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18908417 No.18908417 [Reply] [Original]

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
- Ephesians 6:12

Are there any books expanding on this viewpoint of St. Paul? I want to learn more about angels.
Doesn't this mean that people doing meditation and other such "spiritualist" practices are opening themselves to attack by these principalities? I can't even imagine how the evil version of pic related must look or why people willingly submit to it.

>> No.18908751

"De Coelesti Hierarchia" by Pseudo-Dionysius was extremely influential.

>> No.18909077


>> No.18909400

>meditation is le demonic
>ignorance and submission is le good

>> No.18909593

>ignorance is good
Who said this?

>> No.18910196


>> No.18910229

Books 11 and 12 of Augustine's City of God.

>> No.18910254
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The Nag Hammadi scriptures, also known as The Gnostic Gospels

Philip K. Dick’s VALIS (fictionalized)

William Cooper’s “Behold A Pale Horse” (non-fiction but of mixed, indeterminate veracity, overall — still a classic for prisoners, militia types, and schizotypal people trying to find out what’s behind the US government)

>> No.18910287
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P.S. you are not asking about “angels” strictly but now talking about demons, and even what the Gnostic texts called “archons” (rulers). In that very quote you gave, “rulers” is “archons” in the original Greek. So the Gnostic tractates are rather relevant to this.

For modern “magicians” (drug-addled schizophrenics? attention-seeking lunatics and abusive cult leaders? or all these but also genuine occultists playing with weird inhuman forces?), like Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley, this comes with the territory, and the anonymous 17th-century grimoire on demonology, the Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as the Ars Goetia, was an inspiration for them.

Then, in the modern day, you have Father Malachi Martin, SJ’s books on exorcism such as “Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans,” (1976), as well as his kooky claims in interviews that Devil worship and Luciferianism has already infiltrated the Catholic Church.

>> No.18910344

I didn't ask how to serve the archons, I just wanted to know more to fight them better.

>> No.18910516

>I can't even imagine how the evil version of pic related must look or why people willingly submit to it.
I can recommend John Dee and the Empire of Angels by Jason Louv, which is about an Elizabethan court astrologer who, sincerely seeking God, hired a scryer to help him speak to angels.
The angels sent him through successive rituals to purify himself, and gradually revealed God’s plan.
John Dee’s insights (whether divinely inspired or merely earthly) are responsible for the establishment of the British Empire.
The angels are all enacting God’s plan.
Gabriel brought Islam to the arabic world, Michael is responsible for Christianity.
2000 years of Crusades, continuing to this day with modern conflicts between America and the east.

There is no “evil version” of the angels.
They are powerful beings who perform functions.
They are inherently terrifying in their power. Whether you perceive their functions in the universe as to your selfish benefit, or against your ego, colors your perception of their “goodness” or “evil”.
It is the same with God himself.

God is the supreme beatific master of this roiling eternal sex dungeon we call life.
He loves you and he knows your fetishes.

You will be punished for your sins.

>> No.18910779


>> No.18910900

>gnosticism subjugates you to the archons

>> No.18910933

Well, it denies Christ, so naturally?

>> No.18910942
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>> No.18910951

>gnosticism denies Christ
lmao, stop posting retard

>> No.18911798

You are exceptionally retarded and clueless
Read a book nigger

>> No.18911828

It doesn't, but it should.
>"nooooo you can't deny Christ!"
>"b-because Christ said so"
lmao fuck off golem

>> No.18911919

Gnosticism is extremely cringe. It's an ideology literally created by the archons and the exousia.

>> No.18911931

>opposes archons with all its might
>"it's created by archons!"
You jew cocksuckers and your cope never cease to amaze me. Nicaean Christianity is a sham.

>> No.18911962

>opposes archons with all its might
How? By denying Christ's victory over them at the cross?

>> No.18911964
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The Angel of Clouds,
who has no other name;

who causes men to be loved by their enemies;

who watches over creeping things;

who guards hidden things;

the angel or terror;

who rules over trees;

the donkey driver, an angel of confusion;

who carries the cup of oblivion,
so that a soul can drink,
and forget all that it has known

>> No.18911971

You know jack shit about Gnosticism and the claims it makes regarding Christ, why do you keep replying? Just refrain from posting if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18912022

get behind me gnostic trannies

>> No.18912029

See >>18910528 and keep coping

>> No.18912030
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>> No.18912143

>See time is 3:33 (EST)
>See thread on Angels
>Open thread and it's a bunch of anons arguing over archons and shieeet.
>"What does this sign mean, Lord!"

>> No.18912249

>I want to learn more about angels.

This >>18910942 looks like a good suggestion.

Also, Abbot Vonier's The Angels, a short book written by a master Thomist.

I came across this interesting article about the discussion of angels in another of Vonier's books, the excellent The Human Soul:

>Doesn't this mean that people doing meditation and other such "spiritualist" practices are opening themselves to attack by these principalities?

Although it doesn't seem to be what you're talking about, I would note that there is nothing wrong or dangerous about Christian meditation on Christian subjects, meditation being essentially a form of prayer.

