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/lit/ - Literature

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18910454 No.18910454 [Reply] [Original]

I have a kid on the way and could use a little book collection. I would appreciate it if he doesn't grow up to be a old dumb fuck like his old man so I plan on reading to him every night. Including in the womb reading to him. So yeah, got any books for this /lit/?

>> No.18910456

Blood Meridian

>> No.18910467

>I plan on reading to him every night.

At last some decency in the world. Based future father.

>> No.18910488

The Republic by Plato

>> No.18910501

Acquire Homer, Xenophon, & Herodotus.

>> No.18910508

The giving tree
The hungry caterpillar
Get kids novels like Harry Potter to read to him early on, and point at the words and tell him what they are. Use words like table, so you can show him the written word, the spoken word, and the actual table.

t. early childhood psychology anon

>> No.18910512
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You have a unique chance. Don't mess it up.

>> No.18911137
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Every kid has to have Animalia
Also, when he's old enough to listen, The Swiss Family Robinson

>> No.18911279

Check out the “I Can Read!” book series. It was my early childhood.

>> No.18912246

Children's encyclopedias with a lot of pictures. Space ships and dinosaurs are cool too. Books about weapons and military stuff but with a lot of pictures. If it's a girl just get her a barbie lol

>> No.18912894
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The Hobbit
Obviously not for when he's just learning basic words and whatnot, but there's a reason that the Hobbit has been a mainstay in children's literature for almost a century. A fun adventure that instills a desire to see the world in a young child's brain is an incredibly important thing. Reading is great (and it's the mark of a good father that you want to read to your son), but it's important that one doesn't retreat into books instead of seeing the world.

Also, don't give your kid a personal iPad (or ideally any iPad). My god, the amount of times I go out to eat and see a family where the kids just have screens stuck in their faces so their parents don't have to talk to them is heartbreaking. Talking to kids is important, you need that face to face time with adults when you're growing up.

>> No.18912947

>Including in the womb reading to him
lmao whispering up the missus' cunt

>Books about weapons and military stuff
nutter alert

>> No.18912979

Alice in Wonderland
The Secret Garden
Finnegan's Wake
Summa Theologica

>> No.18913018

>Including in the womb reading to him
This is retarded

>> No.18913028

Thee Psychick Bible

>> No.18913030

My boy liked Hercules stories because there are cool monsters in them. I read up on them and then just told them. My girl needs to hear Green Eggs and Ham every night. They both like Berenstain Bears (inb4 timeline shift). Little Bear and Frog and Toad are good (inb4 authors are gay, doesn’t affect the stories either way). Golden Books are cheap and pretty classic. I love Richard Scarry, I Am A Bunny has great artwork, lots of his books are good for showing older tech, Busytown stuff has fun messes and also lots of tech, current and antiquated. They love Mother Goose.
Read ANYTHING to them, put off any form of video as long as possible. Learn to tell stories without books. Sing to them. It matters.

>> No.18913146 [DELETED] 

Here are my top 50 picture books.
Remove Beekle. It's actually not that good.

>> No.18913154
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Here are my top 50 picture books.
Remove Beekle. It's actually not that good.