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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 500x560, A9C0458E-4E82-4D00-A146-75DF2190B0C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18924756 No.18924756 [Reply] [Original]

That theory you spend hours reading and rereading is intuitively and effortlessly understood by high value women. How do you cope? How do you stroke your ego knowing that?

>> No.18924770

I feel good knowing I’m bettering myself in a way that makes relating to the female an easier task.

>> No.18924795

High intellect is a masculine trait. Any women with high intellect is effectively masculine in nature and not of high value at all.

>> No.18924816

He’s saying that all philosophy comes down to the will-to-power and women understand intuitively that whatever male has the most power is the most fit for reproduction.

>> No.18924844

Oh? That sucks I guess

>> No.18924849

What are you talking about? Cope with what? I don't give a shit about other people, I do what I want.

>> No.18924878

>Duuuhhhhh bein’ smrt is a masculine thing. Drrrrrrr

>> No.18924942

>didn’t refute the point
good one, wench

>> No.18924949

Would a woman really rather mate with a deformed ugly king than a genetically chad pauper? Wouldn't she prefer to be married to the king but impregnated by the pauper if possible

>> No.18924956

Some women are masculine, so this have to be refuted? Are you stupid or what?

>> No.18924962 [DELETED] 
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All that intelligence goes out the window after I beat her up and rape her.
The orgasm would be so intense she’d become temporarily retarded.

>> No.18924973
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Art Hoe: 70's edition.

>> No.18924977

Not necessarily. The Chad pauper might only be a handsome-looking man. His good looks could be accompanied with a bad smell, dishonesty, anger, and lack of intellect. If the Chad is merely poor, like a Bohemian artist, then she would be interested in getting bred while remaining married.

>> No.18924978


>> No.18924980


>> No.18924989
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>> No.18925007


>> No.18925010
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silver apples in golden bowls
t. goethe

>> No.18925016

This thread is so utterly pointless

>> No.18925058
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Me. I said it.

>> No.18925060

t. woman

>> No.18925074

Let's say women are inherently better. What's next? Give up forever? I'll be doing the same thing. I'll cut off my dick tho for the social understanding and skills of women.

>> No.18925078

If I were a woman, ironically I'd be a smart one for realizing that intellect is not what makes a woman high value to men.

>> No.18925079


>> No.18925082

>high value women
No such thing my friend.
How do you cope with sasquatch and ghosts? That's what you're asking me.

>> No.18925090

So would you settle with a dumb person and have children with her?

>> No.18925093

You will never be smart, ergo you will never be a man.

>> No.18925112

I want my wife to be a blonde airhead. All I care is that she’s sweet like cherry pie, I don’t care if she’s dumb.

>> No.18925128

And would you feel ok leaving your children with someone like that?

>> No.18925135

Yes, that is the goal. Women are supposed to be feminine, beautiful, supporting, and submissive. It's worked that way since time immemorial.
Don't you think it's kind of funny that the most "liberated" generation of women is also the most unhappy?

>> No.18925156

...which will not turn me into a woman, just a pretense.
It's like saying 6'4 get more puss. It's correct, yes, but what's next? What do you suggest I do with this information? Just defeatism, all it is. Either keep fighting or stop attaching so much value to winning or just rope. Fuck your defeatism loops every fucking day BWA HOW DO I COPE WAAA looping over this shit fucking infected me half my life with it. Do you know how long it took me to realize the loop leads nowhere? It just leads to looping again. Go fuck yourself. Fuck this thread. Sage. I see people crying about being a man, being a woman, fucking having wide lips. Go fuck yourself you looping loophole fuck.
>I'm just ranting
No you're looping. Fuck you.

>> No.18925162

have sex

>> No.18925171

I don't want dumb children.

>> No.18925205

And the article then goes on to say how a strong mother-child bond is also essential to their well-being.
So what do you want? A "smart" woman in a high-paying job who doesn't want to sacrifice her career and will eventually divorce you/take half your assets because she thinks she can still do better although she's already 35, or do you want an average-minded woman who comes from a traditional background and can't wait to have kids?

