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File: 374 KB, 1600x1139, Theodore-Kaczynski-arrest-April-1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18916567 No.18916567 [Reply] [Original]

The only ""meme"" that withstood the test of time. Read the most important author of the last few decades.

>> No.18916980

It's a now a shitty reddit meme that 14 year olds spam on instagram, get over it.

>> No.18917014

Name three other intellectuals who've published papers on the same topic. They exist. They just haven't murdered anyone and had hollywood films made about them. That's why you haven't read them. You're not actually interested in the subject, you're just so-yb-oy who is contrarian.


>> No.18917026
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>> No.18917040

Well list them then anon

>> No.18917087

So the other intellectuals weren’t serious about their positions

>> No.18917099

This lol

>> No.18917110

He is probably not going to

>> No.18917115

Ted was himself just a LARPing edgelord, he was already living the exact life he was advocating for so he didn't need to spark a revolution to get what he wanted. Originally he was just blowing up random people he didn't like and retroactively decided to make it about 'muh environment' when The Unibomber got famous as a brand. He never killed the glowies that screwed with his head either, just random sois in middle management.

>> No.18917122

>get over it
>because its catching steam
Gay technocrat femoid response
Interesting idiolect developing
Hmm early life sensors are scanning

>> No.18917138
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I think it's robotic fucks like you that got Cervantes to write Don Quijote where you the critic star as the mocked narrator by the meta narrator.

>> No.18917152

You wouldnt be in this thread either if it wasnt for the bombings. Notoriety works. Dont hate the playa hate the game nigga

>> No.18917156

>becoming a shallow 'so random xD' reddit quip is "gaining steam"
I bet you also think importing Africans counts as fixing Europe's declining population

>> No.18917179
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Parrots have a function. Life is well. Your function is to seethe on the sidelines. A wise man can see the virtue in something he hates and can see the defect in something he loves. Look at his regal face here. Imagine the unwashed masses of the Roman colosseum or Spanish Castle cheering for him like El Cid. Did any Patrician hate the cheering Plebeian? No they profited and encouraged it. We have a concentric confused hierarchy around him but we praise virtue as it has struck at our chains.

>> No.18917193

Maybe you should actually read about Ted instead of postulating.

>> No.18917199
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I often wonder why he didn't attack the bad guys and attacked innocents. If he attacked the guilty the innocent would plug their ears and hide away only noisily boistering about their innocence. There would be a political division that prevents the flow of information. He informed the American public with the most effective terrorist Academic plot to charm us into morbid nightline audience captivation. He has movies. He has TV docudramas. The normies fear him and know him. The other day my boomer mom asked me, "Who is John McAfee?"

>> No.18917255

I have, this is all stuff you'd know in 5 minutes of actual reading and not reddit memes.

>> No.18917257
File: 107 KB, 1000x797, le-comite-invisible-revient-et-maintenant-maintenant,M443190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU haven't read Kaczynski, YOU are not actually interested in the subject, if you were you would know Kaczynski is highly influential in the realm of anarchist and situationist thought, in many anarchist currents as well. He is the defining figure of the anti-tech current of the last thirty years. YOU are a domesticated asset with no link to any sort of formal or informal organization. YOU have no experience with other anarchists. I lived on NDDL. I lived in the woods. I lived in squats. I've traveled thousands of kilometers to meet like minded individuals. I was in athens in 2004. I was in italy fighing No TAV. Take a guess where I was 3 years ago. Lol, I've never seen you in the streets, never crossed your path. Your type only exists on imageboards, sometimes a specimen can be seen roaming the sterilized corridors of universities with the caracteristic walk of domesticated animals, the peculiar motion that reeks of repression and neurosis. The day you start organizing is the day you will quit writing such drivel. You are oblivious to praxis and it painfully shows. The only people you can fool are your type, and your type is not relevant to the struggle. What's the point?

Now that we've discussed what will be perceived as a narcissistic exposition of my resume - we will not address the hypocritical nature of this moral sentiment since Nietzsche and Freud have abundantly covered the subject.- let's move on to the importance of Kaczynski's works.

