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18912047 No.18912047 [Reply] [Original]

When will this hell end? Why am I even alive? What am I? Why am I? Am I?
Why do I have to have this stupid brain?

>> No.18912065

Deal with your problems to get rid of depression
This is not /lit/, go to /adv/

>> No.18912067

it never ends you'll go back to the void until the conditions are just right and you'll plop back into existence

have fun

>> No.18912069

Everyone is miserable and life is inherently a form of suffering. Even happiness is a form of suffering as it is a fleeting experience and you cant hold onto it, no matter how hard you try. Accept that fact and stop complaining about your life and replaying your own personal fable in your mind over and over. Start by focusing on the breath, tidying up your space and engaging in physical activity.

Stop whining.

>> No.18912077
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I hope you're fuckin wrong

>> No.18912084
File: 145 KB, 828x805, 7b4ab37a1bf2b834880362ec2e0b6ae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will destroy this world

>> No.18912087

I'll whine as much as I want and then I'll kill myself. Fuck life

Who knows, maybe tonight's the night. I've been trying for a while but I guess my survival instinct gets in the way

>> No.18912089

The peculiar thing is that there is no obligation to give you a real answer, if one even exists.

>> No.18912094

I just want it to end,I want to stop deluding me into thinking that it's gonna be better. It's not.

>> No.18912105

Its easier to destroy than it is to build a better world for everyone.
Will you poop your pants and smear it all over your body too while youre at it?

>> No.18912123

>When will this hell end?
when you can see heaven
what do you think heaven looks like?
> Why am I even alive?
you choose to live in every moment,becuase each moment we are in we create.
What would be a perfect moment?
> What am I?
> Why am I?
do you think there is just one reason? do you think there is just one I?
> Am I?
only the extent to which you project yourself
>Why do I have to have this stupid brain?
are you calling your brain stupid to the exclusion or inclusion to all other brains?

>> No.18912125

>muh it's harder to build meme implying something harder to do has more inherent value than something that's easier

>> No.18912137

heaven doesn't exist, only hell, it's right here, right now

>> No.18912164


>> No.18912174

If you accept it and stop trying to fix it, you'll stop feeling guilty about posting on 4chan and wanking all day, thus enabling you to genuinely enjoy it again.

>> No.18912182

At first you may need a laxative, but don’t rely on them. Switch to fruits like apples. Three or four a week at least. Cut back on bready things, like the enriched flour products. Smaller portions, and periodic fasting are also good for you (say twice a year, just a day of nothing but water).

>why am I alive?
Life is a weird kind of gift from no one. You are a piece of the universe looking at itself. Enjoy it while it lasts. It’s amazing and there’s too much to do.

Did you want a book recommendation?

>> No.18912185

I'm gonna pray for you, OP. Hope you start feeling better fren.

>> No.18912189

Deluding yourself oppositewise is equally retarded. Maybe if you extrapolate entirety into things you’ll get a little better bearing. All roads lead to Rome

>> No.18912212
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>Life is a weird kind of gift from no one. You are a piece of the universe looking at itself.
Yeah the universe can shove the gift up arse. A dead universe is preferable.

> It’s amazing and there’s too much to do
Yeah for mindless organic machines who like to experience similar experiences with a thousand slight variations. It's so retarded it's maddening. I feel like screaming every time some retard says this.

>> No.18912220

Learning how to deal with life is cope for not being able to end your life. Because you're programmed to be scared of death.

>> No.18912222

Stop being a hypocrite, if you would

>> No.18912231

I'm trying to kill myself ok? I'm not a hypocrite, it's just so fuckin hard

>> No.18912235


you call it hell becuase you are powerless and feel rejected.
you come here to troll others as a will to power and you feel accepted here.
heaven and hell exist in the same place.
its you who doesnt see the light behind the surface.
its there
i assure you.
quit thinking everything is shit just so you can fit in with the turds.

>> No.18912242

What makes you feel bad?

>> No.18912251
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Don’t you post obscene pictures at me.
Read this and rewire your poor head.

>> No.18912255

you're grossly missunderstanding the situation. I'm merely a piece of shit who wants to die but can't bring himself to finally do it, so I'm bringing misery to everyone I can, because why not? I'm gonna fuckin die, and it's entertaining.

>light behind the surface
can you cope any harder? You're just an organic machine who thinks itself special. Simple as.

>> No.18912257

You’re trying to avoid stuff and I guarantee it’ll never work how you intend to because of genie but now you know.

>> No.18912261

>Even happiness is a form of suffering as it is a fleeting experience and you cant hold onto it, no matter how hard you try
Low-tier cope

>> No.18912270

Fuck if I know, I just can't bear listening to people. I smoke weed all day and take benzos to sleep but that's not doing it for me any more. I need morpha, but docniggers won't prescribe it

>> No.18912278 [DELETED] 

>A dead universe is preferable
A dead universe means that one has no room for self reflection and improvement. Even if you yourself fall into the same mistakes, having the choice of how you act in the future is what makes life worthwhile
>I smoke weed all day and take benzos to sleep, and I don't know why I'm depressed
Well golly fuckin gee ain't that a headscratcher

>> No.18912283

Look, retard. I guarantee you we're two sides of the same coin, and the coin's going to flip some day for you. Keep coping

>> No.18912289

Eh, you’ll finger it out eventually.

>> No.18912292

>A dead universe is preferable
A dead universe means that one has no room for self reflection and improvement. Even if you yourself fall into the same mistakes, having the choice of how you act in the future is what makes life worthwhile
>I smoke weed all day and take benzos to sleep, and I don't know why I'm depressed
Well golly gee ain't that a headscratcher
I don't know about the benzos to sleep, but you'll definitely be better off without weed for the foreseeable future (assuming you replace weed time with something more productive to yourself)

>> No.18912295

>self reflection and improvement.


