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/lit/ - Literature

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18925928 No.18925928 [Reply] [Original]

It's not looking good Waldunbros...

>The QRD
Set in the authoritarian Hunger 1984 Divergent Games universe, "L'Academie" is a story about a man named Eddington whose daily life is dictated by The Regime. Six days a week he leaves his home for L'Académie, a four-year education program where the subjects, upon completion, are allowed to go beyond The Wall.

Wherever he goes, he is constantly reminded of the tenants of The Regime:
> Knowledge is Power
> Report any signs of Double-Rods to Prefects.

This truly is Waldun at his best. Mark my words, Wulden-esque is the next movement, classified by choppy and awkward English juxtaposed by westophilic pretentiousness. It's a post-ironic statement about our information rich yet poorly educated superficial society, where we look east but listen west; where we scorn the learned for the mistakes of the ignorant. Right now, we live in a Wulden-esque society, where sitting on a train not on your phone with earphones in is weird; where free thoughts are criminal and academia is dark.

Here is Waldun’s story of his 2-year journey writing this masterpiece: https://tube.incognet.io/watch?v=cW1ja7PC2Vc

>> No.18925938

These threads must end with a tribute, no sooner

>> No.18925944 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Rule 34 of Waldun

>> No.18925948
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Based Gardner

>> No.18925949

agreed. if someone doesn't CUM ON A PICTURE OF WALDUN sometime soon, I shall cease posting in these threads until further notice.

>> No.18925953

A NOTE TO JANNIES: please do not delete numbered l'académie threads. let them run their course. whenever there are two up, trust that the older one has reached the bump limit and that its posters have migrated. thank you

>> No.18925965
File: 466 KB, 1080x1350, 4E26E9A1-E872-4F32-A431-8CE908DBE9CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /lit/ are so critical of Waldun, why don't you show off your own books?

>> No.18925969

what is this i hear about RCW deleting his dark academia vids? is this true? they're his biggest ones

>> No.18925974
File: 171 KB, 578x344, 60D4397B-FCC3-436C-B86A-8C6F3483AF58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad for waldun lads. 4chan and kdb were right to raise the myriad of issues that crop up in l’académie, but this is still something that robin spent two years on. how could he be so blind. i guess the book played like an awesome movie in his head, and none of that ever got anywhere near his fingertips. on top of all that, now that dark academia is a dead meme and waldun has been exposed as a pseud, this ”neo-beat” guy who poses with typewriters and thinks it’s badass to hang out in front of h&m and drink coffee must be the laughing stock of his lit class, if not his entire uni. it all compunds into a great blinding ball of cringe

>> No.18925979
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To the scholars of thread 11:

I have combed the complete works of William Blake at the vague remembrance of another anon and have found something that in some way resembles the alleged Milton quote.
>Every moment lost is a moment that cannot be redeemed
However, the relation to the epigraph is questionable at best, and it is my professional belief that Waldun was indeed nodding to Baudrillard and his Simulacra

>> No.18925984

>To the scholars of thread 11
ahhh yes, I have fond memories of that thread... what a waste...

>> No.18925985
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>If Nausea was a terrifying look at a grim life come true, the book about the French Revolution was an exhilarating account of revolt and the power of the crowd.
First of all, obviously, it should say "If Nausea were..."
But even more irritating is the following. That the book on the FR is an exhilarating account should be Ed's unconditional opinion. The state of the book on the FR is not dependant on the characteristics of Nausea, yet Waldun presents the following from the text: if Sartre had written Nausea any differently, the French Revolution would not be as interesting to Eddington. Furthermore, by Waldun's assertion, in the case where Nausea is not a terrifying look at a grim life come true (which I could argue to be the case; Ed is having an existential crisis sure, but he does not question his own existence), then this book on the French Revolution has no meaning to him, or more precisely, is not an exhilarating account of the revolt and the power of the crowd. Surely Wally was intending to highlight the strong effect this history book full of characters had on Eddington, but by doing so poorly, he is cosmicly entangling Ed's understanding of two unrelated books, and worse, he is stating the exact opposite of his perhaps intended assertion.

>> No.18925986

well my own paranoid fantasy has struck again & become real that copypasta about leaving copies of your book around-
uh, i mean, I do that. I don't feel all NOTHINGPERSONAL about it like I'm cool or anything, I just think it's funny. Took me awhile to get better at formatting which is frustrating but whatever.
Like I was doing this act four years ago, too, just for larfs & content.



>> No.18925988


>> No.18926010

He gave writing advice and tips on how to finish big books like infinite jest (which he was unable to finish himself). He deserved to be outed as a pseud

>> No.18926013

What do you think the future reserves for Waldub? He quit engineering school to study literature, thus giving up a chance of a solid career and income, his channem is stagnant and will never be able to generste a living wage for him, he doesn't have the talent to be a published authot nor it seems this writing career of his is going to pay off and what the fuck can a literature graduate work at? For a 20 years old chinese man, he is seriously in a state of underachviment. If he goes back to STEM school, his asian peers will be working on their doctorates while he's still a freshman

>> No.18926015

Daddy can get him a job don't worry

>> No.18926016

his parents are most definitely rich

>> No.18926026


>> No.18926027

All previous L'académie discussion threads:


>> No.18926047

Anon, its obvious that he is a trust fund baby.

>> No.18926052

>if you’re so retarded, then why don’t you display your disability in public

Practice what you preache, bud.

>> No.18926061
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reminder that this is waldun's main reference work for the french revolution and a confirmed prohibited item in the l'académie universe

>> No.18926063

for me? it's 9>1>6

>> No.18926064


>> No.18926065

but he talks about the streets all the time! it can not be so!

>> No.18926067

(also this book came out in 2018, make of that what you will)

>> No.18926075

not very waldunian

>> No.18926079

>1000 Years of Annoying the French
>The French Revolution and What went wrong
cringe titles

>> No.18926082

2 was incredibly comfy. I agree 9 was kino for the live watch along.

>> No.18926084

Why on earth would anyone read anything written by an anglo about the french?

>> No.18926090

what, you wanted him to platform a bigot like edmund burke or something?

>> No.18926094
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according to robin, this thicc blue folder contains every manuscript he's ever worked on

this folder is the waldunscholar's holy grail

>> No.18926103

reminder not to reply to /pol/bait. waldunchads are not shitflinging hotheads

>> No.18926109

I wonder if he'll an hero

>> No.18926110
File: 295 KB, 1125x1908, 95F0CB7C-67D5-483D-A23F-BD5C6280357D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruined the waldun server and now ruining kdbooks. you always come in like “look we are 4chan xD can you handle our edge?”

>> No.18926120

I hate faggots like this who shit up other places. Everyone here (rightfully) goes on about newfags not understanding board culture, but have no respect for the culture of other places, even if it is a discord server.

>> No.18926123

it's similar to users i sometimes spot in youtube comment fields who have 4chan-esque names and profile pictures. like what compels these people

>> No.18926130
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I don't care about this. I need an anon to compile all the data we have on HH (homosexual hypothesis) and we need more anons to actually read the book. Eddington Window theory is still largely uncovered

>> No.18926138

he looks like a chink harry potter in here.

