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18913954 No.18913954 [Reply] [Original]

>Foucault spent many evenings in the San Francisco gay scene, frequenting sado-masochistic bathhouses, engaging in unprotected sex. He praised sado-masochistic activity in interviews with the gay press, describing it as "the real creation of new possibilities of pleasure, which people had no idea about previously."[160] Foucault contracted HIV and eventually developed AIDS. Little was known of the virus at the time; the first cases had only been identified in 1980.[161] Foucault initially referred to AIDS as a "dreamed-up disease".

>> No.18914020

>Foucault is bad because well.. he had gay sex or any kind of sex and I've never had sex so i'm already seething now.

>> No.18914025

>Foucault would have been a Covid Truther

>> No.18914026

T. Gay sex specialist

>> No.18914028

Well, yes, but Foucault is also bad because his political writings are complex and piecemeal and can't be jammed into an ideological category so I get mad when I read them

>> No.18914034

He’s bad because he didn’t understand nothing about sex mores, not in a personal way, The History of Sexuality is a complete bag of shit

>> No.18914042

well, if anonymous #18914034 says so…

>> No.18914060

Why is French academia so fucking wild? You have rabid Catholics, rabid Socialists, rabid Monarchists and Republicans and rabid Homosexuals.

>> No.18914163

>Foucault contracted HIV and eventually developed AIDS. Little was known of the virus at the time; the first cases had only been identified in 1980.[161] Foucault initially referred to AIDS as a "dreamed-up disease"
The people the Left idolize lmao. What a fucking shitshow

>> No.18914172

Foucault said a lot of interesting and based thing, Birth of the Clinic and Discipline and Punish for example are well worth reading regardless of your political stance
t. nazi

>> No.18914206

>t. nazi
thank you for your honesty and confirming my suspicions.

>> No.18914662

This. FPBP

>> No.18914800

I am 6'3 and have fucked numerous french artwhores. Nice projection though

>> No.18914810

what's wild about that?

>> No.18914815

wow a westoid leftie is a sexual degenerate. Color me impressed. As we say in Russian 'it never happened and here we go again'.

>> No.18914817

It's how fanatical they are.

>> No.18914991

and how's that bad? are you an American?

>> No.18915011

Sure you are :^)

>> No.18915027

Ever read Merquior's Foucault (1985)? It's quite critical of both his methodology and conclusions.

>> No.18915117

Imagine how different the 20th century would be if some stupid Tunisian bumboy had had the decency to shank Foucault in a Parisian alleyway in 1960.

>> No.18915198

Imagine all the people.... living life in pissssssssss...

....woooohooo ooo oo ooooo....

you may sayyyyy...... i'm a readerrrrrrrr...

fuck yes im the only one.....

i hope some dayyyyyyy you join me.....

and read my diary desu.........

>> No.18915291

I don’t get being like this. I have urges in this direction, but I know it would be doing harm to others to act on them whether or not the other person “consented”. It seems like you have to have holes in your brain making you some kind of psychopath to not get this.

>> No.18915296

A nation of BPDs

>> No.18915312

I don't know why people think Foucault had some giant influence on Western social mores
Dumb moralfag *tickle tortures you*

>> No.18915316

All of them are massive pseuds, that's the problem.

>> No.18915387

I mean, he is the most referenced writer in the humanities.

>> No.18915417

What is there to get if you are already engaging in into masochism in the form of sexual repression

>> No.18915423

Yeah, and you’re engaging in masochism by not shooting up heroin every day and killing your enemies.

>> No.18915445

Why are most French writers filthy degenerates?

>> No.18915481

False equivalency. Your sexual repression is caused by your being duped into theological moralism.

>> No.18915818

the mask of the average foucault reader comes off

>> No.18915930

Yes meme.jpg

>> No.18915940

I'd rather trust anonymous #18914034 on this issue than some guy that abused his sexuality so badly he literally died from it.

>> No.18916353

>reading macacos

>> No.18916924


>> No.18916944

Nah, he would've been a lockdown advocate demanding everyone mask up and take all their shots

>> No.18917893
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it seems Biopower worked out alright

>> No.18918248

I find this post appalling and unbecoming of what I am accustomed to reading on 4channel. Rather then go into an investigation of why M. Eribon would make such a statement, the OP and his minions presume that the accusation stands on its face. It does not. I will confess to being a fan of Foucault, but being of rational mind I am open to read criticism of him provided the position is justified. I see no justification in this thread. I see a blog post by someone who thinks they are being funny by making an inside joke to a group of friends that share the same uninformed opinion.

>> No.18918263

thanks for your opinion
i appreciate it

>> No.18918390

>The gay press

>> No.18918468

I wouldn't have it any other way. I never understood the cult of moderation in several other cultures. It's a sign of lacking both principled self-consistency and passion, because either would push you into a "rabid" state.
To be fair Anglos can be true believers except it's only of the calvinist puritanical brand, what they would call progressivism today. It's between that and apathy. Apathy is certainly better so that might explain Anglo moderation and anti-intellectualism.

