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1890531 No.1890531 [Reply] [Original]

Continuation since the other thread is auto saging. Spoilers for the upcoming A Dance with Dragons, so read at your own risk.

>> No.1890534

Shit, I'd forgotten about this. Going to stay off /lit/ till I've read it.

>> No.1890559
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>> No.1890587

coming in 2 weeks, why do you ask?

Looks like the /lit/urgist who has a book isn't going to scan, so no luck.

>> No.1890638
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Joanna + Rhaegar = Tyrion
Tyrion and Jon are half-brothers

>> No.1890641

if anything it's implied that Joanna + Aerys = Tyrion

>> No.1890649

Someone just tell me what Brienne screamed at the end of AFFC, please.

>> No.1890650

Don't know, but shes alive and has Jaime following her... alone


>> No.1890659


I hope Brienne alive means that Pod is alive too

>> No.1890664

I've heard conflicting things about the spoilers.

The original dude who posted on /tv/ says one thing while the person posting spoilers on the Tower of the Hand is saying different things.

>> No.1890668

Pod is my favorite child in the books, other than Arya.

>> No.1890674

GRRM already said that a lot of the spoilers are just wrong.

>> No.1890676

This is good news

>> No.1890677

They aren't really conflicting, just misinterpreted. The guy who posted them here and on westeros.org just skimmed the last few chapters and posted what he knew from there.

>> No.1890684


The only reason I keep coming to this spoiler filled stink hole is due to the potential for a link to a e-scanned copy of the book.

>> No.1890695

I know I'm probably the only one who cares or even remembers him but


>> No.1890696

Same here. I figure that as soon as someone uploads a scan, 4chan will know. Hopefully.

>> No.1890717

Do they have "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" in Essos?

>> No.1890722
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It has come.

>> No.1890728

anyone who scans it is going to draw heat because there's literally only 180 of them and it's very easy to trace where they were delivered. i think it's very unlikely that anyone who got one of them has scene ties, cares about e-cred, or is capable of getting it online without leaving a trail. i honestly wouldn't be surprised to not see it get scanned at all until there's a 2nd leak like an employee at a brick & mortar breaking street date

>> No.1890731

There are a lot more than 180 now, people on westeros.org were confirming that its being sold in some German bookstores and Amazon Japan is also shipping some

>> No.1890733


>> No.1890737

I'm going to create several accounts on westeros.org and spam spoilers.

>> No.1890738

Better doing that on the GoT subreddit

>> No.1890739

I don't think so.

There have been copies sold in Japan - and apparently all across Germany.

No way it is just 180.
And no way it will be traced to them - unless they display a stunning amount of idiocy in how they release it.

>> No.1890817

No, no. Joanna+ Aerys = Jaime+Cersei.

Think about it.

>> No.1890830

Eh, so Tyrion is Rhaegar's bastard child?

And to the people who read it, where would you rank it amongst the series?

>> No.1890845

I bet that'll get you mad pussy, yo.

>> No.1890849


The timeline is wrong for any of Joanna's children being secretly conceived by Aerys. Tyrion is well into his twenties, so if Tywin quitting as hand can't be at all related. Unless we postulate that Tywin knew and didn't do anything, and it's just one of his secrets like whoring and possible knowledge Jaime & Cersei's relationship.

>> No.1890850

All the chapter comments by Stefan

>> No.1890953

are these guys trolling or what? anybody got links?

google yields nothing

>> No.1890962

They be trollin. Think I found something tho, in the process of downloading and verifying.

>> No.1890972

Well it's here but password protected and the readme.txt directs to a website where you have to d/l some sharecash shit. I think it's bullshit, deleting file.


I use Google and search by latest or last 24 hours. Damn u fat bastard!

>> No.1890975
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no dice on da demonoids yet.

>> No.1890994

here be spoilers, courtesy of


Meera/Joren Reed
Kevan Lannister
Maester Pycelle

Possible Deaths:

Jon Snow


New reveals:

Tyrion is a targ
Targaryen prince still alive
Arya got her sight back
Davos is alive saved by Rickon and Shaggy
Sansa is becoming a awesome power player
Jon is getting more involved in the politics
Melisandre has intentions for Jon SNow

>> No.1891007

Tyrion is not explicitly revealed as a Targ, it's barely even hinted at if at all

>> No.1891010

Meera and Jojen also aren't dead from what I've seen

>> No.1891015

Wait, who is Joanna? I did a speed read through the four books and am now going back to do a slow read.

>> No.1891026


Trolls. I have no doubt a scan will be available before the release date, but this stuff out now crap.

When a legit scan is out, you'll know. And it's not going to have a password that you need to take a quiz for.

>> No.1891027

Joanna Lannister, Tywin's dead wife (and cousin)

Apparently Aerys had a boner for her

>> No.1891040

Thank you.

>> No.1891117

Could I be v& for posting spoilers on this on other sites?

>> No.1891121

is the shaggy who saves davos the one who did "boombastic"

>> No.1891123

I'm actually curious about this as well. Could they sue for posting spoilers or something?

>> No.1891130


Nope. There's a reason they had to beg people not to reveal spoilers instead of threatening legal action.

>> No.1891142
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I bet GRRM lurks here and posts fake spoilers. Hey George u fatso get yo lazy lard ass back to writing the 6th book and finishing aSoIaF. You ain't got no bragging rights against J K Rowling until then.

>> No.1891148

You sure? I'm just a little paranoid because the site owner of westeros.org PM'd me saying I was an idiot for posting spoilers.

It just made me worried.

>> No.1891158

There is no way you get sued for posting spoilers. I'm an attorney at that is among the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

>> No.1891186

Where would you rank it amongst the series?

>> No.1891215


Yes, I'm sure.

Did you sign anything saying you wouldn't reveal information? Is this a national security matter?

Then no, you're fine.

>> No.1891264

The site owner of westeros.org also used to troll around livejournal telling teenage girls to stop writing fanfiction. He takes his position as fan club president a little too seriously. Don't worry, you're not going to get sued.

