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/lit/ - Literature

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18908877 No.18908877 [Reply] [Original]

It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists, including literature. Despite this, some of the best writers were right leaning (Celine, Junger, Hamsun, Dostoyevsky, Mishima). Why does it seem like literature is the only art where there are prominent figures who are right wing? Do you know famous right leaning people in other artistic disciplines?

>> No.18908905

Ignacio Zuloaga was a prominent Spanish painter in the late 19th century. I don't really know of any other explicitly conservative painters but I'm guessing people like Jerome and JL David were.

>> No.18908916
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One of my favorite paintings picrel

>> No.18908978

I imagine plenty of prominent figures in other fields are closet conservatives

>> No.18908999

Thomas Bernhard was a leftist

Cioran was a leftist

Kafka was a leftist

Tolstoy was a leftist

Dazai was a leftist

>> No.18909006

>Dazai was a leftist
Really? It was hilarious when he mocked marxist revolutionaries in one of his books.

>> No.18909014
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>literature is the only art where there are prominent figures who are right wing?
Every Musician before c.18th century can be seen as having "right wing" values (family, religion, folk, etc.).
This also applies for praticaly every painter, sculptor, architect, and so on.
Even in modernist movements there are many right wingers (I'm using this term not to describe the bourgeois who goes to sunday mass for social enhancement, but the one who upholds traditional conceptions of life before capitalism), which are mostly inspired by figures like Nietzsche. Evola was in the «Dada» movement. Wyndham Lewis was a co-founder of the «Vorticist» movement. Futurism sought to be the art of the fascist state.
From playwriters, to poets, to novelists, the "right wing" has made an impact with its oeuvre.
This goes without saying, but "left wing" art is to be appreciated, for they have produced magnificent pieces.

>> No.18909018

What does this have to do with what OP asked?

>> No.18909019

All the authors you replied with suck though, and Kafka was known for plagiarizing Hamsun, and Tolstoy was not a leftist in any traditional sense at all, would be like calling Sorel or Lenin a leftist.Cioran is also not a leftist zero clue where you got that from.

>> No.18909024

In whole book he was mocking himself for being a clown, so he mocked everything he did in life. Nonetheless he was a member of Communist party for many years and even got arrested for it.

>> No.18909025

Never heard of him.

Never heard of him.

Have heard of him but he's less left leaning and more Centrist Christian Anarchist, I'd say,

Japanese emo. Muh no longer human.

1/2 of your people are nobodies. And the other half consist of a Centrist and the other is a proto - an hero.

>> No.18909031

Cioran was a fascist

>> No.18909032

Everyone does stupid things when they're young. That's not very convincing. So was Camus and he became an anti-marxist. I'm not saying he's right wing, I don't care about labels like that, I really doubt he was a marxist.

>> No.18909033

Literally cioran is only known because of le emo anti natalist retards and nick land so kinda pathetic example of a good writer

>> No.18909035

Holy cope regarding literary merit
Tolstoy was literally an anarchist. I have read Cioran interview in which said that he would prefer leftist government with authority.

>> No.18909037

Oh yeah and he wasn't mocking himself. He was mocking marxism and revolutionaries not the main character of the book.

>> No.18909039

lol lefties, being correct, dominate everything

go cope seethe etc

>> No.18909041

>Never heard of him.
>Never heard of him.
Kek nice way to out yourself as a filthy pleb

>> No.18909045

You realize 1800s anarchism/mutualism has nothing to do with modern anarchism and that Proudhon and Tolstoy have more agreement with Mussolini than Bakunin, also Cioran Dazai and Kafka suck

>> No.18909060

Happy you consider me a pleb, if I was well read in your eyes I would shoot myself for the wasted time of reading such shit literature

>> No.18909061

>Oh yeah and he wasn't mocking himself
Congratulations for completely missing the point of that novel

Kek, oh yes the same pacifist Tolstoy who remembering his poverty of the peasants on his death, who was disgusted with the murders he committed in his youth is same as the Italian subhuman who invaded countries to prove how much of a man he was.