>> No.18912729

What are you guys even talking about?

>> No.18913304

>abrahamoid fungus
Seems like it affirms his position.
Gnosticism is chuuni fanfics that conflate completely unrelated myths with christianity.

>> No.18913533

This, it’s short and on ccel.org. Half of this book is medieval commentary on it: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1184893.Angelic_Spirituality

>> No.18913992

How did Jacob manage to wrestle and defeat an angle?

>> No.18914035

Which denomination of it lol

>> No.18914063

It owed him money.

>> No.18914628

I can't see gnosticism as anything more than bugman western variation of new age.

>> No.18915118

>I'm retarded and have no idea what gnosticism means, stands for, or originates from
Yes, we know

>> No.18915284

>an angle
That was God, my man

>> No.18916068

Every man, woman, and child in the modern era which isn't orthodox christian is essentially gnostic. They carry gnostic ideologies, gnostic dualistic ontologies, they think in gnostic modes and live according to gnostic principles. Despite all this you larpers still manage to muster up the retardation to imagine that you are in some way different and unique because you read Carl Jungs answer to Job, and 300 pages of the Nag Hammadi texts (probably in translation). Just stop being a faggot and study the bible already.

>> No.18916129

lmao you are so fucking clueless
>They carry gnostic ideologies
>gnostic dualistic ontologies
No, monistrannies dominate spirituality, new age bullshit was about saying "there is no good and evil", blurring the lines, dissolving duality. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
>they think in gnostic modes
You don't know what gnostic means, do you? If people "thought in gnostic modes", they would reject this world wholesale. The globohomo goal is to make a paradise of materiality, on this world, to negate all yearning towards higher purposes, to reduce everything to physicality.
> live according to gnostic principles.
Didn't know stuffing your face with corn syrup and watching netflix constituted an ascetic lifestyle, thanks to you based orthobros I learn something new every day

lmao retard

>> No.18916248

Praying to demons for epic hidden knowledge is not ascetic.

>> No.18916269

>You don't know what gnostic means, do you?
I guessed right. Keep drooling

>> No.18916372

Sorry then. What does it mean? What do you do that is ascetic?

>> No.18916396

What is asceticism? Why do you disingenuously pretend not to understand?
>What does it mean
Gnosticism is not a monolithic dogmatic institution. Gnosis is personal and individual. The fundamental, driving idea behind it being that man saves himself through understanding, awakening to the nature of reality. If you're actually interested and not just pretending (who am I kidding), read Hans Jonas for an introduction.

>> No.18916425

I know what asceticism is, but what do you that is ascetic, as a gnostic?
>*saves* *himself* through understanding
Seems like a chase for hidden knowledge to me, not humility.

>> No.18916432
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also about angels

>> No.18916659
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>Doesn't this mean that people doing meditation and other such "spiritualist" practices are opening themselves to attack by these principalities?
I ask the same as OP but with the entire focus being about meditation being satanic/demonic

>> No.18916669

We all know it was an angel

>> No.18916730

I forgot to add, any books that deal with meditation being demonic or a path for evil creature?

>> No.18916771

If you understand what asceticism is, why do you need to ask me what gnostic asceticism implies, since the basics of ascetic practices are more or less the same regardless of the religion? I also didn't claim to be an ascetic myself, I only try my best, but am not there yet.
>Seems like a chase for hidden knowledge
If you want to call it that, sure. It's not an insult or even demeaning/negative.

>> No.18916786
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>any books that deal with meditation being demonic or a path for evil creature
Any Church Father writings on prelest. Just google the term.
Also Seraphim Rose's book has a chapter on it - https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Serafim_Rouz/orthodoxy-and-the-religion-of-the-future/#0_36

>There are two basic forms of prelest or spiritual deception. The first and more spectacular form occurs when a person strives for a high spiritual state or spiritual visions without having been purified of passions and relying on his own judgment. To such a one the devil grants great “visions.”
>But there is another more common, less spectacular form of spiritual deception, which offers to its victims not great visions but just exalted “religious feelings.” This occurs, as Bishop Ignatius has written, “when the heart desires and strives for the enjoyment of holy and divine feelings while it is still completely unfit for them. Everyone who does not have a contrite spirit, who recognizes any kind of merit or worth in himself, who does not hold unwaveringly the teaching of the Orthodox Church but on some tradition or other has thought out his own arbitrary judgment or has followed a non-Orthodox teaching – is in this state of deception.”

>> No.18916790

Thanks for the answer

>> No.18916791

>basics of ascetic practices are more or less the same regardless of the religion
No, not really. The goal of Christian ascesis is gaining humility in imitation of Christ, which is antithetical to the gnostic practice of becoming receptive to "higher illumination" where you LARP as discovering this hidden truth of being God.

>> No.18916818

>How did Jacob manage to wrestle and defeat an angle?

"Not angles but angels."
- Pope Gregory the Great (http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/trail/conquest/wessex_kings/birth_england_wessex_03.shtml))

>> No.18917246

Learn to read.

