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/lit/ - Literature

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18902490 No.18902490 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever read a book that felt like forbidden knowledge? What was it?

>> No.18902494

forbidden knowledge never comes in words.

>> No.18902502

How I felt reading fry the brain: the art of urban sniping desu

>> No.18902517


I read that and Valis back to back one summer during a manic episode and have not been right in my head or body since

>> No.18902521
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>> No.18902608

The first book of Jeu from the Bruce codex

>> No.18902626

The bible

>> No.18902635
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>> No.18902642
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>> No.18902645

is this thread posted by a bot or just some guy desperate for esoteric knowledge ive seen it posted so many times

>> No.18902647

The Book of Revelations. The rest of the Bible was alright, but Revelations felt like learning something that is meant for someone way above me.

>> No.18902653

Threads like this usually get a lot of good book recommendations

>> No.18902666
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>> No.18902667

Not anymore. The magic and mystery has gone out of life since adulthood :(

>> No.18902910

Unironicallythe gospels. Christ saying that humans have rhe power to forgive sins is just... wow.

>> No.18902931

Based. The Bible is unironically a great book.

>> No.18903553

I almost had a panic attack the first page of this book (after that gigantic intro) and haven't picked it back up since. I plan on reading it when I'm ready though.

>> No.18903626


>> No.18903673

QRD? I've heard that he's some sort of proto-Hegelian.

>> No.18903685

I have no idea what he's talking about in this book. Reads like a schizo on /x/

>> No.18903696
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God Emperor of Dune

>> No.18903699

What's so special about the red book?

>> No.18903847
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this one desu

>> No.18903903

Psiconeurociencia by Leonardo Stemberg.

>> No.18903948

Because it's pretty much Jung journaling down his experiences as he confronts his unconscious through visions he had and also induced. People thought he was going psychotic during this period in his life. Needless to say it's pretty overwhelming to read, especially if you're familiar with his books because then it hits even harder.

>> No.18903951

>visions he had and also induced.
How do I do this? Naturally, without substances

>> No.18903955

i do this everyday. its called dreaming anon

>> No.18903973

I am dreaming of obese naked women hunting me down in fields and raping me, it won't stop

>> No.18903982

He used his own strategy called active imagination, which was something he would also do with his patients. IIRC you pretty much sit down and talk to yourself, or focus on whatever image/character that pops up in your unconscious. And eventually you the images take up a life of their own as you continue with this method. However he's warned against doing this without a Jungian analyst since it could be dangerous.

He's described active imagination as lowering the floodgates to the unconscious, or slowly lowering the resistance of the conscious mind to unconscious images. The danger of doing it alone however is that you might have trouble raising the floodgates back up again.

>> No.18903998

My dreams are fucking weird and meaningless
About an hour ago I took a nap, I dreamed that I was observing some guy narrating a story from a book and I was leafing through the book too, it was hard to tell where "I" was since I was also the guy who told the story. I get more and more dreams like this lately, where space and time are blurred and meaningless, and where my own consciousness isn't really identified to any specific element in the dream
Far from Jung's clearly laid out mythological dream stories with characters, plots and so on.

>> No.18904008

>you might have trouble raising the floodgates back up again.
this is happening to me

>> No.18904009

>you might have trouble raising the floodgates back up again.
Isn't it just like inducing a lucid dream through the hypnagogic state?
What would happen if the floodgates stayed down? It would normalize eventually, would it not?

>> No.18904057

There was a book from a German philosopher on subconscious self-image. I've read some excerpts years ago when I was in college and it had huge impact on me. It felt like the deepest work on meditation and understanding yourself. I was very busy with my exams and forgot about it. Still kicking myself that I lost it. Hope, someone here knows it and can help me to find it.

