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18914331 No.18914331 [Reply] [Original]

When does this get interesting?? Just started Samuel

>> No.18914340

>When does this get interesting
What was uninteresting about Genesis? (besides the gay creation shit)

>> No.18914395

I mean I do found Genesis interesting, but I've meant like, from Exodus onward, save for the story of Samson and shit like that

>> No.18914683

Never, it's a waste of time

>> No.18914731


>first He separated light from darkness and he saw that it was good
>then He separated the sea and land and he saw that it was good
>then he made trees and it was good
>then animals
>and it was good

followed by several pages of

>Abraham lived for 894 years and had three sons Isaac, Anon, and Bumfuck
>Isaac lived for 784 years and had four sons Andrew, Chad, Tristan, and Ryan
>Anon lived for 394 years and had two sons
>Bumfuck lived for 293 years and had three sons

>and it was good

>> No.18915761

Samuel feels like it could be made into a Kurosawa movie ngl

>> No.18915769
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>> No.18915776

It never gets good or interesting. You just have to truck on through it. But take notes, it's impossible to remember who's who otherwise.

>> No.18915837

>I read Genesis
>and it was good
>I read Exodus
>and it was alright

>> No.18915924

>When does this get interesting??
The Major Prophets really, although I found the stories of David and Moses to be interesting.

>> No.18915965

Yeah I'm not reading another Jew

>> No.18915973

The primordial history is the only good thing in genesis and when Jacob suffers

>> No.18917530

Everything from Genesis 3 to Exodus 20 is kino

>> No.18917649
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>and then he died

>> No.18917767

I started getting bored around Judges so I'd alternate between OT and Gospels. Gospels are much more interesting but I wouldn't want to read them all back-to-back

>> No.18917774

Samuel is good.

>> No.18918070
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I'm an atheist and I to see where all those famous quotes came from and improve my English.
I was thinking about Oxford's KJV (picrel), but the /lit/ archives also mention Norton's KJV and Oxford's NRSV.
Any suggestion?

>> No.18918188

I thought Judges was great. Some of Genesis is brilliant like the story of Joseph and his brothers.

>> No.18918214

Oxford Worlds Classics KJV is just the bare text with a few short essays in the back, you may as well buy any cheap paperback edition if that's fine with you. NRSV is a moderb translation, it will be more informed by manuscript discoveries and textual criticism so reflects the texts at an earlier state. There is an edition of the NRSV with historical-critical notes called the New Oxford Annotated Bible. The Norton KJV is a hefty two-volume affair, annotated similarly to the New Oxford Annotated Bible.

>> No.18918268

Do the NRSV and KJV have a similar prose?

>> No.18918304

No, NRSV is contemporary English and is sometimes the meaning is different due to the more advanced textual scholarship. Picking a verse at random (Isaiah 65:11)

>But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.

>But you who forsake the LORD,
>who forget my holy mountain,
>who set a table for Fortune
>and fill cups of mixed wine for Destiny

>> No.18918379
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If you haven't found the book profoundly interesting by the time you have finished Genesis, you are probably a speed reader and missed everything.

Samual 1 & 2 are amazing btw. Has everything. Epic wars and conquests, the heroes tale, coming of age, brotherhood amongst men, tragic villains, fallen heroes, conspiracy, redemption, ect. It really is a perfect book.

>> No.18918409
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The books of law have some pretty chewy parts to them and it takes some endurance to get through. Judges is pretty hard core. The wisdom books are excellent poetic reading. I especially love Ecclesiastes as it shows what was going through the mind of a bitter and regretful Solomon as he comes to terms with his sin and the vanity of self-servitude.

Then you get to the prophets which are all about judgment and the fallen nature of societies and crowd hysteria. Makes a great primer for the New Testament.

>> No.18918969

Books of Samuel are action packed

>> No.18918999

Reading about the patriarchs is alright. Just boys being boys back in the day.

>> No.18919013

Synoptic gospels. The rest is propaganda and Jewish stuff

>> No.18919137
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Imagine not being able to exegete scripture and only ever get the literal historical meaning behind it.

>> No.18919184
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It's Reddit the book, praised by election tourists and the /pol/ crowd. Read something else.

>> No.18919210

but reddit absolutely hates the bible and christianity

>> No.18919257

Election tourists are former redditors. All the same.

>> No.18919264

Daniel, Ezra/Nehemiah, Job, Jonah and some others. I can tell you right now you might as well skip kings and chronicles.

>> No.18919407

Autheist can't process complex concepts such as heterogenous groups

>> No.18919428

How is that brilliant? Are you literally double digit IQ?

>> No.18919576

>Why is this story that has been told for centuries not as exciting and fresh in the context of contemporary storytelling?

