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/lit/ - Literature

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18910814 No.18910814 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about digital and virtual fashion as well as NFTs?

I feel like those concepts are revolutionizing in more than one way. I say concepts because they're still in their early phases, and let's be honest here; there still needs to be a lot of work done in order for them to become an entirely new way of expressing yourself. Those technologies have way too many flaws, still.

But the future is looking bright for art, which is something I value more than anything.

And since we're on /lit/ and not on /fa/ , you might as well recommend me books on this kinda stuff, if there even is.

>> No.18910850

I hate technology

>> No.18910858

Fuck you.

>> No.18910859

Fuck off zoomer retard

>> No.18910866


i should've seen that shit coming from a mile away. ur all traditionalist retards still stuck in ur theological delusions just waiting to fuck ur sisters

>> No.18910882
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>the future is looking bright for art
>And since we're on /lit/ and not on /fa/ , you might as well recommend me books
Gonna recommend you take your gay gadget fashion back to /fa/.

>> No.18910898

>devote ur entire neet life to posting on a literature board
>call someone that advocates for freedom of expression and art a faggot

checks out. you're a fucking mongoloid

>> No.18910906

>freedom of expression and art
You're not doing that though. You're shilling some faggy new jew toy for wealth hording that will only contribute to our collective malaise by forcing us deeper into screen culture.

>> No.18910922

You're fighting your own delusions, I never opposed freedom of expression or art, but I doubt the future holds more than trendy gadgets marketed to generations that know nothing else. What books do you think are written on this? You'd just be reading marketing.

>> No.18910927

how am i shilling anything when i just wanted to have a civil discussion about the philosophical aspect of reality becoming more and more digital and virtual. fashion design, and much more art collecting, has always been a fundamental part of our lives that contributed greatly to where we are today. dismissing the future of technology and making strawman arguments that it somehow only brings joy to the rich or harms the environment are so disingenious, it's hard to believe you have read any literature at all, considering ur low iq

>> No.18910939

you're only focusing on the surface level benefits and are unable to look at things from a non-biased angle. sad to see that ur so narrow-minded, but whatd i expect from brainlets sitting on 4chan all day

>> No.18910953

Go play with your USB-charged dildo collection you fucking faggot.

>> No.18910960
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>reality becoming more and more digital and virtual. fashion design, and much more art collecting, has always been a fundamental part of our lives that contributed greatly to where we are today.
Fuck off consoomer

>> No.18910990

>anon makes a case for digital clothing
>currently sitting on my computer for the 100th day in a row, wasting my life away on 4chan, pornhub and kissanime
>call anon a loser for being a dirty consumer, how dare he
>i fucking got him LOLZ

>> No.18910997

>digital clothing

>> No.18911002

what are u ? ing for retard. go jerk ur deformed wiener or something

>> No.18911007

Write properly retarded zoomer.

>> No.18911009

I think NFTs are retarded.
If you are an artist then you must pay a fee, which I think is $100 or so, to mint an NFT and hope that someone buys it for more than that. These small artists observe NFTs being sold for thousands or even millions of dollars and assume that they can profit immensely off it as well so a $100 fee is tiny in comparison, correct? No. The truth is that the NFTs which fetch high prices are being sold by rich and influential people. It's not unlike buying some memorabilia which was once owned by Michael Jackson, for instance.
My point is that these small fish are being scammed.
But that's not all. What if you are the buyer? Well, that's the fun part.
You see, imagine that you buy a physical baseball card except it's blank. On the back, it's a signature of the card's issuer and then a link. You type that link in your browser which directs you to the image that should be in your baseball card. Said image is being hosted on a server which could shutdown at any minute thus rendering your baseball card worthless.
What I just described is an NFT. It's just a link to an image which is hosted in some website. If the website stops hosting the image, it's all gone. Sure, you are the sole owner of the NFT since it's registered on the Blockchain but who cares if it could disappear at any minute? If you are lucky, you might make bank by reselling it but then it becomes a game of hot potato.

>> No.18911023

The first somewhat civil comment, wow.
But did you properly read what I said though? I literally said they're still concepts, as their executions fucking suck. We all know why NFTs don't work, but it's a good start and will potentially lead somewhere.

>> No.18911025

So its fucking nothing retard.

>> No.18911036

Great logic you fucking degenerate loser. You just rendered all philosophical concepts useless and valueless. You're a true genius in the flesh. I am flabbergasted, truly.

>> No.18911090

I mean, they are interested from a game perspective. For example, there's this horse racing game in which your NFT is essentially a horse with stats and it takes part in races. Some races are free while others have an entrance fee (much like real horse races, I think) and if you win, you make real money. It's basically gambling but at least your NFT can earn you money. You can also breed with other horses and mint a stronger one to sell for profit. It's just not some useless .jpeg registred in the Blockchain.
I doubt art NFTs will lead anywhere. People said the same thing about plenty of crypto projects in 2017 and I have yet to see one of them being useful.

>> No.18911116

Fucking cum guzzling computer addict

>> No.18911131

i see more sunlight in a week than u ever have in ur entire life u fat faggot>>18911116

>> No.18911320

I was wondering why Tao Lin or other indie nobody authors havent jumped to this.

>> No.18911327
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>You just want to fuck your sister
Yes, and?

>> No.18911403

>fashion design, and much more art collecting, has always been a fundamental part of our lives that contributed greatly to where we are today.
You cannot be serious. Are zoomers actually like this? Are we really this doomed?

>> No.18911420

What angles am I missing then, zoomzoom? Enlighten me

>> No.18911525

If you only you knew how wrong you were…

I don’t have a sister.

>> No.18911590

Most are, unfortunately. It comes from being raised on digital profiles and presentation, but also greater awareness of how truly superficial most traditional interactions are, at least if you remove them from any religious or survival contexts. (which is being stripped away!)