>> No.18912308

you wish you were a person that could kill themselves.
becuase that person has the courage to do it.
and you are still a coward who cares too much.
and you have high standars becuase you spent most of your life in a classroom

>> No.18912310

Here you fuckin autist. You had to make another message for it to be flawless didn't ya

>> No.18912330
File: 21 KB, 267x400, 87B0D058-4BE2-4FC3-913F-FE1A969BD058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tidying up your space

>> No.18912331

Happiness for yourself which will then spread to others around you
For you, using weed to make life "slightly more bearable" when in reality all it does is make you miserable when you don't have it.
No, moreso survival until you can be surrounded by friends and loved ones (for me at least, it can vary from one to another), which would hopefully be the fruits of what you spent a lot of your life cultivating.
Judging by your posts, weed is not doing that for you.

The true autist is, always, the one who spergs and types in all caps. Mashallah

>> No.18912333

>too coward to kill yourself
Stop talking about shit you don't know anything about. I've literally tried to hang myself and my roommate found me before I could finish the job. I've also tried to OD on benzos, but they rushed me to the hospital. I wish people would just stay the fuck away and let me finish.

>> No.18912356

It's just not your time.
What, you thought they found you by accident?

>> No.18912370

>until you can be surrounded by friends and loved ones
>muh I don't want to die alone fear
The ultimate cope for death. It's no wonder noone wants to be alone and feels lonely, because we have survived to become apex predators in communities, not alone, and as a result of that, that fear of loneliness has become imprinted in our amygdala, closely tied to that of death itself. You're still spending life coping about death, giving life "meaning" before the inevitable happens. A speck of dust in the endless space and time of the universe. A literal organic machine that's unable to stop doing what its causal rules dictate, no different from the flow of electricity from a negatively charged ion to a positively charged one, no different than the flow of a river downhill due to gravity. You are what you're fated to be, whether you realise it or not. You're just here to experience it, but the choice is already made.

>> No.18912398

Nothing happens by accident, but that doesn't imply it has meaning. It just means you're in a universe with cohessive rules.

>> No.18912417

whats you kik?

>> No.18912437

The reason I want to have loved ones when i die isn’t because I’m afraid of death, but because it’ll make me happy to know I left something positive in the world before the inevitable.
>You're still spending life coping about death, giving life "meaning" before the inevitable happens
The entire point of our minds and actions is to try to give life meaning for ourselves before we pass. Even if that meaning fades along with our consciousness, I don’t see how that makes it not worth putting in the effort for.
Without putting in that effort we end up as an aimless, spiteful and depressed being like yourself. Hope you feel happier in the future

>> No.18912468

>The entire point of our minds and actions is to try to give life meaning for ourselves before we pass.
Wrong. The point of having a brain is so you can move the body to procure food. Simple as.
The human brain is an aberration soon to be corrected.

> Even if that meaning fades along with our consciousness, I don’t see how that makes it not worth putting in the effort for.
Maybe the fact that it'll all be destroyed in the not so far future?

>Without putting in that effort we end up as an aimless, spiteful and depressed being like yourself.
So you make an effort in order to live a life where you were too busy to think about how pointless that effort was. If you can't see stupidity of this, I don't know what else to tell you.

> it’ll make me happy to know I left something positive in the world
I guess you can die thinking what "positive" thing you left for the world is gonna last. How's that not a coping mechanisn?

>> No.18912492

you like to simplify things dont you
we have biological processes in the brain and have the capability of exuctive functioning and metacognition.

do you think about your own thinking?

>> No.18912507

>So you make an effort in order to live a life where you were too busy to think about how pointless that effort was
The effort isn't pointless is what I'm saying, and thinking about the fleeting nature of life is not the same as thinking that it's pointless in itself.
>I guess you can die thinking what "positive" thing you left for the world is gonna last
The positive thing I leave is other people who can make decisions for themselves about what is right or wrong. Being part of their lives is enough.
>How's that not a coping mechanisn?
Is anything except utter depression and hate towards the world and nature of life and death the only non-cope answer to you?
>The human brain is an aberration soon to be corrected.
Kek, are you sure you don't belong on r/nihilism? They'll eat your shit up over there I'm sure.

Maybe read Dosto, if we want to bring the topic back to /lit/. Brothers Karamazov got me out of a similar-thinking funk a few years ago, but your mileage may vary.

>> No.18912530

I imagine you sitting in a dark, cluttered room with dirty plates or disposable dinner trays stacked and empty bottles.

>> No.18912540

Hence why I said the brain is an aberration because it's gone beyond its original purpose

>> No.18912547

Apparently it hasn’t because you haven’t found a new purpose for yours, yet.

>> No.18912564

Who the hell cares about your threats of suicide? Just fucking do it already and stop shitting up this board

>> No.18912570

useless pussy

>> No.18912589

No matter how bad you feel it will never be comparable to the suffering you would endure at the hands of mother nature. Learn to appreciate that. As for advice? Simply learn to suffer usefully.

>> No.18912619

You stupid fuck. The only purpose is feeding the body and having sex so you can spread your particular genetics. Everything else is an aberration.

Dosto is overrated

>> No.18912674

What have you read from him?

>> No.18913109

>The only purpose is feeding the body and having sex so you can spread your particular genetics
Has it occurred to you that this worldview is making you miserable?

>> No.18913297

What a boring cunt, just off yourself already