It's a remarkable story that has crazy dreams, slavery, and people getting what's coming to them. What's not to like?

>> No.18919591

>I'll appoint a man after my own heart
>David then gets another man's wife pregnant
What a lad.

>> No.18920159

The Gospels.

>> No.18920505

Low intelligence life forms detected. Back to >>/pol/. All field.

>> No.18921110

Regurgitating memes and pop culture gives you the guise of safety, huh? If you never express genuine thoughts then no one can criticize them.

>> No.18921170

Samuel is great, the poetry and prophets are as well. Job and Ecclesiastes especially so, even if some contrarian crawls out of the woodwork to say "bu-but those are the r-r-r-reddit books!"
Trips of truth.

>> No.18921352
File: 49 KB, 540x540, da7ea755335be123892b7612dba94bb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's impossible to understand the bible if you are not saved because the Holy Spirit teaches you the meaning behind the scriptures. so if you are not 100% sure that you'd go to heaven, watch this gospel video. the biblical gospel gives you full assurance of your salvation. it's easy to be saved from hell.


also, make sure to read KJV (preserved Word of God in the English language) and not some corrupt modern bible versions like the NIV or ESV. check out the documentary called new world order bible versions on youtube if you interested in finding out how badly the modern versions are corrupted. if you get a KJV, make sure to get one without any footnotes or studynotes. don't get a studybible like a ruckman or scofield bible with zionist propaganda in it.


>> No.18921357
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also, after you get saved, many people recommend giving the book of John the read. then maybe finishing the new testament first then reading the old testament is also recommended by some people.

>> No.18921500
File: 418 KB, 828x1352, AB30099E-DA01-407A-A1FE-F2D99198931F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is a bit dishonest. The verses are omitted only because they are not found in all of the MSS, and are usually kept in the footnotes, pic rel. Once you get familiar with the MSS tradition you’ll see that the KJV is not the be all end all translation, and is even doctrinally incorrect in places, when calling the devil “the god of this world” for example. The Greek word is “aeon”, meaning age. God is the God of this world, heaven and earth. The devil is the god of this age.

And what do you mean about Scofield being a zionist? I didn’t particularly appreciate his notes, but is he really that bad? Please explain.

>> No.18921708

What a retarded copout. Any story from Homer or Gilgamesh is infinitely superior while also being older

>> No.18922245
File: 146 KB, 640x976, lazarus dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel has the story of King Saul which is a pretty dramatic character arc for a character that at one point had more faith than most people will ever have. The witch of Endor near the end is fairly unique event in the bible.

Otherwise like other anons have said, the bible misses a lot of context if you don't read the New Testament first, at least one gospel, then Acts and the letters after, returning to the gospels.

The history section you are entering is cool but you will need to pay attention to the historical timeline as some of the books aren't in order that they happened. The events around the minor and major prophets are incredibly fascinating to see the rise and fall of Israel, Judah, the Neo-Assyrians (Nineveh), Babylon, and Persia. There is a frightening amount of similarity between the first 4 nations and if you pay attention a lot of gray area between who was right, because even if one is proven right one age, they are destroyed for the same things they condemned 100 years later. In the book of Ezra, who was believed to have helped compile Kings and Chronicles during Judah's reconstruction with Persia's help, had a mental breakdown when he realized that Judah was not just pursuing horrible evil before it fell, but that God was still empowering the Samaritans and Persians to help destroy their culture even as they haughtily imagined that they being freed because they were good people. That acceptance of humility of course is completely lost over the next few centuries as they continue to kill their own prophets.

>> No.18922266

>so if you are not 100% sure that you'd go to heaven
"Heaven" doesn't exist. Christ taught about his Kingdom and the resurrection, not Elysium or Paradise or whatever the pagan trash you've been conditioned to.

Americuck Protestants, I swear!

>> No.18922312

You're in the most dragging part. I wouldn't hold it against you if you dropped samuel, kangz and chronicles on first reading and went straight for the prophets, hymns and wisdom books before the New testament.

>> No.18922933

The most dragging part is the last 3 books of the Pentateuch

>> No.18923345

New Testament if you want to read through.

For the old testament, you can read about Jacob and Esau, David (lots of drama in his family), Joseph, Ruth, Samson and Delilah, the fall of the tribe of Benjamin, Sennacherib's siege if you want history ref,etc.

>> No.18923352


>> No.18923691

>Not appreciating the babylonian king list reference.

>> No.18923929
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second half of the book of ezekiel is boring as fuck because it takes like 20 pages to describe a place

>> No.18925348

It's a literal meme, just skip it, no one reads it anyway

>> No.18926452

Out of curiosity i checked the two bibles i had.One is from 1971 the other one from 2005 The second one omits 3 verses,the first one omits none but explains why you might not see those verses in newer versions.