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/lit/ - Literature

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18933206 No.18933206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for a living?

>> No.18933221

I answer phones and do a but of paralegal work in a law firm, yes it’s horrible

>> No.18933230

Writing a manuscript so I can become rich like the Call of the Crocodile guy.

>> No.18933265

Used to do groceries and retail wanted to die. Volunteer and back at school in a leftist program.

>> No.18933314

Sounds pretty chills tbqh lad.

>> No.18933324

Railroad conductor.

>> No.18933353

Cash government checks

>> No.18933389

very effay but not quite /lit/ enough for my taste

>> No.18933393

Chemical engineer, flipping bitcoin on the side, gonna retire before 35 and live the ideal /lit/ lifestyle in the woods.

>> No.18933398

Full-time schizo NEET

>> No.18933403

I love you, anon. The only degenerate among us doing something worthwhile

>> No.18933404

Write comics.

>> No.18933413

I write middle to upper middle quality 4chan posts for free.

>> No.18933422


>> No.18933428
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I work in a lab doing boring work. Spent most of my 20s fretting about the future and having no idea what to do with myself, but next year I'll probably go to school to become garbage knock-off Chekhov.

>> No.18933436

Police officer lmao. I’m a /lit/ LARPer.

>> No.18933448

Public Defender in the South working under a State-wide system (decent pay plus great benefits). Thankfully, I graduated debt-free because I feel for my colleagues.

>> No.18933458

CPA, I have money and misery.

>> No.18933469

STEM postdoc

>> No.18933481
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Invest welfare money into high risk digital currencies.

>> No.18933489

> write

>> No.18933505

When you're sitting in a siding for three hours, you can read quite a bit. Not to mention hours in the bunkhouse.

>> No.18933507

My man

>> No.18933509

>I'll probably go to school to become garbage knock-off Chekhov
I'm rooting for you anon. I would read a knock-off Chekov for sure. Hope you are doing well pal.

>> No.18933514

collect CRA checks and live in my parents basement
i did this >>18933481 until i lost it all

>> No.18933521
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>> No.18933522

In what country?

>> No.18933677

Programmer, in my 40’s with my third kid on the way. I hang out here because I have a rich inner life.

>> No.18933785

I answer phones and amend tax returns. It is horrible.

>> No.18933799


>> No.18933807

Is it any fun?

>> No.18933814

Book reader, music listener

>> No.18933823

Manage Email and SMS marketing for an international brand.

>> No.18933853


>> No.18933857

Fucking everything because I'm the one foreign cunt who has to work with about a dozen useless, clueless and lazy beyond belief English mongs. Even worse is that I genuinely have only now started to get paid over a grand a month because I'm only 19 and my job title is something like Junior Trainee Assistant Cunt in Despatch.

>> No.18933863

Financial analyst. I’ll probably be quitting soon because I don’t want to do this sort of thing anymore.

>> No.18933873

Degenerate aesthete on a life time pension.

>> No.18933876

No, it’s soulless, but it’s comfy and at least it’s vaguely creative depending upon the project/company. It isn’t hard, and you’d be surprised how much people appreciate/will pay for someone who is competent and can write succinctly.

>> No.18933890

editor for a tech company

>> No.18933920

Work in marketing, was doing freelancing but landed a good permanent job. Marketing is in high demand and the skill is language and highly attuned reading of the culture - /lit/ should consider.
Work from home, good money, not as much time as when I was a NEET.
Also, stacking sats but I assume everyone here is.

>> No.18933948

Older dude here also. I assume I'm interacting with zoomers here most of the time, good to know I'm not alone in my age group.

>> No.18933974

>Broke: telling people lies for money so the people buy someone else's product you lied about
>Woke: making people pay you to tell lies because they like how you tell lies
/lit/'s aiming at a higher level than advertising. Except the contingent from /tv/ obsessed with Mad Men, but they lack the linguistic dexterity to succeed.

>> No.18933987

Financial Controller at an NGO

>> No.18934013

I got a scholarship that legally forbiddens me to work and I study creative writing.

I don’t believe clases will make me a better writer but its nice to be able to write and read on my own without thinking about money for some time. I still manage to feel bad usually

>> No.18934017

You're based. Used to work for B4 audit, went into midmarket IB and MBB but never found anything to fight for.

>> No.18934024

Personal assistant

>> No.18934027

Is that code for being a twink?

>> No.18934039

what' the scholarship?

>> No.18934040

Marketing jobs are varied. I developed some skills and finally found a job where I 100% believe in what I'm doing. Imagine you worked at a publisher publishing new editions of all your favourite classics. Something along those lines of "holy shit I can't believe I get to do this". It's a good feeling. Good luck to you. Sometimes you have to wade through some shit before things go your way.