>> No.18925210

Had it. Freed me from one loop.

>> No.18925221

>A "smart" woman in a high-paying job who doesn't want to sacrifice her career and will eventually divorce you/take half your assets because she thinks she can still do better although she's already 35, or do you want an average-minded woman who comes from a traditional background and can't wait to have kids?
My mom left her high paying job to raise me and my sister.

>> No.18925224

Women understand Marxian snalptv?
High value women?
Women can be a commodity containing large amounts of socially necessary exchange value?
Women can be a commodity embodying large amounts of necessary “average” labour power?
Women can be produced in conditions of a commodity society where wage labour and profit are the dominant modes of subsistence requiring a market in consumable commodities available to survive?

Women, in short, are widgets?

Bit fucken steppenwives mate. You’d think actual living labour were a commodity next.

>> No.18925239

And considering how things work nowadays it is not like children don't spend most of their time at school. So it is definitely not that hard to have a career as a mother and raise children. My mom only left her job because she her company moved and she gave up on it to stay around her children.

>> No.18925278

This is the most bourgeois post on /lit/ right now.

>> No.18925286

High intellect is not necessary for the care of children. She need only be able to produce milkies, cook for them, change their nappies and clean up after them, and read them children's books.

When the boys come to the age where it matters they begin to look to their fathers who train and instruct them in more mental pursuits. The girls will never intellectually advance beyond the age of fourteen so it doesn't matter if their mother is any smarter.

>> No.18925397

Truer words are seldom said

>> No.18925529

Enjoy raising the cattle.

>> No.18925598

Did you not read a word I said? Women raise the cattle. Maybe you're a woman.

However, I wouldn't mind owning a few head of beef cattle. A cow and three steers would be sufficient.

>> No.18925616

Men are utterly pointless, especially you

>> No.18925626

Are you living under a rock or something? Kids are being educated before their first words. Well, enjoy having your children being the slaves of some chink bugman.

>> No.18925639

women understand Hegel and Kant - easily - intuitively

>> No.18925652


i don't cope or even know what you're talking about and the post isn't about literature, this is a literature board

>> No.18925673

>Rejecting tradition for some urbanite fantasy which only ends in divorce

You're not only coping, you're projecting.

>> No.18925685

What's a high value woman?

>> No.18925724

Someone with lots of followers on instagram. That is how the zoomer brain works.

>> No.18925741

And if she wears a dress and has no tattoos, she is trad. If she dies her hair and has tattoos, she is some kind of whore.

>> No.18926014
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This is now a vintage art-hoe thread

>> No.18926048

Based. I met like two intelligent girls in my life and they completely destroyed my ability to trust any female (my dog does not count)

>> No.18926055

>I see people crying about being a man, being a woman, fucking having wide lips.
What's wrong with wide lips?

>> No.18926058

>you will NEVER have a flapper drunk on illegal moonshine flap her hairy pungent box on your face

>> No.18926080
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For me it's Anita Berber

>> No.18926083
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Lucia Joyce (yes) lived in Europe, no prohibitionism here
She was locked in a mental institution in her mid 20s and spent 50 years there until her death though

>> No.18926085

>men understand laws
>women understand beauty
WOOOAAAH duuude, it's like men and women are different sexes that have different predispositions, far out shit maaaan

>> No.18926098

What are you talking about? Can you please go back wherever you came from?

>> No.18926113

To be fair to anon's imagination, Ireland has its own brand of moonshine, poitin, which is still illegal here because it makes you go blind.