>> No.1891327

Yeah. Ran is a bit of an ass.

When you take something too seriously you often make it much less fun.

>> No.1891337

Ran told you he will sue you. tell him goodluck

>> No.1891365

A certain number of the denizens of westeros seem so humorless sometimes.

Which is weird, since ASOIAF is often very funny.

It is also a bit strange how they have created their social groups.
It seems like there is a disproportionate amount of people there who were picked on or excluded in their formative public school years - so now they feel the need to create their own exclusive social cliques.

Kinda like the people who hang out in artsy cafes that have regular poetry readings.
It has the potential to be be pretty cool - but the people who participate invariably make it suck.

>> No.1892436

Anyone got the link to the website where the guy was posting chapter summaries? The one that had them all listed on one page, instead of separately.

>> No.1892448


see >>1890850

>> No.1892459

Thanks. I thought it was posted in the first thread yesterday. My bad!

>> No.1892474

A lot of people posting on westeros.org have sticks the girth of baobabs up their asses and their lips firmly placed on Martin's cock.

>> No.1892495


Well, after they find out Martin has killed off their favorite characters and left so many unresolved plot lines for the next book which may come in 10 years , they might actually cry themselves to sleep while martin fucks their asses some more.

>> No.1892506
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>> No.1892514

Agreed. I opted to read the spoilers because I felt like the give and take of the series was too lopsided. He asks you to take so much and gives little. He's leaving everything for the end, and it will just be a clusterfuck.

>> No.1892522

>The site owner of westeros.org also used to troll around livejournal telling teenage girls to stop writing fanfiction.
A noble endeavor, and a great service to the public.

>> No.1892535

Gonna be a long decade. At this point I'm not sure if I should even care of Jon Snow is truly dead or not. GRRM is a bastard.

>> No.1892540


Assuming he strays true to his word he has two books left to get all the Others and Invasion of Westeros plot threads going and resolved.
You better believe it's going to be a fucking mess.

>> No.1892700

It's going to happen at the same time; Dany's dragons will cut through the Others at a critical moment and she will be recognized as Azor Ahai. Melisandre will kill Stannis and defect to her.

>> No.1892724

Stefan posted a more detailed, spoilery review here: http://oeffingerfreidenker.blogspot.com/2011/07/buchbesprechung-george-r-r-martin-dance.html

Good stuff in there.

>> No.1892737


So the Freys are Wsterors' Muslims?

>> No.1893476

From this review is sounds better than the individual chapter synopsis.

The stuff in the north sounds interesting. The cruelty of the Boltons, and having a Stark leading and making big moves seems to be satisfying.

Whereas, as always, Dany chapters suck nuts. We have had 5 books of her just dicking around, and waiting for her to invade. And all we get is to find out that our ohh so special dragon is not so special, and her kin appears and does what she was expected to do this whole time.

>> No.1893577

are the scans available yet? I downloaded from the link that needs password

>> No.1893659

I wish

>> No.1894241

the fuck are the scans, fuck

>> No.1894244

password for the locked pdf is



>> No.1894292

wait what?

>> No.1894328

It's a feast for Crows. Not Dance.

False advertising.

>> No.1894527

Thank you very much!!

>> No.1894714


so is this the book in op or the one that another anon said it was? i've never read any of his shit........

>> No.1894721

The reeds are alive but estranged from Bran who is using Hodor as a tool.

Davos is not saved BY Rickon but saved for the sake of Rickon.

>> No.1894726

Yea that looks like it is true!

>> No.1894775

Don't wanna check. Who knows what surprises the zipfile contains...

>> No.1895084

aghhhhhh where is it!?

>> No.1895090


>> No.1895092

So apparently there is a quote in a Melisandre chapter in which thinks "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow."

That pretty much seals it for me, Jon's story isn't over and it will be because of Melisandre.

>> No.1895097

The Azor Ahai legend also has a bunch of references to rebirth, so...

>> No.1895105

I'd add that the guy who claimed Martin said AA and TPTWP are the same thing came out and apologized recently on westeros.org and said he made it up.

>> No.1895109

>scrolling down the page
>see this
>going to hunt you down and violently murder you

>> No.1895118

The last line of Jon's last chapter is "he didn't even feel the fourth dagger, only the cold"

So he might not even be dead. And if he is, Melisandre is at Castle Black still. Her chapter (as well as the Jon chapters) makes it apparent that she's very interested in Jon and probably knows what is going to happen.

>> No.1895119

fake, it's A Feast for Crows

>> No.1895130

I'm thinking she knew it would happen and let him die to release him from his vows, and will then bring him back and jump off the Stannis bandwagon and onto the Jon bandwagon.

>> No.1895221

I hope she makes a better job of it than Thoros did with Dondarrion. I don't think I can stomach another uptight zombie asshole out for revenge ('sup, Catelyn?)

>> No.1895331

Yeah I think if Jon is AA he won't be a zombie, we have enough zombies running around as it is...

>> No.1895334

Then the fucker better be Azor Ahai reborn.

>> No.1895357


I am going to spoil the whole series for you, peek only if you dare, and remember you heard it from me first:

Bran is the Great Other. Jon is Azor Ahai. All seven hells break loose when the two of them duke it out.

>> No.1895367

>Great Other.

there was something like this in the book?

>> No.1895370

There is mention of a Great Other, I'm pretty sure Melisandre mentions it at some point(s)

>> No.1895376

Bran will become the great Other and Jon is "The Prince That Was Promised". The two will battle and everything goes to shit. Bran ends up winning and the entire world is a post-apocalyptic ice covered wasteland(which makes house Starks "Winter is Coming more prophetic). Bran will somehow be immortal in the end.

>> No.1895377

I like it

>> No.1895379


Bran can just ressurect him like Benjen.
And Benjen doesn't seem to be a big fuck up to me...

