I should.
I'm seeing a therapist but it looks like she hasn't got a clue of what to do beyond reaching "insights". Yes, I know I'm fucked up, we discovered this issue and here it is, clearly defined and verbalized. Now what, you whore? Tell me how I fix this.
I'm about to quit it, it's not helping me the way I need it to.

>> No.18940085
File: 328 KB, 479x461, trombonepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live jazz is so fucking good lads. Go see some live jazz.
inb4 posted in the last thread too. More people need to see some good live jazz.

>> No.18940092

Romanticism. Not even once.
What a fucking moron.

>> No.18940104

Fix it by becoming someone you like to be. Don't concern yourself with romantic relationships right now, going forward, you should try to become a version of yourself that you would love, that you would be respectful of, someone you would be proud to be. As for how to do it, well, only you know what kind of person you'd to love to become.

>> No.18940116

Do you have a clear image of the person you'd like to be? If yes, try to act like that person when you are undecided about something. Worked for me. The catch is, you need to understand that you'll never be your ideal self, but this method worked in giving me a kind of guide on what I actually want to change about myself. I'm still not the ideal version of me and I never will be, but I'm closer now than I was a year ago.

>> No.18940136

Seconding this, this is what I do as well. I basically ask "what would the ideal me do?", and I do it. It's how I managed to get both /fit/ and /lit/, and my social relations have improved way better, qualitatively.

>> No.18940272

this is literally me except im not a knight of faith

>> No.18940274

all i ever wanted in my life was to be a normie
>everybody somewho already know eachother everywhere i go
>normalfags have always things to say and i just look at them like an alien species
how do they do it, where do they meet and how do they get to know eachother, why is every single retarded shit so funny to them, i don't understand

>> No.18940293

Martin runs away to the bathroom to cool down a bit. He sees that someone wrote down the word "PUSSY" on the wall with red lipstick. Martin grimaces and vomits violently into the toilet bowl. When he raises his head from the toilet, he notices his face in the mirror. He is still beautiful, but somewhat messy from so much drinking and dancing. He wipes his face with a towel adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphs and returns to the salon. He runs into a completely drunk Thomas, who shouts out some incomprehensible mess of words with great joy. He has traces of lipstick on his face. Martin thinks to himself: - God! Im' such a whore!

>> No.18940298

No idea why they laugh at stupid mundane shit. That's retarded, no point trying to be friends with people like that.
As for the rest, look for events/places were people go to meet other deliberately. Meetup.com is pretty good for this. As for how you become friends, it just happens. You have good conversation, when the group is breaking up you invite the guy for another beer somewhere, more good conversation, you exchange numbers before you part ways, at some point one of you will talk to the other about something, most likely getting another beer and done, a friendship is starting. From there on you just need to maintain it, not be a total sperg and not overthink it. Also works for just randomly starting up a conversation with the guy sitting next to you at the bar. Events that are already oriented towards your interests (from filmclubs to concerts, whatever) are a better starting point. Most attempts will be duds, but that's just how it works.
As for how to have good conversation. Fuck if I know. Have your own interests and be willing to listen I guess.

>> No.18940300

Reading his account of his breaking of the engagement he did not do it for such a romantic reason. Kierkegaard felt that there was something wrong with him, so much so that the feeling of being loved pained him for fear of the burden he was placing on his beloved. I can only imagine the life-long heartache he suffered from, getting what he had wanted for so long only to find that it wasn't for him. A life shattering event.

>> No.18940319
File: 86 KB, 1227x256, 1608569062069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become more pretentious/annoyed when it comes to prose. Dorian Gray used to be high on my list but after rereading it for the first time in years I'm just stumbling over how it's written. Like take a look at the opener, tell me a modern editor wouldn't send this back immediately.
>inb4 who reads Wilde for prose

>> No.18940321

Get a job if you're young and don't have one. Worked for me. My first proper summer job really snapped me out of autism mode.

>> No.18940331

>Old writing is not modern writing.
Fuck off okay, what's next? People used to not know things we know now?

>> No.18940343

mmmm, no, very unwise

>> No.18940359

I just saw an obese black girl slip and do a major split and probably tear her groin. I was there first and she just kept screaming. Her mom seemed annoyed at her and the teen girl working didn’t care at all. Another employee called an ambulance and we stood around awkwardly for a minute before the teen girl asked if she could help me. Lol. We smiled at each other as the black girl screamed in th background. Everyone would look callus if there was security footage. I’m thinking of going back later and giving my info in case of a lawsuit. The fat girl just couldn’t move effectively. Hopefully the teen girl is there as I want to hear the rest of the story

>> No.18940365

Just a little more.
I have to push myself just a little more to stabilise my life.
Just a little more. Just a little more. Fuck.

>> No.18940393

Wasn't my point, it's just surprisingly shoddy for someone with a poetry background. Makes the driest of Eliot seem like water in comparison.
I mean, again, he's known for his playwriting, so I'm not harping on it so much as my lessened ability to just digest prose indiscriminately

>> No.18940420

Could be chafing, could be clogged ducts, but since it's on 4chan, yeah it's probably not knowing basic hygiene thing

>> No.18940433

>How the fuck do you develop or rather realize your self worth?
Become obnoxious and combative

>> No.18940447

>black girl slip and do a major split
>probably tear her groin
you seem to be young, anon, so i'll clue you in on how female genitalia works
you see, it isn't like a penis at all
that is, there's already a sort of tear
if a girl does the splits it does not tear open her ballsack
instead, it just opens her pussy up
>Hopefully the teen girl is there
i also hope she's there
could i get the address?
i would like to impregnate her, so long as she isn't black

>> No.18940456
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>tfw attain the love of your life but realize you're such a depressed, neurotic mess that you'll slowly suck the happiness from her until she's a shell of her former self, and you cut her off so she's not damned to a life of misery and degradation

>> No.18940469

All I know is the beast was wounded bad and said she couldn’t move. As far as the teen girl, I’ve always flirted with a couple girls there but they are much younger than me so maybe this is the stars aligning so I can give them my number

>> No.18940494

Is the modern editor looking for a book well versed in subversive fashions of the the late Victorian age?

>> No.18940499

source on the account?
i'm in a similar situation
i am tall enough and have an attractive enough face to get a gf, but i have too many bodily deformities
it sucks because sometimes girls have even asked me out, but i had to turn them down
idk how to fix this

>> No.18940510
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He was right.

>> No.18940542

I loved and was loved back 3 times. I individually dated 2 of these girls for years and the third one was an impossible dilemma as we fell in love during my previous relationship. Nothing ever happened even though sometimes it felt like the universe was gluing us together. I sometimes wonder, in another universe-- another timeline, was my choice different, did I date the impossible dilemma?
It's weird that this shit keeps me awake at night after all this time. I wonder if she moved on. I can still feel our hands touching, the feeling of rightness as we sat next to each other. The way she looked at me, the respect and honesty we had. I can't forget it. We thought it was hormones but I can't shake the memory of it. It felt like God itself sent me one of the exceptionally rare right ones only for me to politely decline.
I was so stubborn about being a perfect boyfriend for a girl who didn't care I should have been beaten to death before meeting either of them. Honestly, I'll do it again if I had to, but only because I value integrity over happiness. Look at me, look at my morals, I'm not quitting my girlfriend even though I fell in love with another girl! Now, look at me as I tell my girlfriend everything! Oh, she left me after a few months. Looks like the five years we spent together weren't worth shit after all. What a fucking clown.

>> No.18940576
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Confucius was cool. He was also a really big guy and is seen as a conservative figure, but he wasn't really. He also had a thug life. He liked to hang out with his students on the street. And he would carry a sword, which men did as a symbol of their honor. Lastly, he and his students liked to dress properly and nicely. So imagine a big guy with many men walking up to you on the street and they all have weapons with them, but they also wanna talk about philosophy and morality with you.

I would say this man had a Confucian spirit:


It's great.

>> No.18940581

i like farting. by which i mean, i like when i fart, not when other people fart

>> No.18940591

Technically, it's fucking shit prose, yes, but it's readable and you can actually picture something very vivid reading it. You can find flaws in almost every literary work and it doesn't mean anything. You could even have used the part where the author spends pages describing the gems on Dorian's dress for the night. Doesn't mean it's shit. The book is readable, the story is told from beginning to end. It's a good book.

