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18901796 No.18901796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best fiction book you ever read?

>> No.18901810

Moby Dick or War and Peace. Original, I know

>> No.18901813

You've ruined my night with this video
Steppenwolf or Blood Meridian

>> No.18901824

Jezebel posting ain't what it used to be. They have to be over a 5 or under a 3 to be interesting. This nonentity is a solid 4

>> No.18901826

Apparently this girl makes over $100,000 a month

>> No.18901830

Unironically? Lolita

Ironically, probably I am a Cat by Natsume Soseki

>> No.18901842

toss up between Moby-Dick and The Golden Calf

>> No.18901847


>> No.18901857

shes at least a 7 desu

>> No.18901878

probably the count of monte cristo or some shit.

>> No.18901879

Lord Jim followed distantly by Moby Dick

>> No.18901900

I watch this WEBM and it is clear that sexual deviancy is opposite to masculinity. Masculinity should embody strength, power, and there is an element of surrender, an abject lowering of the mind to follow sensual impulses, where it parades either in itself or on full public display its inhibitions. The homosexual is one example of what happens when one gives full sway to these, indeed the reason they are so vile and contemptible, insofar as they parade the streets and broadcast their perversions to the world. This scenario is no different. This is not a man, but a slave, as chained like a dog as the woman is.

>> No.18901912

The fact that this whore and her deranged lovers are allowed to this makes my sick. It shouldn't be illegal, but people should be rightfully angry and lynch them to death

>> No.18901914

Money is temporary. Vice, and contrarily, virtue, are eternal.

>> No.18901921

>It shouldn't be illegal
Yes it should

>> No.18901930

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18901944

What this guy said.

>> No.18901947

Stephen King - Misery.

>> No.18901971

harry potter 6th book- i must have read it over 5 times

>> No.18902036

What if she invests the money, retires early, and spends her 40s living a virtuous life?

>> No.18902077

Then she's morally obligated to write a book on how she came to Christ.

>> No.18902078

Vice is eternal and represents a fundamental orientation of the will toward said end. One does not simply say I will make amends later. "Sins" of instilling vice are multiplied, not added. The memory becomes filled with them, to dwell and beckon back to them. The intellect desires them and reasons to do them. And the will becomes hardened to act on them. Remark what the ivy does to the great oak tree. It first creeps over the outside of the bark, and as it gets stronger, it grows into the oak and forms but one tree with it. Try now to separate them from each other, and you will find that you cannot tear down the ivy without bringing away the bark of the oak, and so killing it. The inclination toward vice increase with continued indulgence, until it becomes a second nature, so that it is easier to separate the soul from the body, than to take vice out of the heart.

>> No.18902131

>women are left out of STEM fields
>women are left out of the professional market
>women are told from early age that they should be pretty and conforming
>women grows up without many options
>male centric market prices their beauty highly
>women work to leverage their looks
>a few women are paid handsomely for this
>the incel uses whatever belief justifies control and accomodation of women to diminishes his anxiety while he sadly masturbates

>> No.18902164

Masturbation and prostitution are both wrong.

>> No.18902169

>it is clear that sexual deviancy is opposite to masculinity. Masculinity should embody strength, power, and there is an element of surrender, an abject lowering of the mind to follow sensual impulses, where it parades either in itself or on full public display its inhibitions

>> No.18902185

>women are left out of STEM fields
they are literally paid to participate via grants and scholarships
>women are left out of the professional market
women are the demographic of the professional market.
>women are told from early age that they should be pretty and conforming
by their mothers and other women around them. this used to not be considered such a big deal, so advertising catered to it (it came from women themselves, not advertising). but as you can see, this is quickly reversed. now many ugly pigs consider themselves attractive.
>women grows up without many options
if they're white, they're literally the most privileged class of human on earth.
>male centric market prices their beauty highly
>women work to leverage their looks
>a few women are paid handsomely for this
>the incel uses whatever belief justifies control and accomodation of women to diminishes his anxiety while he sadly masturbates

yes, incels hate women because they act like they are victims when they live life on easy mode. they merely have to get over the 'shame' of being a sex worker, but that option is always available to them should they ever choose it. men have to earn their way in the world through achievement and effort. nothing is handed to most of them, only the most elite men have life on easy mode.

that said, this is just reality. i still like women. they've just been encouraged to be incredibly whiny and dumb.

>> No.18902195

>women work to leverage their looks
>a few women are paid handsomely for this
but when they so this for porn, it's suddenly males exploiting them again?

>> No.18902201

I don't trust anyone who claims to have such deep sympathy for the plight of women while also expressing such contempt for incels, seeing as how they are both victimized by the same so-called "system."
You're clearly just another demonically possessed ideologue motivated by hatred and your apparent sympathy is likewise most probably a sham as well.

>> No.18902372

Incels are much more cowards than women. The system is not rigged as much against them as it is towards women. Sometimes almost not at all if you count race, but I won't touch this. Granted, there's no cultural support for many men in need of psychiatric help, often told to suck it up, but I draw the line wherein we are all accountable for what can still be done in line of sight.

>> No.18902382

>if they're white, they're literally the most privileged class of human on earth.
All kinds of identity politics is gay and dumb, and so is this. The most privileged class of human on earth are the ones born into generational wealth, of course. A 5'6 ugly man born with an inheritance of several lifetime incomes of a middle-class family unit is by far more privileged than most others.