>> No.1895380


Wat... the Wights or the Others don't belong to the Greenseer... they even try to kill them once they were approaching. If they were servants of the Greenseer they would let them pass because Bran is the successor of the Greenseer... so wtf.

>> No.1895385
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Wait, so Bran will turn evil. What have you done now George?

>> No.1895386

Coldhands will die and he will be revealed to be that NW member who proclaimed himself king years ago and will also be revealed to be the great Other's emissary to escort Bran to the Three Eyed Crow. He'll die close to the series end and Stannis will be his replacement and Other-Bran's emissary.

>> No.1895389


Don't believe that bollocks. We have no proof and not even a single line suggesting that the Greenseer is in any way affiliated with the Others (in form of the mystic creatures) nor the Wights with the glowing eyes they create.

His Wight has no blue glowing eyes and he still is sentient while the Others' Wights are only driven by instinct.

>> No.1895398


Also the cave of the Greenseer and the Children were specifically warded just like the Wall so the Wights and Others couldn't pass. Why should they do such things if they were their servants...
Also they are closely affiliated with living things like trees and animals. Not Undead stuff...

The magic seems to be similiar to the one of the wall so we can guess if Bran the builder had help from giants errecting it and Storm's End the children and or the Greenseer will have helped warding the wall.

>> No.1895417


It's really a shame that Bran only had 3 chapters in ADWD. I really wanted to know more about the 3-eyed Crow and Children of the Forest

>> No.1895420


Ah thanks. I was kind of rooting for him and would be pissed if Martin went and did a 180 on him.

>> No.1895426


Everything interesting was reduced to 50 pages.

Mr Theon had like 200. Seriously who cared about those shitty written totally linear written boring chapters about that EVIL PSYCHOPATH UHU BAHA WOOOOOOO.

We got like 600 pages about Daenerys and her AWESOME LITTLE BUT SMOOTH AND FIRM tits. While doing nothing.

Stannis and his battle got like 100 pages of nothing happening and we got another cliffhanger.

Davos had like 1 Page (it felt like it) and nothing happened. Cliffhanger.

Cersei had 3 HORRIBLY WRITTEN chapters. Which were alos horribly boring.

There is too much to go on...

>> No.1895427

Bran only has three chapters?

>> No.1895431

I actually liked Theon's chapters in ACOK that's what made that book my favourite in the series. Hopefully his chapters are as awesome in Dance.

>> No.1895433

so the book's been somewhat available for what, 5 days now? where's the friggin scan already? i didn't think it would take THIS long...

>> No.1895435

>Everything interesting was reduced to 50 pages.
>Davos had like 1 Page (it felt like it) and nothing happened. Cliffhanger.

I really have to agree with this. Especially Davos last chapter made me hungry for more but no....

>> No.1895436

Anyone else pre-ordered it yesterday?

>> No.1895437

And people who've read the book. Where would you place it amongst the series? I think I asked this yesterday, but never received an answer.

>> No.1895438


except Jon. He actually had many chapters and they were ok

>> No.1895446

I love Bran and I'm rooting for him too, but I think that would be an awesome twist for him to turn evil, though I kind of doubt that happens

>> No.1895448

Somebody on towerofthehand posted something that puts what happens to Jon in a little better context, apparently he gets stabbed but Tormund and other allies of his are pouring out of the great hall nearbye at the same time, so he's not exactly alone...

Apparently Jon had openly declared that he's going to march on Winterfell and kill Ramsey Bolton and Bowan Marsh looks at it as desertion. The wildlings are on Jon's side as are *at least* some of the nights watch brothers.

>> No.1895453

Also it's unknown where Melisandre is during this whole event, she leaves the great hall before Jon does.

>> No.1895516


They had a meeting in the great hall in which Jon held a speech about
1. rescuing some wildlings from behind the wall
2. rallying his banner and moving with a Brotherhood/Wildling army against Bolton in Winterfell. He is something like Rayders' successor and most of the Wildlings see him as their leader now.

After they came out they witnessed how one Giant had ripped apart a Queen's Knight who obviously tried to kill him for fame (many of the queens guys are glory hoggers) but got killed by him.
Jon wants to resolve the situation and calm the giant down so there is no more bloodshed (giants are like kickass and he would take many down with him).
So while he commanded all to stay back and shed their weapons he wanted to approach the giant when his steward tried to cut his throat and probably the blade was poisoned because he was feeling slow and cold afterwards as 3 more Brotherhood guys (Melissandre warned him about the blades of people who smiled at him prior) stabbed him with daggers as he was passing out.

So it is reasonable to believe that the Wildlings and his loyal Brotherhood man would step in and kill the ursupers. Maybe even Melissandre comes and helps him (he feels cold and she is fire at least). He also has a kickass skinchanger with a horse sized boar next to him and about a few hundred armed Wildlings who are loyal to him.

>> No.1895537


Also moving against Bolton was no desertation or breaking the vows because Bolton directly threatened him that he would kill Jon.
So responding to that is not taking part in the business of the realm but defending the Bortherhood.

>> No.1895581


everyone knows that it's just an excuse to save his sister

if Bolton would have came to the wall and tried to kill Jon it's another matter of course

>> No.1895596

Guy who posted the details on towerofthehand made it sound like the Knight was the guy who the Queen wanted to marry to Val, and the Giant killed him because he was trying to sneak up to Val

>> No.1895598

scans! Where are the futhermocking scans!

>> No.1895602


So the letter was a fake?

Bolton says he will kill Jon -> direct threat against the lord of the Brotherhood.
If he can rescue his sister the better for him. But still it was a direct threat.

>> No.1895604


That is also possible because the Giant was housed in the lower levels of the tower in which Val was housed.
Probably the Knight wanted to rape or abduct her.

>> No.1895616


Yeah it was a threat. I don't think it was a fake but should Jon have abandoned the Wall for it? I don't think so.