Cope harder

>> No.18909063







>> No.18909069

You’re retarded if you think tolstoy was a modern leftist, read lenin on left communism if you think any of the marxist leninists or pre marxists leninists were on your side: one thing to note uneducated retard, just because these people are foundational to leftist philosophy doesn’t make them leftist.All of them would have trannies strung up on lamp posts so dilate seeth and cope.

>> No.18909072

>missing the point
You didn't even read it dumbass, come back when you do. Being a former marxist isn't the same as being a marxist at all.

>> No.18909073


>> No.18909082

Ah yes now trannies define the whole political spectrum. Your tranny obsession is disgusting. Even butters hate trannies and she is the most vocal anarchist on this board but this is besides the point. Anarchists like Murray Bookchin carried the tradition of classic anarchism to present day. But sure keep fighting the your mental demons and keep trying to claim leftist history.

>> No.18909084

It's funny everytime a marxist claims Camus as one of their own too.

>> No.18909090

Dazai mocked himself in that novel. And the punchline of that novel was himself, his clowning. That was the whole point but nonetheless he took action for a Communist cause.

>> No.18909094

You really need to stop obsessing over trannies, anon. They're only a minute amount of the population. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

>> No.18909097


You realize Lenin,Marx,Proudhon, and Tolstoy all hated gays, blacks, trannies, jew and women and that tolstoy was a vehement christian right? Also you know that they all believed in protectionist economics (you know who else does le jaw opens donald trump!!!!) if you think this fits in with your standard of modern left communism or modern “leftist” politics as a whole you’re a retarded revisionist, the fact you think bookchin is even relevant is proof of that

>> No.18909102

Dilate, ingest polyunsaturated seed oils, consoom and cope

>> No.18909109

How many times have you typed the word "dilate" in your life anon? Does it make you any happier when you do so?

>> No.18909115

You're same as liberal cunts who solely believe in identity issues. Leftism is about economic struggle first and foremost. All of this identity bullshit of white, gay, black, jew, alien, dick, cunt etc. is secondary. Churchcucks labelled Tolstoy as heretic and he was far from being a resentful le based and redpilled 4chan Christian. But sure keep coping.

>> No.18909116

Yes it does, dilate

>> No.18909128

What leftists today believe in economic issues? What do you even consider leftist at this point, you are genuinely retarded. You have missed my point completely that just because something is foundational to leftist literature doesn’t make it leftist. Trade unions do not exist anymore, this isnt the 1920s. Every popular “socialist” figure now adays is just a social democrat, and never in history were the words leftist or socialist synonymous, you are just a pathetic coping /leftypol/ reject. Even lenin is respectable enough to call leftism an infantile effeminate brain tumor and yet you think he’d agree with you exactly or that Proudhon/Bakunin somehow wouldn’t care about identity politics even though their ideologies were born out of the french revolution.

>> No.18909135

Ah, yes finally the mutt brain has spoken. All Republicans are fascist and all democrats are communists.

>> No.18909137

Fear of identity politics is just petit bourgeoisie cope and you will find yourself wishing you embraced it on the day of the rope whether it comes from one side of the isle or the other

>> No.18909138

JL David was a committed Jacobin

>> No.18909139

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists
Leftists have gaslighted everyone into thinking art, or any intellectual pursuit for that matter, is intrinsically leftist. For anyone well read it's obviously bullshit, but It kind of worked though, because since the second half of the 20th century art has been indeed dominated by leftists, and I don't think it's a coincidence that the quality has also declined.

>> No.18909140

I’m not american but cope harder I guess

>> No.18909142

>Leftism is about economic struggle
Ok grandpa

>> No.18909144

>Lenin is not a leftist
Kill yourself immediately

>> No.18909149
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>The political is not compatible with the artistic, because the former, in order to prove, has to be one-sided.
t. Tolstoy

every artist who is perceived as political, is defective, incomplete.
create a complete artwork and you automatically outshine every leftist halfling or his reactionary sparring partner.