>> No.18902384

What the fuck? I know that place.

>> No.18902387

How the fuck are western women "braver" than incels? The entire market and social structure caters to their every whim. I guess they might occasionally receive unwanted sexual advances at Blizzard? Wow the horror, actually being desired.

>> No.18902424

Have you considered not being bootyblasted? Yeah it's weird as fuck but it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

>The entire market and social structure caters to their every whim.
Someone actually thought this with their human brain and posted this unironically. The retardation is too sincere to be a troll.

>> No.18902459

>Someone actually thought this with their human brain and posted this unironically. The retardation is too sincere to be a troll.
Not an argument.

>> No.18902462

There's no coming back from that shit in the webm

>> No.18902464
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>> No.18902482

All other things equal, a white reasonably attractive woman has far more options and advantages in this world than anyone else.

>> No.18902546

Maybe in America. Get some taste, good Lord!

>> No.18902556

Not a cope. I can guarantee you and I will bet you an easy $100 that the male cuck in the video can't even get his peepee up to do a proper dicking. The maximum he's capable of is receiving a half-hearted limp-dicked blowjob.

>> No.18902616


>> No.18902617
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1627756171773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the Daedalus of cope, a benchmark achievement in the endeavors of cope. this black man (with undoubtedly a larger dick than you) has this girl on all fours in a DMV larping as a dog and all you've got is
>but he can't get hard!!!

>> No.18902889

Name one law in the west that forbids women something that men are allowed to do, name it, we'll wait.
There is no secret club preventing women from entering stem. The women CHOOOOOOOOOSE not to go into stem on their own accord. Same story with every other metric you dumb fucking tourist idiot tv programmed normie. Look at the most egalitarian countries, oh shiet, the differences between men and women become bigger not smaller in those countries. If you give men and women equal opportunities the difference of what they choose becomes bigger not smaller. Your believes are wrong and these believes are not even your own they have been programmed into you and now you run around spouting this nonsense over and over again until your wrinkly ass dies. You are stuck chest deep in sunk cost fallacy and if you ever took a fresh look at the world you maybe would realise you gave all of this time and energy to nonsense and that truth can never acknowledged and so you roam the earth til the end of your days, not being able to ever really use your brain again, infecting as much impressionable people, mostly young girls, with your ideologue retardation in a futile attempt to make your husk of a worldview real.
Tldr: you are the braindead neanderthal you are trying ro exhume in everyone around you. Retard.

>> No.18902907

Settle down incel

>> No.18902914

not bad for larping as a dog for a few videos. meanwhile my man here's larping as a christian and all he gets is a few upboats from other larpers who are in it just because they're scared of black people and trans people or something

>> No.18902944

a) He's not black.
b) Au contraire, pretending to be "kinky" when you aren't even capable of having real sex is the epitome of cope. It's what the cringiest of boomers and troons do.
c) The slut is making a video to show off to her internet cucks. The limp-dicked guy filming is just a prop, needed to hold the camera while she jacks off.

You know you've failed at sex when a horny slut is objectifying you, but in a completely non-sexual way.

>> No.18902949

Don't "incel" me, you filthy incel.

>> No.18902953


You failed to be as clever as a YouTube. comment.

>> No.18902975

look at his fucking hands and legs man, he's clearly black

>> No.18902995

Ask me how I know you are an urbanite American.

>> No.18902996

Then stop acting like one ;)

>> No.18902997

>which is

gramatically incorrect, should be "what is"

>> No.18903008

No, he's not a real nigger, just some muttoid. Like everyone else in America.

(And you know the video is American, because the chick is fat and yet you americucks pretend like she's a 7/10, holy kek.)

>> No.18903020

I'm not the guy you're arguing with and I'm not an amerimutt, I'm a yuropoor

>> No.18903027

Women are left out of STEM because barely any of them can do it.
This. 1,000x this. The fraternity is a bunch of worthless people trying to make each other not worthless.

>> No.18903035

most pseud thing i read today, please consider not posting anymore

>> No.18903042


>> No.18903069

that's someone's daughter
I love you guys, that's why /lit/ is the smartest board
>left out

>> No.18903082

I wouldn't do that for $100,000,000 a month.

>> No.18903217

Major incel vibes lol

>> No.18903224

And then there's this retard

>> No.18903230

>no refutation
you're the pseud.

>> No.18903253

beautiful post, anon

>> No.18903329

there's nothing to refute lol

>> No.18903351

it's just an appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.18903389

I love Moby Dick (even the whaling nonsense). Probably the best American novel in existence, i feel.

I've heard War and Peace is a bit choppy and disjointed and obviously extraordinarily long. Should i do some preliminary Tolstoy readings before committing to such a huge novel? I've only read Anna Karenina.

And which one of the two would you prefer re-reading?


>> No.18903398

that wasn't the argument you, that an analogy, you room temperature IQ moron.

>> No.18903400

your point being?

>> No.18903405

>cheap rhetoric reddit snark cop out

>> No.18903410

I would

>> No.18903418

Imagine having a daughter in the year 2021. Just imagine that for a moment. God have mercy on us all.