>> No.18904082

Get help unironically
>Isn't it just like inducing a lucid dream through the hypnagogic state?
Pretty much
>What would happen if the floodgates stayed down? It would normalize eventually, would it not?
There's the danger of losing yourself to the visions. Jung describes having to ground himself to prevent this from happening in Memories Dreams and Reflections:
“Particularly at this time, when I was working on the fantasies, I needed a point of support in “this world,” and I may say that my family and my professional work were that to me. It was most essential for me to have a normal life in the real world as a counterpoise to that strange inner world. My family and my profession remained the base to which I could always return, assuring me that I was an actually existing, ordinary person. The unconscious contents could have driven me out of my wits. But my family, and the knowledge: I have a medical diploma from a Swiss university, I must help my patients, I have a wife and five children, I live at 228 Seestrasse in Küsnacht—these were actualities which made demands upon me and proved to me again and again that I really existed, that I was not a blank page whirling about in the winds of the spirit, like Nietzsche.”

>> No.18904091

So all you need to not lose yourself is a grounding in the real world through some kind of ordinary routine. Being a NEET with no social contact outside of my family, perhaps I should work on that before trying this active imagination thing

>> No.18904162

Anything by Leo Strauss.

>> No.18904181

Yikes. You should read Why we remain Jews.

>> No.18904195

bump for this
any other information about it? keywords or something?

>> No.18904199

i dreamed i "fucked" an obese woman last night, what a coincidence. thing is i only did two pumps then i backed out because i didn't want to lose my virginity.

>> No.18904220

I always shy away from sex in my dreams because I get worried about the consequences, then I wake up and get mad

>> No.18904226
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>I've read some excerpts years ago
>had huge impact on me
>the deepest work
>I lost it

>> No.18904227

>i have an active imagination and i'm a faggot, so i have forbidden knowledge, but also somehow i never actually accomplished anything in life besides writing some edgy books that retarded teenagers gush about 200 years later
GOD i hate intellectuals

>> No.18904245

>>i have an active imagination
Shut up retard

>> No.18904260

go cry to your imaginary friend about it

>> No.18904265
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This one blew my mind after taking ayahuasca for the first time. It's so astonoshing when a book combines mystic and scienttific knowledge, rather than just focusing on either of the two

>> No.18904277

this pissed me off too, like, if you don't remember the book, don't post shit.

>> No.18904296
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>This one blew my mind after taking ayahuasca for the first time. It's so astonoshing when a book combines mystic and scienttific knowledge, rather than just focusing on either of the two

>> No.18904300


>> No.18904319

You should try it. You'll stop being such a sad human being

>> No.18904327


>felt like

>> No.18904335

>responding to a notorious retarded attention whore

>> No.18904337
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>>This one blew my mind after taking ayahuasca for the first time. It's so astonoshing when a book combines mystic and scienttific knowledge, rather than just focusing on either of the two

>> No.18904338

It was fairly new book, pretty sure it was written in 21st century. Our professor of Cognitive Science said it was the best work on subconscious mind and sent me pdf. I remember it was published by MIT Press.
ikr, I am retarded, but hear me out. I was senior and doing my senior year thesis and had 5 other exams. After graduating I moved back to my country, found a job etc. etc. and I lost it during that time. Maybe I should shoot a message to my prof.

>> No.18904379

checked & added to backlist

>> No.18904384

found it

>> No.18904391

So just the most extreme navel-gazing schizo shit?

>> No.18904478
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Oh shit, it is this book! Thanks for finding it. Good job anon!

>> No.18904506

So many ayuhausca fags become confused passivist trannys worth shit. Fuck you druggie

>> No.18904511
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>I'm 17 and just read my first occult book that sounds deep

>> No.18904512

That's true. I'm very wary of this new psychedelic renaissance pushed by glowies and entertainment industry shills, especially since the height of the psychedelic experience makes people into monist trannies

>> No.18904523


>> No.18904553

>everyone who does psychedelics is a poser except for me
>t. everyone who has ever does psychedelics

>> No.18904555

I haven't done psychedelics and never will because I don't want to be brainwashed into becoming a faggy new ager monist

>> No.18904562

What is the issue?

>> No.18904566

can one engage with these drugs in a "proper" manner?

>> No.18904573
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I had to put this down about halfway through because of how unsettling it was.

>> No.18904577

different anon, but the whole psychedelic thing really confuses me. can't make heads or tails of it. without going into detail about a lot of things you and I are probably both aware of, is the psychedelic experience this boundary dissolving consciousness expanding thing it's touted as, or does it glow in the dark which there seems to be lots of evidence for as well?
can it be both at the same time?