>> No.18926142

they are children who have only recently started lurking on 4chan

>> No.18926147

We should all go on Goodreads and leave positive reviews so that he becomes even more delusional. If we go too negatively, he might just quit altogether.

>> No.18926155

wdym frogs are literally the anglos of the continent

>> No.18926159
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Next act, waldun turns into a LOCKSTAR that wears only SAINT LAURENT PARIS

>> No.18926163

Any one else just feeling like a total Thud! right now?

>> No.18926173
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>So in short: society? No … we live in an educational dystopia. L'académie is not some scary futuristic vision of a world gone wrong. You're attending class in your underwear. It's already here. Look around you. Don't wear the mask. Don't take the vaccine. Resist. This is R.C. Waldun and I'll see *you* in the next one.

quite a sign-off i must say

>> No.18926175

Multiple anons have already suggested that he nicked it from GoodReads, take a look at the John Milton quotes.
But more interesting is how the quote is even referenced in the product description of a certain version that combines a few of his texts.
Still all the texts I have used crt-f on, came back negative. I even tried to use smaller parts of the quote, such as: innocence, lost or gazed.

>> No.18926185
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>> No.18926186

i don't look like this guy but i feel like this guy when i wear clothes

>> No.18926187

What's next for Waldun? Perhaps the beatnik phase is over? Maybe he begins the bohemian phase? Will he start fucking arthoes and living as a bum in squalor? Perhaps...

>> No.18926191

why should i show respect for tranny culture?

>> No.18926203

He's getting into film for sure

>> No.18926209

he'd definitely rip off jonas mekas

>> No.18926210

Next is most likely the MFA writing phase

>> No.18926211

it's all about the fit bro, just don't wear clearly miss-sized shit like that guy

>> No.18926219

maybe the failure of l'académie hits him so bad he 'becomes' a self-aware cringelord version of himself: starts dressing in exaggerated zoomer fashion, getting tattoos, smoking dope, bumping hard trap in the whip, going to raves and getting fucked up, etc, with new video content appearing mainly on tiktok and insta stories

>> No.18926221

>tfw I’ve finally been in a screencap
I made it bros

>> No.18926223

Please, no one tell him about Beckett!
He will talk about the difficulties of putting his story on the page and how cinema is the ideal medium to display pieces that require multiple simultaneous visual and auditory cues.

>> No.18926227

>ever becoming self-aware

>> No.18926230

enough /lit/ for today

>> No.18926235

print it out, tribute it, then you're done

>> No.18926236


>> No.18926238

We already have one sonichu in this universe

>> No.18926242

Which tranny are you?

>> No.18926245

With a bit of work Waldun can look like this. Get Waldun into philosophy.

>> No.18926247

the anonymous tranny known as discord

>> No.18926252
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 0BE2077C-E438-4E74-9EFA-D06D64EBB406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the anon that shared their god-tier ESL reading of L’Académie a few threads back(https://vocaroo.com/1etrm6H9geOF).). You put a big smile on my face. Let me know if you post any additional clips.

>> No.18926260

He read the entire first chapter at one point. It was incredible

>> No.18926277

I remember when I first looked at walduns chanel (accidentally stumbled on it once) i felt super insecure. Like I thought this guy was some super succesfull writer at a young age. Thank god I'm not this clown.

>> No.18926279

he's going to say pendejo anytime soon, I swear

>> No.18926294

if you're 20+, you should have a short story published

>> No.18926322
File: 334 KB, 1080x1080, 1619798661313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the first complete chapter in all the ESL goodness.


>> No.18926326

but when will we get a french translation
on en a besoin. l'esthétique waldunesque peut seulement être vraiment compris en lisant l'oeuvre en français.

>> No.18926328

Is L'Academolo any good, lads? I've ordered a copy to talk about on my channel lol.

>> No.18926337

what will l'académie be called in the french version?

>> No.18926340

Retards, nobody has shit up the server. We're have a nice discussion in the current reads thread, go fuck yourselves

>> No.18926344

Will there be follow up discussions for There's A Tale To This City?


>> No.18926347

Le academy

>> No.18926350

some scholar better snag a copy of this before jay whips it away

>> No.18926371

I had no problem paying $15 for L'Academie and all of the great laughs I've had the past few days. I would never pay $15 for Jay's piece of shit.

>> No.18926418

Seriously,watching the KD review live was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

>> No.18926427

Without a doubt this week will be one of my favorite /lit/ memories. I'm definitely gonna try and compile the highlights

>> No.18926437

Please,do so. Waldunposting might be my favorite 4chan moment in general.

>> No.18926443

Waldun is young and he and his writing will mature.
(He may even use a spell check for his 3rd book.)

>> No.18926462

Some stories are Waldu though

>> No.18926470

The School

>> No.18926536


>> No.18926569

is...is that actually walden r34?
some fucker went and commissioned and paid money for an artist to draw this shit, /lit/'s darkest moment indeed, holy fuck mate

>> No.18926592

This isn't that bad, come on. He can use this harsh criticism to go back and re-examine some of his issues. Maybe he can do a video series on the editing process. It's not easy to edit, in fact, it's far tougher to edit than to write. When you look at your own work and tweak it, it can get out of your control pretty quick and you can start to self-doubt. He might have had too many readers tell him the story was great while overlooking the errors.

Waldun just needs to start by taking a copy of his book, a red pen or highlighter, and read through his own book and mark the errors/edits he wants to do.

My latest book, I went back and edited a section where I felt a viciousness developed in my character too soon, so I went back and made his early rebellion a bit less violent. Books age well in an author's mind, I forget who wrote that, but I do think Bukowski said something along the lines of letting your book mellow so you're not still hungover on your own greatness when editing. Maybe it was someone else, I forget, but it really made sense for me and helped my writing.

>> No.18926608
File: 133 KB, 220x220, F7BF39E0-2FEF-427B-84DF-A408BA1A647B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it is. Someone on /y/ was posting pics of both Waldun and F Gardner like that. I wish I had a hot /lit/ bf (no homo.) is The Shit Kicker guy hot too?

>> No.18926610

Y’all better not be poorfags and make me buy shit again

>> No.18926619

>pouring even more time and effort into l'académie: the it'll be good this time edition
this is like hitler waiting for steiner's offensive as berlin is being pounded into dust. the game is long lost

are you that deluded canadian date rapist boomer who has a perpetual on/off manic episode?

>> No.18926623

It seems clear to me that the charlatan team of editors Wally hired are the ones responsible for the typos. Whether they introduced them accidentally while "fixing" the text or purposefully in order to sabotage him is yet to be seen

>> No.18926640

Who gives a shit? Fuck you.

>> No.18926656

Yes I agree. If he truly had several editors work on it, then whoever worked on it last should be questioned.
Ultimately, shouldn't the author have the final word on when it's done and ready? To me, it looks like he handed it off to his editors and when he got the printed copy back, he didn't take the time to read it with a pen and make note of any imperfections. There is no way Waldun sat down and did a final review of the printed copies, is there? If he makes a YouTube video I hope he discusses the final "sign off" process he used. Clearly he did not sit with the book and go through it before clearing it for release.

