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18927773 No.18927773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to ethics?

>> No.18927784

Is it just me, or do the blue mass produced medical masks kind of smell like ear wax? its kind of offputting.

>> No.18927792

I hope they get sent to camps.

>> No.18927802

They need to have sex

>> No.18927813

Frogposter here. What about ethics? What about the ethic implications of sick people roaming around and indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of innocents?
It's just you.

>> No.18927817

lmao I hope they'll pass that law in my country
Why won't retards just vaccinate

>> No.18927820

Frogposter as in French, I wanted to say frog but I lapsed

>> No.18927828
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Start with Fichte and Giovanni Gentile.

>> No.18927831


>> No.18927832

nasty breath

>> No.18927833

mass breeding of the underclass to labor for the globalist regime. they don't into ethics, they just labor and rape

>> No.18927835

What happened to we live in a reality?

>> No.18927845

how u know what ear wax smells like lol?

>> No.18927853

Really? Ethics????
"Thou shalt not kill!"
Ok, but what if I do anyway???

Do you really expect (DO YOU REALLY EXPECT) there to be some absolute "objective" system (framework) for ethics, of morality, a "machine for being decent"???
Do you really think yourself to be a "good person" or that a "good person" is a well-defined, coherent concept?

(The correct answer here is "No!", if you could not tell; the questions were rhetorical all along)

>> No.18927859

>frog poster
Speak French and I’ll believe you

>> No.18927870

>Not seeing the problem with being required to show an ID everytime you go into a store
Based useful idiot.

>> No.18927874
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>go get a vaccine
>do it in 20 minutes
>feel great, no sickness, no side effects, no pain
>don't have to worry about getting some bullshit coronavirus probably made in a chink laboratory that can take your smell away for months
I don't get it. It was literally that easy for me. Can't they just do that? No stress, no testing, just get it over with.

>> No.18927875
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Le seul attardé ici, c'est bien toi. Les masques à la con n'ont jamais servi à rien. Autant se replier dans l'irrationnel plutôt que d'avoir des couilles et faire face aux instigateurs, hein ? On va regretter cette impotence, crois-moi.

>> No.18927881

I really hope you french fags die.

>> No.18927893

I think it's insane that one cannot do basic shit without getting this experimental vaccine for the flu. Everything about this shit is way overblown, what is the fucking point? Just testing the limits of people? Do the vaccines make you secretly compliant and docile? Is it mass castration? Latent poison? Why the fuck are they so hellbent on the fucking vaccines but black immigrants freely gather in public parks with not even a mask? How do you trust a government who only applies authority to certain people?

>> No.18927894

Tbh the .gif proving you lurk /fr/ proves more than your words that you’re French
t. saved it ;)

>> No.18927895

When is the UN going to step in and invade all these countries that are violating human rights?

>> No.18927907

>human rights
>pick one

was this the response (You) were looking for?

>> No.18927919


>> No.18927933
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>> No.18927950


>> No.18927956

Please respond to me in good faith, seriously, sincerely (that is, without low-effort gif memes featuring "black" television personalities [please, for the love of god])

>> No.18927957

Well, at this point, yes.

>> No.18927959

It's just for money, anon, they just did the minimum possible so the vaccine could be accepted and immediately went for the profit, the vaccine itself is just an half-assed job to generate money, is not likely to be really harmful, just useless.

>> No.18927963

you know what's funny? i'm not even french

>> No.18927967

Civic virtue can be well enough defined and is typically done through the laws of the state, like mandatory vaccination against communicable disease, tort law, criminal law, etc.

>> No.18927975
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>> No.18927997

Donne un sujet et on verra parce que franchement j'ai la flemme de parler dans le vide
Quand est-ce que j'ai insulté qui que ce soit d'attardé, le génie ?
Les masques servent à rien tu dis ? Bah voyons. Tu crois que les chirurgiens et autres praticiens de milieu hospitalier mettent des masques pendant les opérations pour faire beau ? Tout ce blabla réactionnaire alors qu'on est en pleine épidémie est complètement inutile. La vérité c'est que 99% des gens qui sont antimasques et antivax n'y connaissent rien et le 1% restant sont des types qui veulent avoir leur petite heure de gloire en critiquant les lobbys pharmaceutiques.

Y'a rien à tirer de ce débat. Les boomers attardés partagent des fausses infos en permanence et se joignent à leur cause stupide parce qu'ils ont rien à faire de leurs journées, rien de plus. Et derrière les politiciens profitent du climat pour faire passer des lois qui vont vraiment nous niquer (âge de la retraite repoussé, etc), trouvez vous une vie ou battez-vous pour les bonnes raisons au moins, sérieux.

