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18910130 No.18910130 [Reply] [Original]

Is catcher in rye actually any good?

>> No.18910241

It’s not good, but definitely not as bad as the people here make it out to be

>> No.18910252

yes, especially the rape scene

>> No.18910257

>I as a high school librarian
These people, as funny as they are for their absurdity, are frightening for the way they wield any power grasped at to beat people down and enforce their warped view of the world.

>> No.18910267

You know what, just put a period in the comment field next time instead of pretending like you want discussion. I know you just wanted to post your retarded tranny mutt Twitter screencap

>> No.18910275
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She is right you know

>> No.18910281
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>auto-block for criticizing YA fiction

How did literature collapse so spectacularly that people like this are often the biggest voices for it. Who is responsible for this disaster?

>> No.18910297

I'm so glad I do not belong to this part of humanity and never was tempted to.

>> No.18910300


>> No.18910314

Is that tweet badly written, or I am retarded?

>> No.18910322

It's badly written, like all the tweets from the demented nazi libtards.

>> No.18910325

Twitter lingo is just extremely dumb.

>> No.18910345

Holy fucking schizo

>> No.18910352

but i do wish so to come into your menchies with a snotty alex!!!

>> No.18910389

So are people on the spectrum no longer marginalized or does that not count because Holden was white?

>> No.18910394

The important thing is John Lennon is dead

>> No.18910396

Please do not second that ocean of horseshit. Just ignore. Move on.

>> No.18910406

Why are YA fans so fragile and mentally weak?

>> No.18910413

It's a psyop. That sort of people only exists in the US. Guess why.

Suggestion: it's not a coincidence.

>> No.18910417


>> No.18910427

In my third world country the people that read for pleasure only read YA books, and they’re all women

>> No.18910446

I don't mean liking YA novels. It's just normal, even good, that people read that shit. Good books are for the few. What I was referring to is the libtard retardation.
>books by and about marginalized people
This is clearly the effect of a psyop. People can't be this dumb by nature.

>> No.18910455

why do some of you people feel the need to bring Twitter discourse to 4chan

everytime someone posts shitty bait it has to be posted here. why? why not leave it in that cursed site?

>> No.18910465

Yes, it's a great novel. It's not YA and not about teenage angst. Only plebs think this because they didn't understand it.

>> No.18910482


>> No.18910541

That people still see this as a YA novel appropriate for high school students shows how massively the public was filtered by Salinger

>> No.18910556

>I'm not going to recommend titles because I'm not being paid for it
This is bait

>> No.18910568

Can someone explain why so many 30+ year-olds are going through an extended adolescence these days?

>> No.18910801

It’s because millennials hate previous generations and everything to do with them. There was something DFW said about John Updike, how everyone from his generation hated Updike because he essentially represented the previous generation in and through his writing. DFW, of course, was a huge fan. But the difference between DFW’s generation and the millennial’s is that the millennial’s hatred if the past is not just to embrace their own generation and youth but to also embrace and participate in the youth of the next generation. It’s why so many millennial women read YA and watch children’s cartoons, because they are still so obsessed with their hatred of everything older than they are that they’ll literally have the same interests as 12 yos at 30+. It’s sad and it also represents a certain level of consumerism that is also a contributing factor to why these people exist.

>> No.18910827

What’s Updike?

>> No.18910837

Did you just ask "What's up, dike?" That's very rude

>> No.18910853

getting involved with your childrens interests is a good thing.

making childrens mivies tolerable for parents i think was a fairly recent development.

>> No.18910876

It's also very inaccurate. Butterfly's not here

>> No.18910889

>I am OUTRAGED by this nobody on the internet!
Do you guys ever just look at your own lives and laugh?

>> No.18910896

You are clearly more mad than the people you're accusing of being mad lel

>> No.18910911
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kys OP

>> No.18910944

>How did literature collapse so spectacularly
women were allowed to write.

>> No.18910958

>getting involved with your childrens interests is a good thing
only to the extent that is necessary to make sure that what they are consuming is appropriate, any more is just sad.

>> No.18911018

There’s nothing wrong with being involved with your children’s interests, what I’m saying is that there are people who are childless and have nothing to do with children that are involved in children’s interests. This woman is a school librarian, so there’s at least a reason other than being an adult-child that she has any knowledge or interest in the interests of children, but I can assure you that there are countless people who don’t have children and are not involved with children that are obsessed with YA novels, toys, and children’s cartoons.

>> No.18911037

They're women

>> No.18911121

I feel that it's also a result of the way in which our culture is progressively removing consequence and responsibility from the private sphere and reconfiguring everything around personal preference and gratification. You get to have what you want on your terms so you never have to cultivate the virturs of adulthood like you would have in the past.
For instance, contraceptives have shown us that people would rather have these loose, fluid relationships that they can get out of at anytime when it stops being fun and treat each others bodies like consequence free amusement parks rather than make sacrifices, take on responsibility, commit yourself to someone, get married, and have for children. People would rather prolong adolescence and remain children themselves instead of take up responsibility and care for children.
Our world is not designed for spiritual, mental, or social development beyond what people reach at the age of ~16. The cult of personal gratification infantalizes us.