>> No.18917456

Based Christian poster telling Gnostic trannies how it is.
Sorry you were born in a male body, Gnostrannies, but that doesn’t make God or the cosmos evil. And you won’t be reborn as an androgyne in the Pleroma by worshipping the devil either.

>> No.18917608

Seethe harder, archon slave, and enjoy the recycling.

>> No.18917624

>still accusing gnosticism of all the things it rejects while putting your hands over your ears
Literally irrefutable. You can only cope

>> No.18917810

Meditation is not demonic if you’re doing it right. Modern ‘mindfulness’ is demonic and used as a control mechanism by corporations who want you to meditate on the void and stop caring about being a slave. Meditating on God is completely different.

>> No.18919049


>> No.18919073

Gnosticism is heresy. Read Irenaeus for introduction.

>> No.18919135

Iranaeus was a clueless faggot. Read Jonas for introduction.

>> No.18920173


>> No.18921104


>> No.18922116

gnostic trannie

>> No.18922157


>> No.18922233

anyone encouraging religion?

>> No.18922278

>Doesn't this mean that people doing meditation and other such "spiritualist" practices are opening themselves to attack by these principalities?
Absolutely yes, and any Christian book on ascetics has this warning first and foremost.

>> No.18922290

fucking kek

>> No.18922296

So far the only seething and coping in this thread is coming from you, gnostrannies.

>> No.18922305

>n-no u
So this is the power of semitic desert demons...

>> No.18922358

You haven't had an original thought in your head since you popped out of your momma's twat, you dumb gnostitranny.

>> No.18922373

>says the guy whose entire religion is about unoriginality and blind faith, and knowledge and insight being forbidden in order to not anger daddy yahweh the wrathful vengeful petty manchild "god"
As always, the only criticism you're capable of is projection. Sad!

>> No.18922726

An animal cannot comprehend the nature of a human. A human cannot comprehend the nature of an angel.

>> No.18922756

>knowledge and insight being forbidden
This is the most onions and bluepilled view on Christianity.

>> No.18922794

The gnostic does not think for him(her)self. All of his views are rehashed millenia-old debunked heresies.

>> No.18922841
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Cringe incarnate.

>> No.18923002
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>> No.18923662

>Wisdom reacheth from one end to another mightily: and sweetly doth she order all things. I loved her, and sought her out from my youth, I desired to make her my spouse, and I was a lover of her beauty. In that she is conversant with God, she magnifieth her nobility: yea, the Lord of all things himself loved her. For she is privy to the mysteries of the knowledge of God, and a lover of his works. If riches be a possession to be desired in this life; what is richer than wisdom, that worketh all things? And if prudence work; who of all that are is a more cunning workman than she? And if a man love righteousness her labours are virtues: for she teacheth temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude: which are such things, as men can have nothing more profitable in their life. If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences: she foreseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times. Therefore I purposed to take her to me to live with me, knowing that she would be a counsellor of good things, and a comfort in cares and grief. For her sake I shall have estimation among the multitude, and honour with the elders, though I be young. I shall be found of a quick conceit in judgment, and shall be admired in the sight of great men.
How does this promote ignorance?

>> No.18924713

If you don’t read it, you will stay ignorant of it, that’s how. Check mate atheists!

>> No.18925053

I don't see your point. You could apply that to anything, couldn't you? Whether religious or not, you'll always be led to read the texts that either you or some other person wants you to read for the purpose of forming your views. People are perpetually and willingly initiating themselves into the canon of various thoughtforms and rigid belief structures. Of course you'll be ignorant of the things you choose not to learn about.

>> No.18925065

It only explains why they refused to let people translate from the Latin or Greek until the Reformation, then suppressed it until the printing press made it impossible

>> No.18925338

Forgive my cryptic post. I was agreeing with the anon I replied to and disagreeing with the anon he replied to. And I agree with your post too. When someone chooses to ignore scripture they won’t bother listening to it, they’re caught up in the only truth they know. The sensual perceptible world built upon man’s logic and reasoning. Which is real. Its up to them to want to seek the invisible realness. All that which transcends man’s limited wisdom. Otherwise evangelism is pointless, it turns to “pearls before swine”. An individual must break his own back seeking it. That which “no eye has no ear heard” is only reserved for the faithful. “Few enter the narrow gate”, and only by their own accord. Now when someone dares to rise above their material worthlessness, that’s the proper time to evangelize.

>> No.18925592

read surat an nas. that's it. there's not technique to fighting demons, if you fight them on their terms they already won as far as I gather. the thing to do is take refuge in God. If you want more ways to do that I warmly recommend Davids psalms, many of them are about this (I think his adversaries are his demons)

>> No.18925628

orthodox christianity having secret teachings makes it hard to weigh correctly what is meant by this. they aren't open about what constitutes "right view" afaik, beyond basics

>> No.18925689

Anything they disagree with is prelest/demonic, anything they agree with is right and should never be questioned. Pretty simple stuff

>> No.18926493
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>heterodoxy is sacrilege