>> No.18926139
File: 360 KB, 871x1390, sebbene-alcuni-merveilleuses-portare-liberta-di-eccesso-altri-adottano-un-piu-semplice-grecian-stile-in-ammirazione-dell-eta-eroica-che-ispira-l-idealista-rivoluzionari-data-1794-g3b2b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour moi, c'est les Merveilleuses

The Merveilleuses scandalized Paris with dresses and tunics modeled after the ancient Greeks and Romans, cut of light or even transparent linen and gauze. Sometimes so revealing they were termed "woven air", many gowns displayed cleavage and were too tight to allow pockets. To carry even a handkerchief, the ladies had to use small bags known as reticules.[3] They were fond of wigs, often choosing blonde because the Paris Commune had banned blonde wigs, but they also wore them in black, blue, and green. Enormous hats, short curls like those on Roman busts, and Greek-style sandals were the rage. The sandals tied above the ankle with crossed ribbons or strings of pearls. Exotic and expensive scents fabricated by perfume houses like Parfums Lubin were worn both for style and as indicators of social station. Thérésa Tallien, known as "Our Lady of Thermidor", wore expensive rings on the toes of her bare feet and gold circlets on her legs.

>> No.18926154
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If you want to study something to be understood by women of any value, picrel.

Not everything that we do has to function at a base animal level. There is little utilitarian value in expanding one's mind, but as a means of self-betterment and appreciation...it is second to none.

>> No.18926168
File: 54 KB, 640x466, MVZh4FUwg4uO-opZa1rihbdTDvjJKS3DPGbu2M4ybY8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always good to meet a follow connoisseur of the arts

>> No.18926199
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I've dated sexy philosophy student bitches and I've dated kindergarten aunties.

If you make a baby, you definately want to make it with the one which is just good with kids. "Smarts" in women is a meme. Get a friend if you really want to talk about Hegel with someone.

>> No.18926222

Said it before and I’ll say it again- 70s had best ho aesthetics.

>> No.18926283

>implying that being smart means knowing Philosophy
Any retard can learn Philosophy, anon. It is not 'big brain' shit, same with Math.

>> No.18926287
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>> No.18926302

And what is worse, that people who get in child-rearing are dumb. Anon, seriously, just stop. Quit it, you are not knowledgeable enough to think this. There is this Swiss guy, he used to be very influential and studied kids a lot. Piaget, check out his wikipedia page or something.

>> No.18926319


>> No.18926325

Why can't he be filmed laughing? Also they look unironically handsome smiling like that wtf is going on with me

>> No.18926345


>> No.18926401

Damn this Beckett smelled the crazy pussy from miles away.

>In May 1930, while her parents were in Zurich, she invited Beckett to dinner, hoping "to press him into some kind of declaration."[10] He flatly rejected her, explaining that he was only interested in her father and his writing. In his biography of James Joyce, Gordon Bowker argues that the underlying reasons for the rejection were Beckett's keen awareness of the "strong unfulfilled erotic bond between Lucia and her father" and her need to find "a genius father-substitute", together with "her predilection for unprotected sex."

>> No.18926408

Laughing is haram or something

>> No.18926431

>"her predilection for unprotected sex."
>he was only interested in her father and his writing.
>"her predilection for unprotected sex."
>"her predilection for unprotected sex."
Yuck, how disgusting

>> No.18926455

You talking to me?

>> No.18926464

You talking to me?

>> No.18926471

you aren't exactly helping your point, dyke

>> No.18926476

t. Retards

>> No.18926483

Are you aware that - genius outlier cases excepted - children inherit their IQ from the mother?

>> No.18926544

Assuming that's true —and it's almost certainly bullshit— a woman carrying a trait doesn't mean she expresses it. Baldness is also inherited matrilineally. Women have lower IQs on average than men.

>> No.18926549

>doesn't know how genes work

>> No.18926553

Reminder hereditary syphilis is a thing

>> No.18926561

Looks like you're homozygous for chronic projection syndrome.

>> No.18926563

>Baldness is also inherited matrilineally.
Is this actually something that is expressed by one single gene?
Anecdotically, it seems to me that in the last 10-20 years the number of relatively young (<30) males with almost no hair has increased greatly.

>> No.18926565

>Is this actually something that is expressed by one single gene?
As with intelligence: no.

>> No.18926571

Didn't ask, don't care
I'm not my own son

>> No.18926576

Women express baldness and it is not like some aren't smarter than others.Are you playing dumb or something?