>> No.18940596
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*smacks you*
Get ahold of yourself!

>> No.18940603

Sex with twinks.

>> No.18940611

But there is nothing wrong with this.

>> No.18940655

I was about to head back to the car but then an attractive girl walked by on XXX street behind me and compelled me to stay longer. It's good, like, strutting around here. I went to XXX on XXX. I got a cappuccino. I walked back to the XXX with the intention of reading. I stopped at my car and dropped off the books I bought, got my blanket, and took a hit. I went back up, on the hill facing west to XXX street, at a saddle point. I laid out my things. I read about 4 pages of XXX. It's good. But I had to go to the bathroom. I packed and went to nearby restrooms and it only took a moment. I returned to my exact spot and set up again. I lit a cigarette. It's 1248.

>> No.18940665
File: 85 KB, 496x787, Fr._Serpahim_Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I read Father Seraphim Rose, it is like finally, I have found someone who sees the world the same way I do.
I wish I could have met him, anons.

>> No.18940668

To do what? Find another right one? I was quite social before and never found someone I could synchronize with as much as her. Didn't even know such a thing was possible outside of books and movies before meeting her. I'm tired of relationships. "Have hope and hold onto it till you die!" the old man says, deeply aware life is often too long and full of disappointment

>> No.18940674

The opinions and statements of the individual posting from this computer should, in no way, be taken as advice or an indication of personal beliefs. Any perceived throughline of thought between posts is purely fiction. The posts made by this user are for general, educational, and entertainment purposes ONLY.
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By reading this post, I acknowledge that Anon makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information featured in these posts. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in these posts are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this post is done at your own risk. This post should not be considered professional advice. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this Anon does not endorse, approve, recommend, or certify any information, product, process, service, or organization presented or mentioned in these posts, and information from these posts should not be referenced in any way to imply such approval or endorsement. The third party materials or content of any third party site referenced in these posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of Anon. Anon assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in these posts or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. Moreover, Anon makes no warranty that these posts, or the server that makes it available, is free of viruses, worms, or other elements or codes that manifest contaminating or destructive properties.

>> No.18940675

I wish I was beautiful.

>> No.18940682

iktf too LOL
>please just kill me

>> No.18940704

Life makes no sense. I hate it.

>> No.18940706

He's pretty kawaii desu

>> No.18940720

It's more - I much rather read it as a script (or as an adaption) if the prose is just going to be serviceable at best.
If it's there to merely glue the dialogue, then keep it as glue. If it's there to be the meat, make it juicy. If it's going to be half-way, at least put some effort into it.
And I say this all broadly of course

>> No.18940733

You're someone forced into sex work, who has a lot of spare time to read. You're correct. Don't die while there is beauty you can still create. Beauty waits.

>> No.18940746
File: 350 KB, 565x800, 38488484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a girlfriend if I am physically deformed?
It looks worse irl

>> No.18940857

deformed how? second time you mentioned this

>> No.18940877

pic >>18940746 related
moobs, among other things
looks worse irl
women can ask me out all they want if they think i'm tall or attractive, but i will always have to reject them because it would be deceitful
they don't know i'm deformed and won't know unless i show them (which i would rather die than do)
idk what to do anymore

>> No.18940894

you don't see it?

>> No.18940900

Unironically post a pic of your "moobs". Delete exif data from the pic before uploading it just to be safe though.

>> No.18940924

this >>18940746 is the picture
also i thought 4chan removed exif data upon posting anyway
i'm glad you aren't gaslighting me, anon
the people i show this to on omegle, usually the r9k and incel tags, say, "you're not deformed at all"
it really makes me angry

>> No.18940933

Is that pic you, or just an example of what you have?

>> No.18940946

but it looks worse irl

>> No.18940959

I learned today that people with down syndrome don't feel full after eating, so they have to be manually stopped from over-eating. Down syndrome children are faustian in principle.

>> No.18940965

Gynecomastia. Surgeries for it are relatively cheap. However, be warned, once you go down the cosmetic surgery route, you're gonna slowly want to tweak everything in your body top to bottom. It would be better to solve your body image issues at the root, but if you can't, and you need to get this gynecomastia off, then do it, but do not go any further. I have family members that went down this path, some of them have spent close to $150k on surgeries, on a fucking teacher's salary.

>> No.18940986

i probably don't have the money to do it now
by the time i do i will be too old for love anyway

>> No.18940996

Are you employed? If you are, I'm sure you can spare saving a total $4000~ over the course of a year or two. Gyno surgeries are really some of the cheapest procedures out there.

>> No.18941025

>he thinks his moobs are the issue
that's honestly so fucking funny, no it's way worse than that

>> No.18941031

what's the real issue? being vain? idk, anon, dating is 80% looks anyway

>> No.18941035

>dating is 80% looks
How the fuck would you know?

>> No.18941042

Not him, but if you really have zero money to spare saving for a $4000 surgery, then you gotta make peace with it. Your moobs aren't even the real issue here anyway, like that guy said, it's you. You're your own issue. And it's not vanity, it's deep-seated image issues.

>> No.18941053

My nipples hurt when I wear a flannel shirt with no undershirt

>> No.18941058

The mental and physical health challenges I would have to overcome in order to participate in a civilisation I believe to be sick, poison, and imminently collapsing are so massive that I can’t see it as possible, yet for the sake of my body and soul and out of contempt for the hand dealt this world long before I was born I don’t want to perish, and time creeps out.

>> No.18941059

He's right.

>> No.18941063

anytime i ask someone why they dislike me it's always "because you're deformed" and not "because you're a bad person" or whatever
>if you really have zero money to spare saving for a $4000 surgery, then you gotta make peace with it
no, i refuse
honestly, if my financial situation gets any worse i'll try self-surgery
the skill required for some procedures is vastly overblown
woah wait wtf
since when did women go on this board?
if there are any women reading this, could you pls tell me how unattractive this >>18940746 pic looks
i need to know how dire my situation really is

>> No.18941080

>anytime i ask someone why they dislike me it's always "because you're deformed" and not "because you're a bad person" or whatever
I literally don't believe you. You're probably twisted enough to interpret something they said like that, and now you're relaying it as fact. It's very clear that you're the sort of neurotic character who interprets all statements not only in the worst light possible, but also in a very personal light.
If you thought your little gyno there are a "deformity", you're gonna mangle yourself trying to cut them out. Don't be retarded.

>> No.18941097

I get that /lit/ is just another board on 4chan but I still don't really get how mentally ill people make their way to these threads

>> No.18941102

It's because the lack of moderation on /lit/ has let it twist into a chimeric mixture of /r9k/, /pol/, and /his/.

>> No.18941110
File: 961 KB, 500x371, rWv8PDJTMuq33ZpbYMEWPtfsrojKTtrnM03V-KIHGxY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosi fan tutte

>> No.18941123

>neurotic character
well i don't think i could disagree with you on that
here are the results of the last big five test I took
..Friendliness 1
..Gregariousness 4
..Assertiveness 1
..Activity Level 1
..Excitement-Seeking 41
..Cheerfulness 1

..Trust 1
..Morality 62
..Altruism 1
..Cooperation 89
..Modesty 99
..Sympathy 32

..Self-Efficacy 1
..Orderliness 21
..Dutifulness 8
..Achievement-Striving 1
..Self-Discipline 1
..Cautiousness 1

..Anxiety 99
..Anger 99
..Depression 99
..Self-Consciousness 99
..Immoderation 95
..Vulnerability 99

..Imagination 88
..Artistic Interests 94
..Emotionality 44
..Adventurousness 29
..Intellect 66
..Liberalism 56

but the question here is whether my neuroticism stems from real imperfections or creates falsely perceived ones

>you're gonna mangle yourself
the only think i'd worry about is anesthetic or sedatives or whatever interfering with my ability to perform the procedure

not lack of moderation
they jannies here are plenty busy
rather, it's the retardation of the jannies
they always delete the threads I make (good ones, mind you) because they have something against me

>> No.18941125

You look fine. You probably just have body dysmorphia or something. Fuck.