>> No.18926658

Chill bro.

>> No.18926668

Melbournbros you must get your hands on these manuscripts

>> No.18926671

Hmm. You're kinda being a hater right now.

>> No.18926674

Relax, kid. He’s not gonna fuck you my guy

>> No.18926685

Fucking scum you people are shitting up his discord. Get a life you vile cretins

>> No.18926705

waldunesque masterpiece

>> No.18926711


>> No.18926712

>There is no way Waldun sat down and did a final review of the printed copies, is there?
in the OP video he says that he sent his fifth draft of l'académie (roughly one year of work) to a group of editors who asked him to line edit everything and change specific things about plot and characters; issues that waldun "addressed" in a process that took five months

even then he had a lot of self-doubt and was only pushed to publishing when his lit student/bookseller "partner" supported him. over the next "few months" he "finalized" the book

anyway, there are no "printed copies" akin to review copies/galleys to go through since this is an amazon print-on-demand book

this piece of shit is unsalvageable

>> No.18926715
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>Hinosance, whoance loss can ne'er be regain-ed

>> No.18926720

This pasta:
A decade from now academics will still be debating who got it right: Orwell or Huxley. Waldunchads will sit in the back of the lecture halls with a slight smirk on their face. They're still debating this...even after all these years? Heh. They'll get up and move slowly to the door.

As a cool wind blows through the campus they'll put their earbuds in and adjust their collar. Slyly, they'll drop a copy of L'Academie onto the ground. It's not rubbish--but it will surely be picked up...eventually.

>> No.18926723

The people who post as 4channers on YouTube or KD's discord are infinitely more pathetic than Waldun. Grow up.

>> No.18926733

Not really pasta material, my man.

>> No.18926741

>In one of his older videos (don't remember which, he might take it down too since he scrubbed all videos referencing TLD) he talks about how he learned from his mistake of hiring a fiverr editor. So he found a company? or group of editors online who would read a 500 word submission for free and give you feedback. The group claimed they would only work with writers they felt had potential or if they saw something in the sample. After getting their feedback, you could hire them as editors. When Waldun sent in his sample, they sent him back high praise, saying something like "Your writing is brilliant! The way you describe Eddington looking out his window..." Waldun reads this quote of his feedback in the video. It seemed like he paid them on a weekly basis for nearly a year to edit/proofread L'Académie.
oh no no no waldunites is this real

>> No.18926742
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To that I say this pasta:

>My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why
>Got out of bed at all
>The Melbourne rain clouds up my window
>And I can't see at all
>And even if I could it'll all be grey
>Put your writings on my wall
>They remind me, that I'm not so bad
>I'm not so bad

Dear Waldun, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'
I left my Insta, my Youtube, and my Discord at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably is problems because of COVID or somethin'
Ha, sometimes my tenses get all jumbled when I jot 'em
But anyways...fuck it, what's been up? How's Jay The Author?
I'ma start a movement too, I'm 'bout to be a father
If I fake a partner, guess what I'ma call her
I'ma call her Ila...
I read the threads on 4chan and I'm sorry
I had experience with goons who didn't recognize real drama
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even pay your Patreon to support your writing...no scam
I got a folder full of your videos and your Instas man
I like the shit you did in high school too, it wasn't whack
Anyways, I hope you see this man, please post back,
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
You're our man

>My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why
>Got out of bed at all
>The Melbourne rain clouds up my window
>And I can't see at all
>And even if I could it'll all be grey
>Put your writings on my wall
>They remind me, that I'm not so bad
>I'm not so bad

Dear Mister "I'm Too Good To Subscribe & Follow Fans"
This will be the last post I ever send your ass
It's been days and still no Fkn word, I don't deserve it
I know you got my last two Tweets...I did the tenses on 'em perfect
So this is the last message I'm sending you, I hope you see it...
I'm talkin to strangers right now, 'bout to go down some dark 'allies'
Hey Eddington, I drank a bottle of wine
The light is green, think I can walk in a straight line?
You know Ulysses by James Joyce, "Though much is taken, much abides"
About that guy who just walked around while he got cucked by his wife?
Yes...I know you do, you and Ila read it all, you both posted 'bout it
That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from a cucked life
Now it's too late, the cafe closed, no long black and I'm drowsy
And all I wanted was a lousy reply or a like
I hope you know I was so upset I wiped out on my bike
I love you Waldun, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you write and post about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you cream about it
I hope that cum tribute eats at you and you just seethe about me
See R.C--shut up about dead babies! I'm tryin' not to balk!
Hey R, that's Jaidyn scribblin' on a trunk
But I didn't make him gloat, I just lit him up, see he ain't like you
'Cause if he pontificates we'll suffer more, and still unsubscribe too
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the H&M now
Oh shit, almost forgot, it's about time that you come out


>> No.18926750

I don't think he'll do this since he's too narcissistic but this is a good advice, thank you

>> No.18926751

Ok. Do better.

>> No.18926765

meet outside flinders at midnight

>> No.18926776

Pasta is organic. For example, look at Waldun's prose
>To live in that apartment, I’d have to drive to a bulk department store and get a batch of vomit bags.
It is only what it is and entirely malleable.

>> No.18926785

Yes, the video he is referring to in regards to the sample is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV1TI4bd9js
One of my favourites of Waldun's, because imagine the scene. It's night, Waldun is lying in bed, preparing to doze off. When he awakes to a ring from his phone. It's from his editing company (note here, a company which does something for free will try to make you buy their services, that's not hard to understand. So a free edit is OBVIOUSLY going to be incredibly favourable). He reads the lavish praise from said company, and then, in the dead of night, feels the need to make a Youtube video. Because this message has now affirmed to Waldun that he is an expert at writing imagery. So he reads out this excerpt from this free praise to prove to himself, and to his gullible that yes, he is a good writer.
It's 2000 words for free. If you google search editing companies that edit the first 2000 words for free, only one comes up. I''m not saying that's the one, but...

>> No.18926793

*gullible audience
(if that wasn't obvious)

>> No.18926796

Not a good argument. Do better.

>> No.18926803
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>> No.18926809

Waldun is the product of con-men and self-help gurus.

>> No.18926830

Nobody can write well at 20, except for maybe poetry. That salty Welshman was too harsh.

>> No.18926837

bros... i feel bad now... he was so excited at some people shamelessly scamming him and sweet-talking him just to get his money...l'academie could've been better where it not for these conniving scoundrels...

>> No.18926852

Want to feel worse? Waldun buys Masterclasses.

>> No.18926854

most 20 year old writers realize that their writing is not good enough yet and just continue working, reading and improving instead of rushing to self-publish a substandard work to sell it to an undiscerning audience built upon self glorified lifestyle vlogs.

>> No.18926872
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Meme version.

>> No.18926881

Yeah, it’s quite odd how Waldun thought himself worthy of publishing a novel from the get go, despite him being a complete novice who hasn’t taken any time to practice. He delved into his self-absorbed dark-academia LARP so quickly that he felt he had to have “published” work out there or else his naive teenage fans wouldn’t view him as this troubled genius.