>> No.18926580

Do you think you're Beckett?

>> No.18926584

I'm sorry there's no cure, Anon, but symptoms CAN improve with treatment.

>> No.18926596

If transexuals didn't idealise women so much they wouldn't end up killing themselves after they transition.

>> No.18926599

Underrated thought.

>> No.18926600

Says the one who claims that women don't express their genes for baldness and intelligence.

>> No.18926602

The first step is seeking help. Talk to your doctor.

>> No.18926605

I'm doing ok, I don't pretend shit on 4chan.

>> No.18926617
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>art hoe thread
>no Lizzie Siddal

>> No.18926632

This is an intervention, Anon. We only want what's best for you.

>> No.18926634

KEK you can try, I always leave an axe by the door to deal with weirdos or burglars. I'm waiting.

>> No.18926650

Anon >>18926168 is Anita Berber in Germany not Lucia Joyce in Austria. Berger's dead before 1930.

>> No.18926653

that's because you spend all your time on the internet seething at soiboys

>> No.18926654

*Berber. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.18926664
File: 785 KB, 1536x2048, Lizzie 8218461134_1087b5d424_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah. That's a fuckin' art hoe alright.

>> No.18926676

They definitely do not have an intuitive grasp of power at all, otherwise they wouldn't put out for guys who just use them. Having grown up with a single mother, if she is a model of femininity, she is completely irrational, emotionally driven and airheaded and has suffered from being so.

>> No.18926680
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Your hipster waifu is nice and all but Berber was being a koreaboo before art hoes were even thinking about becoming koreaboos.

>> No.18926682


>> No.18926698

Weird flex. Are you okay?

>> No.18926713

It is just an axe. It doesn't do anything.

>> No.18926875


>> No.18926949

>yt video

>> No.18927010

For them it’s temporary. Power to become bigger the way that a protozoa will conjugate with a bigger version.

>> No.18927028
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>> No.18927420

I doubt this. How did the trait even evolve if that is the case? Men outcompete each other through war and material power, women through attractiveness and fertility.

>> No.18927433

>women can't be beautiful and smart, and that they are conquered by men.
That isn't isn't true even with chimps.

>> No.18927474

>high value women

>> No.18927500

The most intelligent & attractive woman I know complains that men are only interested in her as a fuckhole (=for her looks), not for her personality.
Btw, she also told me she never dates men smarter than her (=me)

>> No.18927502

I never claimed or implied that women can't be beautiful and intelligent. I did express doubt as to whether it is evolutionary beneficial for women to be intelligent.

>> No.18927584

Dunno, decent looks and being smart isn't bad, but she is right, they would end up leaving her if they can't appreciate her personality. And why haven't you played dumb?
They have to be, anon. Women invented feminism and this "sorority" thing, but on the instinctive level they are competing among each other too. Don't you watch movies or something? That there is some innocent pretty girl who falls prey of some other wicked women? Cinderella, isn't it?

>> No.18927591

I mean seriously, sometimes I wonder what anons were doing when they were out there? Don't you look at people or something? Observe, listen or whatever.

>> No.18927650

>And why haven't you played dumb?
Not sure I'm able to. I also don't have the looks and the confidence anyway.

>> No.18927673

>Not even trying.
Do you have self-stem issues or depression? Or there is another reason for it?

>> No.18928529
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>> No.18928815

Feminity is a cancer that should be purged. There's no such thing as manliness: it's just basic human behavior. Women should liberate themselves from feminity.

>> No.18928845
File: 241 KB, 220x160, 95676B3E-4DF7-486E-8C17-00B91D2280C0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they wear skirts and dresses?

>> No.18929978

>Do you have self-stem issues or depression?
>Or there is another reason for it?
It's enough, I guess ;)
>>Not even trying.
In fact, I did try to kiss her once, she recoiled.
In another instance, we were at some art event, she laid her head on my lap and I touched her ass, she didn't say a word about it. Yet in an other situation she didn't let me. Go figure - forget it, the reason is right there: bipolar disorder.