>> No.18941131

i do not believe you
also, are you a woman? because that factors into things

>> No.18941155

>but the question here is whether my neuroticism stems from real imperfections or creates falsely perceived ones
The literal function of neuroticism IS to create false obsessive perceptions. Everyone has one or two things they don't like about their bodies. The healthy-minded ones don't let those dislikes consume their brains, they just suck it up and accept it, or put effort into treating their image issues.
>the only think i'd worry about is anesthetic or sedatives or whatever interfering with my ability to perform the procedure
Yeah no shit. Not to mention sewing the wounds, good like doing that even if the anaesthesia didn't interfere with your motor functions, if you do it wrong, your closed wound will look like a 2nd degree burn.

Seriously, you only have two options, either surgery or copious meditation. Choose.

>> No.18941180

>either surgery or copious meditation.
well i used stimulants for a while to make self-starvation easier, but that resulted in no appreciable change in my disfigurement
i suppose i could raise money to get surgery, but i'm not really sure how to
i still have a lot of stimulant pills left
how many 25mg pills of amphetamine would i need to sell to get 4000 dollars?

>> No.18941201

>D I S F I G U R E M E N T
>it's a little bit of extra fat tissue under his nipples
What you need is a very good therapist. It's obvious that even if you get your surgery, you'll go on to find a million other things to obsess over with how you look. The gyno would just be the beginning. You know what, forget it, surgery is not even option, it'll just take you down a slippery slope. Treat your neurosis instead. Find a good therapist or psychiatrist.

>> No.18941215

no, therapists are a total waste of money
psychiatrists just want to give you ssris or snris and those are also useless
also it looks worse in person so idk why you think it's no big deal

>> No.18941224

>also it looks worse in person so idk why you think it's no big deal
OK. I have an idea for you. Take the most unflattering picture possible of your gyno right now, with overhead lighting in a bathroom and a white shirt on.

>> No.18941226

Yes, XX chromosome. Now get outta here.

>> No.18941239

/lit/ split from /r9k/ and /his/ is a board split from /lit/. In the former case, they didn't want us shitting up their board, in the latter case, /lit/ told the mods it would be a /pol/ 2.0 and that it was a bad idea.
The /pol/ comparison isn't fair, however. /pol/ hates far too few people.

>> No.18941276

I actually do think that in a sense I have potential. I'm hopeful. Optimistic in a way I haven't been. Of course, it will take efforts and therein lies the challenge. But I recognize that my life is short. Fortune favors the bold. Scared money don't make none. In investing, in music, and in art. I do have something to say. I am interesting. Or even if I'm not to others, I want to put myself out there at least. Because fuck it, right? It would be fun and I would feel good about it.

>> No.18941285

Go for it

>> No.18941292

I'm sitting here with my big brain and all my various talents shitposting on 4chan while mid-wits and smoothbrains are having fun and getting ahead in life.

>> No.18941297

I have a passion for literature, I’m just also mentally ill :^)

>> No.18941305

Because you're too afraid of fucking up, you're too afraid of embarrassment, the blight of excessive self-awareness that comes with intelligence. Smoothbrains are not very self-aware, and that gives them freedom to test themselves and make asses of themselves in the process, but that's OK, because they'll move past cringe and continue pushing on. You on the other hand are far too caught up in yourself to even open up to the possibility of being a little cringe, of doing or saying something embarrassing, of fucking up. That is why. They are daring, you are not. Unironically try to dumb yourself down a little bit, turn off your brain, and just do it. You are cringe. Accept it. If you do not accept the cringe, you will live forever in its paralysing shadow.

>> No.18941333
File: 32 KB, 456x500, 6895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't dox me or be too mean
I still think you're lying

>> No.18941341

Bro fuck off, it doesn't even have the distinctive torpedo shape of gyno, it literally just looks like breast fat. You're making a mound out of an ant hill. Do some chest exercises to firm up your pectoral muscles to mitigate the sag, and you should be good. And also seek therapy for your neurosis, don't be a baby about it.

>> No.18941356

no i checked there's the glandular tissue that comes with gyno
exercise won't fix it, it has to be surgically removed

>> No.18941366

If that's it, that's some really mild gyno compared to the shit I've seen. You wanna talk man-tits? I've touched some serious man-tit. Yours are barely man-tits, again, that's mild gyno.
Aaaand we loop back to you not having money for surgery. So we loop back again to the mental approach, you treating your neurosis, there's no way around it.

>> No.18941373

>I've touched some serious man-tit
what when why how
> treating your neurosis
np i dont want to treat it
it's good
i like it
it's a good thing

>> No.18941381

>it's a good thing
>considers slashing up his chest under sedatives
I don't think you're here for advice. You're here for people to tell you that you're ugly. You want something to justify your neurosis. Do you not see the threads of your loom here?

>> No.18941395

>You want something to justify your neurosis.
i think it justifies itself
idk anon ive run out of mental energy
dont think i can thik anymore today

>> No.18941418

You haven't even been thinking, your brain's been consumed by your nipples.

>> No.18941480


>> No.18941678
File: 67 KB, 768x635, 1629468276118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a guy in my life who I could be friends with. he could like invite me over to his place and we could sit next to each other on his couch and talk about stuff and he could like put his arm around me and I could hold his hand. maybe lean my head on his shoulder and kiss his jawline and cheek, and he could put a hand on my throat and choke me unconscious. then he could tie me up and gag me before I come to, and then tease me by rubbing his cock on my face and between my legs just like my dad used to do. he could mount me doggy style and bite the scruff of my neck while thrusting deep into me. flicking my nipples and giving me hickies. feeling the rope cutting into my flesh as I squirm under his weight, only feeling his cock getting harder from the friction between us. his hot breath on my neck, his deep husky voice telling me how cute my whimpers and moans are. tears stinging my eyes as heat builds in my belly. feeling intoxicated by a mix of unwanted arousal and mind numbing fear. feeling my hips working against my will, bucking against his thighs as he thrusts mercilessly into me again and again. pins and needles in my arms and legs from being bound so tight. sucking air in desperately through my nostrils while trying to not choke on my gag. his balls swelling thick with cum, pressing hot against my taint. his thrusts becoming more intentional, slower but deeper. time slowing and space growing hot and wet. his cock pulsing as he sprays his seed into my belly. my mind going white in ecstasy, the pain and dissociation falling away as higher consciousness recedes and only the base animal mind reminds as his wave breaks and crashes through me

ugh tfw no bf

>> No.18941697

u better be a girl

>> No.18941759

is this another russian book

>> No.18941925

Someone was mean to me the last time I posted. You all are stupid and I hate you!

>> No.18941935

I passed an older wealthy looking couple. The wife was looking through a store window at a watch. She said the watch had an interesting face shape. I wanted to see it, as I was curious about that woman's opinion on watch shapes.

A man was playing guitar, XXX style, in the garden. Early, around ten in the morning. Maybe earlier. I thought it was discordant. I thought about how despite it's discordance it was still "the local sound." That didn't make it sound any better, but it was what it was. Part of this environment, this moment, XXX garden on a late summer morning in 2021.

>> No.18941942

I finally figured out how to make good art. Just make a bunch, then remove all the stuff you think sucks, like a compilation.

>> No.18941946

I had an art show once and that was what I did. I had about 200 pictures to choose from, but only space for about 20. Narrowing down the best was interesting. The first 150 or so were really easy to toss out, but narrowing down 50 to 20 was much more difficult, but by the end of it I know that I only took 2-3 good pictures total in that whole period of artistic intent.

>> No.18941969

My most complex poem yet.



he who was and is and is to come, he who eats his own tail, he who is the double negation which negates itself as the many-headed Gandaberunda who devours the universe, the devouring rest of Rest, the devouring of the nature of this world, which is unchangeable transience, the bloody devouring, the Word which kills this world in insane-gnosis, the birthing of the son of Ain, of righteousness, the Being of the Word, the devouring of Choronzon and the old old world of temporal time and its laws, the devouring into one incomprehensible World in one voice, the perishing of the hour, of the life in time in unity, no longer shall there be grief, nor shall there be woe, woe devoured, grief devoured, only one law, all devoured into oneness, the devouring leaving only one Law, only one voice, the world only but one voice, the ouroboros of OAI.

