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18937629 No.18937629 [Reply] [Original]

Books that show the true nature of women?

>> No.18937635

they're completely right and you should just be a gay bottom

>> No.18937648

The Doll by Boleslaw Prus or whatever his name was

>> No.18937650

meme gender

>> No.18937659

They’re right though. The same is true with women. If a bitch tells you casually about how their uncle raped them you’d question their mental state too

>> No.18937673
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>> No.18937674

FDS sucks, but I don’t see a problem here.

>> No.18937676

The Red Queen
The Mating Mind
Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection, and this is for the best since it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
Nowadays that Christian morality has been done away with women don’t have to laugh and be nice whenever some dork tries to make lame jokes.
The reason you see so many basedboys nowadays is a result of dysgenic mating behaviors imposed by society but thankfully the gene pool is going to be cleaned up soon.

>> No.18937691

>it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
nobody living in the current epoch can truly believe this. i don't think you were even able to type this with a straight face

>> No.18937717

You surely see the problem involved here for maintaining civilization

>> No.18937740

The greatest civilizations of the ancient world weren’t Christian.
Our society will be better off without basedboys. Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional.

>> No.18937747

The ancient Greeks were not exactly big on female agency

>> No.18937760

of all the bullshit you could have gone with, why did you pick something so true and sensible? nothing in picrel is wrong.

>> No.18937767

They're being relatively reasonable, bringing up that stuff right away is retarded and doesn't do either party any good. There is definitely an issue of women not wanting to listen to *any* emotional issues *ever*, but no one should just unload on the first date.

Even when dealing with caring and supportive women I've regretted opening up about serious things, they're my own business and I don't want to give other people that piece of myself.

>> No.18937810

The idiot

>> No.18937827

The repliers to the post are OK, but the first poster sounds entitled, unempathetic and just superficial (like a lot of women). Revealing trauma early on is obviously a bad sign, but why shouldn't men show "emotional weakness"? And then she goes onto show how defensive and self-involved she is ("men must be showing their emotional side to manipulate ME!") and then act like an entitled consumer who hasn't gotten the product she wanted ("why don't men conform to the stereotypes promised to me by advertisements for my own sexual gratification?"). Dating should be a mutual exchange, not the gratification of selfish desires. Anyway, I agree with >>18937650, women are a meme gender which is why I prefer gay relationships.

>> No.18937859

I mean that's pretty gay to bring up a traumatic past when you've just started dating someone. I wouldn't want a chick I've recently met to spill her guts about being abused.

>> No.18937864

they are 100% correct. Men dont like to show vulnerability because we are not wired like women who are, generally speaking, drama queens.
So men who immediately tell you how much of a victim they are are usually omegas thinking that being "sensitive" is a good pick up strategy.
Women can sense these things from a mile away. Just dont be a bitch

>> No.18937891

>caring what women think
You're the real omega here

>> No.18937896

Reading shitty reddit posts is always seen as a guilty pleasure here so you shouldn't waste it on such mundane statements of belief that you see as slightly wrong, there is so much actual cringe and subhuman bullshit out there.

>> No.18937900

I care just enough to fuck their pussies. You care just enough to post bitter ledit threads anonymously

>> No.18938078

seething incel is angy that he was rejected for being clingy and overstepping boundaries when he was trying to get his crush

>> No.18938128

The final chapter of Ulysses is the greatest insight into the mind of a woman that had ever been put to paper

>> No.18938130

Great Expectations. Estella treats Pip like shit throughout the novel, ends up marrying someone for money who turns out to be a total douchebag, then comes running back to Pip begging to save her from her shitty marriage.

>> No.18938147
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I glanced over FDS quickly and it feels like it's more bitching about men than actual strategizing about securing men. Like, the actual "strategy" shit they propose such as spying on his phone or vetting men who propose coffee first dates basically drive away any male who isn't pathologically co-dependent or whatever. It's a bunch of women collectively self-sabotaging, the internet's ruined people.

>> No.18938166
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This is probably along the lines of what you're looking for OP.