>> No.18930133

>intuitively and effortlessly understood
How so?

>> No.18930157

Look, anon, women are weird, if you really like this girl, try to take it easier. Because she recoiled, but it seems that she still talks to you and is probably confused or thinking about it.

>> No.18930158


The guy on the left is like ABSOLUTELY HARAM.

>> No.18930177

have you considered the possibility that you simple ARE inferior?

>> No.18930189

>Feminity is a cancer that should be purged. There's no such thing as manliness: it's just basic human behavior.
You are THIS close to the truth.
Manliness is basic human behavior.
Women are incapable of manliness.
Because they are not human.

>> No.18930195

>intuitively and effortlessly understood by high value women.
That's a performance though, it's not really comparable.

>> No.18930414

I like how you can't tell whether the guy sipping his beer is thinking
>nice ass
>bastards cancelled the darts tournament night for this

>> No.18930569

>is probably confused or thinking about it.
Nah, I don't think she was ever confused about me. Anyway what I told you happened a lot of time of ago, I missed my train if there was ever one
Eh, what can you do? :)

>> No.18930580

I so want to be physically abused by a bimbo. I want them to shoot lipstick stained sputum through their prolapsed anus looking lips and scratch my ballsack with their glued on nails. I want to be strangled by their handbags and photographed for their Instagram.

>> No.18930600

Arabs aren't that far being whites in the ol' value hierarchy. Some would argue they're higher than modern meds and Irish.

>> No.18930606

Write a short story about it, anon. That is the kind of culture that I would definitely read about it.

>> No.18930665

Often the semblance of power is enough.

>> No.18930753
File: 502 KB, 1696x2560, 6B9B5711-13D7-41A8-A5EF-DD39E5B746D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do, and we aren’t

>> No.18930959

>Author name
The meme is true, then?

>> No.18931664

Strggeringly bad advice, you’re a female are t you?

that bitch will never give you any. You are her time, emotion and attention whore. Like a man has his way with a hoes body and gives a crumb of attention in return, she has her way with your time and gives a hint of a chance once in a while. If you have any self respect, put your balls on the table, tell her you want her, take the hit when she most likely rejects you and stop letting her stay in your life rent free. I’m guessing you won’t do any of this because as a /lit/ browser who identifies as smart and yet is surprised by her mating choices, you are probably a cowardly overly cerebral overgrown boy who will let others walk all over him. In which case you deserve your pain, which she will inflict on you (with 0 malice).
t. happy girlfriend haver planning marriage and children within a few years

>> No.18931686

Shut up

>> No.18931704

>planning marriage and children within a few years

>> No.18931720

Jesus Christ, you are annoying - take your crumb of attention and go away you failed hag - go feel superior because a stranger online got mad, that’s why you come here isn’t it?

Women aren’t superior to men, no matter what your kike doc wrote. They are equally important, however I don’t think a healthy individual could regard an alien standard of perfection as superior to his own - we will always respect great men over women,l and women will always find a reason to poke fun at a gnat no matter how great. Feminism is the seething rejection of the feminine standard in favor of trying to reach the masculine one - that bevoir quote shows my point quite nicely - the masculine standard is viewed as the ideal one, as true personhood. It is pathetic and women who embrace femininity - the kind that leads to motherhood - are incredibly based and it was foolish to disrespect that. Brothers who hate women, stop if you still have a chance and work on bettering yourself instead. Good women are out there, they’re rare, but not as rare as good men. Rage, rage against the dying of the love.

>> No.18931732

Yeah I should wait until I am old to get married right? Fuck off, I’m going all in and if I fail I’ll fail bravely.

>> No.18931740

What? He tried to kiss her. Do you know what that means?

>> No.18931764
File: 329 KB, 444x420, Screenshot 2021-08-27 at 13-41-59 pepe meme laughing smoking - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is effectively masculine in nature and not of high value at all.