>> No.18926889

Shit is dying and threads got deleted. Time to get best-ofs to have them ready for Waldun's next book (or the release of the Annotated L'Academie)

>> No.18926904
File: 17 KB, 847x157, 1629978188096 waldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best-ofs such as this gem

>> No.18926920

If you’re going to go to the extent of LARP that waldun does (giving advice to young writers, dressing like a pseud, pretending to read and understand hard books while making videos about it), you should be able to back it up by writing, at the very least, a half decent piece of writing. Plus he charges for that shit. He deserved it.

>> No.18926930

>L'Annotated L'Academie

>> No.18927006

Can we talk about Waldun,a literature enthusiast with 200k subs, shilled that people shouldn't read the full book and should just pay for a summed up version?

This literature mastermind,an author, basically advised people to buy bullet points versions of books.

This started as a meme but I have actually never seen someone being so bad and revolting doing something he supposedly loves.

>> No.18927024

He is a talentless hack who will do anything for a quick buck. He would never turn down a sponsorship, and he doesn't care about the things he says enough to even notice the discrepancy

>> No.18927034

Are you kidding? Waldun sees the average man and knows he has little time to buy books, much less read them. By giving the reader quick and easy access to bullet points, he extends to the man burdened by the industrial complex his innate wisdom gained through many a trial.

>> No.18927047

Shit you're right I take back what I said about Wally being a hack

>> No.18927052


>> No.18927215
File: 32 KB, 640x480, ENYfud_WoAAobP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please God, give RC Waldun the strength to overcome this ordeal.

>> No.18927272

The Library of Alexandria in his hand, oh what I would give to for just one glance.

>> No.18927294

Amazon ships you a proof copy when you're ready. At least they did for me back in 2013.

I, too, did not do a thorough edit because I was promised by this editor lady I hired that my shit didn't stink, hahaha! She had like 100+ 5 star reviews, that should have been a warning sign.

>> No.18927300

No, Waldun accomplished something awesome by getting his next book finished, he just needed to polish it more.

>> No.18927318

Really is an Australian second-generation immigrant LARPing as a socialized American. Waldun is the embodiment of a still extremely-prevalent desire to be American, to have American tastes.

>> No.18927334

Are these threads like /lit/'s version of the Bane meme where everyone pretended to critique the scene unironically?

>> No.18927339

The only thing that’s truly unfortunate about it is that it will be catalogued on the internet for the rest of his life. In saner and better times it would be resigned to the memories of a handful and he’d be able to move on, perhaps even be a great writer some day.

>> No.18927430

What are the themes of the Waldun saga? So far I have:
>A vicious cycle of con-men exploiting the nativity of children
>Unbound narcissism and self delusion
>Aesthetics over substance
>The futility of choosing the path of least resistance
>The need for honest criticism
>Repressed homosexuality (kek)

>> No.18927450

>Rebelling against one's heritage / father
>Internet subcultures

>> No.18927451

I think the consensus on Jaidyn is that he seems like a really good guy. He seems like he could be very charming in person and he's still finding himself out (and whatever if he writes bad poetry--going around posting it outside is a little narcissistic but he might develop into something decent one day).

Jay has had a life of adventure and he's going back to the UK to start up a life with his gf. He's also not without charisma (even if it's a little fucked up he seems to see street people as props for his lifestyle).

Waldun has legions of fans and, as he said, we gave him a lot of free criticism. I'm starting to think the route we took with the HH evolved into something mean-spirited but I honestly believe there's something in the subtext of his writing that lends itself to the Repression Theory...if he wants to be a writer he'll learn to take autobiographical-based criticism. In the end, he had the balls to put himself out there and write a book. Good on him, honestly. I mean, I could do without the content he creates given how he intends it to be consumed--some level of public derision is to be expected and it isn't completely unwarranted.

All in all--they had their fun and we had our own as well. Good luck to all their future endeavors.

>> No.18927520

TCK Publishing? They offer a free first 2000, all the rest seemed to be either individual editors or raunchy sites from before 2014

>> No.18927527

I think at some point over the last 2 years Waldun became self aware and stealthily transitioned in to grifmode.

>> No.18927580

>A vicious cycle of con-men exploiting the nativity of children
That's false tough (unless you're talking about the editors exploiting Waldun). Waldun is no con man, he genuinely believes what he writes is noteworthy and that his novel is good. Realistically, he can't be making much money from L'académie anyway, he can get 20k views top from his videos, and L'académie announcement has only 13k views, if you want to be optimistic maybe 1%-5% of his audience will buy his book but the number will probably be lower than that. The problem with Waldun is that he aspires to be this great writes like Joyce or Pychon, but really shows more preference to pop writers like Sedaris and Chuck Paulianuk (?, the guy who wrote fight club), even worse, he has build an audience on top of his frivolous taste in "Dark Academia", which could only attract teenage girls, women stuck in a teenage mindset and pretentious fags with no self awareness. None of these demographics will help Waldun in his quest, they have no taste and will praise everything he does. He has made his own bed and is a victim of his own succes, he should've stayed in engineering school and wrote in his spare time if he really cared about it, but he just want to be perceived as writer.

TL;DR: Waldun is taking advantage of no one, he is just as stupid as his audience

>> No.18927614
File: 651 KB, 960x738, 1619357114152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he might develop into something decent one day
if you're above the age of 14 and writing shit like this (not to mention proudly posting it in public) you're never gonna write anything good, sorry

>> No.18927633

So am I the only one that actually wishes Waldun kills himself?

>> No.18927660

Waldunchads won't put up with comments like this. Kindly move along to another thread, sir.

>> No.18927671

Yes, you fucking monster. He's just a kid who published some garbage.

>> No.18927716

That would be awful. He's a lolcow, naive but still he's a person.

>> No.18927726

>just a kid who published some garbage
>still he's a person.
You're a bunch of faggots. He deserves all he's getting and much more.

>> No.18927732

The fuck is wrong with you? Seek help.

>> No.18927747

So am I the only one that actually wishes Waldun to wear frilly dresses?

>> No.18927748

Nah, I like knowing Waldun's suffering. Getting 'help' would change that. I truly wish he ends himself, and knowing him, he'll write some shitty suicide note and put it online. That will be the greatest moment of this whole thing.

>> No.18927779
File: 74 KB, 1875x183, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Waldun Scholars - I'm compiling some best-of collages. Because there is so much content I'm going to do one for each thread starting with the Waldun thread just before these L'Academie discussion threads started. Be patient bros.

>> No.18927839

good to hear anon. after all, of what use is the study of literature if contemporary reactions are not recorded as well?

>> No.18927844

i'm worried bros
the book came out like a week ago and the only ones posting about it are the idiots here who only bought it to pirate it and make fun of it and that one youtuber who only bought it to provide waldun with a fresh rectum.
literally no one else is talking about it, not on youtube, not on social media, not anywhere else. is it because it's technically not out yet and we are the only ones taking advantage of waldun's pre-release sale or whatever he's calling it now?

>> No.18927849


>> No.18927850

Amen, brother

>> No.18927860

Waldun's audience doesn't read, and if they do read, they don't read critically. That's what makes the literary wizkid grift so easy.

>> No.18927862

oh and he's deleting youtube comments again...