>> No.18928009

I admit: I have never studied law, only mathematics and so-called computer science.
But what do you mean, precisely, by "well enough defined"?
What is it to define a term?
Suppose just for a moment that a teenage nihilist (not me) came up to you and said:
"I do not recognize the symbols that you broadcast towards me;
I do not recognize the system of symbols that you use;
I do not know what you mean by "communicable disease", "tort law", "criminal law", "good", "evil", and so on and so forth.
I do not understand how to proceed from the finite set of ASCII characters (in arbitrary permutation) to, as you say, "meaning", so-called "good" and "evil""? then what?

>> No.18928010
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>> No.18928014

>worry about the flu in the first place
You're not fat, are you anon?

>> No.18928025

I'm glad; I like you too.

>> No.18928032

Liberals sound even gayer in frogspeak lel

>> No.18928048

Yes dude it's called a constitution. If the government is able to stop you from buying food from the supermarket, there is something wrong with your countries constitution.

>> No.18928051

>get the vaccine
I would prefer not to

>> No.18928053

>don't have to worry about getting some bullshit coronavirus
nigger, you realize you can still get it and spread it, plus now you have all the known and unknown side effects of the injection itself. Congrats on failing the brainlet npc test.

>> No.18928070

>sydney, australia
>get vaccine
>still only allowed to be outside 1 hour per day
top fucking kek

>> No.18928074 [DELETED] 

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.18928078

I get the issue with the government overreach but schizos thinking the vaccine is going to sterilize you or implant a microchip is fucking retarded. You guys do know the elites and their children have all vaccine right? Even the elite Jewish breeding ground schools all have vaccine mandates. Almost every university in the country too.
What is the grand plan? Kill off all the people that make civilization function and leave a bunch of Billy bobs in west virginia and laquishas in oakland to form the new world order?

>> No.18928080

im good at brushing my teeth though.
I smell my ear wax.

>> No.18928088
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I hope you're trolling.

>> No.18928090

>You guys do know the elites and their children have all vaccine right?
as if lying does not exist

>> No.18928091

>the elites aren't all part of a death cult
Lmao their philosophers are guys like Steven Pinker and Sam Harris, of course they would kill themselves with science juice.

>> No.18928097

>t-their lying!
Ok anon
>akshully da elites want to kill themselves!
Yup thanks you too for confirming what i already knew about the vaccine schizo brain

>> No.18928102

Order food online.

>> No.18928103
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>their lying

>> No.18928105

what are the other new slave states?

>> No.18928109

I live over an hour from the nearest grocery store. I should pay $200 for a single cart of groceries?

>> No.18928112

>get a booster shot every two weeks anyway
>have to get back to wearing a mask
>have to go back into lockdown
>get a chance for bloodclots

>> No.18928117

I'm a phoneposter. Currently sitting on a toilet in a NYC rooftop lounge because I got the Vax. I'm going to get out meet up with the 2 whores i hired and then look out onto the peasants below.

>> No.18928123

this is the wrong board to brag about shit like that bro

>> No.18928124

You are missing the point. The point isn't whether the masks are really good or wise or not, the point is who decides what's "good for" the populace and who has the final veto and final say to override people's concerns when there is disagreement.

Whether you think masks are smart or not, or scientists and surgeons are right or not, is completely irrelevant. History and society don't magically favour who is "right." In fact they tend to favor the opposite most often. If the majority of society was religious conservative and had an issue with masks, they might mandate that you CAN'T wear one on your person. Would that be legitimate because "the experts" decide? It would be a very different form of expertise, but one acknowledged by the majority as binding. Recognition or validation by the majority or even by the majority of technocrats in government is therefore meaningless.

What is meaningful is potentially expanding the scope of the state to enforce whatever the reigning technocratic consensus thinks is correct, and setting precedents (for "emergency" powers, historically the downfall of many states) in the process. Even if 99% of people agreed with forcing everyone to take SSRIs to "maximise happiness," it would still be a violation of one's rights to one's own body to impose it on the remaining 1%. For the record, this is why water fluoridation is controversial. Whether fluoridation "really works though" is meaningless. It's not right to invade the fundamental rights of individuals because some number crunching faggot who views human beings as variables to be manipulated "for their own good" decided net health would increase 0.7%. No amount of "b-b-but with just a little erosion of your free speech you could have all this safety/happiness/convenience!" makes a single inch worth it. Nations have been founded and destroyed for less.

It's a testament to how far the modern west has fallen from its original idealistic liberalism to this limp-dicked technocratic-managerial negative liberalism, really hedonic utilitarianism with the most vulgar kind of science/expert-worship, that republican France of all places doesn't remember the difference. France is the Rights of Man, Prussia is the one that wanted to impose "progress" top-down with an authoritarian state without having revolutions or upsetting social relations.

