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[SPOILER] No.18933186[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: nuclear whitepills

>> No.18933213

this could have been written in under 30 pages.
the french write like such fucking douchebags man. they stretch what could be 1 page into 50.
anyways. i still like cumus and his philosophy

>> No.18933217

the essay itself is only like 4 pages long.

>> No.18933226

Also sorry i clicked the spoiler box by accident

>> No.18933282
File: 52 KB, 311x475, Sartor Resartus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18933306

You mean phantasmagoriapilled

>> No.18933391

Unironically solved a small part of my depression. Camus truly was a benevolent whitepiller of sorts...

>> No.18935116

i think the topic of suicide is indeed a core problem of philosophy, but i can very easily imagine sisyphus unhappy.

>> No.18935148
File: 14 KB, 366x119, I got OP in my captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything sucks and is pointless but you should be happy anyway

>> No.18935164

I never understood why people find this encouraging. We're demented flawed creatures who need to be busy constantly to avoid confronting our own meaningless and miserable lives, so engage in said business and rejoice for it?

>> No.18935180

I think OP means it as an epic troll to get depressed people to read Myth of Sisyphus. My recommendation for real white pill is Tristram Shandy

>> No.18935198

the booked cured me of my "epistemic nihilism"

robert anton wilson
prometheius rising cured me of my existential nihilism
additionally the principia discordia, recipies for disaster
book of subgenius

underachuevers manifesto
the coming insurrection
on bullshit
on truth

the dice man

the one book of wierd instructions from yoko ono.

alot of pataphysics books

a confederacy of dunces

cloud atlas

>> No.18935391
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>> No.18935676
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If Camus is nuclear, William Blake will melt your face off

>> No.18936182

Red pill me on Blake

>> No.18936412

a closet faggot who worshipped satan

>> No.18936511

this is only a whitepill for faggot pseuds who convinced themselves nothing matters because thats the cool brooding hipster thing to think

>> No.18936534

I wasn't asking you christcuck

>> No.18936659

How could this be a whitepill if even the cover itself is terrifyingly depressing?

>> No.18937443


>> No.18937447

I forgive you

>> No.18937453

Gravity and Grace.

>> No.18937465
File: 162 KB, 1400x2098, 4251A6C1-0DC9-4E18-989F-FD07E03FE3EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was unironically moved to tears by this book.

>> No.18937489


>> No.18937494

Jesus was a faggot since he was always surrounded and getting gangbanged by men

>> No.18937607

I think so too, and it is the only thing I look for in the philosophy that I read.
So far I like Schopenhauers ideas the most. His essay 'on suicide' is sehr short and worth a read. Basically, he convinced me that if I want to kill myself the only respectable way to do so is by starvation.

>> No.18937610

Hard to get into without getting too personal. The idea that I could try to cultivate virtue and be happy because of it was beautiful to me. I spent a long time looking for answers about what it meant to live well in psychology, and then I opened this book and they were right in front of me.

>> No.18937752

Got this a while ago, and now I decided to read it before Spinoza. It better be good.

>> No.18939256

I like the Discworld series as a just a pleasant readto lift my mood. Same for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

>> No.18939280

>We must imagine Sisyphus happy
>Le Absurdism hon hon hon

>> No.18939285

What the fuck is a whitepill?

>> No.18939292

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.18939311
File: 11 KB, 260x280, christian-cross-sun-rays-icon-260nw-1932344843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a whitepill