>> No.1895617


I for one want Jon to leave the wall and slaughter the Boltons

>> No.1895627


me too very much

just saying that some members of the Brotherhood probably think that this has nothing to do with their duty

and I think they are right

>> No.1895630


So what? Bolton directly declares war by threatening the lord.
And he should not abandon the wall? I guess its his choice as the lord commander how he handles his business and when he is at the wall with how many people.
And even if he leaves the wall with an army he will leave behind more armed men to guard the wall than the numbers he had when he was elected.

>> No.1895632

He asks for volunteers though doesn't he? He doesn't order them to go with him.

>> No.1895644

Somebody refresh my memory, that scene in the television show where Aemon asks Jon what Eddard would chose between honor and love where Jon answers "whatever is right", is that in the books?

>> No.1895654


Yes he asks for volunteers since its a direct threat against his persons and he outlines it as such specifically in his speech.
And most of the Wildlings seem to be with him (as they see him as their new leader) plus also many of the Brotherhood guys seemed to be willing.

The assassination attempt was more like because he would be nearly unstoppable as the lord afterwards. He commands now about 5k Wildlings of which over 1000 seem to be fighting people, because the outnumber the queens man and the brotherhood by far.

>> No.1895656


As a lord commander he has a responsibility and it's not just his business when he just goes away to die.
And the men at the wall? It's full of untrained peasant/wildlings.


he is a respectable person, many brothers, especially the youngster, would follow him not caring about anything else.

>> No.1895661

>As a lord commander he has a responsibility and it's not just his business when he just goes away to die.

Not the same guy, but it could be argued he could better serve the realm by leaving the wall and rallying the north to reinforce it.

>> No.1895669

Do we still have no idea what was in Robb's will?

>> No.1895675


well he wasn't going for that

>> No.1895676

"All remaining Stark direwolves must piss on the Twins

>> No.1895686

"Theon Greyjoy is a fag"

>> No.1895688


Wildlings untrained? The Spearwifes and most of the male Wildling fighters certainly can't be called untrained. Also the Wildlings who became brothers didn't go through months or years of training before being accepted. So we can assume they have some good fighting skills already.
And you don't have to be the master at fencing to defend a freaking 700ft high wall. Its more about having men to throw things down, watching the horizon and using bows (and accuracy doesn't matter at a height of 700 ft.... because its spray and pray anyway).

And its his choice as lord commander when he dies and how. Its not in their vows to die in a specific way. And its still a threat against him and its his right to respond to it.


Robb's will specifically was that Jon will be is successor as the Lord of Winterfell because he knew that Arya and Sansa were in the Hands of the Lannisters who would use them to get their hands on their lands after his death (if he died by force... which he did).

>> No.1895703

>Jon says his wounds are "smoking"
>Bowan Marsh has tears streaming down his face
>smoke and salt

>Melisandre thinks to herself "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow."


this is a cliffhanger, not a resolution

>> No.1895713

>Wildlings untrained?
oh yeah I mixed that up. they certainly know how to fight.

>And its his choice as lord commander when he dies and how. Its not in their vows to die in a specific way. And its still a threat against him and its his right to respond to it.

I don't believe a leader should do that and dragging others with him.


We all know Jon isn't really "dead". The question is how he comes back

>> No.1895715


"Then Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheecks. "For the Watch". He punched Jon in the belly. When he pulled his hands away, the dagger stayed where he had buried it.
Jon Fell to his knees. He found the daggers' hilt and wretched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. "Ghost" he whispered. Pain washed over him. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold..."

>> No.1895723


we will know that in about 7 years....


>> No.1895747


can someone please answer my fucking question? kthnx

>> No.1895776

heres a copy you motherfuckers i converted it to mobi since the goddamned file from earlier in this thread is DRM`ed to hell and back.

enjoy you bastards.


>> No.1895849

yet another troll? file doesn't work for me...

>> No.1895866

nevermind, it's just AFFC again.


>> No.1895884


so desperate

>> No.1896003


>> No.1896049


>> No.1896074

Can someone clarify exactly what becomes of Hodor? What does becoming a "tool of Bran" mean? Is he no longer Hodor?

>> No.1896089

I need the audiobook, reading is for faggots.

>> No.1896093


it's just means that Hodor gets more used to Bran being in his body. Hodor goes into a dark corner of his mind where even bran can't reach him.

The Reed siblings do explorations often but don't want to take Bran with them. So he secretly wargs into Hodor every time and pretends to be him .

>> No.1896096


>> No.1896149


>> No.1896177


>> No.1896182

"The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. (!!!) Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again. (/!!!) But the skulls were here as well, the skulls were all around him. Melisandre had seen his danger before, had tried to warn the boy of it."

"I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow. "

In the prologue, Sixskins dies and wargs into an animal body

>Jon dies
>Jon wargs into Ghost's body
>Jon goes back into human body
>AA reborn

though I don't necessarily see the point in that happening if he's going to return to his own body, but who knows, maybe Mel or Bran has crazy healing powers.

>> No.1896183

damn the book sounds so shitty
I waited 6 fucking years without complaining, and it seems George still couldn't deliver a half decent book what a joke.
lots of cliffhangers Jamie, and Jon etc
no Sansa chapters and 3 Bran chapters.
Chapter after chapter Daenery's craving cock

>> No.1896213

another shit gay book from fat gurm who will be found dead in a kfc drivethru his fingers covered in filth before book 6 and since this is just affc 2 nothing will happen and this shit series will become shittier fuck you and fuck anyone that likes and enables this fat hairy fuck nigger dork nerd to write shitty ass boosk i hope that last piece of chicken taste like shit gurm u fat white nigger. thank you.

>> No.1896246

Now tell us how you really feel.

>> No.1896257

i suspect he doesnt like the book...

>> No.1896265

Does Gregor come back from the dead...?

I heard mention of a 'Ser Robert Strong'. Is that him?

>> No.1896295

fucking scans.

>> No.1896328


>> No.1896379

What the fuck 4chan I know one of you fuckers has it!!!

>> No.1896454


LOL none of the germanfags scanned it. all we have are the spoilers they leaked out.