>> No.18928126

Wait, you think the atheist ultra-wealthy have purposeful lives devoid of ennui? That they abuse drugs, commit suicide, and engage in bizarre sexual behaviors because they're just so happy?

>> No.18928132

hello, henry miller

>> No.18928150

People are dying. It's not like you can't get out and buy food if you're wearing a mask. You can go ahead and whine about the government all you want, it won't change the fact that something has to be done. It's hard to believe so many people are retarded when it comes to the government applying authority to actually protect people.

>> No.18928157

This reads like a high schoolers interpretation of Burke and Hegel, no wonder he was intimidated by Gramsci kek

>> No.18928160

>freedoms should be curtailed to stop the spread of a virus
>homosexuals is also encouraged and have more rights than ever
Why do you want children and the elderly to die of HIV/AIDS?

>> No.18928169

doesnt make the objection none real. some people do prefer freedom, or non interference over safety. Im not one totaly on one side or the other, but I understand and can respect it to a degree. though i know its a bit of a catch 22 since an effective peasure for these sorts of things require large scale compliance, but thats kind of begging the question of ideals.

I think most people seem to think they are trying to build a bridge, but they simply make a tower and throw over a rope to the other side of the river, and are angry as to why they are not meeting them on their "bridge", when the whole point is an ideological disagreement rather than one simply of facts.

>> No.18928187
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>People are dying
Let them die then

>> No.18928192

Honestly what is going on down there?

>> No.18928199

>Muh slippery slope
Yeah man being asked by grocery stores to wear a mask to cover your pie hole when there's a contagious respiratory disease around is pretty much equivalent to tyranny. Help, help, I'm being oppressed.

>> No.18928205

>Les boomers

>> No.18928207

this but unironically

>> No.18928208

>homosexuals is also encouraged and have more rights than ever
Adhomos, Netflix, Twitter and other companies aren't supported by the government. I don't like fags either but if you're living in a democracy, you kind of have to give equal rights to everyone.
>Why do you want children and the elderly to die of HIV/AIDS?
HIV/AIDS can be largely prevented nowadays. Medical fees are even reimbursed in most countries. It's not anyone's fault if some people are degenerate, they brought it upon themselves as they knew the risks associated with fucking unprotected and it's not like your STD-riddled neighbor will indirectly kill you

>> No.18928215

Yes? Do you think things stop being tyrannical or fascist just because you agree with them?

>> No.18928223

>I don't like fags either but if you're living in a democracy, you kind of have to give equal rights to everyone.
Like the unvaccinated?
>HIV is largely preventable
Boy I'd feel really silly if I let fags give blood and then their diseased fluid gave a young boy AIDS. So much so that their right to give blood has been curtailed by people smarter than me.

>> No.18928238

Yes, being forced by the government to wear something over your face, and to inject a substance into your body in order to eat, is tyranny. Yes, it is.

>> No.18928240


>> No.18928248

Holy cope. Keep tugging your mini cock in your Ohio suburb cuckboi

>> No.18928255

If this was in any way about keeping people safe, they wouldn't have cancer screenings delayed, they wouldn't have caused a surge in deaths of despair, politicians would have followed their own rules, there'd be a clear difference in deaths between places that had mask mandates and those that didn't, the vast majority of those in hospitals would be unvaccinated (I mean now not in January), and you'd only need to show proof of immunity rather than a shot that can very well not give you the antibodies you need. Regardless, you have no moral standing the moment you think you have more control over my body than me. It is not reasonable to force something into another person's body. You are not a good person.

>> No.18928257

>I'm fucking hookers, you're jealous!!

>> No.18928259

>Boy I'd feel really silly if I let fags give blood and then their diseased fluid gave a young boy AIDS. So much so that their right to give blood has been curtailed by people smarter than me
They unironically present a significant risk in this specific case, it's not rocket science. Why aren't you okay with the actions taken during the pandemic if you're okay with gay people not donating blood? It's to protect innocents in both cases. It's retarded.
>Like the unvaccinated?
See above.

>> No.18928264


>> No.18928269

Listen bro, fucking a hooker isn't impressive. I can drive to the highway 20 minutes from where I live and take my pick from at least 10 eastern european chicks who I'm not sure are even 18. Anyone with 50 bucks could. You're doing the equivalent of bragging that you're eating at mcdonalds.

>> No.18928270

you're alright anon <3

>> No.18928274

what the fuck is wrong with new yorkers? disgusting fucking animals, two towers weren't enough. the only good thing the CIA ever did was murder three thousand of you subhumans

>> No.18928283

>t-t-t-the spooks are PROTECTING us!!!

actual niggerbrained rube retard

>> No.18928285

Aren't people fleeing NYC in droves? Last time I heard anyone who wasn't a crack addict is packing their bags as fast as they can.

