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18934883 No.18934883 [Reply] [Original]

Even Pynchon, the king of paranoia and the obsessive maniacal search for IT, said that using the internet felt the same as dropping acid ... the difference in the fundamental faculty of the imagination before and after the internet is the difference between a printed and bound book, and stone tablets.

>> No.18934921
File: 214 KB, 900x823, Ronald-mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just given me an idea. Thanks anon. You really helped me but I can't explain.
Catch you later losers!

>> No.18934935
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I know exactly what the idea is too, and I was worried this would happen

>> No.18935050
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Buckmister fuller and john cage in black mountain the total spontaneity of the happening presupposes the total mechanization of spaceship earth. The world reforged anew in the white heat of the bomb. Stewart brand was an asset of the office of naval intelligence when he founded the whole earth catalog. L ron hubbard was a navy officer the USAis a mind control cult run on naval bases and financed by the same victims of mind control

>> No.18935078
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Wow, I've never heard this Alan Ginsberg poem before!

>> No.18935247

>the difference in the fundamental faculty of the imagination before and after the internet
pls explain

>> No.18935520


>> No.18935659
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>grow up viewing the world through screens due to insane overprotective parents and being socially retarded
>felt no reason at all to initiate conversation with anyone at school, closest ive ever had to friends was two or three anonymous internet users twice/thrice my age back then
>to this day I can only relate more to anonymous strangers countries away from me but feel no connection whatsoever to anyone physically around me
Books for this feel? Is this some sort of hedgehog's dilemma?

>> No.18935845

Same diagnosed with autism (actually sensorimotor issues) maybe a case of not living in the same physical world as other people. The internet works like a slot machine it locks you in while you cant seem to fit into the shared environment But also a spontaneous resonance with other autists, simultaneously being disgusted by them they are brainwashed cringeworthy perverts and weebs and trannies NEETs loosers reflectione of your self hatred they are probably happier and better adapted than you which only makes you resent them more neurotically . being maybe it feels like one was exposed to psyops and coercitive social engineering violent and pornographic imagery from an early age you try to reconstruct the outside world on intellectual terms it is frightening and incomprehensible.lots of accumulated anger you absorb and then discharge explosively in bursts of shitposts, you think you know the right ways to make them hurt people who are almost like you but not quite who have comitted some unforgivable sin, but you are just giving yourself electroshocks or else you are praised for your (futile)efforposts or make strangers laugh you are smart maybe you could talk to girls but it feels like you have been corroded by it to much hatred and anger

>> No.18935851

The shallows Nicolas carr

>> No.18935857


>> No.18935868

This post is like if James Joyce were a NEET.
>spontaneous resonance with autists
I feel it too.

>> No.18936232
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>lots of accumulated anger you absorb and then discharge explosively in bursts of shitposts, you think you know the right ways to make them hurt people who are almost like you but not quite who have comitted some unforgivable sin

>> No.18937175

The idea is that we are undergoing a massive cultural transformation that is maybe most akin to life before and after the industrial revolution. Any cultural artifact from BEFORE appears increasingly naive and obsolete (see: woke culture). Those of us who were raised on the internet (parents thought it was a harmless diversion) were living in the future, except instead of taking LSD and making music and so on like in the 60s, we were on forums and Wikipedia. It is only now that the internet has become as ubiquitous in the general public through phones as it was in our childhood that we see manifested in the external word, in the general public, our family, lovers, so on, that we understand the difference that separated our life from all of history before

>> No.18938085

I was born in 2001. I have used the internet for ~4 hours every day since I was 7 or 8. I've used the internet more than I have spoken to any one person.

>> No.18938108

was horribly bullied IRL as a kid, went online as soon as I could and never looked back, then people I met from the internet started disappointing me so I want to do the jump to something else and never look back but I assume it will never happen in my lifetime, every new thing is just repackaged nostalgia

>> No.18938137

>except instead of taking LSD and making music
plenty of internet-shaped people are doing this. you’re just not in it, not even in it

>> No.18938820


>> No.18938836

Pynchon will be forgotten if he doesn't follow me on Twitter

>> No.18938847

His point is that lsd inspired music is irrelevant to the cultural changes taking place, unlike the 60s