>> No.18931767

He's right in a sense, you know
t. the dude who tried to kiss her

>> No.18931772

My theory of masturbation, prostate stimulation, cross dressing and atheism is not something any female understands

>> No.18931794


>> No.18931802

It makes no difference, anon. I've been with women more than once, and it is blatant retardation. He is a fucking retard, you shouldn't talk about marriage and such things with people you haven't been in a relationship for a while. He probably got a desperate woman and is talking shit like that as if it is some truth.

>> No.18931821

And also he is stupid in the sense that he won't ever be able to have a woman friend, that isn't the point of it. Giving ultimatums is worth if you are out there only looking for someone to marry, then it makes sense. If you are just being out there, it is stupid to burn bridges because you got rejected, or even put up with someone's shit, just because she is a woman. I wouldn't ever consider be in a relationship with someone like that.

>> No.18931887

My mother wrote a dozen academic book, was rewarded multiple times both in the US and France, and also happened to be one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Younger, she won beauty pageants (as her mom did before her) and dated for a short while the mayor of Paris.

>> No.18931898

Yeah well my mom owns her own trailer and makes the best tequila sunrise you'll ever have

>> No.18931910

Est-ce qu'on pourrait voir une photo? J'pense que non, mais...Eh.

>> No.18931918


>> No.18932099

>Yeah well my mom owns her own trailer and makes the best tequila sunrise you'll ever have
If that is the best she could do with what she was given, then you should be proud of her. My mom was pretty and born in a super bourgeois family, she could have done nothing in her life and she would have been set, but she got a doctorate, became curator at a national museum and wrote more books than any of her colleagues.
Sorry, but it would be way too fucking easy to track her down. She's been on national tv, radio, in newspapers...
Kek, I just found an article about that one time she was sued by a doctorate student she failed and in which she "subtly" implies that the student went and bought his doctorate at the Sorbonne instead.

>> No.18932146

Je comprends bien

>> No.18932575
File: 23 KB, 274x363, Leda_atomica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gala Dalí is a better art hoe than any of you deserve

>> No.18932590

I didn't post H*r for that exact reason, but you are blasphemous and poster H*r anyway

>> No.18932660
File: 85 KB, 976x549, p06j4572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it puny 3d mortal

>> No.18932751

>Gala Dalí, Marchioness of Dalí de Púbol (born Elena Ivanovna Diakonova; 7 September [O.S. 26 August] 1894 – 10 June 1982), usually known simply as Gala, was the Russian


>> No.18932839

Women are inherently worldly and operate on emotion at worst or intuition at best. They may be knowledgeable but they lack creativity and understanding. Her reliance on instinct shows her high value exists in so far as she is of high race. Thus, had she a twin brother he would always be her superior. Feminists are quick to point to women who embody such inherently masculine traits as strength to suggest that women are equal to men. This is a mistake for had the outlier a brother he would always surpass her in every way, her strength being of a different sort than masculine strength. Plus strong women smell weird. The *smart* ones usually have OCD or a shitty belief system. Their “intelligence” enables them only to absorb more propaganda than her sisters. :^)

>> No.18932973

How is emotion "worldly"? Isn't that inherently more "metaphysical" than pure "rationality&logic" ?

>> No.18933111

Stop acting like a pussy and using passive-aggressive smiley faces. You just read the situation wrong, but if you're still in contact with her and have feelings for her, the whiplash of suddenly being more masculine might boost your chances. You just have to be transformative for women to want your dick, they like to be kept on edge.

>> No.18933176

emotion is worldly because they are expressed as worldly event made me feel such an such emotion

>> No.18933234

expressed in another way women are more reactive. man - “i plan to do Y so I can feel Z”. woman - “i hope for W so I can feel X because I currently feel Y because of Z.” This reactiveness explains why women do better at school but fall off later in professional life. School is structured around responding to prompts, which is what women excel at, and real life is about making your prompt.

>> No.18933309

Are you the Brazilian who's internet antenna keeps getting stolen? You chased a guy with that axe, right?

