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/lit/ - Literature

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18903939 No.18903939 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone, what is your opinion about Fyodor Dostoevskiy "Crime and Punishment"? Started to read this one not so long ago and it seemed a little bit complicated to me, but I really liked his writing style. I am russian btw.

>> No.18903947

Damn, happy you can read it in russian :), it's very good, my favourite part was the last 1/3

>> No.18903953

you seem like a nigger. A faggy gay nigger. Go and read good books instead, non russian books, you nigger. Fucking faggot.

>> No.18904058
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Silly one, be glad you can't read this shit in russian, otherwise you would be incredibly disappointed. Shitoevsky is one of the worst russian classics, and all his five books are literally the delirium of a madman. i still cannot understand why, of all russian literature in the west only Dostoevsky is popular? Dostoevsky is a talented writer, no doubt about it, but everything he wrote, starting with Crime and Punishment, is the trash of the mentally ill. In russia, dostoevsky is read until the age of 20, after which people recovering from teenage cravings for the dark and switch to adequate literature.
Read Tolstoy, read Turgenev, read Gogol's "Petersburg Tales" in the end.

>> No.18904076

>recommending russian lit
>skipping pushkin

>> No.18904094

Pushkin should be read exclusively in russian, so i did not include him in the list.

>> No.18904100

what do the Russians think of The Brothers Karamazov?

US professors think it's one of the best (if not the best) novel ever written. Dosto is not known for his prose, i get it. But the ideas are valuable and highly original.

>> No.18904183

"The Brothers Karamazov" is considered the pearl of Russian literature, especially the chapter "The Grand Inquisitor", which should be posted by any smart public on social networks. But really, this novel is appreciated by very few, the more popular are "The Idiot", "Demons" and the most popular "Crime and Зunishment", because it is included in the school literature program .

>> No.18904215

hmm.. thanks

and War and Peace? anyone reads that?

I've read Gogol and his humour kind of puts me off. Turgenev too seems like he's reluctantly trying to make things light for the common reader.

I really like Tolstoy's shorter works like Ivan Ilyich and especially Hadji Murat and Cossacks. Masterful stuff. I think Tolstoy is the best Russian writer ever.

inb4 he hated women
i don't care

>> No.18904304

>and War and Peace? anyone reads that?
Yes, this is the most popular russian novel.
>I think Tolstoy is the best Russian writer ever.
Yes, it is true.

>I've read Gogol and his humour kind of puts me off.
Yes, he really has a kind of humor, very close to a russian person.
>Turgenev too seems like he's reluctantly trying to make things light for the common reader
You are probably unlucky enough to get acquainted with his hysterical "diary of an extra person." I recommend reading the wonderful stories "Outer Waters" and "Asya", because no one could describe love the way Turgenev described it.

>> No.18904353

>Russian humour
How would you say Russian humour is? I'm British and I'd say that our two nations have quite similar comedic preferences.

Have you seen Monty Python? Also: how popular is 'Demons' in Russia?

>> No.18904363

Thanks, anon. I will try those stories.

I am currently reading Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter. Good stuff. Would recommend.

>> No.18904368

>Also: how popular is 'Demons' in Russia?
out of Dosto's "big four", it's the least popular and I think an average person might've not even heard about it, while everyone - even those who don't read books - have heard about C&P, TBK and The Idiot: C&P is covered in the school program and you are bound to stumble upon the other two inevitably either in your parents' or your grandparents' house

>> No.18904383

>I've read Gogol and his humour kind of puts me off.
his shit is comedy gold but you can only get it if you're a russian / slav with a similar culture, a lot of things that'd be alien in the west

>> No.18904394

>My first 4chan post
Cringe, fake and gay, kys

>> No.18904397

welcome, now get the fuck out

>> No.18904405

What's the russian literature curriculum like in school? Is it more focused on the classic writers that we know in the west, or do you have some gems unknown to us?
I speak russian so i'd like some recommendations please

>> No.18904427

What do the Russians think about Bulgakov? I read that The Master... is quite popular there.