Kaczynski is the most important authors of our times for two reasons

1. His analysis goes beyond the teleological failures of historical materialism and encompasses a more comprehensive study of complex systems, stripped of the remnants of moralism that plagued revolutionnary thought

2. He filters every type of domesticated assets, oversocialized losers, university dwellers - a CRUCIAL aspect of his works. It cannot be emphasized enough how important this is - Even Debord is hyped up in bourgeois circles, he couldn't escape récupération. (Kaczynski's take on détournement is incredibly insightful as well, less naive and more practical)

Kaczynski promulgates a purely STRATEGICAL perspective, that is incredibly more likely to bring about material change than even the situationist had hoped. Kaczynski is the actualization of thousands of years of struggle towards the end of civilization. Whether you like him or not is IRRELEVANT. If you had any interest in this "topic" (a "topic", lmao, what a sad life you live) you swallow your pride and pick it up from here. That your feelings are in a bunch over his terrorist activites is IRRELEVANT

Now don't get me started on the "only 14 year olds like Kaczynski" trope, since if you had a modicum of familiarity with anarchist thought, you would know that the state of adolescence is an object of high interest towards defining a clear revolutionnary path (bey, vaneigem to name a few). I'll be back tonight to discuss his works, and purely his works.

>> No.18917271

Wendell Berry is better

>> No.18917281
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why does your type always have to write like this?

>> No.18917328


Nice copypasta

>> No.18917380

>baseding out about how epic Kaczynski infinity war actually was

>> No.18917385

If he's so smart how did he get caught?

>> No.18917410

Idiolect detection of the letter and his snitch baby oversocialized brother.
He went for decades on the loose in the greatest manhunt of all time. Your little quip aint shit.

>> No.18918278
File: 17 KB, 77x139, vlcsnap-2021-06-16-21h19m09s617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not baiting, for real, please post three similar authors, I would love to look into them.

>> No.18918290

America truly is the great satan for what they did to this uncle Ted. Also don't forget to read Ellul.

>> No.18918306

>people good
>technology bad
the exact opposite is true

>> No.18918558

why do you idiots keep using that term? what does it mean? satan isn't great btw

>> No.18918579

>author still alive
>standing the test of time

sure ok

>> No.18918610
File: 34 KB, 200x208, 200px-Swedejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the pandemic confirmed his predictions. I was constantly glued to my computer screen for the last 1.5 years. I have developed severe attention deficit and depression. I wish it was possible to postpone your university studies until after the pandemic is over and we can have normal classes again but unfortunately the machine has no brakes, it will not stop, universities have to shit out fresh graduates with useless degrees to feed the System.

>> No.18918811


>> No.18919380

You haven't read him; I can tell. He didn't give too much of a shit about the environment. It is absolutely not the main point of his writings.
>Ted was himself a LARPing edgelord
I don't know how you can say this when he lived in a shack in the woods without running water or electricity for almost twenty years, and when he actually damaged those he thought were ruining the world instead of complaining like a faggot on 4chan like everyone else does.
>he was already living the exact life he was advocating for so he didn't need to spark a revolution to get what he wanted
He was living as a hermit in the woods and still had roadfags pave right over one of his favorite spots to hike to. Don't you think he'd also prefer the entire world to not be in a way that he despised?

>> No.18919450

>Waaah you touched one tiny speck of my giant and empty state, I'm going to kill a bunch of unrelated midwits who sit harmlessly at desks all day!

>> No.18919505

Please explain how you attempting to own me with your greentext makes your previous statements and less wrong.

>> No.18919516

Any less wrong, I mean.

>> No.18920377

Incarcerated a violent terrorist?

>> No.18920858

All Ted fans are retarded. My friend unironically thinks he's this great philosopher and he also hates trans people, so I told him that Ted was transgender and he immediately coped by saying it was a psyop to fuck him over. I'm being serious when I say he actually thought this.

>> No.18921036

>My friend unironically thinks he's this great philosopher,
>and he also hates trans people
He doesn't really.
>I told him that Ted was transgender and he immediately coped by saying it was a psyop to fuck him over
You telling him that to try and own him is a psyop, so I guess he's right and you're the faggot.

>> No.18921071

Ted is the only modern man worthy of being a philosopher king. That's why they had to lock him up.

>> No.18921079

The language from the alleged journal entry doesn't read like Ted at all.
Safe to assume that it's fake news.
Even if it was written by him, the fact that Ted felt some confusion about his body at one point in his life doesn't make the man transgender.
And even if he did suffer from what the psychiatric establishment and misguided leftist activists call gender dysphoria, he didn't deal with it the way that transgender people do. He didn't seek out transition or anything to that effect. He has lived his life as a man and is continuing to do so.
He's not transgender in the least.

>> No.18921272

>Read the most important author of the last few decades.
Fredy Perlman

>> No.18922900

This seems like a cope from my friend. Fuck off connor.

>> No.18922938

Knee deep in denial, lord

Sorry your fave wasn't as Le Based And Redpilled Cool Guy xD as you thought he was. It's time to accept it and stop projecting yourself onto him

>> No.18923468

Ted eventually came to the conclusion that his gender dysphoria was just sexual degeneracy, he became disgusted with himself and the evil fag therapist trying to convince him he was a woman. Ted came to the correct conclusion, thus making him based.

