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/lit/ - Literature

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18916279 No.18916279 [Reply] [Original]

have you reddit?

>> No.18917571
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>> No.18918007
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The bald Caucasian screamed, “You rich whiny-ass white boy.” He screamed
something about the drunk man’s watch, that it was really expensive. They were
in different cells and couldn’t see each other. “My watch,” screamed the drunk
man. “Don’t talk about my fucking watch, you motherfucker. I am going to have
sex with your little sister so hard. My watch. I have a fucking $20,000 Rolex, you
motherfucker. I am going to fucking sue all of you.”

“That is what I am talking about,” said the bald Caucasian. “Rich white boy. That
is what rich white boys do, they say they’re going to sue you.”

“When this first happened I was kind of angry,” said the tall Asian. “Now I feel
better. I don’t know anyone this has happened to, you know, it’s an experience.”
The drunk man had fallen asleep in the other cell. They took the bald Caucasian
out to get his fingerprints.

The skinny Hispanic said he was in for possession of 2
oz. of marijuana.

>> No.18918035

The person with the book made noises behind Sam on the sidewalk. "Do you work there?" said Sam. The person said he did. "Do you really work for American Apparel?" said Sam. The person displayed a police badge attached to his belt buckle beneath his oversized jersey. "Oh," said Sam.

They went inside. They went downstairs. Sam was photographed and put in handcuffs. "Don't steal from us," said a manager looking at a computer screen. "Steal from some shitty corporation. We have fair-trade labor. I mean fair labor."

"I spend my money on even better places," said Sam. "Organic vegan restaurants."

"I'm all for that," said the manager.

Someone wrote "arrested" on Sam's photo and put it on the wall with about thirty other photos. The person who caught Sam put his head next to Sam's head and another photo was taken. "What are you trying to do, Luigi?" someone said. "Get a bonus?"

Two people behind Sam whispered things to each other.

A few seconds later someone took the handcuffs off Sam.

About fifteen minutes later two policemen arrived and put different handcuffs on Sam and walked him outside into a police car.

>> No.18918052

I think I remember reading this when it was rumored that Tao Lin was carles from hipsterrunoff

>> No.18918130
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one of my favorite authors

>> No.18918150

hurr durr adderal hurr durr macbook

>> No.18918186

that's righ brother
ooga booga iphone goo goo gaga gchat

>> No.18919106

He writes well, but the subject matter bores me. How many times can I read about a bugman taking drugs and using apple products?

>> No.18919217
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It really makes me sad that effete strung out mocha-sipping twitter fiends like Tao will always have an audience just by the sheer relatability of their mediocrity. Words cannot express my disappointment in the literary establishment for upholding an entire class of snake charmers who are cashing in on contemporary velleity with their silver dusted fairy tales. It's enough to make a cat laugh, I'm telling ya.

>> No.18919384

people still use twitter? this guy seems dull AF

>> No.18919445

Twitter has been slowly migrating toward Facebook in that it achieved ubiquity and is now overrun by plebs, normies, and retardation. Once that happens, the active userbase will apex and then decline. However, one thing keeping Twitter at the forefront of cultural relevance is the fact that celebrities and politicians use it to put out press releases and other trivial updates.

>> No.18919457

I can’t believe that when I first started browsing lit this shit was shilled all over the place. I’m too fucking old.

>> No.18919613

I have read it and I actually used to know the person the girl in the book is based on. That person was like 16 at the time I think and Tao basically groomed them and then used their actual Gmail chats to write the book. And then later on that person transitioned and kept talking to Tao on Twitter publicly after the accusations which was weird, basically they don’t want to talk about it anymore and nothing ever happened to Tao for being a creep because in New Jersey it was legal. It’s an okay book but it’s really soured by knowing where it comes from

>> No.18919701

It's unfortunate that Tao can't be cancelled because his entire audience consists of drug addled burnout clones of himself. I'm 100% certain that negative publicity does nothing but harden his erection.

>> No.18919936

i had no idea

>> No.18920417

Sounds like he did nothing wrong and you are a seething tranny.
t. don't even like Tao Lin's work. think it sucks tbqhwyf

>> No.18920566

Its crazy how misunderstood Tao is by parrots on /lit/. They read his book just to confirm the meme surroundim him, and dont notice anything about whats going on.
imagine being this dumb and bad at reading.

>> No.18920580

Taipei by Tao Lin holds a place in my heart as one of the worst piece of shit books I've ever read. Bugman is the absolute perfect way of describing Tao Lin. He is incapable of writing about anything but himself (/his self inserts) and even then he writes about himself so mechanically, like "Tao Lin (age 25) went to the market to pick up some groceries. He picked up the groceries and went back home. He was going to take the train home but decided to walk instead. On the walk, I opened my Apple iPhone and looked through my Gmail messages."

>> No.18920692
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>"Tao Lin (age 25) went to the market to pick up some groceries. He picked up the groceries and went back home. He was going to take the train home but decided to walk instead. On the walk, I opened my Apple iPhone and looked through my Gmail messages."
This is the kind of writing that sells books and builds careers. My passion projects will never sell.

>> No.18920801

Agree. I'm halfway through Taipei. Should I put it down? Don't feel like I'm getting anything out of it other than a window into this bug's little life.

>> No.18920830

just realized i switched to first person for some reason and now it sounds like im secreyly tao lin

>> No.18920837

Is that Erin?

>> No.18920847
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I want to steal some shoes

>> No.18920924

I came to this, thanks

>> No.18920933

Go to bed Tao

>> No.18920949

Getting the vibe of an unexpected, somewhat edgy read. Looks fun to dive into without any prior knowledge. I’ll read it. Thanks anon.

>> No.18921115

Shut the fuck up Tao. We all know you frequent this board to shill. Read the room faggot

>> No.18921186

I've recently read Leave Society. Loved it desu. I wasn't expecting much out of it, but it was worth it. I tried discussing it here, but most people either don't read or keep spamming memes whenever somebody is interested in discussing something besides /pol/tards topics.