>> No.18938213

Getting dating advice from FDS is like a bunch of Humane Society mutts strategizing the best way for a purebred to get adopted by a rich family. A woman browsing it is an ENORMOUS red flag. At least incels get that steroids+gym will eventually get them laid, FDS is just crabs sabotaging each other.

Having said that, it's sort of necessary for it to be such an absolutely hellish place to filter out the trannoids. It's one of the last few public places that nasty women can bitch about how much they hate men without some queer in a dress trying to make everything about him. There are plenty of garbage men out there and there are plenty of women who have been hurt by them, and FDS is one of the few easily accessible places that they can talk with other women about this. I'm not saying I like it, because it's clearly indicative of a bigger problem, but post-wall whores and girls who've been victimized by onions-guzzling sex-pests and weird eunuch freaks are two separate problems.

>> No.18938236

>>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection, and this is for the best since it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
Yes I'm sure all the Mormons and Muslims popping out 10 kids for every .74 kids that your average nobel prize winner has is a strategy all about evolutionary fitness.

>> No.18938239

Incels dont get that, the entire incel movement was birthed by guys who hated the 'redpill' solutions of getting fit, learning game, etc. They think there is no solution, that it's entirely genetically determined, mostly by your face and height. The closest thing to a solution they think exists is plastic surgery.

>> No.18938243

Jane Eyre by Bronte shows the TRUE nature of women.

>> No.18938245

Wrong, women are inherently dysgenic because they want all of their children to survive independent of merit or stressors.

Men are the eugenic element in human reproduction, who seek to have only the best survive.

>> No.18938254

>post-wall whores and girls who've been victimized by onions-guzzling sex-pests and weird eunuch freaks are two separate problems
Not really.

Eternally obsessed.

>> No.18938274

Obsessed with what, I simply explained the origin and nature of the incels

>> No.18938279

this is the most correct thing to come out of FDS I feel super awkward and uncomfortable when someone I've just met starts unloading their baggage right away, don't do that. The only thing I'd say is that women usually are the ones that do it not men but either way no one should do that crap it's super autistic.

>> No.18938284

The only time a woman will reveal her true nature is when you have sex incel. Not only is the qualia of pussy too profound for even the greatest poets of any known tongue, it furthermore lets you unlock the secret of femininity and the mysticism of Gaia.

Why the fuck do you think I've been telling you to do it all this time? Just have sex.

>> No.18938342

Just go to any Walmart and see the ogres carrying their spawn around.

>> No.18938385

1. there’s nothing wrong with anything they’re saying
>listening to women

>> No.18938394

What you’re doing is the real life equivalent of choosing to hangout with people you hate

>> No.18938402

Based retard

>> No.18938407

This. OP is a huge sissy cuck faggot Jew trusting nigger loving leftist bitchboi

>> No.18938421

Females are basically niggers without testosterone. Neither have agency. What’s your point?

>> No.18938424

These womemes are right here desu

>> No.18938433

top kek

>> No.18938441 [DELETED] 

That female chinksect looks like a pure psychopath. I don’t get how any white guy could be attracted to their autistic nigger nose insect face

>> No.18938443

>be 1 second on date
>tell the girl about all your traumata
gee, I wonder why they ditched you

>> No.18938450

The S in FDS is hysterical because women aren’t capable of critical thought or strategic planning. All they can do is gossip and complain and bullshit

>> No.18938456

This is a good point

>> No.18938462

Where's the lie? Few things are more unattractive than someone who adopts the role of eternal victim, the always put-upon. It definitely taints them and you should feel instant repulsion. Men and women both do it.

>> No.18938466

>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection,
They literally are not. I would respect woman if the proclaimed they wanted to birth the overman, but most woman get a chump.

>> No.18938479

It literally is, ever heard of r-selection?

>> No.18938487

>looks like a pure psychopath
She's Kim Jong-un's sister. She most likely is.