OROBORO’=ouroboros=tail eater, allegorical for infinity
LO=Not in Hebrew,
LOLO= not-not, the double negation, which is to say, a positive.
LOLO=Red in Gypsy.
‘SOKO’=OKSOKO modified by both elision and liaison, means the thrice/double headed bird, used here as a reference to the great and terrible Gandaberunda form of Vishnu.
KO’MO’ double elision of Kosmos=universe/world
SOBO’=Shobbos=shabbos=sabbath, the time of peace and rest.
‘AO=Tao, the way, the causal force in nature, that which inherently pervades the structure of nature as its inherent inscape.
LOKO=modified rarer form of Loka=world
Moro’=moros a Greek deity and term meaning doom, grim-fate, the morose.
Logo’=Logos, the word which is also identical to God.
MOLO=modified Gypsy term meaning death-died
LOCO=crazy In Spanish

YO’DOBOTO=Yaldabaoth, Son of chaos/void but also God of righteousness
BO’TO=righteousness in enochian
CORO’ZO=Choronzon, the life-in-time, the empirical ego and transient temporal human time.
ZORO=from Zoroaster, form of Greek term meaning Old.
GORO’TO modified form of a Greek term meaning old.
‘RONO’=Kronos modified, God of temporal time
HORO=Hour/Time in Greek
DOLO’=modified form of Dolar meaning grief and or sadness
Nomo’=Nomos, spirit of the law.

>> No.18941975


>> No.18942107
File: 194 KB, 500x500, Flan EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired I failed to complete a page on lunch break and I'm nodding off now. Aaaaaa
I must write, but even Dr. Pepper can't keep me awake.
Man all I want to do is finish my book and talk to the Twitter girl. Why can't I open up a hyperbolic time chamber and finish everything without time progressing?

>> No.18942375

That trannie trip fag made a thread when this one is still up. What’s her problem?

>> No.18942383

Why were you allowed to make two off topic threads?

>> No.18942388

>What’s her problem?
Narcissism. Mental illness. And it was filtered by Dragon Ball of all things.

>> No.18942402

Nope. I like a book.
Not an anime, though I like Miyazaki and such, but I thought I’d make an on topic WWOYM
Didn’t see your cosplay thread was put up halfway through the older threads stretch.

>> No.18942407

what made the threads off topic?

>> No.18942409

You forgot it doesn’t take any responsibility for it’s actions.

>> No.18942412

Dragon Ball. I'm not kidding when I say that it was filtered by it, it even said it itself.

>> No.18942433

lol I have all Butterfly posts/replies automatically hidden, I didn't realize she's been making parallel threads

>> No.18942446

It’s the meta thread.

The front picture is being Bogarted by DBZ and signaling to /a/ and anyone else really.
Do we still have writing threads?

>> No.18942455

>Lol I have no idea what’s going on!

>> No.18942476

she keeps continuously trying to make her own threads and get people to migrate to them to be her own little clubhouse where she can socialize and be the center of discussion and of course everyone will recognize her. its genuinely deranged

>> No.18942501

Do you ever think about what all of this is for? Why spend so much time reading books on philosophy, politics, history etc if we aren’t gonna apply our knowledge anywhere? It’s not like we’re gonna change the world, we’re all just members of the herd. Unless I write a formal critique of society or publish a book of aphorisms then what’s the point of any of this shit? I think I’m gonna quit and find a gf now

>> No.18942515

Fucking liar feeding the autists their sour grapes

>> No.18942537

I remember it making a sffg thread as well. Its trying to expand for some unknown reason.

>> No.18942541

of course she is now coming to this thread and throwing a fit like a child because no one came to her thread lol

like why even throw a fit like this, why not just shrug and move on, posting in the thread that already exists?

she cant help but show her hand, that is actually all about her and her ego, its unacceptable that people migrated to the thread that already exists, they HAVE to come to HER thread or she is going to come and shit up the place

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO" she screams as she viciously beats the innocent thread ove the head with shitposts

>> No.18942658
File: 52 KB, 329x500, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think of Great expectations? im thinking im going to start it next since i picked up a cheap copy a little while back

>> No.18942767

Hello. My name is Σωίππη. That's Sohippe in English letters.

>> No.18942817

I believe in God, I truly do with all my being. But after reading about all the horrors humanity has inflicted on itself in the name of religion... I think God should have waited until we were more advanced before revealing Himself to us.

>> No.18942823
File: 104 KB, 960x640, 1626453288076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even after 7 years on 4chan I still feel like an outsider, a newfag, a naive retard who doesn't understand memes and general culture. This is the only "community" where I feel like I have some sort of familiarity like some joke which everyone is on except me. But I don't know anymore. To think that I have even failed to "understand" a place of familiarity such as 4chan is extremely soul crushing. The only thing I have "gained" is my superficially critical contrarian autistic personality and spite for the world at large while still being extremely naive about how to function in the world. It's an absurd paradox of feeling significant and insignificant, extremely lucid and extremely naive, all at the same time. This place feels so distant and odd now. It's kind of funny.

Gradually I will try to leave this place from tonight. But I know I will even fail at it. I sometimes chuckle at the thought that if I try to kill myself, will I fail at that too?

>> No.18943158

i cant fap because my balls are cold

>> No.18943211

I am incredibly not coping with lockdown. There is nothing positive in my life. I won $50 gambling though so I guess that's ok.

>> No.18943213

Who gives a fuck about being an outsider or an insider to this shithole. Why do you want to integrate into this place? This place is literal trash

>> No.18943736

I get the impression you're still young.
You'll become more comfortable in time.
You'll better understand your place, your worth, who and what you are.
Try not to fret so much.
Try to understand your likes and dislikes, your real ones, not your idealized ones. And your strengths and weaknesses. Know thyself. It's important. And it will help with the anxieties you described.

>> No.18943784

Can somebody explain why is sneed meme so used on 4chan and internet? Can somebody explain me when one is supposed to use it?
Is it something similiar to telling someone to kys (kill themselves) for example I don't like the poster so I reply 'feed and seed' which would then mean go fuck and suck (in a homosexual sense)?

>> No.18943846

I'm completely open to homosex, but 99% of men are completely unattractive to me. The only males that ever titillated me are the cute effeminate ones. In this sense I have a Greek sense of homosex, where I am attracted to femininity itself regardless of sex.

>> No.18943959
File: 124 KB, 250x250, Mootroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why leave 4chan?
I've been here for 10+ years and I used to think it would be better for me to leave. That was mostly in the first 5 years though. After that I've come to appreciate 4chan more. One of the very few places you can honestly express your feelings and read what others really think. I thought if I would leave 4chan I would go on to be more social irl. But this is just a cope. You're blaming 4chan for being autistic but most likely 4chan is the one way you keep socializing. And one where you don't need to put on a mask to do so.

Over the years I've been either banned or self banned from places like twitter. I've been banned from a CoD forum turned discord where I've been active for longer than 4chan as well. None of that has pushed me to be more social. None of it correlates to more success irl. I've had my best times (gf, friends, job, moving out etc) while already having been on 4chan for around 8 years. Daily user. Stop coping and do what it is you think you want to do. It isn't 4chan holding you back, that's just another barrier you put up between where you are now and where you want to be.

>> No.18944288

Are comics and manga more visual art or more literature? Why?

>> No.18944314
File: 62 KB, 640x638, 1615456008810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's DnB is the best genre of music ever created. I could listen to this stuff all day.

>> No.18944381

It's a psycho loner who's convinced theirs is the popular opinion and everyone telling them to stop shitting up the board for retarded reasons is just kidding or secretly the same person or whatever. You probably had one in your school, a kid who didn't understand that the people who they kept claiming were their friends were in reality people who felt kind of stalked and harassed by them and had never wanted to talk to them in the first place. It's a lost cause. You can get a parent to sit the kid down at 8 if it's one of those kids, and have the harsh talk about that is not how friendship works and they need to start living in the real world where other people's opinions matter. But it's a 40+ y/o tranny. It's too late for that talk. Reality doesn't mean shit to it. In its head, the only reason people are saying this isn't a popular move and it's really kind of a dick move translates to, we should totally invite butters to our sleep over and we won't find it weird and stalkerish when it shows up to the address we never gave it at the time we never invited it. It's fucking psychotic.