>> No.18927920

That’s uncomfortable

>> No.18927925
File: 27 KB, 904x165, not milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time someone noticed the epigraph was incorrect. This is /lit/ history we are in the middle of

>> No.18927949

Based autist grammarian.

>> No.18927954

waldunsisters, is there any way we can soften the blow of the WELSH HAMMER

>> No.18927958

Funny how the threads have slowed down since the review...

>> No.18927965

Wtf I love Waldun now!

>> No.18927969

its more like CWC thread

>> No.18927973

I Finished L'Académie, Here's How - 3 Tips

>> No.18927986

Decent doesn't mean good. He seems like the only one in the group that actually reflects on himself and contemplates shit. Yeah, he's a midwit but his insecurities make him endearing (especailly compared to Jay/Waldun).

>> No.18927992

Probably a dumb question, but does warasu have the deleted threads? I left them open in my browser and I can reply shit to you if not.

>> No.18927995

Yes fucking retard. if he kills himself there would no no more to laugh at him.

>> No.18928028

yes but they don't have the pictures which sucks

>> No.18928047

I'll see what I can grab and post it back here. Most of the good shit was just comments anyway.

>> No.18928221

Everyone talks about Waldun and his legions of fans but 90% of his subs are dead subs from when he had a few popular videos. I don't think he's as big as you guys think.

>> No.18928229

you're a real jerk

>> No.18928263

his parents aren't which is the saddest part :(

>> No.18928282

Okay that makes sense.

I hope people aren't buying this guy's books for the hipster irony.

>> No.18928299

His vids still get up to 20k views. Factor in repeat viewings and you still have around 8k people paying attention to him. That's a small town/very large village worth of people caring about what he has to say.

>> No.18928313
File: 115 KB, 1080x739, 1629950344799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did, only so we could pirate it. Within 2 days of it getting leaked (since he fucked up and didn't intend for copies to ship until Sept. 1st), we had a complete pdf of it

>> No.18928316


>> No.18928327


>> No.18928333

Waldun looks like THAT?

>> No.18928337


>> No.18928361

Fool. It's obviously a commentary on false perspectives imbibed within a text. Our man knows that a historical event, which featured a multiyear event known as The Terror (or, as Waldun himself knows it: la Terreur), is a perfect opportunity to comment on the uncertainty of our modern political events in the age of social media! Further...

Ah fuck it, I'm tired. He's gay so he loves musicals, watched Les Miserables after failing to get through the book, and didn't realize the events depicted came decades after the actual FR. Is everyone ok with that? HH?

>> No.18928366

I'm literally a worst writer than waldo

>> No.18928374

>a worst writer

>> No.18928390

Check 'em

>> No.18928401
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>> No.18928411

Was Dark Academia just this dork and his five hipster friends larping as interwar-period profs all along?

>> No.18928412
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>> No.18928414

Is that weev?

>> No.18928426

The whole point is to acquire social capital to prove that you have more aristocratic taste than others, not to actually write anything. The apex of taste is to have disdain for every book you've ever read.

>> No.18928472
File: 244 KB, 900x600, 4B278FDE-7700-4112-88B0-67A2253E661F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waldun was the only one who was Dark Academia. Jay and Jaidyn were proto-neo-modern romantic beats. Waldun began a period of aesthetic convergence with them once Learned Disguise got btfo, with L’Academie being its ultimate expression.

>> No.18928486

fuck you waldun for deleting my well written youtube comment.

>May I offer some honest thoughts. Waldun, L'Academie represents a regression in style, prose, plot... The learned disguise possessed the pretension of a young man aspiring, nay, daring to be great by the influence of his predecessors. L'Academy posseses none of these things. What I see is a concession, one that says "If I can't be great, at least I can make money".

>> No.18928516

rude of him. what does he fear?

>> No.18928523

i wish i copied and pasted it...it was actually a lot better than what i wrote there. im not sure what he fears...I also mentioned that i think his 3rd book will be his best yet. I am STILL roooting for him after this disaster. The Learned disguise was juvenialia, yes, but that's OK...he just needed to hone his craft.

>> No.18928567

Beat Poet and official member of NAMBLA--Allen Ginsberg. But yeah. he looks like a cross between Weev and David Cross...never noticed before.

>> No.18928583

That was to be expected.

>> No.18928584

holy based , waldun on tik tok

>> No.18928590

please and link the vid

>> No.18928599

Take that back fella, no need for that comment...

>> No.18928607

wonder if his next video will just be called "Stop Asian Hate." and he will use it to deflect all criticism because some anons called him a chink
of course he doesnt give a shit about racism against asians but it's the perfect out and he can just say something to the effect of "i've wanted to talk about this for a long time but i could never figure out how to do it properly until now" kek

>> No.18928646
File: 37 KB, 667x447, young ginsberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny to see that a man like Ginsberg was handsome in his youth. If this is how Beat poets age I worry for Waldun.

>> No.18928650
File: 26 KB, 580x330, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Jeff Goldblum

>> No.18928652

This isn't kiwifarms asshole...you should be embarrassed for floating that idea.

>> No.18928658
File: 574 KB, 1473x2048, 1630041401214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a short week ... Thanks for the fun lads

>> No.18928666

>official member of NAMBLA
He was its founder.

I remember picking up a book of Ginsburg poetry in a public library a few months after receiving a BA in literature. Flipped to a random page: poem about fucking little boys.

How did I get through four years of American lit courses without ever hearing this literary icon, and most of his cohorts, were child molesters? Really makes you think.

>> No.18928676
File: 198 KB, 1280x791, 1575912911331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pretty shallow gene pool.

>> No.18928681

>No idea who this guy is
>check his youtube channel
>Every 30 seconds he repeats a sentence
Is this guy slow or why does he talk like a mentally challenged person?

>> No.18928692


he is not handsome

>> No.18928705
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garderians are obnoxious because their Ontological framework relies on large leaps of faith rather than logical conclusions. I get that this kind of reasoning is useful for certain kinds of problems but Gardenians lack the modesty to see this and I think most of them misunderstood Gardener. Walduns Ontology is much more cohesive, Waldunians are better read and seem to have a more comprehensive understanding of Waldunian principles...

>> No.18928751

Uh...checked. I knew the Beats were degenerates when I was into them as a teenager (in my defense though, I was mostly just into Burroughs). I didn't find out Ginsberg was a pederast until I saw him in a documentary about NAMBLA when I was in uni (are you sure he was a founder?) I was pretty shocked; I'd read up on the obscenity trial involving Howl and never saw anything about it (just a bunch of contrived "'MuH aRTiStiC fREedoM" shit). I wonder if The Melbourne Movement is aware that their major literary inspiration was driven by diddlers.

>> No.18928804

So how did he pulled so much bussy?

>> No.18928830

Which poem?

>> No.18928843

This is the doc https://youtu.be/Ygrd29-_O3I

>> No.18928852

I think the Waldun autism is /lit/'s lowest moment

>> No.18928858

FYI: Ginsberg comes into the doc around 11min20secs in. The poem he's reading at the NAMBLA meetup might be the one the other guy was talking about.