>> No.18909151


Why don’t you

>> No.18909152

I am from 3rd world so I don't give a fuck your corporatist programming fucking idpol libs.

Arguments still stands.

>> No.18909155

Ok I’m sorry you’re nigger skull can’t process basic english

>> No.18909161

>Leftism is about economic struggle first and foremost
Leftism has always been about identity. Robespierre was obsessed with the poor, but not in a Marxist kind of way, but becase he saw them as purer souls, like some sorts of modern noble savages, not unlike how blacks are treated nowadays.
Also to equate leftism to communism/marxism as in "only communists are leftists and everyone else are right wingers" is fucking stupid. Marx wasn't even born during the french revolution. If you sent "radical right wingers" like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson to the past they would be considered radical leftists instead.

>> No.18909163

That's not his argument.
>your corporatist programming fucking idpol libs
You know that corporations fear and silence european ethnic identity since they know it is a hinderence to the ever expansion of techno-capital.
>Arguments still stands.
no it doesn't, since it was not his argument and you strawmanned him

>> No.18909165

Kek le spiritual Anglo strikes again.

>> No.18909166

This thread is getting redpilled so the jannies will delete it soon.

>> No.18909167

But they're not correct

>> No.18909168

Fuck the jannies men, for real.

>> No.18909180

art is only perceived as being leftist because art hit a point where the only way to be unique and stand out was to be intentionally degenerate, so the art community began to more and more coalesce with the absolute worst bottom of the barrel people. the vast majority of actually truly beautiful art in all forms is conservative. music, architecture, literature, all of it.

>> No.18909184

> the vast majority of actually truly beautiful art in all forms is conservative. music, architecture, literature, all of it.
Such as?

>> No.18909195

>Do you know famous right leaning people in other artistic disciplines?
You mean everyone since histories conception? What a retarded fucking question.

>> No.18909201

Obviously after the French Revolution, you moron

>> No.18909219

i think it mostly goes without saying really, virtually all of the most beautiful music humanity has produced was made with extremely heavy religious influence. modern architecture mostly heinous, and any attempt to dial it back is seen as white supremacy (see the attempts in the US to regulate the architecture of government buildings to make them less fugly and all the "rreeeeeeing" people did about that) more conservatives authers are MUCH better at exploring the human condition because they arent getting caught up in trying to moralize and justify shitty behavior, they're much better at objectively exploring what makes people tick so to speak, how humans are manipulated by their environment and their own subconscious, whereas progressive-minded authors tend to take behavior or ideas at face value then try to build them into some noble thing that isn't, make excuses for them etc.

>> No.18909225

I guess that means every left winger of the french revolution was a marxist communist and every right winger a Burkean Kantian, your standards are atrocious

>> No.18909234

Every left winger of the french revolution is a nazi in contemporary terms

>> No.18909235

>Burkean Kantian
Shut up fucking pseud

>> No.18909261

Isn't it convenient for the left that whenever they get their way they redefine what it means to be a moderate? Why people keep falling for this shit?

>> No.18909364

Céline wasn't right wing, he was a socialist who grew too cynical to believe in the revolution or anything else really. He is a cynic.

>> No.18909377
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>> No.18909381

>hahaha le 8 values ultra subtle megabrain
Politics in the west are dialectically structured around a right-left dynamic divide for 250 years, deal with it.

>> No.18909388

i wasn't expecting you to get the point

>> No.18909482

>he was a socialist
Yes, a national socialist

>> No.18909488

Have you read the Kreutzer Sonata? He might be considered leftist economically, but socially he was certainly a reactionary, not unlike his mentor Arthur Schopenhauer.

>> No.18909492

Celine was an anarchist, he regretted supporting the nazi party and started hating hitler in his late life

>> No.18910207

Salvador Dali supported Franco.

>> No.18910211

This was a very informative thread. I will be bookmarking it for future reference. Thanks fellow 4channers! Based!