>> No.18918659

play stupid games
win stupid prizes

>> No.18919144

Foucault is a staunch supporter of globo homo and would have been in favor of anything CNN puts out

>> No.18919195

That's what happens when your nations comes to be by Revolution.

>> No.18919243

It delights me to see another one of these threads created by greasy anglo fingers, they always reek of resentment and give away low iq perplexity. And it is better for the greater good of the board to enable little goblins to vent out a bit. Foucault is very fitting for this role, since all of the phantasms surrounding the man make him out to be le evil degenerate relativist boogeyman of french philosophy. Anyway, Nietzsche was right, anglos are the most unphilosophical of all the people.

>> No.18919250

Went to gay bathhouse San Francisco to study classics
>born baguette next to louvre and l’arc de triumph
>goes all the way to gay bathhouse San Francisco to STUDY THE CLASSICS OK?
Best takedown I’ve ever read, Camille Paglia Academy in the Hour of the Wolf

>> No.18919746

shutup Bratton

>> No.18919835

>le evil degenerate relativist
That’s all he was

>> No.18919858

>fucked numerous french artwhores
so you are gay and actually just wanted to share foko because you think he's based and redpilled?

>> No.18919927
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the homosexual identity is fully based on science and evidence, not even heterosexuality is backed by as much hard data. instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition you can join the way of the future and acquire a certified authentic identity based on objective medical and psychiatric criteria.

>> No.18919928

>He praised sado-masochistic activity in interviews with the gay press, describing it as "the real creation of new possibilities of pleasure
Was Foucault actually a cenobite?

>> No.18919961

If he were still alive today he would be a based libertarian who knows covid and the age of consent are both fake and lgbt gender ideology is a form of biopolitical mind control

>> No.18921448

how tf do you even manage to get into this shit, like run-off sexuality, absolute state of you, before the age of internet porn and social apathy? it has to be contrarianism or childhood abuse, right?

>> No.18921452

>the homosexual identity
>science and evidence
it could cease to exist overnight if people stopped believing in it and subculture/organisations were discarded. homosexual acts would continue to exist all the same with no identity, no authority, and no subculture.

>> No.18921453

4chan got infinitely worse when it stopped being full of self-aware degenerates and suddenly everyone inexplicably became a 6'5 "Chad" who takes themselves very seriously and still posts on an anime website.

>> No.18921456

Wasn't he also a pederast who raped children of color in Morocco? Or am I thinking of another intellectual?

>> No.18921457

/fit is the most self-aware yet boastful board on the site

>> No.18921461

The french are just rabid in general.

>> No.18921466

i generally agree but in this case they're more like insecure losers desperately trying to be novel and ideological, and whoring themselves for fame and relevance

>> No.18921679

it's called coping, all the kids grew up and became what you see here. but underneath they are still the same insecure spazztastic faggots that they were years ago

me i refuse to cope because i stay true to my spirit and refuse to change

>> No.18921821
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Michel is shit
Embrace Mickey

>> No.18921824

foucault would literally hate that. he thought society was a prison dude

>> No.18921825
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>> No.18921931

Yup, I loathe my country (not the UK) for it. A mass of disgusting retards wallowing in their stupid ignorance. They have no principles, no purpose, no nothing.

>> No.18922943
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based foucauldian

>> No.18922957

True, I know a lot of chads on paper that are really doomed by the same schizo autist shit as me, but are just taller and not fat which has no effect when, well, schizo autist.

>> No.18923154

As hominems have always been and will always be brainlet cope, which is why liberals and right wingers love them so much

>> No.18923195

Lmao fpbp

>> No.18923525
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>> No.18924311

So do all the faculty in Academia who pay lip service to his ideas yet they are the most staunch and fanatical supporters of covid authoritarianism. Can't really say what he would've done. Agamben seems to be the only prominent Foucauldian to come out against it publicly.

>> No.18924872

>Chad hominem

>> No.18924900

Isnt that playing along with anti idpol reactionaries and denying we still have a long way to go when it comes to equality representation and inclusion of our communities?

>> No.18924930

Its about empathy and basic human decency. Just like denying covid literally costs lives. Ideas such as transphobia homophobia eurocentricism sexism racism toxic masculinity and climate change denial should be treated as diseases and not allowed to spread because they literally cost lives.

>> No.18925087

Agreed. Discipline & Punish needed a lot more historical context. It was woefully poor when it came to names and dates. But the philosophical analysis was sound.

t. also nazi


>> No.18925413

I had a collection of Foucault's interviews from around the Discipline and Punish era....I have to say that it was hard to see him as objective because of the leering quality he exuded when alternating between talk of his self harm and how the imprisoned channeled a current of power which concentrated in the very center of society.

There is a /lit/tard of some renown who seems to taken Foucault's magical explanation of power as this flowing ether like substance (you won't find me mention your name here, fuck you and your bad poetry).

>> No.18925886


The beauty of being your own moral arbiter is that you never have to doubt that any thought or action you have isn't decent at the basest level, innit?

As a proponent of 86 of those "diseases" I can only look upon your works and despair.