>> No.18938508

The problem is that nature isn’t perfect, otherwise we would already be Gods by now.
Men absolutely aren’t the eugenic gender, they want to stick their dick in anything that moves. Hence they court fat, stupid and otherwise defective women who pass on their genes to the next generation.
Also, women’s selection process isn’t perfect. Plenty of defective losers get to reproduce because they fool women through camouflage and display high fitness traits even thought they don’t posses them.

>> No.18938510

all 10 of the kids will survive and have 10 kids more each, r-selection is only an evolutionary process if there's high selection mortality among the numerous offspring, deprived of that mass unchecked breeding produces more dysgenic characteristics in the populous not fewer

>> No.18938516
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>> No.18938545

>r-selection is only an evolutionary process if there's high selection mortality
That's why (((they))) keep inciting war in the middle east. They are trying to make muslim """people""" evolve.

>> No.18938566

>The reason you see so many basedboys nowadays is a result of dysgenic mating behaviors imposed by society
There's no way you live in the West.

>> No.18938610
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Its a good book, btw.
Literally the author's life.
Her character kills herself when she hit the wall, which the author also did.

>> No.18938673

Refuted by Aristotle in Rhetoric. Wisdom is not inherited. Even the greatest philosopher Socrates had 3 sons who all became fools and nobodies. Good genes aren't important for civilization.

>> No.18938711
File: 36 KB, 600x338, Rihanna-beaten-up-by-Chris-Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection
Based. I always knew they liked being beaten

>> No.18938735

In all fairness, the only people I reveal my emotional problems/stress to are my mother and father. I don't have a girlfriend, but I can't see myself talking to one about such things.

>> No.18938851

Honestly they're right, the only thing that pisses me off is they are not open about saying this.

>> No.18939108
File: 204 KB, 672x440, talipark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read through that sub and it's amazing how female incels really exist. What a bunch of losers. No wonder the internet has made women kill themselves way more than before.
And rightly so, those people have no reason to continue existing, looking for a ''provider'' who will buy them a thousand dinners even though they are fatter than your average cachalot. Don't they know that the ONLY thing they have to offer - supposing they even have it, given that some of than are probably drier than Theodor Dreyer - can be bought for 50 bucks from a prostitute down at my very own dear little street at around 11 p.m.? But then again, they're probably Americanoids, and it's illegal over there, in the land of the free, to fuck a prostitute, according to what I've heard.

>> No.18939163

evolutionary fitness where the end is reproduction you clown. how many nobel prize winners look like virile mates who wont have retarded runt of the litter children?

>> No.18939251

Women are ruthlessly Darwinian as their intelligence allows them to be. A women with no sense will pick an abusive, alcoholic man because "the sex is sooo good," which isn't to say that women who values sex is worthless, but that a women who prioritizes other things, like intelligence and emotional stability, over sex or at least treats them on the same footing is of much higher value than the former. It's true that basedboys are a result of the internet and pornography, but I suspect the primary factor to be a cause of unfit/immature parenting not because society is pressuring women to settle down with beta men (although im sure an argument could be made for that). If a women only selects her mate based on attractiveness and if she herself is only it for the sex, who's to say that their children won't turn out to be basedboys because both parents are hedonistic degenerates? The true chads and stacies are those who conform to goodness. A good mind naturally leads to a good body.

>> No.18939262
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I thought the dogpill was a joke until I read through this.

>> No.18939858

this one

>> No.18939871
File: 142 KB, 1080x922, forrest 4 the aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a story as old as time

>> No.18939890

when are they gonna release the extended edition where jenny gives forrest aids and he uses it to kill JFK by buttfucking him then the camera zooms out to forrest's holding cell and it's basically the setup of operation midnight climax with the double mirror and the guy behind it in diapers

>> No.18940380

>It's true
Let us next speak of the goods that are due to fortune, all those, at least, which produce certain characters in men. A characteristic of noble birth is that he who possesses it is more ambitious; for all men, when they start with any good, are accustomed to heap it up, and noble birth is a heritage of honor from one's ancestors. Such men are prone to look down even upon those who are as important as their ancestors, because the same things are more honorable and inspire greater vanity when remote than when they are recent. The idea of noble birth refers to excellence of race, that of noble character to not degenerating from the family type, a quality not as a rule found in those of noble birth, most of whom are good for nothing. For in the generations of men there is a kind of crop as in the fruits of the field; sometimes, if the race is good, for a certain period men out of the common are born in it, and then it deteriorates. Highly gifted families often degenerate into maniacs, as, for example, the descendants of Alcibiades and the elder Dionysius; those that are stable into fools and dullards, like the descendants of Cimon, Pericles, and Socrates.