>> No.18944524

jesus died so i could cum to anime demon girls

>> No.18944613

What’s the name of this sex toys that are like a weird thin curve dildo thing that stays in place inside the vagina but also stick out about 10 cm or so? I think they are usually red or purple coloured. I see a lot of OF girls with them sticking out.

>> No.18944615

You are a great inspiration

>> No.18944625

wish I wasn't a pussy and took risks to make my dreams a reality

>> No.18944634

Get a hold of yourself anon

>> No.18944749

It's funny how sometimes your most tame take can/is the hottest take imaginable to others. I mentioned the other day that "I don't think corporations are bad in of themselves, but a lot are really badly managed and are unsustainable on their own."

I reaction I got was intense. "What do you mean, you think megacorporationA, B, or C aren't doing nothing wrong?!"

And I did admit, that yes they may be doing something wrong if it proved that way but I think for the most part corporations do add value to society and to my life when they're run properly, and that changes in management for the better can happen. They snapped.

We went on for a while until on some tangent I disclosed that I do own a portfolio of stocks, and they dismissed me as someone with a vested interest in corporations. I told them of course I do, that's why I own stocks, because I believe a relatively moral and human corporation can exist and I want to be part of their system as a shareholder. They said I was just "brainwashed" and lost interest.

I don't get it. I feel like I sort of understand their view, I mean of course malicious entities can exist, but that can be said of any super-large group and not just companies. And yet they do not even give mine a chance.

Oh well, I guess in many ways those unsuccessful in the current system will always find fault in it. I sometimes fantasize that in some other life, if I was born in USSR Russia or Mao's China I could also thrive in such an environment because I recognize that to get ahead in life means not chasing some universal solution that fits all situations, all the time. That if the product works for that demographic, then of course the supply chain continues rather than halting to re-invent the wheel.

Or perhaps I sold my soul to corporate Satan, evidently. People take these things far too seriously.

>> No.18944784

>Or perhaps I sold my soul to corporate Satan, evidently. People take these things far too seriously.
Your take seems pretty tame and reasonable to me, anon.

>> No.18944943

Thanks Anon.

I don't know, it's still in the back of my head. The only sensible kind of counter point would be if there exists badly managed mega-corporations who wield a lot of power, are possibly malicious, and are NOT prone to change in any way. I can see that being a problem, but the thing is if the company is publicly traded, they're beholden to shareholders in board of director elections, and if not, they're still tied to the products they sell that the public can absolutely reject at any time.

And even after all those stipulations, in the grand scheme of things what difference would this corporation be from just any ultra large malicious entity? Are we not, as humans, bound to eventually form these every once in a while and they may or may not disppear on their own eventually?

So far after all this, my conclusion in the worst of worst scenarios is a "So what?" and that just doesn't seem actionable in any way. Yet this stigma persists for reasons I have suspected earlier.

For some context behind why I continue to think about all this, this conversation was with someone I had greatly trusted and admired once, so it is just heartbreaking when something that to me seems so tame would break what I thought was enduring between us. Come to think of it, maybe it is something personal with them specifically. Yes, perhaps I should revisit this and explore that rather than respond in abstraction.

>> No.18945002

>he still cant sneed
many such cases

>> No.18945052

Finished watching plastic pill's cybersocialism docu. Now I want to watch more quality documentaries like what I just mentioned. Could somebody rec me some good/trusted documentary channel on yt?

>> No.18945087

Wow Boruto is actually good.

>> No.18945154

>what are you up to?
>oh I was just watching a movie hbu
In reality i haven't watched a movie for years and I was reading the Bible.

>> No.18945167

based. which book?

>> No.18945169

>asking for sneed to be explained

>> No.18945170

Only skimmed a few paragraphs but it sounds like you were arguing with commies/r*dditiors so not sure what you expected.

>> No.18945188


>> No.18945221

I think I enjoy the thought of doing some activities, or the state of being when doing said activities, more then actually doing said activities. The biggest one is being outside. In my head I tell myself, "oh I love the outdoors, I could be out there all day." Yet yesterday I spent all day in my apartment, and today it looks like I'll do the same when its plenty nice out. I've also never gone on a hike, or camping, or anything like that. But apparently I "love the outdoors". It feels to me like a bit of neuroticism and overthinking has lead me to this point, it feels like a giant knot in my head, and I don't know how to begin to detangle it.

>> No.18945262

I just waste my life neeting away. I have nothing to my name and im 29 soon.

>> No.18945307

lying's a sin, haven't you heard

>> No.18945344

Having conversations with people, even if they seem unreasonable themselves, can be beneficial. It also doesn't help to ruminate on these things. I came to find that a lot of people are prone to holding those kinds of reactionary beliefs, but engaging in discussion with them can help hone your own reason. You should clear things up with that person so you don't have that negative opinion of them. Or at least find out if the negative opinion is valid or not. Perhaps they do have a personal experience that has shaped their opinion.

>> No.18945345

Thanks, I understand it now.

>> No.18945362

I have wasted my entire life so far. I don't remember any detail of my life in the past 5 or 10 years because I've been just sitting in my dusty room wandering around half-awake across the internet, learning nothing, creating nothing, not desiring anything. I dismissed school and work from the youngest age I can remember, I have no positive grade or achievement, no highschool diploma even, I have been utterly disinterested and repulsed by the idea of living since I was a child. I think I may just want death, in truth, which is why I continue down this pathetic funnel of slow self-suffocation hoping one day I truly will be too late to scrape up anything of myself, and then I will finally have my pathetic excuse to give up after everyone left in my life is old and used up. I will be able to say to every face left in my life that I have nothing more, I failed, I've had my fun, it's time to die, I'll leave them with a corpse of an unrecognizable son or friend, and some dim candlelit memory of some inattentive stupid little boy from a while ago. A little insignificant son that only a mother could remember. From nothing to nothing, a loser in an unmarked grave, while the rest of the world does things without them or me, living whatever life they can. A little flash of life in some insignificant corner of a suburb.

>> No.18945417

Can you explain it? It just means nothing?

>> No.18945441

It’s this generation’s “desu”
Although it has a history going back to a slight gay joke in the Simpsons and not just some pokemon word, it’s just as overused and dull.

>> No.18945458

no I can't. I looked it up, I know what it means I just don't understand the context of when it can be used. I think it could be just random, somebody may say sneed somebody else will say chucks etc

>> No.18945472

A wild animal that I saw the other day my mom and I found dead in the yard this morning. I know my dogs didn't do it. I think the neighborhood cats did it. I'm not bad at them or anything because why would I be? I'm just sad because I wanted to see it grow and hang around. It was an opossum. I've been almost crying for a few hours and I'm sad but I just can't cry very well.

I'm 30. I shouldn't be upset over an animal I've only seen once a couple of days ago.

>> No.18945476

I don't think it's exactly the same as desu, but history rhymes for sure, butters, DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU

We really were children back then.

>> No.18945479

I need some sort of difficult, physically difficult and galvanizing experience in my life but I just have no idea where I can get it. All I can think of is joining the military or spending a year living in the woods.

>> No.18945514
File: 584 KB, 848x399, bill gates billionaire wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Hunter x Hunter the last couple of days and dropped it after the Greed Island arc, only to read what has happened to the rest of the story an wikias.
It's a waste of time, after years of ignoring rabid fans I gave it a try only to get another stupid shounen comic. My fault for ignoring my bad experiences with anime and manga. At least I didn't give them any money.

>> No.18945522

Joining the military will only do what you want it to if you go for SOF or get deployed as soon as you get to your unit (which is unlikely in the current era). If you just sign up thinking a uniform will make a man out of you or something, you'll find yourself disappointed when as you spend your days training to train to rotate overseas and train some more to come home and keep training all for nothing, deal with society's "best and brightest" as they cause you headache after headache, and room with some 19 year old who doesn't know how to do his own laundry (if you enlist) or spend your days in the 3 shop cranking out powerpoints about nothing for an angry alcoholic thrice-divorced MAJ's MQ (if commissioned).
t. ZOGbot

>> No.18945523

Yeah HxH is a massive meme, all shounen are.

