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18909496 No.18909496 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't get it, please explain it to me

>> No.18909531

even spergs need jesus

>> No.18909654

edgy dude who thought that was above morality not so edgy after soul gets literally destroyed to pieces but a cute whore saves his soul but he still has to spend 8 years at prison
some asshole killed himself and there was also a very epic detective
it's been 20 years since I've read it, please understand

>> No.18909663

Raskolnikov did nothing wrong because he is literally Napoleon

>> No.18909905
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No matter your transgression, the infinite power God’s Love makes it possible that your soul can always be saved if you accept Him in your heart. It’s also a classic criticism of the contemporary Russian intellectual and political climate of the era.

>> No.18910212

Jesus good, Napoleon bad

>> No.18910537

No, he tried to be extraordinary but that's not a quality one can cultive. You have to be born with it, and Raskolnikov was not, despite his efforts. To go against one's own nature is doing the wrong thing.

>> No.18910562

Neet retard axes two women in the head and then spends his time exchanging soliloquies with other people.

>> No.18910575


>> No.18910595

The novel is primarily anti-capitalist. The central characters, Rodya and Sonya, are inherently not evil people but driven by extreme poverty to commit acts deemed irredeemable by Russian orthodox society. Rodya’s delusions of grandeur are honed by his predicament to the point that he commits murder with the end goal of greater good, Sonya results to prostitution so the young children in her family do not starve.
The most deplorable characters, Luhzin and Svingdralov, are wealthy aristocrats who use their influence to subjugate lesser individuals to their control. Luhzin wants to essentially buy Rodya’s sister as a wife sworn to servitude, and Svingdralov uses his influence to satiate his deplorable desires as he sees fit. Yet neither of these characters are ostracized the way that Rodya and Sonya are.
What the novel aims to show is that the difference between what is accepted as good and evil depends chiefly on one’s financial status rather than merit. At least that’s my smooth brained opinion.

>> No.18910614

dude's punishment was his inner turmoil. it's not that complicated you dense motherfucker. try reading from the teens section then work your way up from there.

>> No.18910638

People like Napoleon are mad cunts and you should strive to be a moral man with a clean soul instead.

>> No.18910659

this was a more interesting interpretation that what's usually posted here

>> No.18910663

Raskolnikov was literally me

>> No.18911409

obvious bait
>What the novel aims to show is that the difference between what is accepted as good and evil depends chiefly on one’s financial status rather than merit.
Svidrigailov and Luzhin are rich and assholes and everyone agrees.
The only explicit socialist (Lebesyatnikov) is portrayed as an absolute wimp and literal cuck.

>> No.18911505

The only socialist is portrayed as a naive young man who will most likely grow out of communism. Yes he doesn’t show much strength initially, but Dos redeems him when he calls out Luhzin for framing Sonya. The other characters are never redeemed, nor do they desire any redemption.

>> No.18911786

Only correct interpretation itt

>> No.18911836

It’s an interesting interpretation, but I think that Rodya is not driven by necessity to kill the old woman. He originally conceived the plan out of financial need, but what ultimately caused him to do it was the fact that he felt he couldn’t. He had this theory that an “extraordinary” person could kill without conscience if they needed to, and his struggle to overcome his own conscience shows that either his theory is wrong or he is an ordinary man. Vanity is ultimately what led him to kill her, placing himself above society. That’s why his character is only redeemed when he gives himself to Christ and puts himself on the same level as the other prisoners

>> No.18911845

All the characters desire redemption wtf?

>> No.18912697

I think you are right about his motives as well as why he fell flat, but the way I interpreted the story was that the main reason he killed the old lady was to steal her money and possessions, and use what he gained to complete his education since he could no longer afford his studies, and then become a great man. Had he been at least middle class the need to murder the old lady would never came in the first place, for the only reason he even knew her was that he had to pawn what few valuables he had left.
I meant just Luhzin and Svingdralov guy. Neither show any remorse or desire to change, Luhzin doesn’t even see any wrong in his actions. Svigdralov is even worse because he knows what he does is evil but does not care.

>> No.18912859

interesting take, i think his desire to prove himself above morality came before his justification for the murder. or maybe that is what he was lying to himself about and you are right? idk i need to read it again

>> No.18913029

Imo Dostoevsky wanted to put some taboo ideas out there but was afraid of the repercussions so he wrote a story where the good guy loses.