>> No.18928287

I have to show ID everytime I buy alcohol anyway

>> No.18928294
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Based fake butters.

>> No.18928300

No idea desu. Its not even like there are a heap of cases, they just keep rising because more people are getting tested.

>> No.18928310

You don't know what will happen in 10 years from these vaccines. The FDA approved thalidomide for example - give them enough money and they will approve ANYTHING.

>> No.18928319

You live in a society, you will have to abide by the norms of the group. If you don't like the norms seize the mechanisms of the group, i.e. the state, and set new laws and norms. If you lose, then the consequences are that others will decide the particular rules for you to abide by.

You may have legitmate particular complaints about particular policies of state, but your general complaint has no basis. All groups set norms and rules, the state is the nation, laws are the norms of the social whole. Man is a social creature, you can not exist outside of society or those inherent rules and norms set by society. If you don't like particular social norms, win control of the whole and change the particular norms through the same mechanisms the particular norms you disagree with are imposed on you.

>> No.18928331

It's basic Fichte

>> No.18928339

>People are dying.
>something has to be done

Would have loved to seen these midwit cattle react to 9/11. It’s the same god damn mechanism.

>> No.18928357

>hookers bad
Hello virgin
>i-i can get a std street walker
start making real money faggot and then start looking into whores
Cope subhuman flyovercuck fag

>> No.18928359

Society dominated by concern for old people. We already take in millions of Asiatic rapists and took on trillions in unfunded liabilities to ensure that old people's gibmedats are paid for - what's printing another few trillion or establishing a vaccine passport system?

>> No.18928364

It's incredibly easy to break most laws though, they just rely on people not doing it kek

>> No.18928370

>you can not exist outside of society or those inherent rules and norms set by society.
this is fundamentally false.

>> No.18928376

>start looking into whores
Unlike you I can fuck girls without paying them, so no, I won't.

>> No.18928385

you have to be 18 years or older to use this website

>> No.18928391

We've pretty much vaxxed all the old cunts who would die from the virus so barely anyone is really dying despite cases rising. But we are still in harsh as fuck lockdowns cause nurses will get traumatized if the hospitals get busy. We also haven't had much virus outside of Melbourne till now so politicians are trying to get back to having no virus despite most people not giving a fuck anymore as they aren't +80 or obese so we won't be affected by the coof.

>> No.18928399

what book is this

>> No.18928433

>I can fuck girls
They become girls under 150 lb and over 4/10 face, sorry buddy you aren't fucking anything. Enjoy yourself

>> No.18928449

Live dangerously outlaw, be sure to cry loudly when the state comes for you.

Now this is coping, even here you aide by rules to satisfy a drive to socially interact. No one exists asocially since the division of labour, we all depend on each others production of goods and the social structure to allows exchange of those goods.

>> No.18928453

Also to answer OPs question it's a consequence of Utilitarianism that values "Human Lives!" and maximization of total hours lived, especially by people over 80 years of age. This is why we hear so much about how much life expectancy went down or how many hours/years of Human Lives were lost due ot Coronavirus. Reminder that the average age of Coronavirus death is ~82 and your chances of dying if you are not Old, Fat, or having some pre-existing condition is <1/10,000 until you reach around 60 years old.

>> No.18928470


>> No.18928483

Based bootlicker

>> No.18928494

The boot is us all, you're just upset it's not your boots doing the particular stompings, you have no arguement against boots in principle and nor could you, you are not an atom.

>> No.18928496

ok redditor

>> No.18928502

No but the elite dont follow laws and you really dont have to either much of the time. You even know that's true, look up how many murders get solved, it's a comically low percentage

>> No.18928537

Around 10% where I live.

>> No.18928560

Why are you posting on /lit/ if your coomer brain can't even express thoughts rationally? The parallel you're drawing doesn't exist you retarded fuck.

>> No.18928570

Good post.

>> No.18928578

>I don't like fags either but if you're living in a democracy
During the MONTH long celebration a prominent place in my capital was draped in rainbows and there was a giant picture of a drag queen and text that said "Sex Education" and I really doubt it was referring to the fact that gays are like 70% of HIV cases.

>> No.18928605

This is my concern, one thing is if I kill myself but I don't want to get laukemia a few years down the line from the fucking jab
It's so fucking defeating

>> No.18928668

Neurotic woman

>> No.18928673

>trusting big pharma

>> No.18928685

>I will deny myself medical technology because of pathological neuroticism
Take a valium you stupid woman