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18921442 No.18921442 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read the Bible yet /lit/?

>> No.18921454


>> No.18921458

It's incredibly boring and very weird.

>> No.18921459

Because my dad is an ex-Catholic and my brother is a fedora-tipping Reddit atheist and I don't want to read it in front of them.

>> No.18921465

It's boring.

t.ex christfag

>> No.18921471

I tried to read it way back when but it was like trying to eat handfuls of undiluted turmeric, a chore.

>> No.18921486

" 24. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him.
25. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband art thou to me."
26. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision."

Yes, we should all read a book about Jews cutting off their infant sons' foreskins so God doesn't kill them. It's the pinnacle of literary achievement.

>> No.18921530

I have read bits. It's amazing.

>> No.18921538

>Why haven't you read the Bible yet /lit/?
Because I barely read. I struggle through 10 pages a day.

>> No.18921593 [SPOILER] 
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started reading the new testament and boy is it a slog
>The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the sone of David, the sone of Abraham.
>Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;
>And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;
>And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon;
you get the idea. it's like that book in the iliad that everyone skips

>> No.18921613

It's ok to skim such content unless you're taking notes and memorizing the entire genealogy for some reason. Are you new to reading? :3

>> No.18921625

read it behind them anon, just pray they don't turn

>> No.18921632

it doesn't bode well for the rest of the book if the writer is this longwinded from the get-go. even proust is more exciting than this tripe

>> No.18921638

is there any point in reading just some of it? i'm not against reading it at all but fuck off am i reading the whole thing, too much other shit i care about to bother with that
what are the good parts bros? is there a chart for the relevant shit?

>> No.18921670
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Have you tried doing the gematria on Jesus’ genealogy??

>> No.18921745

But I did. Please stop assuming I'm illiterate like the idiots above me.

>> No.18921756

I read Matthew yesterday, left me sad. The bit when the "cock crows" and Peter realizes he's betrayed Jesus as prophesised was a really powerful scene.

Also, do the other Gospels explain what happened to Jesus after his resurrection, did he go to South America like the Mormons think or did he go back to Heaven?

>> No.18921994

Anon, that's like the first bit of the first Gospel... just skim over it? It's not even very long and I can't recall much else of the New Testament which is similar.

>> No.18922003

He ascended to heaven, it's not really noted in Mathew for whatever reason lol

>> No.18922008

I read Ecclesiastes and book of Thomas.
Rest is trash.

>> No.18922094
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Because I'm reading picrel

>> No.18922099

too much other stuff to read first

>> No.18922107

I’ll just watch evangelion instead, that’s like two bibles

>> No.18922190

You should read the Bible first idiot

>> No.18923079
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it really is boring but it's one of the few books you can quote to non-readers and not be seen as a complete schizo

>> No.18923233


>> No.18924524

do i do this with the hebraic names, their anglicized versions, or their greek translations?

>> No.18924580

It's the greek translation apparently, if you google you'll find versions of this meme with even more constraints. None reports the actual greek text, I wonder if it's true and if anyone verified it.
I tried and it turns out that not even the total number of words is divisible by 7 but maybe I used the wrong version or maybe counted the words wrong.

>> No.18924760

Watch the biblical lectures by Jordan Peterson first, then you can perhaps appreciate it more

>> No.18925043

What are your favourite books?
Im reading it. Currently started 1Sam. During my first year at the university i read the gospels and the acts.

>> No.18925045

Check out the book of Judges
>Fat king gets stabbed and the whole sword disappears into his belly
>Woman kills enemy general w/ a tent peg thru his head
>Samson kills hundreds w/ donkey's jawbone

>> No.18925052

You should read The Idiot first Bible

>> No.18925055

Plus the rape and the consequent dismemberment of the whore of some richfag

>> No.18925269
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I read some portions because I was raised in a Christian household, it's excruciatingly boring and schizophrenic, thank "God" most Christians don't really read the bible, they would be worse than Mudslimes, if they weren't already. There are just better books out there, the only reasons that I could think of to read the bible are to: read it because you believe or read it for academic purpose. The later could be good depending on the field, either way it's a waste of time, it's 2 times the length of Don Quixote, but unlike Cervantes the writers are mentally ill.

>> No.18925281

Done with Genesis and Exodus but I'm dreading Leviticus.

>> No.18925332

Many such cases.
Paralipomenon may be the biggest challenge though, or maybe the 'big prophets'.
When I read the full Bible, after reading Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezechiel, I found Daniel incredibly good and entertaining - and with the interesting historical context aswell.
I reread the book recently and was surprised how non-entertaining it is when you haven't just finished the epitome of boring books beforehand.

>> No.18925382

Don't remember Don Quijote being so long.

>> No.18925460

That's because it's good and enjoyable, you don't feel its length.

Word count:
DQ = 381 104
Bible = 783 137

>> No.18925597

Wtf. It took me over four months to read the Bible. Don Quijote was like a month.

>> No.18925611


Finished the KJB last week. It was a rewarding read. I honestly came away with a lot from my first read.

>> No.18925627

You do it with the KJV because that was produced when the British nobility and their artisans were heavily into Rosicrucian gematria.

>> No.18925634

I read the KJB last December and while I enjoyed it from a quasi historical and literary sense. It made me feel less Christian. Especially the Old Testament.

>> No.18925768

Which version should I read?

>> No.18925781

When you go to church is there a multimedia display and a rock band?

>> No.18925782

I'm surprised too. I would swear the Bible is like four times longer than Don Quixote.

>> No.18925815
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it's boring af I'd rather read stirner

>> No.18925846

Got bored at genesis

>> No.18925879

>four times longer
I would even say more. Which canon/translation did you base the word count on? I read the Cath canon in a Czech translation that used longer passages if multiple exist.. maybe the Evangelical canon would take a couple weeks less, especially with a briefer translation.