>> No.18904584

>boundary dissolving consciousness expanding thing it's touted as, or does it glow in the dark
Both. "Consciousness expanding" being a misleading term

>> No.18904625

Lol why the hate? What do you actually know about ayahuasca besides the stereotype you hold about the pople who have taken it? I understand how you feel though. How can those people feel they know everything when you yourself feel confused? How can they feel so calm and happy with themselves, when you feel so desperate inside? You think you are better than us because know what's real, but that just make you fear and hate the unknown. You think everyone too different than yourself is just a stereotype. Maybe it is because you can't help but be one as well.

By the way, i am not a rich new age kid who wants to feel special. I take Ayahuasca to reconnect with my ancestors, who have been doing it for milennia. The ceremony is held like 30 min from where i live, on sacred hill for the indigenous people of this land.

>> No.18904630

>express doubt on psychedelics
>druggie immediately comes out of the woodwork to seethe
kek, like clockwork. Didn't read your post by the way

>> No.18904649

Well it’s more about Jung confronting the collective unconscious rather than his personal one.

>> No.18904651

>mushrooms = based
>lsd and certain research chems = glows in the dark

>> No.18904663

You must not have many friends if you express doubt by insulting and being rude to people

>> No.18904666

Sure there was, in the past when true spirituality and wisdom was valued, shamans/druids/oracles used psychs to communicate with the universal One or spirits who would tell them important things about how the world worked, what humans desire, mathematical, geometrical knowledge, and advice for living a good life etc. But to understand the spirits (through taking psychs) you went through years of rigorous study taught from the experienced Elders of the tribes and go through rites of passages in order to properly use psychedelics. The aristocratic Aryas (brahmins) who wrote the hymns of the vedas and founded the spiritual principles for nearly all branches of Eastern religion, got a lot of their knowledge from the psychedelic plant "Soma" for instance. Clearly they used it in a proper, productive sense

Since the west is so spiritually jaded and the roots of it are so severed from us, this culture no longer exists.

I do believe one that studies deeply the ancient knowledge of the oldest religions and deeply developed psychedelic rites, coupled with Western philosophical thought, can use the plants for something good without become absolute cooks or pretentious assholes. McKenna was probably the last decent psychonaut the west has seen, but he was a total druggie still and had many degenerate ideas. Although I'm sure there have been cases where psychs have helped individuals more than they've damaged them, the cases for the latter are greater

>> No.18904669

High doses of mushrooms will have you fall for the muh nondualism meme too so I doubt that. McKenna was a spook and shilled for mushrooms.

>> No.18904682

>satanic trips for the druggie shill

>> No.18904687

>You think you are better than us because know what's real
No, the point is that the opposite is the case. People who are into psychs think they know everything and think they are better than people who haven't taken anything. That's exactly the problem you tranny. Dilate

>> No.18904689

>come into thread about books
>start sperging out about drugs and how people should take drugs and how you're special for taking drugs and that people who don't take drugs are dumb and not as special as you
>be surprised when told to fuck off
Nobody cares about your brain-frying adventures, this is a thread about books. Go drool with your psychonaut friends on >>>/x/

>> No.18904718

I never said i know everything, quite the opposite. I still have a lot to learn. On the other hand, you think you know every single person who has done drugs, and how we operate. I don't even know what do you mean by tranny and why that should be an insult.
I mean, i just mentioned a book, and then some of you just started insulting me and putting words in my mouth. I am cleary not the one sperging out. None of you even asked about the book, in this this thread supposedly about books

>> No.18904725

lmao, first and last time on this board, literally looks like a bunch of /pol antidrug faggots
get out of your moms basement and maybe you'll see how nice it feels to hit a joint one day

>> No.18904728

Good, fuck off

>> No.18904732

is there any body of evidence in favor of either of your positions?