>> No.18923558

Your raid isnt working tranny. i cant wait to you "people" to reach at least 90% already

>> No.18923671

It's rather telling that instead of discussing the meat of his ideas you highlight his ability to upset the people you dislike as the indication of his worth. And then you soldier right on to say that whether you like Ted or not is irrelevant. It is very evidently relevant to you how other's react to Ted. You value that perception quite highly in spite of your hypocrisy.

This is not to say Ted's ideas are without merit. It is purely an observation of your own queer attraction to those ideas. A practical acolyte would recognize the impediment to the goal such a perspective represents. You seem like a true believer type: one who will find fellowship with like minded extremists and ultimately sabotage any possibility of your collective vision manifesting through your own actions.

>> No.18923678

Stunning and brave. And everyone clapped

>> No.18923687

People neutral
Technology disrupting
Too many people bad

>> No.18923688

What MK Ultra does to a sissy MF~

>> No.18923704
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>They just haven't murdered anyone and had hollywood films made about them. That's why you haven't read them.
Seems the whole mailbombing for publicity thing worked out pretty well then.

>> No.18923711

Why hasn't that anarchist woman released the whole 20 hour interview yet

>> No.18923724
File: 9 KB, 233x216, 73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOU haven't read Kaczynski, YOU are not actually interested in the subject, if you were you would know Kaczynski is highly influential in the realm of anarchist and situationist thought, in many anarchist currents as well. He is the defining figure of the anti-tech current of the last thirty years. YOU are a domesticated asset with no link to any sort of formal or informal organization. YOU have no experience with other anarchists. I lived on NDDL. I lived in the woods. I lived in squats. I've traveled thousands of kilometers to meet like minded individuals. I was in athens in 2004. I was in italy fighing No TAV. Take a guess where I was 3 years ago. Lol, I've never seen you in the streets, never crossed your path. Your type only exists on imageboards, sometimes a specimen can be seen roaming the sterilized corridors of universities with the caracteristic walk of domesticated animals, the peculiar motion that reeks of repression and neurosis. The day you start organizing is the day you will quit writing such drivel. You are oblivious to praxis and it painfully shows. The only people you can fool are your type, and your type is not relevant to the struggle. What's the point?
>Now that we've discussed what will be perceived as a narcissistic exposition of my resume - we will not address the hypocritical nature of this moral sentiment since Nietzsche and Freud have abundantly covered the subject.- let's move on to the importance of Kaczynski's works.
>Kaczynski is the most important authors of our times for two reasons
>1. His analysis goes beyond the teleological failures of historical materialism and encompasses a more comprehensive study of complex systems, stripped of the remnants of moralism that plagued revolutionnary thought
>2. He filters every type of domesticated assets, oversocialized losers, university dwellers - a CRUCIAL aspect of his works. It cannot be emphasized enough how important this is - Even Debord is hyped up in bourgeois circles, he couldn't escape récupération. (Kaczynski's take on détournement is incredibly insightful as well, less naive and more practical)
>Kaczynski promulgates a purely STRATEGICAL perspective, that is incredibly more likely to bring about material change than even the situationist had hoped. Kaczynski is the actualization of thousands of years of struggle towards the end of civilization. Whether you like him or not is IRRELEVANT. If you had any interest in this "topic" (a "topic", lmao, what a sad life you live) you swallow your pride and pick it up from here. That your feelings are in a bunch over his terrorist activites is IRRELEVANT
>Now don't get me started on the "only 14 year olds like Kaczynski" trope, since if you had a modicum of familiarity with anarchist thought, you would know that the state of adolescence is an object of high interest towards defining a clear revolutionnary path (bey, vaneigem to name a few). I'll be back tonight to discuss his works, and purely his works.

>> No.18923881

How much money would it take to live like Ted? i.e. buying a plot of land somewhere

>> No.18923885

Nobody who has actually read any history or philosophy and/or has an iq above 120 thinks this is anything but garbage

>> No.18923894

>His analysis goes beyond the teleological failures of historical materialism and encompasses a more comprehensive study of complex systems, stripped of the remnants of moralism that plagued revolutionnary thought
Jesus please tell me this is bait

>> No.18923905

I finally sat down and read his "work" and it was literl 14 year old with a diary tier "insights" and analysis. Absolutely shocked in surrounded by people who unironically take it seriously

>> No.18923964

What's the deal with all the soft redditors idolizing mass murderers? You guys are too cowardly to just accept that you kind of like chaos and drama and instead make up all these absurd moral justifications for how they're actually good guys. I'll never forget the shitstorm I got from a bunch of memey teenagers for making fun of Timothy McVeigh for being a virgin.

>> No.18925638


You're right.

Absolutely worthless posts.

