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1890487 No.1890487 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion of Cormac McCarthy?

>> No.1890498

I like some of his work, while not caring for others.

The Road is good. No Country, not so much. Overall hit or miss for me.

>> No.1890500

i take it here he's quite popular

>> No.1890513


Pretty much. I don't really like him though really. His prose feels really forced, manufactured. I'm in the minority though, I think.

>> No.1890514

Blood Meridian is god-tier.

>> No.1890519

I enjoyed No Country and The Road. I preferred No Country honestly. I'm actually reading Blood Meridian right now and I think... Cormac McCarthy may just be insane. Maybe.

>> No.1890526

His style is terrible and he has seems to be very much enraptured by the macho archetype..it's so funny because he's a pencil neck who glorifies violence..the man probably couldn't lift a hand gun much less shoot the thing. My opinion..he sucks.

>> No.1890529

Is this copy-pasta because I saw a tripfag post that exact same thing.

>> No.1890537

No that pasta is fresh. Hivemind I guess..i've been up for more than 24 hours now so I guess i'm starting to sound like a tripfag...probably should go to bed.

>> No.1890541

Probably should learn how to read, too.

>> No.1890546
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>His style is terrible

Which of his styles? The one he uses in the Orchard Keeper, Outer Dark, Suttree and Child of God? Or the style he uses in Blood Meridian? Or the style he uses in The Border Trilogy? Or the style he uses In No Country and the Road? All are different styles.

>who glorifies violence

Are you joking? What work does he glorify violence? You are talking out your ass now. Having violence in a book =/= glorifying violence.

>it's so funny because he's a pencil neck, probably couldn't lift a hand gun much less shoot the thing.

None of the pictures I have seen of him gave me that impression? And what would it even matter? He looks a rugged masculine to me. He's not small either, about 6ft.

>> No.1890552

No, no it's not. I saw that EXACT same thing posted.

>> No.1890563


>His style is terrible

I'd say stilted, not terrible. His prose has a lot going for it really.

>enraptured by the macho archetype

Agreed, but authors do tend to stick to certain themes, it's not a bad thing.

>> No.1890577
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Yeah he's a real man's man (he looks like my grandma).
Also, I mean the style of Blood Meridian and The Road--you don't expect me to read all of his books like some obsessed fanboy, do you? His ''style'' is like Hemingway but with more *cringe* idiosyncratic speech.Quotes like this glorify violence :"War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner."
McCarthy uses a lot of aphoristic statements and I fucking hate that..it's so ''down home'' bullshit truisms.

>> No.1890580

huehuehue you so clever!!! I had no idea that when someone doesn't like what I like then they are illiterate.

>> No.1890893

Blood Meridian is not like Hemingway. The Road he engages a minimalist prose, which have conjured a lot of the Hemingway comparisons. In his early work he more resembled Faulkner. Also, that quote doesn't glorify war or violence. It's a quote from The Judge.

>> No.1890904

I actually have a copy of The Road on its way in the mail, and should be here tomorrow or next week. The concept was highly intrigued and I enjoyed the bits of the movie I've seen. Looking forward to it.

>> No.1890937

Suttree is incredible. The prose is just gorgeous without pummeling you over the head with apocalyptic violence. Just these long, incredible passages about floating river trash and southern transients. It's a brilliant evocation of place.

>> No.1890965

He's pretty much the best living author. Blood Meridian, and possibly The Road, are the latest additions to the western canon. Not even trolling.