>> No.18910235

Based dubs of truth.
Keep wasting your time over spooks that have nothing to do with literature retards.

>> No.18910243

no need to bookmark it fren, we're gonna have it every day until the end of time!

>> No.18910271

He never apologized for his support of nazism or his books lambasting jews. To reduce him to an “anarchist” is a misrepresentation given what that word means today (black block spergs). He defended the White race against jewish globohomo and that is what counts.

“To be or not to be Aryan, that is the question!”

>> No.18910284

Letters has always been aristocratic. A uneducated laborer could not be a man of letters technically speaking. He could, however, be a painter or a sculptor. But obviously, all of these fluctuates to a greater or lesser degree across times. Today, most authors are left-leaning for sure.

>> No.18910291

He was a member of the communist party at one point and endorsed revolutionary ideas but to take them at face value misses the point. He was a member and endorsed them because he was desperate to find meaning.

>> No.18910301

Cioran was a great writer but he wasn’t a leftist.

>> No.18910317

Most of these are not really “rightist” or “leftist” though. They’re attempts to categorize people in an objective way, but of course it’s not objective.

>> No.18910326

>he was a socialist
>actually he was le cynic who didnt believe in anything
He was cynical but not a nihilist. His idea of socialism was “Aryan communism, without Jews”. Cope, seethe, dilate, etc.

>> No.18910332


>> No.18910359

Yes, Herschel.

>> No.18910426
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>> No.18910518

This is the Aryan Race and Germanic Culture to which Noble Wolf belonged to

>> No.18910534

Dali was just a shitposter, he didnt care about fascism so much as mocking the commie surrealists who claimed to have to transgressed all morals and norms

>> No.18910580

Right wing doesn’t exist

>> No.18910626

You're wrong
Hamsun was poor as fuck in his youth and did odd jobs for his survival

>> No.18910628

Shh don't tell him

>> No.18910635

>“To be or not to be Aryan, that is the question!”
Kek you can't smell the irony, innit?

>> No.18910698

> you’re wrong because this one guy that lived once wasn’t like that and exceptions are rules

>> No.18910783

>Caring about the political leanings of the author beyond a mere curiosity about their personal lives
You've been filtered OP.
Yea, about Tolstoy:
>The Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (German: Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee, WhK) was founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin on 14 or 15 May 1897, to campaign for social recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and against their legal persecution
> They sent thousands of letters to key figures such as Catholic priests, judges, lawmakers, journalists, and mayors. August Bebel signed the petition and took copies to the Reichstag to urge colleagues to add their names. Other signatories included Albert Einstein, Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Leo Tolstoy.

>> No.18910807
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>> No.18910813

not economics apparently. or good looks. or physical strength. or coherent thought.

go discord dilate etc

>> No.18910822

It’s not just mere curiosity though. In some sense, it indicates a general outlook on life or worldview and and it’s very easy to suggest that a reader might identify with an author of similar political leanings for those reasons and not expressly political ones.

>> No.18910840

>everything is le irony
Your mind is poisoned.

>> No.18910861

I'll never go back to /lit/
It's absolute shit.
They should ban this board.

>> No.18910881

Nobody will miss you

>> No.18910884

Back to the subs with you hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahh

>> No.18910973

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists

True in the 70's not true today, a leftist now a days is basically a capitalist who loves porn a lot and hates western culture.

Most leftwing authors from decades ago are not woke and will be cancelled.

>> No.18910986

>Kafka was known for plagiarizing Hamsun
oops there goes another jewish idol.

>> No.18910994

>a leftist now a days is basically a capitalist who loves porn a lot and hates western culture.

>> No.18911003
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-sometimes-i-d-like-to-stuff-all-jews-myself-included-into-the-drawer-of-a-laundry-basket-franz-kafka-104-49-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-he's a jewish idol!

>> No.18911024

oke now I like him again.

>> No.18911181

Learn misanthropy, subhuman Schweinhunde

>> No.18911266

Because the left is right about everything and youre rightwing only to spite people you are resentful toward.