>> No.18928938
File: 558 KB, 812x507, Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 10.07.25 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The review of l'academie was to dark academia what heilgate was to the alt-right. The death of a gay little internet 'movement' at first contact with tangible reality.

>> No.18928943


status, personality, money. Lots of things that make a person attractive besides looks. Besides that, it's not as though he's ugly. Just not a particularly handsome guy.

>> No.18928960

Shill thread

>> No.18929005

based psycho

>> No.18929025

Is this by the guy who draws all the hooni r34

>> No.18929052
File: 55 KB, 450x338, i think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i figured out the main problem with waldun's writing: Because he doesn't read, he takes inspiration for his woeful dialogue from shitty films and animes. The what's your name passage reads like a scene from a bad shonen. That's why the whole thing feels juvenile, it comes from a source of entertainment aimed at early teenagers. Maybe one could argue that the man himself has not grown up, but i don't really want to get into that.
Either way, this anon >>18926203 has got it right. He's going to turn into the dreaded film essay realm and larp as an avid criterion™ collector and shoot some dull footage on super 8. Such is the life of the internet poser with no solid identity.

>> No.18929056

It was never a movement. It is nothing but a silly trend adopted by young people because they have no culture.

>> No.18929060
File: 352 KB, 1532x346, Screenshot 2021-08-27 at 08.10.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still tilts me that he never fixed this erroneous title

>> No.18929061

Can someone please explain /lit/'s immense homosexuality for this twink ? What is with these threads?

>> No.18929062

but waldun said it was the new renaissance...

>> No.18929068

Is he balding? Why does he have that goofy haircut?

>> No.18929075

its just a lolcow that /lit/ latched onto
asian kids tend to have it

>> No.18929078
File: 48 KB, 1364x212, Screenshot 2021-08-27 at 08.15.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is waldun such a chad bros?

>> No.18929101
File: 115 KB, 354x202, waldo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseud chinese kid makes popular youtube videos explaining literature
>writes really crappy book
>welshman on youtube tears it apart
>pulls the book from sale and claims his next book will be better
>writes an even crappier book
>welshman on youtube tears it apart
that's it

>> No.18929110

thank you

>> No.18929113

>explaining literature
you're being rather generous

>> No.18929114

what kind of cuckery is this

>> No.18929116


hence the scare quotes

>> No.18929128

he's a personification of the "literary lifestyle" meme but with even less substance, guy can't even namedrop

>> No.18929199

It's about the movement. Jaidyn is the soul. Jay is the body. Waldun is the mind.

It all runs painfully deep.

Start your adventure here:
Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ZpAiw3vio
Familiarization: https://youtu.be/tzAqf00sFII
Our Man, Our Boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRWrPDNbGw

Getting to know Jaidyn (SOUL):

Getting to know Jay (BODY):

Getting to know Waldun (MIND):
The lack of self-awareness. The repressed homosexuality. His early masterpiece, The Learned Disguise, is the only way in. However, you can start your journey into this young man via his fashion advice as inspired by his daddy issues (trying to please him but realizing he must make his own path to self-discovery): https://youtu.be/TyTh_F0rc-A

Advanced Waldunlore (Introduction to HH):

Recent Developments:
KDB Review: https://youtu.be/3GyChCD3rdA
KDB Plagiarism Exposed: http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showthread.php?64383-Please-Help!-Source-of-Quote-Believed-to-be-JOHN-MILTON-PARADISE-LOST >>18924155 >>18924282

>> No.18929207

Truly the high-chancellor of Dark Academia

>> No.18929213

I don't think he is going to get into film, because the film crowd he would want to be associated with relied on transgressive material. One element of the Waldunian fiction that I don't think has been properly explored is his simultaneous need to be transgressive, but fear of actual transgression. It's no coincidence that Waldun's peak was centered around dark academia/classic novels. They presented him with a world contextually controversial, but flaccid in today's climate. In other words, Waldun was able to occupy the role of a disrupter, by embracing certain culturally accepted signifiers of rebellion, but never needed to tangibly rebel. This facade has come crumbling down with the neo-beat elements of his current work. Ignoring the normative capitalist undercurrent informing beat literature, its aesthetic tenet is an almost compulsive need to formally and immediately rebel. This means that for contemporary work to function, it must reject the standards of its time. In l'academie Waldun is only able to point to cigarette smoking, a legal, and corporatized activity, as a vehicle of indiscretion. Film functions in a similar way, due to its streamlined production process, and linear artistic development. Something like 'M' could not be made today and be considered transgressive. Artistically relevant filmmaking requires this disruptive instinct that Waldun does not have. I wouldn't be surprised if he found a 50s Bergman tabboo, let alone something like recent Michael Haneke. This desire to be seen as rebellious also means that he couldn't join the A24 crowd, because they do not hold a defiant place in the discourse.

>> No.18929221

You guys are vicious.

>> No.18929225

Why hasn't anyone uploaded it to libgen yet? The Learned Disguise is up there.

>> No.18929229

Include the link to Waldun's old (deleted) website in the next pasta (when this gets posted again)...

Advanced Waldunlore:
Early Writings: https://web.archive.org/web/20201119140803/https://www.litpublication.com/
Introduction to the HH: >>18912091

>> No.18929254
File: 29 KB, 1206x176, screenshot_2021-08-27-11:06:29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waldunchads rejoice... he's going to persevere... he's not broken yet...

>> No.18929262

it's on zlib.

>> No.18929265

The Waldun scene has interacted with KD!

>> No.18929268
File: 80 KB, 1120x450, Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 6.11.05 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18929271


>> No.18929277

Garderian basically just means having a ridiculous M Night Shamalyan twist at the end of the book.

>> No.18929299

It all runs painfully deep bros . . .

>> No.18929303

you guys took this too far. go easy on him for the next few months. milk a lolcow too hard and you end up killing it.

>> No.18929308

>kd destroys waldun and exposes him for exactly what he is
>it's /lit/'s fault
keep yourself safe

>> No.18929310

I have a solution
I will become the next lolcow if waldun quits
I'm trying to write a shitty dark academia novel too so why not

>> No.18929311

So who’s next? The call of the crocodile guy?

>> No.18929314

F Gardner already has memes. I think he’s bulletproof for criticism anyway. It’s been all fucking year and he still buys ads here.

>> No.18929324

Robin if you're reading this keep your chin up fella. You still have plenty of time and people who support you.

>> No.18929329
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>> No.18929338

Call of the Crocodile is already eternal here. Waldun’s books are too different from that. Different fan bases.

>> No.18929353

Honestly these videos make me feel sad. I wish I had friends.

>> No.18929358

You have to be 18 years old to post here

>> No.18929369

I've been drawing parallels in my mind between cooking and writing. In Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon's primary source of anger towards restaurant owners is their lack of passion for cooking and owning a restaurant, resulting in lazy practices which rip off the customer. What this shows is, in Gordon's and the viewers' mind, that many of these owners get into owning a restaurant for reasons outside of a love of cooking, most frequently being trying to portray a certain image or status or trying to bolster their own ego. For me, the same principles apply to Waldun. Putting issues of the story itself to one side for a moment, the book is error ridden to a remarkable degree. The fact that he seemingly did not bother to review the work of his editors, which even the most cursory review would have spotted a multitude of errors, speaks to a lack of passion for writing. Returning to the story, the fact that much of it is paperthin, undeveloped and in places contradictory speaks to the same lack of passion. One has to then ask: why spend all this time writing a novel, paying editors, graphic designers etc. for it to turn out so badly in areas so easily fixed? Everything seems to indicate that he did it for status, vanity and his own ego. The other alternative is that he did it to rob his fans, but that seems unlikely as there are far easier ways to do so. Whatever the reasons were for writing the book, the which we can only speculate, one thing is clear. It is not the work of someone who is passionate about writing.