>> No.18904733

Check out this body of evidence
*unzips dick*

>> No.18904744
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>> No.18904751

You think because I criticise something automatically means I haven't taken part of it myself? I've done psychs and moved past it because it's a dead end and is degenerate which I admit was folly of me. You are still projecting yet again and it's telling of your drug induced sense of importance and "know-it-all". Grow up

>> No.18904761

I smoked a few joints last year. Since I'm not a mentally stunted manchild however, I wasn't particularly impressed by the experience and didn't seek it out again. People who make drugs a part of their identity are really fucking sad, as the other guy said, grow up

>> No.18904771

Not the guy you're replying to. What about psychs made you think it was a dead-end (I have an idea but I'm interested in your take)? Have you tried DMT?

>> No.18904784

You could start by reading the book a i mentioned>>18904265 wirtten by an anrhtopologist. There is also DMT by Rick Strassman and LSD Psychotherapy by Stanislav Grof. All of them are respected scientists, and there is quite a lot of well -researched literature about the benefits of psychedelics for the mind. It is important to go into this topic with an open mind, as the prejudices about psychedelics are very deep-seated in our modern society.

>> No.18904786


>> No.18904797

could there be differences in outcome between psychedelic use in a clinical setting versus a hobbyist recreational one?

>> No.18904812

Definitely. They are still very complicated substances which should be taken with care and respect. Most cultures that that take them use them for religiou purposes, which involve very strict rituals and preparation. I haven't met anyone who believes in the healing abilities ad these substances and just takes them to have fun.

>> No.18904815

The entities you meet are the same regardless, and cannot be trusted.

>> No.18904867

>You think because I criticise something automatically means I haven't taken part of it myself?
Yeah, but also just taking them does not mean that you undrstand the process enough to criticize it. It would as if you criticize healthy foods and people who eat them because you eat only processed sugar and carbs and it made you fat and sick, just because both of you eat "food".
There are many things that influence your drugs experiences besides the drug itself. Don't generalize because not every drug is the same, acts the same or every person who takes drugs is the same. There are as much people whose lives have been saved by psychedelics than heroin addicts, if not more

>> No.18904876

Vico's historicism is a lot better than Hegel's IMO, less arbitrary and with more real world explanatory power, despite being handicapped by the state of early modern historiography and natural philosophy of the time, e.g. he has to explain the history of the Pagan world in a few thousands of years after the universal Noahide flood, with them running around the European forest inventing gods, language, and culture.

>man makes the world out of himself by a process of poetic thinking, poetic physics, poetic epistemology etc.
>true knowledge is constructed through imaginative universals and therefore historically conditioned
>while man progresses past the limitations of poetic thinking proper, the poetic mind still lingers in man

>> No.18904889

Psychosis dreamland journal. The internal mind of a mad prophet presented with 20th century rigour.

>> No.18904899

It doesn't indulge in ontological speculation other than the admission that this unconscious madness he is journaling underlies and grounds all of our minds. No use handwaving that part of ourselves away and pretending it doesn't exist, we're not Englingtenment automatons of unified rationality.

>> No.18904910

Yeah it's only 120 pages or so, easy to squeeze in and well worth it as an introduction to mythopoetics.

>> No.18904912

>No, the point is that the opposite is the case. People who are into psychs think they know everything and think they are better than people who haven't taken anything.

i've tried psychs and know people who have, the sterotype of "im so spiritually woke look at me woo!" is too true fml

guy posting about shamans is a fag

>> No.18904931
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>get out of your moms basement and maybe you'll see how nice it feels to hit a joint one day

>> No.18904955

Don't you realize how limited your knowledge of psychs is? The stereotype is true because you want to believe it. I also know the people who go to the ceremonies regularly and none of them fit the stereotype. They are just regular people who feel good about themselves. No one who has actully been touched by this experience feels the need to shove into other people0s faces like you think.
Again, there is a whole other world outside of you personal experience. Don't generalize.

>> No.18904959

You're probably one of them, so you don't realize it

>> No.18904964

I have a question for you, do you believe in good and evil

>> No.18905012


>Don't you realize how limited your knowledge of psychs is?