>> No.18911756

or you

>> No.18911766

>Despite this, some of the best writers were right leaning (Celine, Junger, Hamsun, Dostoyevsky, Mishima)
Really only Dostoevsky and maybe Hamsun count here.

>> No.18911771

>he said when leftism literally requires spit a priori.

>> No.18911837

99% of prominent writers up until the last 15 years would be considered far-right by modern schizo standards. Why do you think leftards are so obsessed with erasing the past?

>> No.18911878

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists
Most artists were hedonistic misfits with a drive for live and creative passion, who were posthumously put into binary political boxes by useless wankers
Wankers like you

>> No.18911922

We don’t really know who artists were prior to the early modern era.

>> No.18912122

Cioran was a fascist, wrote a nationalist book and dozens of articles praising Hitler and the Iron Guard.

>> No.18912129

Im romanian btw, dunno if they are available in other languages.

>> No.18912132

> Descriptions of the physical attraction between men appear in The Cossacks and Anna Karenina. By the time Tolstoy wrote his last novel, Resurrection, he had turned against all sexuality, and he portrayed homosexuality as one more symptom of the moral decay of society.

Who knows maybe they forged signatures?

>> No.18912140

He was a voyeur.

>> No.18912146

>I'm against hunting, because hunters are mentally ill and should be exterminated
Said no Tolstoj ever

>> No.18912147 [DELETED] 

Also, look up Schimbarea la fata a Romaniei and pic related (which I own) contains all his pre 1945 articles, if you dont believe me.

>> No.18912152

Early on, yes but he also wrote some stuff saying how that was pretty dumb. The Iron Guard seems to be more nuanced but his affinity for Nazis seems to have arisen out of simply being impressed with their rallies, and not exactly ideology.

>> No.18912160

Left and right barely make sense outside of their actual contextual origin, this is absolutely inane without precise definitions of each

>> No.18912183

I wouldnt consider that leftism either way. And almost all intellectuals after 1945 tried to get rid of any association they had with the nazis to save their own skin. or maybe it was just a more cautious old man looking down upon the excesses of his youth.

>> No.18912208
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Since everyone’s shit-flinging I’d like to mention Salvador Dali promoted Catholic Traditionalism in The Secret Life and praised Franco throughout the dictator’s regime.
Admittedly, he might have been playing 4d contrarian chess, which fits with his narcissism and unbridled hedonism.
OP also forgot Yeats and Pound in his list.

>> No.18912226

considering authors like hamsun were being straight up arrested for supporting national socialism it wouldn't really surprise me if they were just saving their skins. denazification was EXTREMELY thorough in order to remove the threat

>> No.18912537

>right wing
Stop posting

>> No.18912681

Which book?

>> No.18912990

>right wing
guy was just a bitter misanthrope and his hatred hapüpened to be projected on jews

>> No.18912999

And Eliot, and Joyce, and nearly every other modernist

>> No.18913400

>it just so happened
ie you don’t understand his motives and haven’t bothered to read the pamphlets

>> No.18913703


>> No.18913715

boomer moment

>> No.18913783

It's threads like these that remind me this place is full of undergrad loser midwits.
God, I wish I could leave.
All I can suggest is to be a little less cocksure. It'll take the sting out of the realizations that I hope await you.

>> No.18913870

this is the silliest thread i've seen in some time

>> No.18913912
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What you consider "left" is actually all extremist right-wing fundies. Nobody truly on the left would lower themselves to working with a publisher.

>> No.18913963
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>Left: hasn't helped torch a minority church lately
>Right: hasn't injected anyone with anything lately

Simple as

>> No.18914016

You transcended the right-left dichotomy, is that isn’t it?

>> No.18914238

>right wing
i despise all ape monkey retards that go around politically charging everything



>> No.18914324

Are you retarded or what? I wouldn’t have charged them politically if they themselves weren’t politically engaged, Celine wrote atisemite panflets and was collaborationist with the nazi occupation, junger was a member of the conservative revolution, Hamsun was a nazi, and Mishima was a traditionalist that was so afraid of communism that created a private militia to take Japan

>> No.18914766

He’s probably talking about the narrator’s association with Marxists in No Longer Human, though I think Dazai was more mocking idealistic Marxist types rather than the ideology.