>> No.18941173

They’re right, going on about your fake trauma that all sorts of people have to face within days of meeting someone is weird and a sure sign of mental illness and immoral sexual views. Ask a potential mate about what their relationship with their father was like, that is all the information you need 99% of the time.

>> No.18941203

This is a actual answer to be honest.

>> No.18941386

Anything by Mary Gaitskill
Bad Behavior, Because they Wanted To - short stories
Two Girls, Fat and Thin - novel

>> No.18942125

this, 100%. people who open up about their trauma so soon upon first meeting is literally telling you to run before they make your life shit too. and then of course, bitch and moan about how you're a cold hearted person for not sticking around for their drama/bullshit.

>> No.18942892

This is literally incel rhetoric lmao. That's what they're copying it from.

>> No.18942902

Have sex, incel

>> No.18942959
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>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection, and this is for the best since it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
No they aren't you s.oy-guzzling faggot, lel

>> No.18943346

>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection, and this is for the best since it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
Absolutely untrue. Women aren't rational actors (most men aren't either). While women do select for certain traits, these traits aren't always the "best" as you're thinking of them.

>> No.18943354
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>> No.18943357

I will NOT

>> No.18943370

>just do nothing bro, don't strive to fix problems and discover things and just enjoy life lmao let the jewish kabal bankers slowly corrupt your people and culture and pump hormone blockers into your kids don't overthink it too much bro enjoy life and be at peace with yourself

>> No.18943373

Meds. Now.

>> No.18943382

they did not say anything bad

>> No.18943399
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>Meds. Now.

>> No.18943401


>> No.18943445

But they're right. Who in their right mind would openly talk about their innermost personal experiences to strangers? Most often deceitful persons who wish to fulfill their desires through manipulation, like they've observed. Just think about it. If communicated suffering was always rewarded with compassion, psychopathic liars would devour all of it. It is known that victim/virtue signallers score high on psychopathy. It's been studied. Anon what would happen if you talked to a woman therapist who would like to help you?

>> No.18943472

I love 4chan. Perspicacious review.

>> No.18943485

What kind of a person are you irl? Do I know someone like you?

>> No.18943549

>Who in their right mind would openly talk about their innermost personal experiences to strangers?
People who fear neither strangers nor vulnerability
You unironically need Jesus

>> No.18943578

>OUTSIDE of an established relationship
What did they say that was wrong?

>> No.18943699

>still pushing female sexual selection is eugenic and monogamy is dysgenic angle when it empirically proven that its the other way around
Useful idiot

>> No.18943710

I mean they aren't wrong - I can see that most men who tell a women early of abusive experience want some mommy or whatever.

>> No.18943809

>ruthlessly Darwinian
>aborts all offspring and dies childless

>> No.18943861

My exgf wouldnt ever shut up about her family trauma and all the WHOA CRAZY shit she went through in her life, I told her it was tiring once and she got upset lmao. (And god forbid if I try to talk about something I was feeling, then I was just shutting her down or some nonsense)

We all go through shit, some of us just dont feel the need to wear it like some fucking badge.

>> No.18944051

You got a link to any study proving that?

>> No.18944066

The "best genes" apparently involve having mediocre intelligence as well as psychopathic tendencies. Oh and jaws. Where would we be without the square jaws?
Anyway they abort left and right based on feelings with no correlation even with their previous choices.
Besides this isn't Darwinism at all. That would consist in saying that the end result of the sexual selection are then put under competitive pressures. It doesn't say that sexual selection leads to survival (let alone other "best" characteristics of high civilization). Many species have absolutely retarded sexual selection criteria (in vast majority by the females) and end up weakening over time because of it. See those flashy birds in the Pacific where the males turned into flying rainbows by sexual selection. The microsecond a real predator comes in entire colonies are exterminated.