>> No.18929375

great post anon. this is what i like to see

>> No.18929376

It's unfair to call Waldun a lolcow. He's cringe but not anymore cringe than any other zoomer, in fact he is probably less cringe thann your average zoomer, because instead of larping as a negro he's larping as a french intellectual and reading hard books. Leave him alone.

>> No.18929399

who's not leaving him alone? all the waldunposting is taking place here, most that he is getting is a few edgy comments on his youtube, your little twink is going to ok

>> No.18929405

I think you're on to something. He's is truly a master at quickly assimilating and reproducing every new self-help/dark-academia-esque trend.
Waldun might just be what happens when you watch 2-3 hours of such content on Youtube and take it to the extreme. To the point where he himself is making this stuff.

>> No.18929407

he doesnt actually read them though. anyway i agree, hes no more cringe than your average silly kid. difference is he broadcasts and monetises his worst moments.

he doesnt deserve what he is getting though. he probably spent the whole day curled up crying all because he wrote a stupid book. tragic really.

>> No.18929410

I think this is one of the few times in 4chan history where we aren't the villains. It is established that most posters like Waldun because he represents a stage most literature fans go through, and ultimately we want the best for him. I think KD carries most of the blame, due to the scornful nature of his review.

But to be fair to KD, I think he misunderstands Robin's position. Having a minor following on youtube is not actually a position of real power. KD's criticisms are all fair, but the level of anger lacing them is deserving of a youtube with much more clout.

>> No.18929413

that Cate chick looks like some b-tier romcom girl lmao

>> No.18929426

He's also not ready to seriously engage with writing. I theorize that a lot of this disaster is due to the social pressures of his family situation, demanding a prestigious job asap. I wish he felt safe enough to just read, privately work, and enjoy life for a few years.

>> No.18929440

Just doing some writing on 'On The Road' and Jack K's constant 'wishing I was negro' is pretty similar to Robin's ethos.

Maybe he's a beat after all lol

>> No.18929487
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, L'academie supposedly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He walked over to the Square and arrived at L'Académie. It didn't look like much: a single-story gray building, blending in with every other place in The Regime. But L'Académie was deceptive; most of it was an underground facility. Apparently, learning was optimized if there were no distractions, and that included windows to the separate world.

What did he mean by this ?

>> No.18929504

kek how does he do it

>> No.18929506

I remember reading that part and thinking that he fucked up. What he says in his vid is that the castle looking thing is supposed to be lacademie. In the book he describes it as a grey cube. Perhaps the castle is underground and what you see above ground is simply a facade, implying that you can't judge a book by its cover.

It could also be that he uses the building as a metaphor for his closeted homosexuality - you can see the building described in the book in the middle of his drawing. Waldun could be suggesting that what he feels inside (notebook) can't be expressed easily (book), therefore compromising some quality which defines himself (in this case l'academie)

>> No.18929513
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>It could also be that he uses the building as a metaphor for his closeted homosexuality - you can see the building described in the book in the middle of his drawing. Waldun could be suggesting that what he feels inside (notebook) can't be expressed easily (book), therefore compromising some quality which defines himself (in this case l'academie)

for fucks sake I cant take it anymore HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.18929530
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Someone needs to compile all the theory. The HH can only be proven by careful analysis and cross referencing.

>> No.18929600

I thought he was Australian

>> No.18929617

Waldun might be dropping hints here. This is yet another instance that proves HH.

>> No.18929731
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if waldun’s parents aren’t wealthy, as someone mentioned upthread, then his entire situation becomes much sadder. his strict father scheming and scrimping to send his son to stembug school in order to get a proper education, one that perhaps he never got, but waldun switches over to literature and instead launches a mildly successful youtube channel. scoffs of dismissal at family reunions. ”b-but father, the subscriber count…!” fast forward to now, where waldun has been revealed as a pseud and a fraud for everyone to see, his stock in dark academia falling fast, his brother in arms ditching him and the entire neo-beat movement for old blighty. things are not looking good bros

>> No.18929747

Waldun isn't Korean and he doesn't were clothes like that lol
Also fuck off to one of the queer boards you massive faggot.

>> No.18929754

Waldun's parents are 'comfortable'. He's from a lower-middle-class area, but I assume his parents own their house. He'll never go without shelter or food, but the operation is not being bankrolled. Most of his 'purchases' are very much in line with someone working but living at home expense-free.

>> No.18929758

Isn't he living in some rented apartment?

>> No.18929759

I have no idea what the living situation is like in Australia, but isn't he renting a one person apartment in the middle of Melbourne? That doesn't seem like something a uni student would be able to afford, even with a bit of Youtube money.

>> No.18929768

Renting is actually quite cheap in Melbourne right now because of all the lock downs. A lot of empty apartments in the city.

>> No.18929770

>lower-middle-class area
I wouldn't say he's super-rich or anything, but he's definitely doing a little better than lower-middle class. The average house price in his suburb is around $1.5m. Which places it a fair bit above the overall average.

>> No.18929784

>Renting is actually quite cheap in Melbourne right now
Even so, it's not something most uni students can afford on their own. If they don't live at home, most people have to both live with housemates and work part-time to get by (neither of which Waldun does). His parents are clearly paying for his lifestyle, not that it's inherently wrong or anything.

>> No.18929787

Yeah because of closed borders and the only ppl living in the city being international students, a CBD apartment is one of the cheaper living arrangements atm. He'd be eligible for youth allowance for when his work isn't paying a living wage.

He mentions where he lived in a video, I don't want to say because it may have been a deleted one. But it's a bit of a shit hole suburb. I could see him having one of the nicer houses there tho. My point is mainly that he isn't the cliched bankrolled by parents writer.

>> No.18929791

It actually is. I have some pretty pov mates who have jumped at the opportunity. Its like a throwback to the 80s where student dole can adequately fund a non shit living situation.

One mate on Colins is paying like 70$ a week.

>> No.18929808

this seems like a perfect breeding ground for a new wave of bands, artists, writers. all this right as the neo-beats dissolve, their only marks a few poems taped to suburban street lamps…

>> No.18929814

b-but anon.. they said they won't break up as long as the prose is flowing.. what does this say about the prose?? i'm scared, please tell me the prose is going to be ok

>> No.18929828
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He lives in an apartment like this with no bedroom if I recall correctly. You can live in a rental like this just from Centrelink alone here. I've neeted in apartments like this before. Peak comfy.