>> No.18933374

Yes, they stole it only once and came back for a second one that I bought. But I'm alert now, every time that the connection drops I check if there is someone there.

>> No.18933388

I'm still paying the fucking thing, anon. You would definitely get mad at it too. THE SECOND TIME.

>> No.18933415

>Stop acting like a pussy and using passive-aggressive smiley faces
How is that passive aggressive? It was autoironic
> You just read the situation wrong
> you're still in contact with her and have feelings for her
> the whiplash of suddenly being more masculine might boost your chances.
The correct thing to do is to never contact her again. No point in thinking I might have a chance again "if I act more masculine", the time is over.
I'll still keep her in mind as my personal muse when I write though.
I'm not sure this is correct. I agree that emotions are reactions to stimuli, but they're not that easily predictable. “i plan to do Y so I can feel Z” ---> "me build house with stone so no wet when rain" looks very much worldly to me (and I'm not attaching any negative meaning to it).
"I like rainbows and flowers because they make me feel ALIVE <3 xoxo" it's way more metaphysical, less practical, less "real", so to say. Just my opinion of course

>> No.18933434

Do you like Sepultura/Overdose split from 1985?

>> No.18933483

I don't know this one, but I enjoy heavy metal in general. I listen to all kind of things, literally.

>> No.18933501


Pick one.

>> No.18933539

Any Brazilian artist you recommend? Possibly metal but whatever is welcome

>> No.18933602

There is this website with a spotify playlist with some underground Brazilian bands and it keeps getting updated. Check this one out, if you are into this kind of thing, I'm sure that you will like it.

>> No.18933621
File: 371 KB, 1447x2047, DC63D8CE-D854-46E1-8601-857CC626ADA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now officially a woman hate thread.

>> No.18933629

and >>18933602 was meant to you.

>> No.18933668

but the anime pussy tho

>> No.18933683

You would probably like this one if you are into "trippy" vibes. I'm not really into music, but I know some artists, tell me some stuff that you are into and I can recommend you some shit. Are you into folk stuff?

>> No.18933705

This band mixes a lot of things too.

>> No.18933754

These unironically look and sound like people I know irl

>> No.18933773

wrong on both accounts. the first scenario seems to express two things about your beliefs. One is that men have a stronger survival drive. The other is that men are more capable of using logic for their ends. The other scenario shows you believe women are sensual and more appreciative of aesthetic beauty. I have retroactively foretold that these beliefs come from your environment meanwhile I convened with God just to write this. I don’t hate women, in fact I’d like to marry one some day.

>> No.18933780

Yes, they were somewhat famous back in the day. They would be the Brazilian "Sublime" but more hardcore and some other mixed genres into it.

>> No.18934037

>two things about your beliefs. One is that men have a stronger survival drive. The other is that men are more capable of using logic for their ends. The other scenario shows you believe women are sensual and more appreciative of aesthetic beauty
I don't necessarily believe either of these things. I was answering to>>18933234
Who said that women are more "worldly" because they act on emotions and not on planning.
To be fair, I'm always careful with broad statements about "Men are like this and women are like that", because that can always be easily reversed.

Men care about ideals (Loyalty, Justice, Honor), women care about dumb stuff (fashion, selfie, whatever) <---> Men care about practical things (provide shelter food and safety for family), women care about dumb stuff (being cute, receiving gifts, live love laugh)

I don't buy either of the above stereotypes btw, but as with all stereotypes they have some grain of truth. I think one different perspective is that what I (and maybe others, too) hate most about women is also what makes me love them.

Women are irrational, emotional, unreliable, unpredictable ---> and that's how they can surprise you with random acts of kindness that will make your day

Just random thoughts, don't take me too seriously

>> No.18934074

Jeez dude, we're not turbo autists here. Just get an old photograph, crop it, and blackout the background. It's 2k21 and 4chan is a mainstream website

>> No.18934105

pimeyes dot com

>> No.18934298

This one is sick too.

>> No.18934305

Last one because this isn't fucking /mus/.