>Assuming Dostoevsky isn't as dumb as the christfags and moralfags.

>> No.18913182

Raskolnikov's only mistake was getting in over his head and committing something he was not actually capable of doing. His only crime is stupidity, not being capable of understanding his limits and working within them for his own personal gain. There was nothing *morally* wrong with what he did (since morality isn't real) but plenty wrong with his failing. But of course none of that really matters because Dostoevsky is a tremendous pseud cuck who puts out a massive strawman argument that fellow pseuds take as gospel. He assumes a nascent universal morality which has never and will never exists, and uses an entirely fictitious example to demonstrate his point, as if other men could not do the same thing and feel fine with themselves. He assumes universal truths where there simply are none, and like all good moralists, simply fabricates examples and pretends counter-examples don't exist.

t. unrepentant career criminal

>> No.18913298

is there anything you wouldn't do if you knew there were no repercussions

>> No.18913430

Yeah based.

>> No.18913436

pretty sure his other crime is double murder my man

>> No.18913442

>classic criticism of the contemporary Russian intellectual and political climate of the era.
please elaborate i'm too lazy to look through wikipedia

>> No.18913474

>The novel is primarily anti-capitalist.
No it isn't.
>The central characters, Rodya and Sonya, are inherently not evil people but driven by extreme poverty to commit acts deemed irredeemable by Russian orthodox society.
That has nothing to do with right or wrong. There are multiple examples of "socially approved or successful' characters in the book who are portrayed as morally wrong.

Sonya may be a whore but she is the most 'good' character in the book. In fact it is because of her hardships that her Christianity is so valued. Raskolnikov is most saved and morally in the good when he is at his most abject and poor in a Siberian gulag. You are a complete imbecile, the novel is 'primarily' anti material in the extreme, any kind of economic or marxist interpretation isn't just intellectually dishonest, it is deeply stupid.

>It’s an interesting interpretation,
>interesting take,
No it isn't, stop fellating yourself you pathetic moron.

>> No.18913551

You’re a fucking moron. I’d screenshot the (you’s) to prove you wrong but I literally don’t care enough as I know you have no idea what you are talking about
Thinking Dos isn’t anti capitalist shows you have a very basic understanding of his literature. Read “the Gambler”, which was written during the same period Dos was composing C&P. There is an entire chapter dedicated to bashing the German model of capitalism that Dostoyevsky see as poison to Russian society. At no point did I suggest that this work was pro Marxist communism, you are just projecting your own intellectual shortcoming on my opinion.
Take your fucking R*edit spacing and JBP summarized understanding of Dostoyevsky and go back to /pol/ you absolute pathetic brainlet.

>> No.18913556
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blessed post

>> No.18913595

>the novel is 'primarily' anti material in the extreme,
t. watched one (((Peterson))) lecture

>> No.18913682

I never understood why Svidrigailov is considered such a monster...Luzhin is obviously much worse.

>> No.18913712
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based, fuck all retards who try to reduce everything into yet another anti-capitalist diatribe regardless of how inappropriate
it's so tiresome how all the late stage capitalism reddit-cronies spill their autism here without end, as if any of them are even capable of believing in god, Dostoyevsky and all literature is just a pretext for them to reach their already established conclusions in more and more popular mediums as some kind of demented confirmation ritual, they are a virus that's claimed nearly all of the mentally stunted man children in today's generation

>> No.18913719

It's the fact that he's self-aware that makes him especially evil.

>> No.18913762

That's the dude who kills himself right? Suicide is a great sin in Christianity. He represents one of the potential choices before Rodion, both knew they did wrong but Svidrigailov was too proud to apologize, his choice is the rejection of Christ's love and forgiveness and thus forgiveness of himself.

>> No.18913786

all a bit rich coming from a christcuck

>> No.18913799

thanks for proving me right

>> No.18913838
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>thanks for proving me right

>> No.18913840

TL;DR: You will never be above other people, morally. If you think you are free from the weight of sin you'll be brutally crushed by it

>> No.18913871

Figuratively** but otherwise this

>> No.18914327

>tfw Svidrigailov
He's not considered a monster because he ultimately commits suicide. I think it's because it's implied he murdered his wife, but even that is suspect.

>> No.18914802

>You can't do bad thing even if you think it helps everyone
>You aren't greater than anyone else
>Jesus will allow you to redeem yourself after sin
simple as

>> No.18914982