>> No.18944105
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Should the state give everyone state-mandated GF's?

>> No.18944122

What if I decline to take one?

>> No.18944131

I hate these people who treat love in terms of cynical power dynamics. I mean, yeah you have to find a man with prospects and so on but what a depressing way to think. Incels are exactly the same only their frustration is often justified by then being worthless NEET anime fans. Just enjoy life, stop fretting so much

>> No.18944183
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To all the guys who replied to me here’s why I acknowledge why things are a bit more complicated and there’s problems with the system:
1. Women are Darwinian in their mate selection but men aren’t. Men will stick their dick in anything. What ends up happening is that girls with dysgenic genes (alcoholics, junkies, airheads, etc) end up reproducing and passing them on because there’s always an army of simps willing to give them a chance.
2. Mate selection processes aren’t perfect, even in the fittest of women. Some losers and deadbeats get lucky and pass on their genes because they successfully fooled women into believing they have high value traits by faking them
3. The environment also affects how eugenic or dysgenic a society is and Western society has become highly dysgenic. Fit women won’t be fooled by feminism and pro-choice arguments, they’ll continue to reproduce and pass on their genes. What will happen is that individual fitness for the already fit will continue to increase but group fitness (if we consider a country a group, for example) will go down if the dysgenic factors in the environment continue to perpetuate themselves

>> No.18944190

>Ctrl + f
>no Bible
The Bible.

>> No.18944192

who the fuck is this

>> No.18944212
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Read picrelated. Naturally making females the sole gatekeeper of reproduction isnt the only reason, but anyone thinking that genepool is in any way improving in modern society is severly deluded. In fact I would go as far as to say we are experiencing the worst decline in human history, which is subtler but will have more catastrophic consequences than any environmental diseaster

>> No.18944218


it's always funny to me that psyops to discredit /pol/fags use this "everything is normal, everything is fine, if you think otherwise you must be crazy" approach

it's adorno/horkheimer who say that reality under capitalism is excruciating torture and we are merely drugged to forget the previous day's torture anew every day, the whole premise of most marxism is to bring the abnormalcy of capitalist social relations to the conscious fore, marx would be horrified by the state-capitalist "meds" industry

>> No.18944414

i dont understand your question

>> No.18944511
File: 4 KB, 110x110, th (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it's off to the incel pits with you

>> No.18944581

>r-selection is only an evolutionary process if there's high selection mortality among the numerous offspring
nah, r K selection can be analyzed on a continuum, though I really don't like people using it in that manner.

>> No.18944857

A smart man shouldn't open up to a woman at all because none of them know how to keep a secret. Anything you've told a woman in confidence, she's immediately told her friends hours later.

>> No.18944877

this is untrue. stop fucking with the insecure men on here

>> No.18944921

It literally is - you are making a mistake by assuming that biology will choose success in an intellectual domain over reproduction the way you do. Or rather try to. Lmao

>> No.18944935
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>Women are Darwinian in their mate selection
Is that why iq is dropping, you dumb bitch? The reality is that anyone with above average IQ and high impulse control should breed regardless of how they look physically or their social skills.

Foids idea of “Darwinian” society = white-minority of 6ft+ clinical psychopaths who are 10 IQ points dumber than their grandparents and are “privileged” over a disgruntled violent majority-brown underclass.

>> No.18944939

No the mistake is yours, since the intellectual domain affords power and security that enables far more reproduction. But the practical concerns are not heeded in a dysgenic culture.

>> No.18944953

Why would women select for intelligence?

Furthermore, why would intelligent men or women have children?

>> No.18944983

Because God wants them to.

>> No.18945023

If you don't get why evolution normally selects for competence, you're legit a brainlet my dude

>> No.18945026
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>> No.18945034

>Darwinian when it comes to mate selection, and this is for the best since it ensures that only the best genes get passed on.
Is that why they actively select men who abandon them and ghost them after raw dogging them on the first date?