>> No.1896458

I scanned it and OCRed it. I'm editing it as I read the book. It'll be done by the time the book actually gets released.

>> No.1896555

Not related but i had no idea terry Pratchett was thinking of assisted suicide and reading the spoilers i just realized i like his collective works much more then any of the song of fire and ice books

>> No.1896565

If this is true, share it with people. It's much faster and easier to edit collectively.

>> No.1896580

off-topic slowpoke.jpg

die in a fire.

>> No.1896641


Probably Melissandre will be a willing host for Jon's spirit herself. At least she seems to be a fanatic follower of her deity and AA. So she would be a good candidate to be willing to share her body with Jon so he can become AA

>> No.1896643

It's probably him

though Doran Martell says that he got a head that is so big it only could be Gregor

>> No.1896644


More like a flesh golem made of the remains of Gregor.

>> No.1896709

Come on release it quick.

>> No.1896725

don't feed the troll
>i bet it's the same cunt who's been posting fake ebook links here

>> No.1896728

i don't need you to edit it man
I am a junky looking for a fix for 6 years now if you don't F U CKen post a chapter and i ever meet you i will cut you man
Im just lookn for a chapter or two
ill suck you off for the prologue

>> No.1896744


Sandor is still alive and though he still has his nemesis and has to kill/destroy his borther. So its Gregor.

>> No.1896771


The prologue is more an explanation about what skinchangers can do...

Though its a little funny that the Wildling Skinchanger guy is dead and his soul is in the one eyed wolf which gets dominated by Summer later and is a pack under Bran's Summer. Heh. But Bran also hasn't realized that now and I am not sure if it will get important at some point...

>> No.1896844

It has to be this. Just think of Martin writing a chapter about Jon exploring his new body. The guy must have popped one trillion boners.

>> No.1896854


Martin always gets a boner when he thinks about Danerys' Tits. Thats why we know them in every little detail

>> No.1896916

Is it better than a feast for crows ? How would you rate it in comparision with the previous four ?

>> No.1896917

Is there a preview-chapter for Winds of Winter in it? If yes, what's it about?

>> No.1896919

That feel when your neighbour asks if you've read A Game of Thrones because they know you like reading but you don't read fantasy because fantasy is for children and you just nod and say you've heard of it but can never look at them in the same way again

>> No.1896930

Is it better than a feast for crows ? How would you rate it in comparision with the previous four ?

Can anyone give me a short, consisting of a few sentences spoiler-free review of this book ? Guys? Anyone ?

>> No.1896948


>> No.1896960
File: 6 KB, 170x200, 71035_285978487981_2837661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you serious?

>> No.1896966


>> No.1896975

Pretty much. Sorry guys Margaret Wies and Tracy Hickman (or however the fuck you spell their names) were fun to read in high school but I'm over that shit now. And if someone had told me then that I wouldn't have time to read more than about 3000 books in my lifetime and I didn't have time to waste on that shit I would have put it down immediately. Or I should have, anyways.

>> No.1896978

I'm as serious as cancer.

>> No.1896981

You know what else is for children? Fun.

>> No.1896991


>Sorry guys Margaret Wies and Tracy Hickman (or however the fuck you spell their names) were fun to read in high school but I'm over that shit now.

That is as stupid as saying you gave up on the horror genre because you don't like Stephen King. Or that you're never going to read science fiction again because you hate Alastair Reynolds.

If you want to make an argument against the genre go ahead, singling out authors is useless and makes you look like a retarded person.

>> No.1897085
File: 469 KB, 973x1140, grrm vs bruce springsteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys really want to read this anyway? I've read all four of the earlier books and I'm not going to. For one, the last book was pretty boring, but most importantly I know he's never going to finish the story, so why bother?

He's 63 years old, but incredibly pallid and unhealthy looking, and morbidly obese. At his current rate of around 6 years to put out a book, he'll be finished at 75. Does this fat neckbeard really look like he'll make it to 75?

Look at this picture I included comparing GRRM to Bruce Springsteen who is only ONE year younger. That says it all. Bruce will make it to 75 easy. GRRM will not.

GRRM takes forever because he doesn't enjoy writing, but love attention and adulation from his cock-sucking fans, which is why he spends 3 years doing money-grubbing book signing years after each book. Now he has that, in addition to his shitty WILD CARDS editing duties, and now the HBO series for him to waste time on.

"American Tolkien," my ass. He's written half a story. That's it. And he's already said that he won't let anyone finish the story if he dies.

>> No.1897102


to be fair if you look up the history of Bruce Springsteen his physique is part of the reason for his success: when he released Born in the USA he purposefully beefed up because he felt that's the image that should accompany the music.

Plus, to perform on stage for 2 hour sets is extremely energy consuming - you have to be in very good shape. If you look at Mick Jagger or Iggy Pop, both are also in great shape despite their age. It comes with the trade.

I don't know anything about the other guy other than people on /lit/ go on about him all the time.

>> No.1897110

It's probably best people wait till the series is completed before delving into the newest releases. That way you don't get into the story and then have a giant cliffhanger, on the account of the fat bastard croaking.

>> No.1897127

How is that relevant? It still means he's likely to drop dead before finishing the series.

>> No.1897129


I'm just saying there's a reason why Bruce Springsteen is in extremely good shape compared to the other guy. He's in far better shape than almost all men his age.

>> No.1897166


as if people wouldn't read an incomplete series and as if someone wouldn't be hired to finish it after he dies.

>> No.1897171

Do books not leak at all? With music it's sometimes a month before and definitely two weeks before. How hard could it be for some jag bookstore employee to steal and scan a copy?

>> No.1897175

seriously. i figured there would be some delay but it's been almost a week now. i'm beginning to think i might actually have to wait for the real release

>> No.1897182

Why would anyone knowingly read an incomplete series,especially if they knew it would not get finished?

>> No.1897187

pleasure's in the journey sucka.

and a series this popular would get finished by another author or at least have his notes released.