I'm a different user to the guy you were replying to. I probably know more about psych's than you do you dumb fuck - one of my buddies worked on mapping the brain during psych experiences. If you knew 'so much' about psychs you'd realise they aren't this God given answer to everybodies issues and experiences

>No one who has actully been touched by this experience feels the need to shove into other people0s faces like you think.

bro you've been arguing in this thread about how good psych's are you dumb fuck lmaoooo

>Again, there is a whole other world outside of you personal experience. Don't generalize.

this has to be bait right? either you're 18 and don't have enough life experience (which seems to be the case as you're adorably passionate) or your baiting

>> No.18905019

How so? I am still waiting for someone to explain to me the why you think i am the way i am, apart from just throwing me and "people like me" into superficial categories.
It depends on what you mean by either of those things. Do you think those are concepts subjectively imposed on actions we do, based on how we feel about those actions, or do you think there is something intrinsical to existence that can be called good and evil? I certainly don't know, but i do believe in happiness, which to me is just being alive and no more.When we start imposing concepts, thoughts and opinions on our existence, we forget the true essence of life and reality, which is just life itself. Perhaps good is being alive and evil are those things distracting us from the most basic things. I cannot give you a clear answer but i don't think i should either.

>> No.18905028

>brainfried psychedelic new ager is a nondualist who denies good and evil
kek, literally every single time, >>18904964 fucking called it

>> No.18905052

>get out of your moms basement and maybe you'll see how nice it feels to hit a joint one day
No thanks, I dont want to end up like Ofuh Real

>> No.18905084

This is absolute pseudoscience - indigenous people did not in any way become aware of the helical structure of DNA by taking drugs and seeing snakes, how fucking delusional do you have to be to even vaguely entertain that idea.

>> No.18905096

That is the most pseud thing I have ever read.

The promise of super powers?
The hint of danger?
Need guidance to perform it?

It’s cult indoctrination.

>> No.18905123

>The promise of super powers?
Where did I say that?
>The hint of danger?
>Need guidance to perform it?
Wanna become schizophrenic?

>> No.18905144

>I probably know more about psych's than you do you dumb fuck - one of my buddies worked on mapping the brain during psych experiences
Well then, please tell me what do you know about that. I also know about some things about the mechanism of action of these substances in the brain, but i'd like to learn more from you.
>bro you've been arguing in this thread about how good psych's are you dumb fuck lmaoooo
Literally how? I don't feel i have been preaching about psychs. I just mentioned some books and tried to bring my own experience which is certainly different from the stereotypes you hold about people who take psychs.
>this has to be bait right? either you're 18 and don't have enough life experience (which seems to be the case as you're adorably passionate) or your baiting
Is what i said not true though? Is your personal experience the entire knowledge that can be acquired? There are many things i don't know, i'll never deny that.
I literally said i don't know, and then said what i believe about those things, which may or may not be true. How is that denying it?
Perhaps it is. Do you think modern science has all the answers, can never be contradicted, and only through science can you know soemthing is true. Doesn't that seem like religious thinking to you?

>> No.18905163

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18905270

>Perhaps it is. Do you think modern science has all the answers, can never be contradicted, and only through science can you know soemthing is true. Doesn't that seem like religious thinking to you?
Damn, you got me there - you should write a book.

You, like other pseuds, have a fundamental misunderstanding of what science is or how science "works". Science isn't a sentient thing that "has answers", it's a framework we humans have developed for ascertaining the best explanations we can through a system of prediction and reproducible tests. There are constant contradictions in science, it's the main way we refine theory and continue discussion.

Just because he makes fanciful drug fueled claims doesn't automatically make it psuedoscience, but the fact that he made no reasonable attempt to actually get to the truth of the matter does. Just saying "grug take drug, grug see snakes, dna look like snakes, grug drug lets you see DNA" is such an obvious unsubstantiated leap of faith and logic that nobody should take it serious. And nobody does except for first time trippers.

Hallucinogens have a lot to teach in my opinion, but shit like this is an embarrassment to the whole community. Not that psychonauts had the best reputation to begin with.