>> No.18929830
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truth is i thought it mattered…i thought proses mattered…but does it bollocks…not compared to how sweet and sour pussy matters

>> No.18929834
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Wow you guys are pathetic

>> No.18929841

No. I had a screenshot of one of his instagram stories (gone now and he deleted it from his highligts) supposedly at his house doing some "filmmaking project", the place didn't scream chine industrialist millionaire but it was certainly middle class. Waldun had avery priviled upbringing even if he isn't rich and all his mates are comfortably middle to upper class, thats why they're all so sheltered. Waldun should unironically get a real job and experience the misery that is the daily commute, he quit his part time job to focus on his youtube and writing only and I'm sure that isn't generaring a living wage, he gets an alloweance from his parents thats for sure. Also the harry potter video where Waldun plays with a wand shoes a very nice home too, maybe its because I grew up poor and everything screams "rich" to me but the house also seemed very uppity and fancy, but it could be just be me as a third worlder fawning over what is a normal house in Australia

>> No.18929850

>it could be just be me as a third worlder fawning over what is a normal house in Australia
This is the case. The suburb he is from is a shithole. But actual houses in Aus are cheap. Its the land which defined someone's class.

>> No.18929854

These places are great as a bachelor. Seriously, why get more?

>> No.18929866

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having wealth. Literature is the hobby of aristocrats, always has been. I know you've been conditioned your whole life to believe that being working class is a noble trait and that the working class are great people, but I can tell you right now, those are all lies. The working class are horrible, every artistic domain they are exalted in degenerates into the most vile culture imaginable, look at music for a shining example. I would probably rate Walduns work higher if I found out his parents were millionaires.

>> No.18929872

Most people over a certain age in melb are millionaires via net worth. The housing market is so fucked lmao.

>> No.18929875

>I would probably rate Walduns work higher if I found out his parents were millionaires.
What did he mean by this bros?

>> No.18929884

correct opinion, absolutely shit reasoning
how did you do it anon? this is impressive

>> No.18929888

Exactly what I said. If his parents have money that says something about him, if his parents have no money that too says something about him, in the latter case it says something negative.

>> No.18929892

Which part of it is wrong. I'm interested in hearing this.

>> No.18929894

it's just sad

>> No.18929934

If that Clark guy drops Robin over this, he's a cunt.

>> No.18929943

This genuinely made me feel bad for him. He got some positive feedback from people whose business depends on not discouraging amateur writers and that got him so excited that he just had to shoot a video and talk about some random idea he had about writing. L'Académie is the product of yesmen and lack of self reflection, no wonder it's shit.

>> No.18929957

ah, yes, the aristocrats of 4channel.org

>> No.18929966

He likely will. He grifted Waldun for shootouts, and once Waldun is exposed as a fraud he will pretend like they never met. Clark is especially cunty. I had a convo with him once and he would not shut up about all the books he has read and would constantly talk down to anyone. Absolute aspie.

>> No.18929984

Most of the people on this website are total retards, working class imbeciles who will never do or write anything of value, if they did it would only be valuable in the sense that it had a degenerative impact on society and maybe some people in the upper classes might find that advantageous.

>> No.18929996

>shit hole suburb
Either you're misinformed on where he's actually from, or you and I have very different ideas on what constitutes a shithole lol. Real estate prices there are pretty high because of the attractive school zones for Asians and from what I've seen of the place, it's just fine. Just dull suburbia.

Except Waldun moved out pre-pandemic and there's vlog footage of him literally accepting a bank transfer from his parents to pay his rent. It's obvious his parents are helping him out in a major way because there's no way youtube and cenno can fund everything. And you're mate is an idiot if he doesn't realise rent will go right back up post-vaccine.

>> No.18930034
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how come you're here wasting your time with a bunch of bums?

>> No.18930050

>a bunch of bums

You aren't wrong.

>> No.18930082


>> No.18930154

cool. now let someone who’s not a complete retard make a new thread. we’re still on page 3 on a slow board,
no need to rush it

>> No.18930161


>> No.18930209

Close enough. I'll put you in the compilation

>> No.18930247

it's already dead...
RIP waldunbros it's been a blast
now to take out my frustrations on his youtube comments
this is your fault jannies
you made me do this

>> No.18930260

Waldunbros... Clark Elieson has ditched our Wally. He's deleted his instagram post praising L'Academie. It's over.

>> No.18930276
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>> No.18930285

he also commented on the KD review... it's ogre for our guy...

>> No.18930289

absolute pussy move

>> No.18930291
File: 85 KB, 1050x650, 0521ADD9-EA15-4E36-B766-D2323DA1A037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The man responsible for the violent shootings at the University of Melbourne earlier today, which left five people dead and another twelve injured, was reportedly shouting ’fuck jannies’ as he was in the process of being removed from the scene by police officers.

>> No.18930292



>> No.18930299


>> No.18930307

seriously, another SPINELESS retard with no opinions of his own

>> No.18930309

Fucking retards let people that have made the threads before do this

>> No.18930314

no he didnt you liar

>> No.18930317

how about no one makes a new thread until we hit page 10

>> No.18930323
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>> No.18930335

oh i thought you meant waldun commented on the kdbooks review
sorry waldunbro i took out my anger on you... the real enemy is kdbooks

>> No.18930337

No matter what happens, Robin will always be more accomplished than this Clark fellow.

>> No.18930356


>> No.18930407

Actually/our guy/ Clark dabbed on waldun long ago, on his video exposing dark academia as the pseud porn it is

>> No.18930486

I think you're right here. Overbearing Asian immigrant dad. Went to mainly FOB/second gen STEM focused high school. Going into the arts at all is a big disruption.

>> No.18930516

A freudian slip!

>> No.18930565

Yeah. He's only doing it for the prestige of being an "intellectual."

I highly doubt he has read more than a hundred books in his life, excluding children's books. First, he got into reading late, which is normal in this age. School kills your passion. So I doubt he was reading heavily in school. And he was a science YouTuber before getting into literature. He's only been into reading for maybe 4 years? Maybe less. I'm not sure. And even then he doesn't read that much even though his channel is about literature. 25 books a year is a very generous estimate of the number of books he's read. And of those books, many of them he's read simply to fit an image of what he thinks an intellectual should read. He has no love for the classics he's read. He only shows genuine enjoyment from the middle brow books he reads. But he doesn't read much of that either because it doesn't fit his image.

Imagine watching only a hundred movies in your life and thinking that makes you worthy of being knowledgeable enough to make a film and to teach others about making a film.

>> No.18930783

>i guess the book played like an awesome movie in his head, and none of that ever got anywhere near his fingertips
To be able to render images and ideas into prose is an ability that few possess. Generally you need to start reading and writing from a very early age because that's the critical stage to mold your brain. On top of that, you must retain a vivid imagination well into adulthood so that you can be able to watch "movies inside your head" as you read words on a paper.
Waldon might have the vivid imagination but not the skill to adapt it to paper.

>> No.18930788


feel bad for this kid. has symptoms of bpd n is broadcasting properly n copping it so hard. its genuinely sad

>> No.18930802


He makes a lot more than you would expect. trips tell

>> No.18931015

Who even publishes short stories?

>> No.18931472

He’s literally a full grown man. Not a kid.

>> No.18931594

Eat my ass little guy someone has to let this fucker know