>> No.18945092

To say /r/femaledatingstrategy is the true nature of women is like saying /r/mgtow (or /r9k/ before 2016) is the true nature of men.

>> No.18945097

Yes, that means their partner is attractive enough to get other women and thus higher quality.

>> No.18945297

>birds of paradise are the apex of a species competitiveness

>> No.18945337

>Take courage to be vulnerable in an effort to demonstrate capability of honesty and humility
>He's manipulative

>> No.18945373

good review

>> No.18945375

>Books that show the true nature of women?

All you need to know is that they split men - ALL men - into two groups: breeders and workers. "Breeder" males are "alpha." "Worker" males are "beta." This is hard-wired into their psychology.

>> No.18945463
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Disappointed that no one recommended pic related

>> No.18945863

>Not only is the qualia of pussy too profound for even the greatest poets of any known tongue
no it isn't. it is a fucking hole. you fuck the hole.

>> No.18947241

I read it and didn't get much out of it. She basically just points out platitudes and screeches about how bad women are. Felt like she was pandering a lot. Maybe it would have resonated more if it were written by a man.

>> No.18947393
File: 329 KB, 831x799, 1591472787669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F3 Madame Bovary
>No results
You've grown soft, /lit/
>Woman marries a doctor
>He was too busy to nurture his love for humanities, and only became a doctor
>Woman loves humanities, likes the doc at first
>gets tired after like 2 weeks of marriage
>Cheats on him multiple times, with two different men, one of them being a literal playboy whom she decieves herself that he truly loves her
>Has a daughter with doc, doesn't love her
>Doc is still working his ass off, trying to make his wife happy because he actually, genuinely loves her
>Woman hits daughter over some ridiculous shit and cries victim
>Both men that the woman cheats on her husband with start to distance themselves from because she's fucking insane
>Kills herself because muh depression
>Doc is incredibly sad, genuinely mourns his wife
>finds letters she used to send to her lovers
>Doc fucking cracks inside, sits on a bench and dies of sadness
>somehow this is a must read for feminists
I say all books that can make you feel something are great books, but Madame Bovary is my one exception, because it one makes me feel anger.

>> No.18947763

>Women are ruthlessly Darwinian when it comes to mate selection,
walmart begs to differ

>> No.18947770

>Found out later he was a serial rapist with a long trail of victims
pff lol. amazing how every redditor is the star of a psychological horror film.

>> No.18947853

they are correct though

>> No.18947859

"Gender studies."

>> No.18948092
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, based 8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found a piece of literature that does a better job describing women's true nature than this.

Tell me what you think anons.


>> No.18948377

The passage in a sense correct, but discounts the successes as part of its conclusion. You see the successes of men wherever you look. From enterprise, to infastructure, to art.

>> No.18948427

>It's one of the last few public places that nasty women can bitch about how much they hate men
What stops them from doing it on every other subreddit like they always do? Or on twitter or instagram? Or tinder etc?

Like they're clearly doing it all over the internet. They do it on articles. They do it on television. What do you mean by it's one of the last?

Hating women is unacceptable. Hating men is encouraged. There's a very clear institutional stance among social media companies.

>> No.18948439

No it's very true. That guy is right. Women are abysmal confidants.

>> No.18948452

That's so retarded im not sure why any of these other guys haven't clocked you as a bait poster yet.

This is legitimately an argument beneath confronting and it damages your beliefs instead of your opponent you solipsistic psuedo intellectual.

>> No.18949227

they're right, we would think the same

>> No.18949365

I can't believe people are still unironically spouting this retarded take

>> No.18949428

women deserve praise for doing this though, it encourages two important ideas
>women cannot solve your emotional problems because they experience emotions in a different way
>outside of illness you should rely on yourself for emotional regulation and with illness you shouldn't speak to people that don't have the relevant knowledge

>> No.18949553

Why do you think loose frivolous people who have babies irresponsibly will somehow lead to good genes? Sure, people might be taller but they'll also be stupid. If you want virtuous people you need a culture that values virtue.