I also agree with you.

>> No.18925656

>ad hominem
>appeal to authority
>ZERO substance

>> No.18925692


>> No.18925726
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>> No.18925751
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I was a young teen pissed off at the structural impotence of the environmental movement when I read his manifesto in WaPo. I remember waiting for the bus with the paper in my hands thinking "holy shit. I'm not the only one."

I didn't quite understand his points about academia's pet liberals, but I certainly came to.

>> No.18925752

Disgusting murderer. It's morally reprehensive. What would the victims suffering because of that jackass care about his dumb books?

>> No.18925757
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>> No.18926484

Good post

>> No.18926521
File: 38 KB, 600x556, C7E5B0BA-0CD0-4CC2-893F-9FAE34AC506A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooooooooooooo not my humanorinos

>> No.18926551
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>> No.18926567

Didn't he have an epiphany while waiting for the gender reassignment surgery that it happened due to being railroaded into trannyhood by societal influence to funnel so his feelings of anger and need for change would be turned into something else?
Aka if he castrated himself due to misplaced feelings he would not need to try and change his surrounding, which pissed him off even further and started off his crusade?
In any case you sound like a faggot.

>> No.18926864

What's the deal with all you Ted haters idolizing child labor? You guys are too cowardly to just accept that you kind of like the thought of children working in sweat shops and instead make up all these absurd moral justifications for how it's beneficial to these children for them to work in these sweat shops. I'll never forget the shitstorm I got from a bunch of memey coworkers for making fun of one of them for having worked in a sweat shop as a child.

>> No.18927606


>> No.18927627

Perfect response to encapsulate the sub 120 iq tier meme brained zoomshit retard that would enjoy this garbage.

>> No.18927642

I refuse to believe anybody not laughing at this isn't just bating. Holy fucking shit. This is IS type of thing I would unironically write when I was a preteen

>> No.18927649

>killing people is... le bad!!! unless it's CIA niggers massacring millions to keep the international drug smuggling child bride trafficking industry thriving

this is what libtard moralists actually believe

>> No.18927658

>that pic
This is "philosophy" to internet underage losers? Lmfao. Please tell me this is a joke
It reads like the most unexamined and surface level analysis that is possible to anybody who managed to learn literacy. In other words, children and teenagers

>> No.18927680

Fact of the matter is he's not a tranny. He was tempted towards becoming one but turned away in rightful disgust at his own inclinations. And? Better to be a man like Ted than an actual tranny any day.
And do you really think this tranny stuff isn't a psyop of one kind or another you're deluding yourself.

>> No.18927743

I don't get why you'd think that this is supposed to be a super profound statement or anything. All it says is that conservatives are retarded in regards to technology.
>It reads like the most unexamined and surface level analysis that is possible
It's like two sentences. But I don't think he's wrong although it's true that the manifest stays mostly surface level. If you talk to cuckservatives IRL you will find that they are indeed 100% not self-aware.

>> No.18927757

>It reads like the most unexamined and surface level analysis that is possible to anybody who managed to learn literacy. In other words, children and teenagers
Rewrite it as if it was written by a big boy like you.

>> No.18927783

This proofs this board is retarded as shit, nobody even mentioned a single one yet.
Fucking shizoid incel pseuds.

>> No.18927953

I haven't read any of these since I'm not a Kazcynski-ite, but I've seen these recommended by people who like Ted.
John Zerzan
Jacques Ellul also wrote a book on technological society
Herbert Marcuse & Murray Bookchin, although these are both leftists, so their work is not as focused on technological society and anti-civilization ideas as the others.

>> No.18928034

>why you'd think that this is supposed to be a super profound
Then why was this "insight" even written down at all? What a fucking cope. It's garbage
>It's like two sentences
I read the whole shit manifesto. It doesn't get better than that. The amount of terminally online losers on this site and beyond who think it's anything but laughable says much. Actually it says much about me wanting my life interacting with people this stupid
It's not a matter of semantics idiot, it's the "concept" he is proclaiming it literal teenager with a notebook nonsense

>> No.18928302

For a moment I was afraid I needed to reevaluate my opinion of Butters.

>> No.18928383 [DELETED] 

Ok great, have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.18928511

Unabomber in his own words is a docuseries where the only interview ted ever gave can be heard (in parts at least). The interviewer was Theresa Kintz who is also an anarchist I think and she was the editor of a environmental magazine which ted liked so he agreed to an interview with her. The full interview is around 20 hours long, and Kintz has posted on reddit previously that the FBI was asking her to hand over the tapes, don't know what came of it.

>> No.18928512

I meant to reply to you fuck

>> No.18929186


>> No.18929427

Jünger Failure of Technology
It's who Ellul got his ideas from