Based fart-sniffer was right-wing? I thought he was some anti-identitarian centrist

>> No.18914771

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists
Not until the 2nd half of the 20th century.

>> No.18914788
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>> No.18914998

Dali was a fascist

>> No.18915018

Thanks for the compliment mate. All the best.

>> No.18915051
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*moves from california to DDR*

>> No.18915072

>some of the best writers

fuck off

>> No.18915078

>applying modern labels to antiquity or any time before the labels were invented
Ahhh, the shape of horse stables, shaping your thoughts all your life unless you grow the fuck up.

>> No.18915083

>looking down upon the excesses of his youth.
Way to completely shit on all right wing 'values' there, anon.

>> No.18915099

But, anon, making everything and everyone fall into either/or categories is the dumb person's way of living without thinking, the aim of all philosophy.

>> No.18916254

ilya glazunov (Russia/USSR)
wyndham lewis (UK)
Tsuguharu Foujita (japan/france)

All of these artists were known for there political activism. And made a mark on art history and in some cases history in general.

>> No.18916258

>Leftism is about economic struggle first and foremost
Could have fooled me.

>> No.18916301

>Dali was just a shitposter
He also practiced Catholicism later in life. Which may have had an influence on his post civil war politics. But some of the shit she said was just for the luz.

>> No.18916315

Confirmed for being retarded and absolutely not knowing anything about the writers you mentioned. Cioran and Beckett were best friends, but ultimately Beckett ended the friendship due to Cioran’s fascism

>> No.18916592

lenin was a leftist. just not a "left-communist". you are both retards. no one on the planet would consider lenin a "rightist" using traditional political labeling.

>> No.18916597

Does it really matter? Lenin would have shot you and your tranny friends.

>> No.18916601

im not a leftist in the slightest im just smarter than you

>> No.18916602

I'm not any of those people just shitposting hehe :)

>> No.18916609

ah- ah- i've shit myself - smelly diaper -

>> No.18916613

ultimate proof that the main business of election tourists on this board is to cram as many authors as they can into their ideological pokedexes

>> No.18916618

What was progressive 100 years ago is conservative today. Read more history.

>> No.18916811
File: 172 KB, 578x372, 1629847002001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the best
>lists 5 writers from the last century

Can someone edit pic related so it says /lit/ instead of /tv/

>> No.18916856

>the absolute state of humanities education
>delusional cope

>> No.18916967

being a leftist post-1945 is like being a Catholic Christian in 14xx, it's literally the default position

>> No.18917042 [DELETED] 

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists
Do you have a single source to back up that claim?
Inb4 study proving republicans are dumber, less empathetic, less creative etc. than democrats
Fuck off amerilard, we already know the GOP is retarded, nobody brought up your piece of shit country or your piece of dogshit "conservative" (fascist redneck Trump worshippers) party, the world is alot bigger than your fucking shithole country

>> No.18917097

>It could be said that most of the arts are dominated by leftists
Do you have a single source to back up that claim? Or are you just assuming it to be true because "muh conservatism inherently anti-intellectual" gaslighting?
>inb4 study proving republicans are dumber, less empathetic, less creative etc. than democrats
>inb4 dunking on strawman targets like jordan peterson, ben shapiro, crowder, etc.
Fuck off amerilard, we already know the GOP is retarded, the world doesn't revolve around your piece of shit country or your piece of dogshit "conservative" (fascist redneck Trump worshippers) party, the world is alot bigger than your shithole country and your grifter cunt "intellectuals"

>> No.18917153

All of his characters in all of his books are self insert. Read The Setting Sun, about a person who also becomes a Marxist and is hopelessly depressed who also likes Christian aesthetics. Dazai was clearly a Marxist.