>> No.18945547

Didn't ask you retard

>> No.18945563

Yeah I assume it's something that got its meaning from contextual usage among /pol/ users who have no issue saying things without having clear definition. But before I commit to this theory I want to hear more explanations but no one wants to explain it and they just troll with the Simpsons explanation copy pasta.

>> No.18945568

Got the right answer from me anyway.
Pay up.

>> No.18945587


>> No.18945604

Found it. It's called a Lovense Lush. It's a remote control vibrator. Apparently it's popular with streamers because it can be set up for viewers to activate; for example configuring it to have tipping cause a vibration.

>> No.18945622

I used to browse /pol/ a lot and it was mostly shills and glowniggers who would slide treads by using such memes. It definetely isn't pol meme given that it refers to homosexuals and simpsons itself is jewish brainwashing propaganda.

>> No.18945639 [DELETED] 

I unironically believe in the re-education camps when I see threads like this.

>> No.18945644

Do any of you like MMOs? I tried FFXIV since everyone is talking about it now and got up to level 16, but it's not that fun.

>> No.18945765

I don't like MMOs personally, they're massive commitments and time-sinks, and it's not like you can just casually play for like an hour every other day and expect to have fun, because everybody else who're trying way harder will run all over your parade. Plus the whole aspect of videogames sucking away their players' lives the more play them is at its most intense in MMOs. They're life-killers.

>> No.18945782
File: 394 KB, 1280x1280, 1619103352485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like ESO because I can play it like a singleplayer game if I want. There game has a lot of quests that are actually fun and well written, so there are things to do in the game besides grind dungeons.

>> No.18945808

Every great author is the inheritor of a certain literature tradition within their country, or if not their country, then a particular local cultural sphere. But I have no interest in my country’s literature or it’s traditions. I have no interest in my country at all.

>> No.18945823

How can even peacetime big army not be more disciplined and harsh than some corporate job?

>> No.18945834

I sometimes play ffxii on ps2 (emulator), it is a game from my childhood that I have never completed so I am trying to grind to lvl99 at the beginning of the game and then just enjoy the story. Apart from that tried playing witcher3 but it was boring with dumb story, playing mmos online with others is just pointless

>> No.18945850

FFXII and witcher 3 are single player RPGs

>> No.18945857

I know that feel, I am from small country and our authors were mostly priests who wrote about life in the village/parish, I have no interest in any of that.
Where are you from?

>> No.18945903

Greed Island is shit
Chimera arc is where it gets good

>> No.18945947

I have that same exact feeling. My country doesn't even have a literary tradition, it's non-existent, so I have to look elsewhere to scratch that itch. And it's not culturally rich either, we never had great thinkers or poets or scientists or whatever, there's literally nothing there. And I'm barely even interested in the local politics, I feel like a total alien here, and I'm planning to move somewhere else.

>> No.18945963

I like a muslim girl and she likes me back, but there's no way for it to work out.

>> No.18945966

Can I ask what country?

>> No.18946000
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I have an inflamed ______anus. it hurts but not really that bad. in a now far distant and troubled youth it did happen that I experimented with prostate stimulation. I worry I am getting hemorrhoids due to structural weakness incurred. I didn't do it that much but what do you know. I haven't really heard of an inflamed ______anus, it seems like it is supposed to be pretty well guarded generally. I woke up early and had a hard time falling back asleep for the pain. I took a picture with a non-internet-connected camera to see the situation. part of the folds just looked kind of big. Hoping it will feel better by tomorrow.

Other news uni is back on tomorrow. I don't know why I would ever want uni to end, while I'm there everyone thinks I'm doing something worthwhile and it is not hard. Maybe I have a future in academia. I like reading.

And other than that today was the first good day in a long time, in spite of the inflamed ______anus.

>> No.18946001

I’m from the United States. I know what people will think about that. On one hand, the United States is a big country with more than priests and it most definitely does have a literature canon that it’s built up in just a few centuries, but on the other hand, I just personally have a hard time identifying with it at all. I’ve wanted to be an expat, really an immigrant, for a while now but there’s obvious problems with that. You know? An immigrant to the United States can definitely partake in its canon, but can an immigrant from the United States do the same? I don’t know.

>> No.18946002

Kuwait. i.e. that country of fat-ass oil barons you heard about that time in high school once when they taught you about the gulf war. And that's all there is to it unfortunately, there's genuinely nothing else to us. We're not so traditionalistic that we'd be exotic, preserving some long-lost elements of our cultural sphere (like, say, Yemen), but we're not so modern that we have anything to bring to the table either in terms of great literature and philosophers (the closest who ever got to doing that from the middle east anyway are the Egyptians and Lebanese). The same goes for music, arts, poetry, sciences, etc. It's a completely sterile sphere, and I hate it.

>> No.18946017

I don’t really know anything about Kuwait or it’s literature so I can’t really agree or disagree, just take what you say at face value. You can clearly write in English well. Have you considered trying to co-opt that for yourself? Historically, the English language has been a boon to exophonic and second language authors. It’s probably the only language that can be said to be true.

>> No.18946046

Yeah I've been published a few times here both in Arabic and English (both versions written by me), but nobody gave a fuck. I actually cut off ties with the publishing house I was working with 'cause of it, absolute mosquitoes. I see no future for me in this country, a future that I've already made many compromises for just to stay here. I'm planning on immigrating, either to the US or the UK, most likely the latter since I'm already familiar with it.

>> No.18946113

It’s probably not the worst decision. In a way I almost envy you. On one hand, I think I’m present terms I do have US and UK literature at my fingertips, which I don’t think you’ll disagree when I say it’s bigger than that of Kuwait. On the other hand, I feel like I don’t have an exit hatch like what English is for you. Maybe that’s a rather spoiled point of view but it is honest. I speak 2 other languages but I don’t really have any confidence that I could ever be published in them or really partake in their literature.

>> No.18946150
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I feel like it will heal by itself.

>> No.18946158

Excuse my presumptuousness, I'm just going with my gut here, but I think it's not confidence you're lacking, what with your English being so good (and I'm sure you've read quite a bit of literature already), it might be passion towards a specific subject. For me, that passion I have is for philosophy and theology. I've written a couple novels already, but I'd discovered that literature is just not for me, I was really using fiction as window-dressing to discuss philosophy, and I've read enough great literature to know that I shouldn't do that. For you, well, you might not have found your calling yet. You know something's missing, but you're not sure where to direct all that creative energy.

>> No.18946161

Damn bro I'd fuck off asap

>> No.18946220


thank you. though I shouldn't be. I am both hero and villain. The worst of worst and the best of the best.
There is a grand narrative that weaves these events together. It comes clear to me when my psychosis spikes. So I do not know if it is true, but it feels so real when it is in front of me. I am a weak man. Cowardly. Who is the victim here? I refuse to be seen in that light. Yes, I let the devil in, but I did not let him conquer my soul. I am split. In two. Reality and unreality. Truth and lie. It does not matter any more. The mind is always splitting. Good and evil. Love and hate. Pain and pleasure. I am split too. Yet I keep it together. No one must know that I know. And yet I know that everyone else knows. Am I the punchline to this joke? That's what the TV tells me. It is not sinister. They laugh. Laughter will cure me. Stay humble. Stay weird. Keep smiling. I AM INVINCIBLE

>> No.18946231

I’m a native English speaker. I was born and raised in the United States. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I have interests and I know what I’m interested in. I just don’t really feel any affinity for American literature particularly and only slightly more for English literature broadly. I don’t know why. I just don’t. I have this feeling like I should leave and go somewhere else, but the problems then are determining where to go and how to get there snd also whether or not you could successfully graft yourself into the literature of that place. I’m not sure I can. The United States is receptive to literature transplants. Some of the greatest authors in the English language have been immigrants, but that’s not so common in languages other than English.

>> No.18946249
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What do my eyes tell you?

