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18915623 No.18915623 [Reply] [Original]

Is 30s truly the end of a male's meaningful life?

>> No.18915630

That's around when your life should have the most meaning.

>> No.18915651
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>are my feelings the universe?
>is thing I like what everyone else should do?

>> No.18917171

Yeah after the first 30 seconds it's all downhill. Might as well ask the Dr. to strangle you with the umbilical cord and get it over with.

>> No.18917242

I’m just thinking about it logically. Everything before 25 is dynamic by virtue of physical growth, education, working life, etc. Late 20s are when reality seems to start to set in. You’ve probably ended up where the trajectory you’ve been in places you in society, doing whatever that trajectory would’ve had been doing and you’re confronting that, but still young. The 30s is even more so into the rhythm of said trajectory but as a man, you’re still mostly youthful. By the time you’ve passed your 30s you’ve sexually and physically peaked. So if we’re talking in a strictly biological sense everything after 30s can be said to be a decline. But it’s all a matter of perspective and context I suppose. Spartan men were expected to serve the military, often in battle, on the front lines, until they were 60 years old. And quite a few them would’ve seen combat after their 30s and one could venture a guess that combat would’ve peak experience in their life. Now, of course we’re not Spartans and all our society demands of you is to work and pay taxes until you die and anything else is up to you, but I guess the point is there’s no universal rule of the cosmos that says a man’s life is over after 30. In fact, it’s really not all very different after 30 as it was before. It’s just that you perhaps get the sense that life hasn’t started until you’ve aged out of youth, and that it ends once you pass your physical prime, but either way you’re on the biological trajectory that you were always going to be on whether you’re 13 or 33.

>> No.18917335

Nah most 36 year old men are still watching Marvel movies and collecting Funko Pops with their childless girlfriends.

>> No.18917361

ive been told 35 is when you start to feel old. im 30 as of last month and i feel and look pretty much the same as a did when i was 26. hairline has 'matured' but that's out of my control

>> No.18917381

>implying that the average millennial male is a man
They’re socially and psychologically castrated consumers. Still better than zoomers though, those are genderless and soulless biobots.

>> No.18917390
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>36 year old basedboys have a gf while I'm a KHV

>> No.18917397

nah you're posting frogs on the internet you're significantly cooler than them

>> No.18917419

Having a gf is superfluousness. Serves only to stroke the ego and make you feel better. If you're having gf without plans to marry, you're just wasting time. gfs are a liability and a financial drain. And marriage is not a lock anymore so it's pointless too. The most efficient form of procreation now is to have random sex with whores and hope one of them doesn't get an abortion.

>> No.18917499

Blackpilled and truth

>> No.18917529

>If you're having gf without plans to marry, you're just wasting time
And without plans to have children. I guess that's why once the honeymoon phase is over and your brain sets back into a routine chemically speaking, then if nothing else happens (children), the whole thing starts eroding in many cases.

>> No.18917531

>lord Byron
>basically just slept around and wrote about it
>is sad that he has aged out of that
If you have literally anything else going for you or that you enjoy doing, it’s fine.

>> No.18917538
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I've had the majority of my life in my late 30s. I'm much healthier and happier now at 43 than I was at 23. Aging is a sobering thing; which is why it is met with such dread, today especially men tend to live in disconnected fantasies rather than confront the difficulty of the world. When I was young I was disenfranchised and poor, a sad sexless creature who rarely left the house wallowing in the thrall of my mother. Only the absolute and urgent loss of vitality could shake me loose, and I feel quite glad now for nature's creditors. In fact I would go so far to say that my life didn't begin until I was in my 30s, having only then come know any sort of real agency. That sort of arrested development is common today, I think.

>> No.18917552
File: 72 KB, 512x429, Caesar-before-a-statue-of-Alexander-the-Great-in-Spain-lamenting-the-scale-of-his-achievements-compared-to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask that of Caesar

>> No.18917699


>> No.18917708

>When I was young I was disenfranchised and poor, a sad sexless creature who rarely left the house wallowing in the thrall of my mother.
sounds like me. this post kinda gave me hope, maybe with age ill stop being such a useless pussy lol

>> No.18917712

this but unironically

>> No.18917716

Are you insane? Manhood is between 30 and 50. This is your time to shine. If you think it’s over past 30 you might as well be a woman.

>> No.18917819


>> No.18917837

this but unironically

>> No.18917842

Get into religion or some other bs.

>> No.18918566

I took my bottle and went to my bedroom. I undressed down to my shorts and went to bed. Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Bach, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice.

I took my choice. I raised the fifth of vodka and drank it straight. The Russians knew something.

>> No.18918597

Good post, anon. It's difficult to get any sort of perspective on life as a young man if your only friends are around your own age (like within a 10 year span or less), or if you have no friends at all which doesn't seem to uncommon today. There's a reason I rarely read debuts; I don't need to have my own whinging reflected back at me.

>> No.18918604

you never had any meningful life to begin with

>> No.18918605


>> No.18918827

The Greeks believed adulthood begins at 30, so you’re really just anxious from conditioning.

>> No.18918840

I doubt it. I'm 26 and happier than ever. I can't imagine the beginning of my marriage and child raising will be the end. It'll probably get even easier as children get older and then I get to reap the rewards of grandchildren.

>> No.18918892

I’m in my early 20s and already feel like all meaning is gone from my life but I’m also a pathetic faggot so take that for what it is

>> No.18918906

I’m 27 and can’t wait to be older. Imagine all the knowledge and skills I will continue to acquire, as well as more wisdom as every year passes. I seem to become a better person every year and looking back, I’m ashamed of whatever dumb shit I used to do.

If you’re scared of being 30, you are gay. I can’t wait to be 50!

>> No.18918947

>In fact I would go so far to say that my life didn't begin until I was in my 30s, having only then come know any sort of real agency.
Similar thing is happening with me in my late 20s. Came from an extremely dysfunctional family so it's nice to have a life to myself now. Been thinking the same thing, my life only really started when I cast off that burden.

>> No.18918981

I used to feel the same
In ten years it will be worse, trust me, so be happy now

>> No.18919146

Not a girlfriend you would want though.

>> No.18919489

One can say that life only begins that meaningful or one without meaning. Untill then one is merely a babe pandered by parents and schoolmasters. For some it ends here, for others begins. Life, whatever that is, and whomever is to be taken. For the Greeks the age near to this is but a beginning of a blossoming of man's life.

>> No.18919532

I'm 34 and I feel as though I'm still advancing and moving forward. I felt like I didn't truly become an adult until I was 28 or so. That's when I moved across the country to a distant city where no one I was related to was around. I had to take care of myself: pay my own bills, do my own laundry, make new friends, etc.. That, I feel, helped me truly grow up.

I suppose it also helps that I'm an artist. Specifically, I'm a writer and a poet, who has had several things published. I'm currently working on what I hope will be my masterpiece, or at least part of it. I can still feel myself getting better. I feel as though my powers as a writer and poet are only increasing, as I learn more and try new things with my art. So I feel very hopeful about the future.

All I'm missing is a wife. I wish I had tried harder to get married when I was younger. But I'm actively looking now, so hopefully that will change.

>> No.18919607

It's when Byron suddenly realized that traipsing about Europe and fucking whores wasn't meaningful. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was in his 30's.

>> No.18919744

Lobo Antunes published his first book when he was 36 and is still publishing a novel every one or two years. He's 78.