>> No.18904438

I was in HS more than 10 years ago now, but I can only remember the most popular / mainstream stuff like Tolstoy, Dosto, Checkhov, Turgenev etc.
then again, I've also skipped a lot of classes to drink with friends and play video games like a teenage degenerate that I was and might've missed some gems, but I think it's unlikely due to the curriculum being quite, well, classic-oriented
Master and Margarita was in the HS curriculum as well

>> No.18904484

>Ive also skipped a lot of classes to drink with friends and play video games like a teenage degenerate
Damn, based.
I get, i also didn't pay attention to literature while i was in HS.
Any ways, any hidden gems that you know now?

>> No.18904519

>How would you say Russian humour is?
It is hard to say. You know, this is similar to the question that was raised in Pelevin's novel "Generation П", what is the Russian idea? All of Gogol's work is permeated with satire on deceiving officials and little people .
>how popular is 'Demons' in Russia?
Enough. He is especially popular among people who do not post Dostoevsky's prose.

>> No.18904532

>What do the Russians think about Bulgakov?
This is a writer who is very popular with less-than-read people. It seems to me that every second кussian read The Master and Margarita.

>> No.18904536

Did you lurk before posting?

>> No.18904547

Trash book, пидop. Read Tolstoy instead.

>> No.18904624

kinda rude anon

>> No.18904637

What do you think, is it worth recommending some Leonid Andreev, Saltykov-Shchedrin, or Mamleev in general to local gloomy lovers ?

>> No.18904642

my first... fourchan... post?
you.. you....

>> No.18904648

It is really good advice, anon. Tolstoy is the best writer ever.

>> No.18904740

yea im thinkin…based

>> No.18904748

>My first 4chan post

>> No.18904762
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OH MY GOD, BASED AND REDPILLED, that will make tyrone stop fucking my trad wife and go back for sure, hehehe

>> No.18904780

A нaхyя мнe этo дeлaть? Я зaшёл cюдa тoлькo paди экcпepимeнтa.
Пидop тyт тoлькo ты. Cocи.

>> No.18904897

>Я зaшёл cюдa тoлькo paди экcпepимeнтa.
>He thinks he will leave 4chan
Daily reminder: you are here for ever

>> No.18904928
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Hey Slavbro. I am a Pole who wishes he could read Russian so I didn’t have to settle for English translations. You chose a serious novel to read, if you want something much easier to read but just as valuable and just ( if not more ) beautiful then I highly recommend Tolstoy’s short stories. Bulgakov is one of my personal favourite Russians but if you grew up in Russia then you probably already read “ The Master and Margarita “ in high school eh? If not I highly recommend that and envy your ability to read it as it was written.

>> No.18904978


>> No.18904995

Cyka blyat newfag

>> No.18905043

>so I didn’t have to settle for English translations
why would you that? modern polish translations of Dosto are prette good

>> No.18905049


Thank you for properly introducing the OP to 4chan. Welcome to 4chan OP, enjoy your stay.

>> No.18905056

now go finish the book dumbass

>> No.18905075

Have you read BK? I liked CnP but BK surpasses it. Also I feel like CnP has a lot of filler chapters, chapters that aren’t needed

>> No.18905088

which chapters?
if you are thinking of Raskolnikov's dreams and wandering then you are gravely mistaken

>> No.18905091
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>ywn have a true, undeserved friend like razumikhin

>> No.18905261

Hi. Yes, I already read Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" and "Heart of a Dog". Liked it very much, first of them is one of my favorite books.

>> No.18905272

pre 2016 that would've only been /b/

>> No.18905273

Russian imageboards are hundred times worse than 4chan, so I feel myself comfortable here.

>> No.18905280

how did you learn English?

>> No.18905329
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it's all so tiresome

>> No.18905340

In school I took lessons, also I practiced language with native speakers. Studiyng Russian in school was much more complicated than English, for me.