>> No.18946253

What are the other two languages you wish you could write in?

>> No.18946271

jesus christ this is some next level coomer shit

>> No.18946275

I know Chinese and Japanese. I could write in them and sometimes do, but I don’t have the impression that I could be like a Chinese author or a Japanese author or something like that you know? Sometimes I wonder if it would be the same in French, or German, or Italian, or Polish, or Russian or whatever other European language but I really don’t know.

>> No.18946284

>configures tipping to make it vibrate
That's actually pretty kino. They should do one that electrocutes the streamer thot if you do a big enough tip, or perhaps let's loose a flock of birds to peck her

>> No.18946299

Well, if it's any consolation, Murakami and Mishima were pretty much Western writers in Asian drag, and they got huge. If you're good enough at CN/JPN to write at an academic level, then it's pretty much open-season for you, I'm sure you could integrate into those literary traditions just fine.

>> No.18946324

I have to find a roommate because my previous one moved out and I've exhausted my list of friends and friends of friends. Unfortunately my area just doesn't have affordable studio or one bedroom options. Kind of sucks, I don't want to live with some retard off of craigslist. You guys have any experiences with this?

>> No.18946345
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>> No.18946348

I think it is a bit different them. There is actually one notable example of a Westerner inserting himself into Japanese literary tradition and that’s Lafcadio Hearn but he was really kind of a unique writer and I personally don’t have much interest or calling to follow that path. As for the two you mentioned, you’re right but I’m of the opinion that it’s overstated and it’s also important that they were most certainly of the place. That’s why I mentioned European languages. I think we inhabit a relatively similar shared cultural sphere and so maybe it would be possible for me to sort of graft onto one of those but where would I even start? It feels so inorganic. Everything feels inorganic honestly. I think myself into circles over this until I just resign myself to the fact that this is the place I’m of and there’s nothing I can do to change it, like it or not.

>> No.18946419

Has anyone actually tried writing with a typewriter? I don’t care about the aesthetics or the reasons for doing it all. I’ve just become convinced that literature drafted directly on computers is counterproductive to literature and I’m exploring ways to de-digitalize.

>> No.18946426

>where would I even start?
Oh that's an easy one: just live there. The easiest way to immerse yourself in a culture is to actually live in its sphere. I had zero awareness of what British culture even was (even with the internet at my fingertips), until I had actually lived in the UK, and learned a ton. You're going to come into contact with their customs, traditions, phraseology, all that good stuff. Then to learn more, look into where those things originate from and how they came into being. Local history, local mythology, local genealogy, etc. all decide those things. And since you're a Westerner, you'll have a unique perspective that the average person most likely won't, in that you'll be able to more easily identify how international relations affected the shaping of those cultural spheres. For example, in the Kuwaiti dialect, there are many British loanwords that I had not identified as such until I've lived in the UK, and it lead me to learn about the history of business relations between the two countries, like how we had an area where tons of English people lived, and how their lexicon seeped into ours. Things like that. And if you keep learning, then, before you know it, you'll pretty much have already tuned into the local culture. That surely will allow you to confidently embrace its literary tradition.

>> No.18946440

>that the average asian person*

>> No.18946671


>> No.18946714

where do I meet women in the real world. I've literally never learned.

>> No.18946726

Right. I mean, that much seems obvious even though I can’t really go anywhere at the moment. The issue at hand is where specifically. There are 44 countries in Europe and 24 official languages. So there’s an overwhelming amount of choice and even if one were to apprehend an obvious point, it doesn’t resolve really the issue at hand which is the affinity for a place and it’s literature. So how do you just pick one on some whimsical basis? I can’t do that. I wonder. For non-Westerners, do the UK or USA seem like obvious Western entry points? Maybe this is my insecurity and American biased taking over but don’t you see a difference between a non-Westerner in the West, and an non-American Westerner in America, and an American in the non-American West? There’s something about the first two which seems me to work better than the last.

>> No.18946743
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have u tried using one of those terrible dating apps?

>> No.18946752

yes a couple years ago. didn't get anywhere.

>> No.18946833

We are full, m8.

>> No.18946834

>So there’s an overwhelming amount of choice and even if one were to apprehend an obvious point, it doesn’t resolve really the issue at hand which is the affinity for a place and it’s literature. So how do you just pick one on some whimsical basis? I can’t do that.
Well, which foreign literary tradition and language fascinates you the most? Go with that. And that would indeed be enough to form a solid base for your choice, after all, your intention here is to integrate into a literary tradition to begin with, so pick the one you like the best.
>Maybe this is my insecurity and American biased taking over but don’t you see a difference between a non-Westerner in the West, and an non-American Westerner in America, and an American in the non-American West? There’s something about the first two which seems me to work better than the last.
You're overthinking it, anon. What does it matter? You're not some generic theoretical figure scrubbed out of intricacies to consider in hypotheticals, you're "you". You're someone who feels a deep connection with a culture you were not born into, and that's OK. Why deny yourself the space that you know would suit you? Do you feel like you owe it to someone or something to not act upon that drive? Be honest. You're not the first or last person to want to integrate into a foreign culture. So if you really love it, then just go for it. It's reasonable to have worries about not fitting in, but guess what, there are native citizens in those cultural spheres that don't feel like they fit in either (like the both of us, for example). Culture is in the spirit, it's not in your passport.

>> No.18946855

I'm gonna hug you and you're gonna like it.

>> No.18946892

Gave up on literature and picked up skating as a hobby

>> No.18946894

l8r sk8r

>> No.18946963

Climate change gives me mixed feelings. On one hand, it's sad civilization is going to collapse. We had accomplished some amazing things, we had gotten so far. It's a real shame it's all going to crumble away, and that billions (quite possibly including me) are going to have their lives ruined. On the other, it is the ultimate catharsis. China doesn't matter. Liberalism doesn't matter. "Globohomo" will lose, because the civilization it seeks to control will no longer exist. It's as if the Biblical End Times were a real thing, and worldly affairs don't matter anymore in the long run.

>> No.18946987

Most people don't like it when you humanize their enemies, and a lot of them, especially young ones, tend to have their world view divided up into groups of friends and enemies, rather than groups of people with conflicting interests.

>> No.18947059

I recently had a dream where I was thrown out of the universe, and I saw a fractal reality. It was fucked up.

>> No.18947081

is anyone else suffering from a society induced anxiety? i'd consider myself a pretty smart guy, and seeing how irrational people are acting makes me fear for my future self. i dislike emotions ruining our future. and honestly i question the aptitude of women in politics

>> No.18947185
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>> No.18947195



>> No.18947199

>both in Arabic
When people write books in Arabic, do they use MSA or their dialect?

>> No.18947201

You look like a potato...

>> No.18947209

MSA, no way you'd get published in your local dialect (unless it's literature, and you're using it for the sake of establishing "character voice").

>> No.18947288
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DO I??

>> No.18947306


>> No.18947350
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OK I walked into that one


Angles are everything ..

>> No.18947390

Your eyes are puffy, sleep more.

>> No.18947392

So if all I want to do is read/write in Arabic then all I need to focus on is MSA? If so, cool, the dialects seemed complicated

>> No.18947395

>It’s this generation’s “desu”
jesus christ you are so fucking stupid

>> No.18947403

you gave the wrong answer though

>> No.18947411

>So if all I want to do is read/write in Arabic then all I need to focus on is MSA?
Yeah, sure. MSA is not enough to (comfortably) converse with natives, but if you only intend to engage with literature and non-fiction, then yeah, it'll be quite enough. And yeah local dialects really would be a headache for a foreigner to learn, take any one of them and guaranteed like half the words in there won't even be Arabic.

>> No.18947658

cpt-415 is gone :(

>> No.18947660

What was it

>> No.18947667


Finally, the oracle has spoken. I have been sleepless for eight nights straight. Now I have been released from this wakeful curse. I will sleep. Thank you oracle. No longer will my eyes be puffy. THEY WILL BE ALERT. AND FULL OF LIFE. Thank you oracle

>> No.18947680
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I'm afraid I'm not afraid!