>> No.18905349

>Hallucinogens have a lot to teach in my opinion
druggie bullshit, they "tech" drug-induced delusion

>> No.18905364

>Science isn't a sentient thing that "has answers"
I am not saying that. I am just saying that the belief of this framework is the "better" way, that it is truly subjective, and that everyhting that falls outside of it is "pseudoscience" as you call it, seems like dogma to me. It is also kind of eurocentric but i am not going to get into that because i will be labelled many things without actually discussing the subject
At the moment, i find Narby's theories very intriguing and interesting. Perhaps they are not well funded as you say (care to explain exactly why without recurring to just ridiculizing his ideas?). It is just to me another kind of knowledge to think about and consider, which i hope to either confirm or discredit as i learn more.

>> No.18905377

>that it is truly subjective
i meant to say objective.

>> No.18905391

>At the moment, i find Narby's theories very intriguing and interesting.
Calling them theories is overselling their foundation. They're "dude what ifs", and that's it. You can choose to believe them, but there's a reason why it's a fringe unsubstantiated belief.

>It is also kind of eurocentric
We are very good at figuring things out, especially considering there exists Amazonian tribes that haven't mastered counting beyond 5. We can see the fruits of our methodology while they quite literally have none beyond drug visions.

>> No.18905419

>but there's a reason why it's a fringe unsubstantiated belief.
I am still waiting on you to explain why that is, but it seems i am not getting anything beyond shit like ""dute what ifs"" which say nothing.
I don't want to say you are racists, but you seem to hold the belief that your people are superior to others based on subjective judgments. Hopefully you can still see the fruits of your methodology when this planet becomes uninhabitable

>> No.18905500

>I don't want to say you are racists, but you seem to hold the belief that your people are superior to others based on subjective judgments
You'd be wrong saying I'm racist - it's not at all racist to acknowledge that we're better in certain regards, namely technological progression by means of the scientific method. I can bet the piraha people are superior at butchering porcupine.

>I am still waiting on you to explain why that is, but it seems i am not getting anything beyond shit like ""dute what ifs"" which say nothing.
I could flip this back on to you, and by extension Narby by saying that claims without evidence can be dismissed with arguments of no substance.

My "dude what if" point does say something even if you don't want to acknowledge it - you think there exists a method of finding truth without evidence, and that can be effectively reduced to "dude what if".

>> No.18905609

Yeah, and those sscientific standards have been established based on your own criteria, regardles of whether they are true or not. The Amazon region is extremely diverse and unique, as well as being hit very hard by disease after contact with europeans. What we see there is entirely different from what there was, which sadly is difficult to know. It's like watching Mad Max and think that is the pinnacle of western civilization.
>I could flip this back on to you, and by extension Narby by saying that claims without evidence can be dismissed with arguments of no substance.
Why is there no evidence? As far as i remember, he presented his hypotheses (let's not call them theories, you are right) based on previous biological (how dna emits a kind of light) neurological (how dmt and tobacco works in our brai and how it allows us to see things differently, not just by creating "false images") and anthropological (how the serpent myth seems to be present in many disconnected cultures around the world) knowledge. There is your evidence. That is why i want you to be more specific about why is just baseless speculation without evidence. He spent many years developing this theory, he didn't just started mindlessly writing the book after his first trip.

>> No.18905637

The Red Book is a read, man. Someone on /lit/ once said the next bible will be The Red Book and VALIS, and i can see why.

The Red Book is Jung's response to Zarathustra, and I think seeks to find where God can be reborn: Not in the image of the dead YHWH, but reborn anew.

>> No.18906029


Isn't this about consciousness in general?
I remember Peter Watts mentioning it in the appendix for Blindsight.

>> No.18906056




>> No.18906212

I thought this is how imagination worked. I suppressed it for years, then realized that blocking it made me an NPC.
I write a lot, have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder but the meds made me want to kill myself so I stopped.

It’s either this or being an NPC, I choose the former, my work is almost complete.

>> No.18906259
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price is a filter but it's worth it if you're a Christian

>> No.18906268

Fuck off attention whore, you are so fucking dumb it pains me

>> No.18906293

An easy example: you are a spic pederast, but you delude yourself into thinking yourself that you are an intellectual. The former is real, but it feels like something unreal, so your cope is the latter