>> No.18911154

i like it

>> No.18911535

people really don't get the fact that it was immediately after ww2 that makes it what it is

>> No.18911548

she lowkey be right tho

>> No.18911550

I too am a nigger.

>> No.18911800

My high school librarian was cool and let me keep a few books because she liked me.

>> No.18911816

yes it's an excellent book and probably the best thot/midwit filter to ever exist, especially because EVERYONE reads it. It's literally the most laugh-out-loud funny book I've ever read.

>> No.18911832

>It’s why so many millennial women read YA and watch children’s cartoons, because they are still so obsessed with their hatred of everything older than they are that they’ll literally have the same interests as 12 yos at 30+.
I'm not convinced they have *any* opinion about the old, much less that they hate it.

>> No.18911873
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Where were you when you realized that it was little girl kink supporters who would support literature?


>> No.18911900

Using the word "discourse" is a red flag, anyone who uses it is braindead

>> No.18911920


>> No.18912038

How does a "highschool librarian" miss the point so much? The entire point is that Holden is not marginalized, he's a rich white boy from a rich white family living in one of the financial and cultural centers of the world. One of the main plot moving points it literally ennui.

>> No.18912078

>a rich white boy from a rich white family
"Woke" people think that writing stories about privileged whites is wrong and that such stories need to be replaced with books about niggers.

>> No.18912124

>how does a midwit with gender pronouns in the bio not understand something

>> No.18912203

>word bad because libruls
You thought you could trick us but I know you're underage lil nigga

>> No.18912444

I only every see liberals use that word and its always followed with a dogshit take. Prove me wrong though, feel free to try to use that word without sounding like a retard

>> No.18912500

I thought the point was that he was losing his shit, ie having a breakdown

>> No.18912551

I think her point was that there's better YA with similar themes plus it's not dead old white men like every other literary classic

>> No.18912576

and she's questioning the tendency to teach the same old books over and over instead of finding something that may fit the zeitgeist better

just playing devils advocate

>> No.18912623
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>recommending a few books

>> No.18912631

>non-sequitur "works for me" post
Your high school librarian would weep if they knew how terrible your reading comprehension has become.

>> No.18912825

>some people need to get their asses beat
>even people who don't have it coming still suck in a general sense
>normalfags go to see a great musician, but are still philistines who treat it as a social gathering
>prostitutes are unsatisfying
>niggers gonna nig
>little sister is life, little sister is love
t. read catcher as a 30's something, and still identifies with holden. would enjoy watching the world burn together.

>> No.18912903
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>mArGinAliZeD pEopLE

>> No.18913043

Twitter screencap is retarded but personally I have found catcher in the rye coincidentally meaningful because it's one of the first books I actually finished and main character I related to when I was an early adolescent. The character is dynamic because just enough information is left out for you to fill in the blanks about him, somehow making the image and personality of holden take shape as you grow older. I read it about every other year and I'm both surprised at my old perspectives/ways of relating to holden and new ways of understanding his immaturity.

>> No.18913063

>>normalfags go to see a great musician, but are still philistines who treat it as a social gathering
That’s what concerts are

>> No.18913505

You're retarded

>> No.18914470

>timeless books that have stood the test of time vs books you have to change every 10 years to fit whatever the current zeitgeist is because they'll be outdated
her suggesting this as a librarian is even more idiotic because she should know how more work doing this all the time would take and know it isn't worth the effort.
atleast it would make the english teachers seeth

>> No.18915655

It's a masterpiece

>> No.18915723

it's a nigger, you idiots

>> No.18915772

Short answer is yes
Long answer is yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.18915967
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>> No.18916134

>Is catcher in rye actually any good?
I thought it was solid. But its a little dated. Would like to see Less Than Zero take its place. I know that wont happen but its the better book and more relevant to todays culture and youth. The culture being quite degenerate/almost amoral in some respects and the average zoomer being quite passive.

>> No.18916141

>I think her point was that there's better YA with similar themes
Like what?

>> No.18916159
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Were humans being always like this? I don't want to be crotchety and old and just think "oh this generation" - surely previous generations did something similar to this, right?

>> No.18916494

desu as a foreigner this seems to be only an anglo thing. Ask your your general culture and mentality instead.

>> No.18916512
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What the fuck is that potatosack body LMAOOO

>> No.18916525

It's hated by developmentally stunted manchildren who are incapable of feeling any sympathy for the protagonist because they relate to him too much.

>> No.18916527
File: 19 KB, 220x295, 220px-Revolutionary_Joyce_Better_Contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once u get that sinking feeling
then uknow what its about

>> No.18916548

Only as a study of the evolution of YA literature.