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/lit/ - Literature

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1892053 No.1892053 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1892147


>> No.1892149

I don't

I don't understand

>> No.1892170

I don't know what animes those are.

>> No.1892174

Not anime. Top: Muramasa, Middle: Muv-Luv Alternative, Bottom: Baldr Sky

>> No.1892183


Do you really expect us to know what your obscure weeaboo shit is?

>> No.1892186

Oh come on. I can see you not having read Muramasa or Baldr Sky yet because they're not translated, and I guess a few of you might not be able to read Japanese, but how the fuck could you have not read Muv-Luv Alternative?

>> No.1892191


Because we read good stuff.

>> No.1892196

But it's very good. It combines the best elements of mecha and school life romance to great success. It even has parallel worlds and time travel and shit.

>> No.1892204


>It combines the best elements of shit and vomit to great success.

Oh sure, I'll check that out right away.

>> No.1892212

Sarcastic reply nonwithstanding, I think you really should. It would broaden your horizons some.

>> No.1892213

Hey I happen to enjoy shit and vomit.

>> No.1892218

But it's actually very good... I mean it...

>> No.1892214

You should try some shit and vomit. Horizon broadening and stuff, you dig?

>> No.1892220

If it's as good as Starship Troopers then no thanks.

>> No.1892222


I think it's become clear that you don't know what good is.

>> No.1892223

So you're judging it because its' from Japan, or because of the visual novel format, or what? You're just acting like a pretentious jackass is what I think and I don't much like it.

>> No.1892226

Well for me it's because you apparently like Starship Troopers and Ender's Game

>> No.1892227

>reading visual novels
>in the age of film

>> No.1892229

Are you seriously expecting a normalfag from /lit/ to know what a Visual Novel is?

>> No.1892230

I didn't even make that image. Can't you infer that from the filename, or were you too eager to criticize my supposed tastes to look that far?

>> No.1892233

But it has novel in the name... Besides, I thought most people from /lit/ would have experimented with all kinds of different forms of literature, not just regular books.

>> No.1892236


It's a visual novel.
You said 'mecha' and 'school life romance'.
It uses the anime aesthetic, and anime is the bottom of the barrel as far as entertainment and cultural value is concerned.

Based on these, I have concluded that you don't know what good things are.

>> No.1892238

chuuni shit

>> No.1892237

I might if visual novels were a form of literature.

>> No.1892239

What would Saya no Uta be?

>> No.1892241

I like anime and this post is entirely true.

>> No.1892242

Why wouldn't they be?

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written works, and is not bound to published sources (although, under circumstances unpublished sources can be exempt). Literally translated, the word literature means "acquaintance with letters" (as in the "arts and letters"). The two major classification of literature are poetry and prose.

"The art of written works". While visual novels do incorporate images and sound, the majority of the story is still told through text. So why wouldn't they be classified as written works?

>> No.1892245


>> No.1892246

Stop trying to make /jp/ look bad, you weeaboo defending those anime Video-games.

We are much better than that.

/jp/ is about Japan and it's culture, anime goes in /a/ and video-games go in /v/.

>> No.1892247

That's not what literature is.

>> No.1892248
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>He thinks definitions are prescriptive

>> No.1892249

( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.1892251

So what is it, then? I've yet to read a single visual novel where I wouldn't have been able to understand anything meaningful if I'd been reading the text by itself in a word document or something. The images and sound simply serve to augment the text. So why should they be considered any different from a work that is only text?

>> No.1892252

Reaction image and greentext, i thought /lit/ was better than that.

>> No.1892255

you cant be serious

>> No.1892256

So, it's one of these children comic books were the audio comes in a cassette tape?


>> No.1892257

But i am, reported.

>> No.1892259

Not exactly.

>A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル bijuaru noberu?) is an interactive fiction game featuring mostly static graphics, usually with anime-style art, or occasionally live-action stills or video footage.[1] As the name might suggest, they resemble mixed-media novels or tableau vivant stage plays.

>> No.1894237 [DELETED] 


>> No.1894634 [DELETED] 


>> No.1894662
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 1309410140952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other guy, but I still think your a faggot.
You commented on the format he used rather then the details of post.

Your as bad as an illiterate nigger on the Missouri. Like the kind Twain' was afraid of. Shame on you.

I'll see you in hell.

>> No.1895214


I see people have been reading a lot around here.

>> No.1895693

>implying he didn't do that for the sole purpose of trolling you