>> No.1897190

These books are awesome.
The characters have depth, the story is gritty, and the plot is great.
The story-telling itself is just phenomenal.

>> No.1897192


Not if he explicitly forbids it and his wife respects his wishes after he dies.

>> No.1897194

we all better pray that does not happen. The world does not need to be subjected to a million fanmade endings.

>> No.1897197


You can't say such things on /lit/. That's like saying Fight Club is an excellent film on /tv/.

>> No.1897309

Hopefully the scans will be out soon. Just few days to wait

>> No.1897317

except /tv/ have a god awful taste in movies, and they probably think fight club is one of the top 10 best ever.

Please, feel free to enjoy these books, but never ever try to justify it as an intellectual thing.

>> No.1897336


Have you read the books?

>> No.1897354

Is this a joke? So many days and we still don't have scans

>> No.1897362
File: 142 KB, 799x652, germany_worst_country_in_the_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1897363


We don't have scanners in germany ;_;

>> No.1897366

First letal cucumbers and now this

FUCK Germany

>> No.1897560


>> No.1897665


>> No.1897679

We don't want chapter-spoiler. We want scans

Scan some chapters and upload them. You can also convert it into text using ORC software

>> No.1897889

>pleasure's in the journey sucka.

A journey has a beginning... and an ending. sucka.

>> No.1897895


>> No.1897938

It WILL happen. George R. R. Martin has said it emphatically several times that the series dies with him. And his fat granny wife worships the ground he walks on.

The only way it gets finished after he dies, is after SHE dies too, and if whoever she bequeaths their estate to (they don't have children) decides to it. But she may put a clause in her will saying it can never be done.

So best case senario, 20 years. Worst case, never.

>> No.1898062

I don't agree, journey's don't need 'endings' to be journeys and refute the point, not the metaphor supafuck suckaduck

>> No.1898262


>> No.1898380
File: 1.27 MB, 2911x2509, 0007stfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer Islander bump

>> No.1898512


That is one fucking weird yellow coat that George is wearing.

>> No.1898687


You can't have a journey without an end, that's what gives the whole journey a point.

Without a destination you just have rambling, and while that can be entertaining and even liberating, that just isn't what the fat bastard was promising. The bloody title of the series itself is a promise of some epic war between White Walkers and the dragons that reduces the game of thrones to mere child's play.

GRRM better deliver, and if and when he does I will give him all the praise he deserves. Until then GRRM is just a fat constipated turd.

>> No.1898691

u mirin

>> No.1898916

Who cares? I'm 100% positive that Sanderson could improve on this series as well.

>> No.1898934

Sanderson is not that good a writer, dude. You are way over-rating him right now because he's new and fresh.

>> No.1899040

Just part of ASOIAF is better than any other series I have read.

And in my opinion Sanderson has improved parts of Wheel of Time, but he has also ruined in my opinion the very best part - Mat Cauthon.

I find that characters like Nyneave are actually now bearable - but Sanderson has completely ruined the one character in the series that I have loved, and has made him into a cartoonish caricature with a penchant for overt idiocy.

He also isn't as good of a wordsmith as Jordan, who had a real flair for florid detail.

>> No.1899072

Fuck, every theory i came up with after feast is turning out to be right.

I mean fucking Prince Aegon lives... I think martin just copies and pastes this shit off westeros.org.

>> No.1899072,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is there any scans yet? This is a joke.

>> No.1899119


Yeah, but part of Jordan's problem was his use of language. He'd waste pages putting forth tedious descriptions that added nothing to the story. The Wheel of Time had potential early on to be pretty damn good but then he just started churning out overly descriptive 30 dollar door stops.

>> No.1899131

I really think Jordan just forgot how to write good at some point in the middle of book 7 and just got bogged down in the series, because when he was on, he was on. I think Sanderson is a fine writer and as good a choice as any to complete the series but I don't think he's anywhere near Jordan's standard. The one really good thing about him is that he's actually moving the plot forward and things seem to be happening fast - and that's partly a result of his own ability as a writer, and partly a result of the place the story is at structurally. I mean, shit, I really think that one of the reasons people are so satisfied with the new books is because Rand is happy again instead of being CrazyRand, and it's not like that was Sanderson's choice to do, you know?

Again, I like Sanderson, but I'm not really that wild about his work. I think Jordan had more skill as a writer (despite his occasional excesses in description and his obvious weakness, or at least lack of attention, in plotting). Sanderson always seems so... self-aware. He's TOO snappy.

>> No.1899409


>> No.1899417

Holy shit Towers of Midnight is out i didn't even know Ive only been reading the other Brandon Sanderson's books to tide me over and i totally forgot to check when i came out. imma get it now wow this will tide me over till next week thank you /lit/. god damn school got in the way of my reading

also did anybody else read Elantris and Mistborn? my favorite character is Mat Cauthon too

>> No.1899417,1 [INTERNAL] 

I second the stop talking about sanderson comment. You guys are fricken roosters. We have more important matters to discuss. In terms of GIVE US OUR SCANS.

>> No.1899498

how has it still not surfaced...

>> No.1899684


I don't think anybody is going to make a scan copy.

I think a lot of us just inadvertently spoiled ourselves (to my own dismay), by actively searching out for a scan.

which is a shame, because I tried to really avoid the spoiler comments too.

>> No.1899699


>> No.1899705


>> No.1899714

Fucking germans, was it too much to ask for just one Schindler to smuggle out the scans?

>> No.1899767

First Hitler, then E.Choli and now this

Germany stinks

>> No.1899861


Germans are gods own legion to punish the rest of the world. Face our superiority.

>> No.1899865

Webber's car is worst tah Vettel's

>> No.1899895
File: 28 KB, 238x300, 11714-004-052BA4E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe when Bismarck was around... But now? Really?
You people are a step away from a vaguely dutch idea of meterosexual style.
And even if your "military" started wearing those snappy spiked helms again - it would mean little to nothing if Germans didn't also simultaneously start growing awesome facial hair again.