>> No.18947695

Somehow /x/ is now the least awful board on 4chan and /lit/ is like... /ck/-tier

>> No.18947730

/x/ is just awful and full of genuinely dumb people who get angry about nothing constantly. Literal youtube comment tier

>> No.18947745



>> No.18947751
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Fuck you buddy, /ck/ is one of the best-tier boards

>> No.18947756



>> No.18947767

please i beg of you can i get the greentext story the anon posted about his pops and the uber and "what i would do if we had these in my day" and all that. i specifically replied to it saying i would read a book if that anon wrote one. god why didn't i save it

>> No.18947768



Be the 1st 2 see

>> No.18947779
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Finding out my ex (whom I broke up with due to being unable to do long distance anymore) has slept with someone around her shouldn't make me upset, considering I'd also slept with others after we broke up
Yet here I am

>> No.18947787

I love it, spooky stories are comfy

>> No.18947800

You’ve got a long way to go

>> No.18947808

Definitely. I'm not a wreck over it and can recognize it's not a wholly rational thing to be upset over, so that's a start at least
Ending a 3 year relationship is some shit that seemed easier to cope with in theory than in practice

>> No.18947820

>rickrolling in 2000 and 21

>> No.18947825

Gratz on stopping drinking cousin

>> No.18947831


/out/ has waaaaaaaaaaaaay better spookies than /x/

>> No.18947850

Spooky story threads and greentext threads are some of the best on all 4chan but that's a very small portion of /x/ now

>> No.18947855

What ever happened to SCP? That place where /x/ and /lit/ converged. Why do I have the feelings the Russians are involved?

>> No.18947863


Nah fella This is 4 real


Thanks mate. it hasn't gone well. Look out for the drunk vlog I will post soon. Drinking now 8 cans through IMA POST DRUNK




I'm going somewhere. STAY POSTED

>> No.18947871


... kneel

>> No.18947875


I haven't seen my Uncle Tim since 2012 at least. He and my dad had a blow-off at each other at my Pop Pop's retirement party. I can only half remember now because it's been a long time and it was one of those things where you're allowed to drink underage but anyway my Pop Pop goes up by the little thing where the DJ is set. I think people were doing karaoke. The guy is 71. He's being retired by force from the same sugar factory that's employed him since the Eisenhower administration. He's at least four scotches into the night, an old Pollack who is made of right triangles and he gets up there and starts crooning "My Way" in his hoarse voice still holding a cigar that went out ten minutes ago. And Uncle Tim is yelling "Give'm the encore pa!" even though he hasn't even started yet. And my old man and my mom mom are staring up into space pretending none of this is real, it's all a bad dream or purgatory or something, but I attest to it happening now (to you my reader, or something cool like that):


Well anyway Uncle Tim is here with me and my wife. He says something about how he's been away from New York for so long he's forgotten what it looks like. I guess that's plausible. He's making progress on a bottle of Cutty Sark he bought somewhere and I'm coughing and choking along behind him pretending like I don't have vodka in the freezer and nodding along to my wife like "Look, if I had a problem I'd be keeping pace with this asshole, right?" Anyway, he's still picking at the asparagus we grilled and he's talking about something I can't bring myself to care about. He apologizes to my wife and she says she's going upstairs, don't get too loud, all that stuff. And I walk up with her to kiss her goodnight. In bed she says, "How does every family have one of these guys?" and I kiss her and say "Well I'll be this guy eventually," and she does her 'haha very funny' thing she does with her eyes and I kiss her again.

But anyway, I go downstairs and my uncle Tim is standing on my porch watching cars go by on the pike, drinking his scotch from a plastic cup he took from my dishwasher and he goes,

"I'll tell you, we used to have- look over there, right past that water tower me and you dad used to go. We had fires and beers and there were girls that came up in Chevrolets and flashed their tits,"

I don't want to ruin anybody's thing they tethered themselves to but I should have said "Well you know, I can go in my basement and drink myself stupid and watch naked women all night if I want" but he would have called me a zoomer or a faggot or something. I just let him have it. He said something about when Pop Pop died to bury him somewhere but I knew that my dad has his ashes. He clapped me on the back and said I was pretty cool, then he took off for the HoJo in a Lyft. "Shit man, what I would have done if we had this in my day," he said.

>> No.18947883

It became more and more autistic until it eventually exploded.

>> No.18947952
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All I had to do was google "groin muscle group" to find out that he was in no need of correction. Please kill yourself anon.

>> No.18948083
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Nietzsche confirmed pothead

>> No.18948094

>Tfw you remember the spooky creeping ominous feeling again
Forgot about this, jesus Christ

>> No.18948166

I want to take a moment to publically proclaim my deep deep gratitude for antibiotics and topical painkillers and anti-inflammatories

I am not normally one to FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE, but God bless any man or woman who truly labors to ease the suffering and heal the illnesses of mankind. I feel like I'm actually being liberated from hell right now, and the ingenuity of millions of hours of selfless work by people mostly unknown to me is what's behind it, even if profit motives are also there too. God bless all healers.

Why are you getting a spooky feeling? I'm here and about to drink some decaf instant coffee and pet a cat if it makes you feel more grounded to know there's someone out there doing something boring right now

>> No.18948186
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I like to play MMOs when I'm not writing. I don't play them very seriously anymore but when I've been a hardcore raider in EverQuest, World of Warcraft and Maplestory 2 when it was up.
Nowadays I just play a little bit of Ultima Online, Maplestory, EverQuest and whatever else tickles my fancy in the mmo sphere. I'm not too much for the grind and end game due to time constraints but I like messing around in the baby areas of mmos.
I know they're meant to get you to keep playing but nah. I'm good with my baby gear and chilling next to town. Too old to for hardcore adventurin' nowadays.

>> No.18948195


Here we go Real talk


>> No.18948221

I was scared this was my cousin til I saw he was Polish.

>> No.18948226

He also said that opiates are a good way to end the night when used in moderation. The only thing that people get really upset about is his fruit habit though.

>> No.18948228

wanna make a weird alternative magazine

>> No.18948248

you seem to be retarded, anon, so i'll clue you in on how human anatomy works
you see, humans have a groin, both men and women
that is, it's a muscle group that connect your stomach all the way to your thighs
if a girl does the splits and she's not trained, it can tear her groin

>> No.18948292

There is very little similarities between the best bait ever made and the least self-aware post of all time, I learnt

>> No.18948300

Does America have the best /out/ culture?

>> No.18948337

Nah, they're not even one of the countries that do it naked

>> No.18948340

Mexico and Canada are better.

>> No.18948402

I’ve been /out/ in Mexico and Canada and I completely disagree

>> No.18948423

I make peanuts so I'll have to live with my mom for pretty much the rest of my life. I never wanted Maseratis and Yachts but it would be nice to have enough money to make it seem like I had somewhat of a future ahead of me. When my mom dies I'm jumping off a bridge the next day.

>> No.18948429

What parts of Mexico and Canada?

>> No.18948487

I wish I could learn everything instantly

>> No.18948494

I know, right? I have like 25+ philosophers to read, that shit's gonna take me years to finish, all just to catch up to contemp. phil. Fuck.

>> No.18948527

I hate myself.

>> No.18948534


>> No.18948546

Because I can't become the person I want to be.

>> No.18948548

Which is?

>> No.18948553

Everything that is not me. It's too long, I don't feel like going in-depth.

>> No.18948554

Then why say anything at all?

>> No.18948559

Cause it's what's on my mind, as per the thread topic.

>> No.18948561

>Everything that is not me
What does this even mean?

>> No.18948571

Just wanted to help anon.

>> No.18948577

yeah I know, don't worry about it. thanks.
as in, everything that is the opposite of what I am on every level.

>> No.18948584

I love women
but I've only ever emotionally connected with men

I'm bi

>> No.18948586

pretty fair

>> No.18948713

Don't know if you are still lurking, but I had the same thing going on, then I cut dairy and excess sugar out of my diet and they disappeared within a month. I hope you see this, anon.

>> No.18948978

You act like I invented that meme.

Interest is accruing

puddi puddi https://youtu.be/5bzPJx8weRU

>> No.18949093

human psychology boomed when the word bacteria was discovered

>> No.18949099

sneed's feed and seed

>> No.18949834
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I don't read