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/lit/ - Literature

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18912744 No.18912744 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write non-binary characters?

>> No.18912755

Suicidal and fat

>> No.18912766

So Americans are halfway there

>> No.18912768

Emotionally unstable and constantly talking about their petty drama and how hard life is while living it on fucking easy mode.

This is what every non-binary person I’ve met is like. They’re all just enormous pussies with severe narcissistic and manic-depressive qualities while simultaneously over-complimenting everyone and using the word “valid” in every other sentence.

>> No.18912775

Yes, just write them as exaggerated Americans

>> No.18912779

In a psych ward

>> No.18912786

Swinging from a rafter

>> No.18912793

Notice how third-world countries don't give a fuck about non-binary, he-she bullshit. Its like if people don't have to face any problems, they will create new ones. Also the jews

>> No.18912824

As a woman who has a compromised sense of her own bodily integrity so she adopts a weird identity as a way of placing herself outside of normal, healthy heterosexual relations between men and women.
They do this either because some dude hurt them at an early age, they have a bad relationship with their dad, or they just test very high in neuroticism and female perceived harm avoidance.
Before the sexual revolution and maybe even for a little while after, these woman would have been the most prudish Christian women.
They adopt the dominant ideology and push it to the extreme as a way of controlling if and how sexual energy is directed towards them.

>> No.18912921

Exactly what is a non-binary character?

>> No.18912922

You write them the same as the other characters in the work. Consistency is all that matters and if you study great works you see the characters are all defined through the same sorts of things, generally something which supports the theme. My favorite example is Gravity's Rainbow, everyone is defined through how they cope with getting hit by a V2, he gives you everything you need to know about the characters through the rocket. DFW got away with having almost all his black characters being drug addicts and thieves because most of his white characters were also drug addicts and thieves and the ones who weren't were no better. Define everyone through the same lens.

>> No.18912968

Like you would write a rich white girl with BPD

>> No.18913002

Someone who doesn't conform to traditional gender roles and makes a big deal about it.

>> No.18913014

Into a fantasy novel, because that's a made-up concept.

>> No.18913034

you dont

>> No.18913041

A very good post. Couldn’t have said it better.

>> No.18913054

I don't see any reason to do it unless you're trans or non-binary, in which case, you would know better than anybody if you are decent at writing in general.

>> No.18913056

You don't. Do not write such trash.

>> No.18913082
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Just keep referring to them without pronouns. Watch those old It’s Pat sketches from SNL for material. Sounds needlessly distracting from the plot.

Though there is a tradition of gender bending in literature and drama. The plot resolves though. A “non-binary” just has to drift and confound or their thing is lost. Pff.

>> No.18913133

"Made up concept" is a tautology you fucking pseud.

>> No.18913363

You’re a dyke

>> No.18913374
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make it apparent that she wears different clothes sometimes

>> No.18913406
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>> No.18913407

How embarrassing

>> No.18913438
File: 131 KB, 900x1198, F345F4EA-7763-4B62-9DB2-540A7B8412B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why feel embarrassed for my sexuality?
Just relax

>> No.18913444

I don't write about delusional americans and their non-problems.

>> No.18913453

Imagine thinking this is passing.

>> No.18913461

Kill yourself

>> No.18913517


>> No.18913523

For a man, yes.

>> No.18913526
File: 35 KB, 737x517, 96E50F5D-480A-4621-958A-3CAD83625F0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t it a woman?

>> No.18913527

Because you will never grow old with another woman. You’ll degrade in health, robbed of the dignity of seeing your children grow to care for you and spending traditions with them in a loving family, only to leave your hard work behind for them to lead a wonderful life; a certainty of beauty and order.

Enjoy the pet cat

>> No.18913535

Give proof or shuddup

>> No.18913538

Based retard

>> No.18913542

Make them mentally ill

>> No.18913552

Proof of what, the male cheekbones, the nose+cheek combo or the other obvious male features attempted to be obscured by the angle?

>> No.18913555

attention whore with bland personality

>> No.18913560

Burden of proof is still with you.

>> No.18913563

Your picture with tons of layers of makeup isn't hiding anything like you think it is.

>> No.18913576

It isn’t linking to a source either. >>18913560

>> No.18913578
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There is deeper issue here, issue of ugly pedophile dykes and western jewish culture grooming young girls and making it seem culturally ok and even cool and encouraged for women to date other women. This is just another degeneracy of the western world however it seems there are still good people out there who understand this and will do the right thing once they come across these monsters and the children who they have damaged irreparably.

>> No.18913763

Troon detected.

You don't because they aren't VALID. Sorry faggots.

>> No.18913792

Enbie chaser detected.

Still waiting on that proof.

>> No.18913877

Men can't be lesbians

>> No.18914003
File: 611 KB, 1147x590, Stephen the Lesbian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stephen the Lesbian demonstrates otherwise.

>> No.18914012

When they post yuri and call each other gay, I guess they can online.

>> No.18914019
File: 946 KB, 420x314, TrannyAxesForYourNumber.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mental illness

>> No.18914027

You don’t because they’re not real even in fiction

>> No.18914029

You better keep them as vague queers not only does this helps you avoid being criticized for failing to capture the 4th dimensionality of their specific gender but also captures the fact that a lot of them are indecisive dipshits

>> No.18914093


Damn QRD?

>> No.18914127

It’s spreading everywhere. LGBT will be a mainstay in every country by 2030 as long as American social media remains dominant. Every young person is pretty much required to accept LGBT views on gender fluidity and sexuality no matter what country they’re in

>> No.18914137

Kill me

>> No.18914140

>implying America will still be a world power exporting lgbt by 2030

>> No.18914171

>Pretending this is a threat to empire and not the economic and biological warfare we’re experiencing now

Empires take a while to fall, but the decline could conceivably be sharp between 2030 and 2050, or as gradual as 2090.
I hope for break ups which will complicate matters, but in a good way.

>> No.18914222

with mental illness

>> No.18914282

When did I say that this is a threat to the American empire? LGBT is one of the greatest cultural exports of the empire

>> No.18914293

If it collapses, LGBT people will start getting thrown off rooftops. Wokeshit is white culture.

>> No.18914477

Watch that show about jazz jennings

>> No.18914507

you again? why in the fuck would anyone attach a name to themselves in browsing this forum? unironically, why? is it for the (you)s? is it a sense of humor? why?

>> No.18914515

Americans, yes.

>> No.18914517

trannies need attention like leeches need blood.

>> No.18914530

did I ask you? why are you answering?

>> No.18914537

cause I felt like it.

>> No.18914553 [DELETED] 

and how confident you are in your answer, you voyeur, you dittoist. your response was ignorant, inane, and facile. although to be honest i don't have much to say either, and reading this thread I realize it's a waste to keep it alive, so i'll leave. have a good night, anon. (sage)

>> No.18914557

>have a good night, anon.
Thanks, you too.

>> No.18914563


>> No.18914686

Sonichu is Super-Straight. Or did Chris retcon it

>> No.18914687

1 million dead chuds

I left /b/

>> No.18914744

Lgbt if growing in the third world though?

>> No.18914755

Like a normal person with thoughts and feelings, who does not adhere to the gender binary. To base them entire around the fact that they are non-binary, or to even disparage them for it is to deny them their humanity.

>> No.18914916

>deny them their humanity

>> No.18914932

You don't. Don't make trash OP.