>> No.1899899

My kingdom for a scan.

>> No.1899908
File: 296 KB, 1281x722, yourtears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899974


But seriously you should tryout the blog with the guy posting his synopsis. He knows his shit marginally more than the other fags who have been posting "comments" at towerofthand

>> No.1899992


We want to read the fucking book ourselves.
I don't give a festering shit what anybody else has to say about the book until I've read it.

If this blog guy wanted to be cool, he would have taken some fucking pictures of the book and posted it.
Hell - I would have been enthralled if somebody had just posted photographs of the first hundred pages.
The whole thing would have been unbelievably fantastic.

>> No.1899996

I want to read the actual book, not a bunch of detailed spoilers.


>> No.1900003

I don't understand some of the assholes who have the book.

I would much rather want to talk about the damn book with people, rather than just spoil them continuously like some prepubescence shit-eating turd.

I don't fucking spoil people on good books. I get them to read them.
What is wrong with you assholes?

>> No.1900056

I'm not a dancefag either, I'm just saying that this guy's summaries make my balls a tad less blue than others.

>> No.1900059


Spoiling only destroys pieces of masterwork quality. So you get to know something of a plot in which the plot is carefully planned and told.

ASOIAF has a shitty 0815 plot and useless shit happens of which GRRM thinks they are cool and of course things he gets a boner of.

So spoiling ADWD won't hurt anyone.

>> No.1900101


Oh, yeah, I agree, and I'd even take it another step and say Robert Jordan was a better writer than GRRM is, but Jordan just had some deficiencies in what he wasn't willing to do, and what he wanted to do.

Especially what he wanted to do. Somewhere along the way he decided that he needed to tell the whole story of the world that he created instead of Rand's story first, and then Mat, Perrin, Egwene etc etc. So you get a bunch of shit about the seafolk and the Seanchan, and seriously, fuck the Seanchan, the whitecloaks, the people in the fireworks guild, the internal politics of the Wise Women (or whatever they're called), and all the other periphery groups that should remain fucking periphery.

But what I'm saying is that if RJ and GRRM were both given a specific plot outline and told to write that book, Robert Jordan's would be clearly superior

>> No.1900101,1 [INTERNAL] 

I agree with someone taking pictures or whatever. Even a few chapters. I mean throw up a juicy bone here. Fuck that guy and his Blog. I dont want a fucking Sparknotes version. Id rather read the real thing. So stop holding onto your copys like sad fanboys and send us a few chapters at least! GAD KAREN!!!

>> No.1900116


GRRM is a very bad writer after all...
He just managed to get a good universe running in the first two novels. But afterwards... meh... world sucks... GRRM sucks... sucks...

>> No.1900131


Troll harder.

>> No.1900133


I think you Sir have jsut never read any good literature.
Sad for you if you think that GRRM is a good writer

>> No.1900153

grrm might not be a good writer afterall but his asoiaf is still best modern fantasy

deal with it

>> No.1900155

it's not exactly what you're looking for but have you read [b] a SONG OF ICE AND FARTS [b]b/b/ byg eroge RR Fattypants

>> No.1900164

I have read all 5 parts.

>> No.1900173


>> No.1900186

care to enlighten me whats better?


all inferior. some in character development some in dialogues... just overall weaker>>1900173

>> No.1900252

so where's the scan

>> No.1900265


>> No.1900268

What's with the GRRM hate? He's a good writer. Guessing none of you have read Fevre Dream, Dying of the Light, The Armageddon Rag etc?

>> No.1900291

Saying someone isn't a good writer isn't hating. When they say GRRM isn't a good writer, it's not the same "good writer" you're talking about.

>> No.1900400
File: 14 KB, 180x270, tyrion being short.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scan, please

>> No.1900640

Scans for the love of all thats holy

>> No.1900702


>> No.1900740
File: 52 KB, 452x530, 1309458792523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my scans Germany?

>> No.1900855

German confirmed for bitch tier

>> No.1900883

I like how GRRM gets credit for inventing "modern fantasy" which apparently is normal fantasy but with paragraph long descriptions of rape, penises and "nipple tweaking."

>> No.1900886

Fucking germans. We should have just wiped their entire country clean and been done with it.

>> No.1900900
File: 38 KB, 313x480, A Da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some scans to get everyone settled down.

>> No.1900915

anyone confirm?

>> No.1900920
File: 15 KB, 240x365, a-dancdragons_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HERE IS PART 2 of the scans!!!


>> No.1900926


hey gurm stop posting fake scans with the kfc virus that makes your computer fat and slow and finishes work 100000 years late and get back to writing winds of winter you fat fuck

fucking fat fuck

i aint dlin ur virii

>> No.1900931

No, I haven't read those.


Kraut bastards. First Hitler, now this.

>> No.1900940
File: 129 KB, 744x577, sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PART 3!!!


>> No.1901041

Some pages are blurry, but THANK YOU, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT, SCANS

>> No.1901047

The first page was so illegible from blurriness I was like YOU MOTHERFUCKER and thought it was going to be a big joke, but the ones after that are legible so far.

They are far from perfect, but I sincerely appreciate the effort.

>> No.1901052

They are jpegs..

>> No.1901055

Ok, assuming these are real and not a massive troll...

I notice each file is bigger than the previous. does that mean #3 includes everything in #2, plus extra? If so I'll just wait and download the final one.

>> No.1901069

Ok now everyone loves me, where was the trust before?
No each new file has its own pages, just more of them so they are bigger files

>> No.1901071

Each file contains different pages. Altogether in the 3 zip files it contains the first 351 pages.

>> No.1901076

How about as a sign of appreciation, someone gift me a game from the Steam sale..that would be awesome!!

>> No.1901082

Forgive me for my doubts. OK, hate to be complaining already but... is is possible to reduce the filesizes?

>> No.1901088

WTF is megashares?
Why u no upload to mediafire?

Still appreciate your contribution

>> No.1901112

Sorry about size, some pages are hard to read so size is needed to make it easier.