>> No.18934102

>Marketing jobs are varied.
Am I meant to read that as "not lies"? Or are you selling this to yourself? It is what it is, anon, whatever you want to call it now you bought it.

>> No.18934180

to be honest with you, after a few months it isnt the dignified shangri la one dreams of in our line of work

in the end, it's just like any other job, only you're supposedly don't work to enrich already rich stock holders but for the betterment of the world

you'll start to have doubts of whether or not youre making any difference at all

NGOs are an industry, and in the day to day work just like any other industry. your colleagues will be motivated by idealism, but thats not so different from people motivated by pride or greed.

>> No.18934244
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Mooching off my single mom who's working a blue-collar job and delaying my suicide until she kicks me out. I'm a scumbag, but my life is worthless and if I had to work to sustain this hollow existence I'd just bite the bullet. I also haven't read a book in two or three years; my main hobby right now is eating and getting fatter and fatter. I've thought about intentionally becoming fat enough to be incapable of work or taking care of myself so my mother won't have a choice but to take care of me until I die.

>> No.18934255

I drink alcohol. To fund that I deliver mail.

>> No.18934258

Any tips on how to start? I’ve been freelancing via content mills for two years now, but a man can write about shallow shit for little pay only for so long.

>> No.18934267

Stay at home husband.

>> No.18934273

Bukowski did it first, not very original

>> No.18934274

Tax lawyer for state government
Death is only the beginning

>> No.18934392

about to be unemployed because i'm refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate at my job

>> No.18934398

I work at an insurance agency

>> No.18934417

USA baby

>> No.18934422

Sir Bukowski was no drinker: he was a functional author. No man dedicated to drink can properly write. Look at my oeuvre. Look at my liver. My works speak for themselves.

>> No.18934429

Well, at least you are standing for something.

>> No.18934468

Agencies/marketing firms in you area. Or just look for 'copywriter' job listings at big companies. If you've already been working as a writer it shouldn't be too difficult. If you've only ever slung it freelance for garbage (I know the feel) then embellish your involvement with those companies if you can. Its a slog, but as soon as you land your first internal gig at an agency, its smooth sailing.

>> No.18934477

Crazy you didn’t know this before you worked for one.

>> No.18934486

At least be a man around the house for your aging mother. If you still want to kill yourself, kill your self when you’re in shape and after you’ve fixed the sink.

>> No.18934487

I doubt you work for the big 2 or are in the Japanese mangaka . So you got a link for webcomic ?

>> No.18934508

Thanks, anon.

>> No.18934514

Imagine how many insects you have to deal with all that flora around

>> No.18934522


>> No.18934530

i love your attitude
it's wild you are still alive and kickin'
keep it up!

>> No.18934538

This guy is a real one.

>> No.18934552

Im a Lawyer

>> No.18934556

Lol. I'm a low-test incel, I don't know how to fix things. I only fuck things up. Just in the past month or so, I got a flat tire and couldn't manage to change it, clogged the toilet so bad we had to call a plumber (I flushed things that shouldn't be flushed) and then fucked up the car by tanking it with gasoline instead of diesel.

>> No.18934573


>> No.18934575

>I flushed things that shouldn't be flushed
like what?
a booty tampon?

>> No.18934584


>> No.18934599

Im a plumber but i dont read enough and only come here when im bored of browsing other boards and want to read some smart shit

>> No.18934607

So figure it out, man. So you clogged a pipe. Who the hell cares? Nobody gets stuff right on their own at first. You just figure it out, through trial and error if needed.

>> No.18934649

just bee urself

>> No.18934663

How is that “just bee yourself”? I’m telling him to figure it out so he can not be himself.

>> No.18934665

Hm? Oh, I don’t work.

>> No.18934717


>> No.18934720

milking cows and cleaning their shit 2 months and then coming to my shithole country to be neet for the rest of the year

>> No.18934725

just bee yourself by not beeing yourself

>> No.18934728

There's no better life.

>> No.18934742

scan books.

>> No.18934763


>> No.18934806

thank you

>> No.18934809

im a gril

>> No.18934818

PhD student in biomath

>> No.18934839


>> No.18934863

give it to me straight, is it worth doing? I've been contemplating doing it but I've heard a lot of horror stories

>> No.18934874
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>> No.18934879

based if hospital, otherwise I'm sorry.

>> No.18934885

How many opiods can I get?

>> No.18934888

I do clinical counseling and trade stocks and crypto. $100,000 from counseling, put away about $40,000 each year and double my investments just about every year.

>> No.18934889
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sounds based