If some of you are cool enough to help a brother out you helped get you some scans, some gifted games would be cool if you can afford it...thanks


>> No.1901119

megashares has a download limit, so strongly suggest switching hosts for the next couple zips

>> No.1901122
File: 11 KB, 177x255, jew investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really sure you want to out yourself like that? The lawyers are gonna rape you

>> No.1901129

Should i delete that post, there isn't really a way they can be sure that it was me that did it is there?

Please just write it down if you want to contribute in the next five minutes b/c then i will delete it.

>> No.1901146

If you still wanna help me out, maybe get me a cheap game on steam or something to help pass the time you can contact me on meebo

user id: adwdscans

>> No.1901149
File: 6 KB, 152x152, better_than_expected_face_poster-p228931627206870970vni63_152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.1901153


>> No.1901155
File: 739 KB, 1500x1004, BLURRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1901163

Don't worry, it's simply impossible to them to find out, and I don't even think you'are doing something ilegal

It's only an ASoIaF hater who says it for the lulz

>> No.1901166

Can anyone reup this on mediafire? Seem to be stuck in some kind of retard loop on megashares where it keeps going back to the first link after I type in the verification and hit the download button.

>> No.1901174

the first page is shit quality. it gets better quickly.

there is still minor blurriness in the bottom few lines of each page though (its closer to the camera)

>> No.1901175

Men if shit is real im gonna bought you any game of 2.5 dollars you want

>> No.1901182

this shit is real, just look at everyone elses posts, i am trying to get stuff up as fast as possible, but it does take time, and it is a holiday

if you are feeling generous this 4th of july my Meebo ID is: adwdscans

you can contact me on their so I can be more secure

>> No.1901184

Link for Part 2 seems to be broken, can someone re-upload please? Will suck your balls.

>> No.1901186

if you want to suck my balls, do what i said in the post above you, is meebo an easy way for ppl to contact me???
Is it really broken link? was it taken down?

>> No.1901213

thank you so very much

>> No.1901215

I just finished downloading from #2, worked fine for me.

>> No.1901247

so awesome, thank you sir. i'm gonna keep lurking this thread if you plan on posting moar

>> No.1901263

No one wants to talk to me on meebo...

>> No.1901265

No one uses Meebo

Please keep the scans coming, every time i come looking for scans here i risk spoilers, its killing me...

>> No.1901268

using meebo to be anonymous, i guess if someone wants to say something they will come

>> No.1901270

If any other heros want to scan and upload the book, start with pages 352-353

>> No.1901278

Pretty sure this poster isn't the original source.

I've seen these around the Internet for the last day or so, with the exact same shadows/page stops/file sizes. And I don't think it's the same guy posting twice. So let's not give this guy any money.

>> No.1901282

As my grandfather told me just before they sprung the trap: you can't cheat an honest man; never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump.

>> No.1901289

shut yo mouth

>> No.1901293

I don't care who actually did the scanning, thank you for posting the links!

>> No.1901298

>blurry scans in 2011

>> No.1901310

have you seen any of the later pages floating around?

>> No.1901319

No, this is as far as I've found too. Pretty sure the original source is scanning chunks as he reads; you can tell by the changing bookmark in the pics. My guess is we can expect 150-200 pages each day until he finishes the book.

>> No.1901322

where did you find the original source?
Would be nice to not have to hope some kind anon posts them on /lit/ days after they first go up

>> No.1901364

Jesus Fucking Christ dude, ADWD is Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised. Thanks good ser!!!

>> No.1901417

Register for a free account at megashares, then search for ADWD_1, and download. This worked for me. Cheers!

>> No.1901453 [DELETED] 

Found a resized version with single link (Part1-3) - 284 MB


>> No.1901455


This is very appreciated.

>> No.1901467

i hope theyre not too resized, some of these pages are near impossible to read at the original resolution, make them smaller and you could write of around a quarter of each 2 page spread on the first part

>> No.1901474
File: 1.64 MB, 3872x2592, ADWD0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The image resolution and quality are still the same, only the weight is lowered.
See the joint pic.

>> No.1901482

Much appreciated! Did you find the link or did you make it using the megashare files linked above?

>> No.1901546

Thank you veeery much!
Are you going to upload more pages?
I want to read Arya :D

>> No.1901738

The originator of these scans is from Reddit... This retard trying to get free shit is full of it, so he should go fuck himself.

>> No.1901871


You are right. He just sets a focus on mutilation, rape and sex in general (plus he loves nipple twisting it seems). Besides that its the same old Fantasy Genre with a bit of the 100 year war as a flavor.
And because of all the rape and sex people say its DIRTY and thus REALISTIC and they get a boner of it. Just as GRRM himself, the reason why he writes that way.

GRRM hasn't invented anything and didn't set any trends from 1996 to now.

>> No.1901883

This is hanging on me pretty severely. Anywhere else to get it up?

>> No.1901969

Any alternate download links available?

>> No.1902020

To people who have read the fifth book...can you guys tell me if jon actually uses Longclaw in the book other than to behead Slynt? you know like in a fighgt or something?

>> No.1902023

Is there any indication of jon's progress as a swordsman

>> No.1902029



>> No.1902037


No. He only wants to draw it in the end as he gets attacked by Assassins (Ursupers...

>> No.1902048

Lol at people asking for spoilers. I bet you guys would fail the marshmallow test even now, as adults.

>> No.1902094

So you mean to say there are absolutely no fighting/training going on at the wall? Also I wonder who would claim longclaw now? Do we come across any good fighters at the Wall?

>> No.1902094,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you so much for putting in the effort with those scans. Some pages are blurry but alittle zooming helps alot. Thanks again you sir are a true knight!

>> No.1902768

I'm only 100 pages in... does anything significant happen, or is this another setup book, like the last two?

>> No.1902831

>does anything significant happen

Honestly? nope

>> No.1902922


>> No.1903184

part 4 plzzz

>> No.1903229

part 4 please!!!