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/lit/ - Literature

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18901324 No.18901324 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actively read things on Substack? Supposedly it's kind of reinvented blogging. I know a number of commentators that /lit/ likes have Substack pages. Also, is there any fiction or poetry being published on Substack that you like?

>> No.18901333

We read books here.

>> No.18901368

It is simply not comfy how blogs were
Something about it just feels off and gay and standardized and regulated like everything else on internet now

>> No.18901377

I read the new SSC on substack

>> No.18901410

For me, wordpress is where it's at

>> No.18901474

at the end of the day, people who use platforms like substack, wordpress, blogspot, twitter, patreon, gumroad, etc. to host their content aren't serious writers or thinkers. even worse, because these platforms encourage monetization, they're probably grifters.

serious writers or thinkers would self host, with a humble, subtly placed crypto donation button at the bottom of their page.

>> No.18901487

I read a few people who write on Substack. It's not so much blogging. It's geared more toward email newsletters. The web experience is actually intentionally shit, with all effort put into funneling you onto the email list if you have any interest. At the same time, though, it also needs the web archive of posts because subscribers get to use the comment section, which you can't do in email in the same way, and that's part of the value. They didn't reinvent anything, but they did two things right to stand out from equivalent services:
1) Paid big-name people to jump ship and write primarily for them. This gives the impression that it is more viable to make big money through them than their competitors, though there is some truth to that in that people are more likely to follow additional Substacks than set-up their information with additional websites.
2) Emphasize the process of converting readers to email sign-ups. Most writers do not like to do this part. Substack mostly does it for them.

>> No.18901632

>The web experience is actually intentionally shit

Really? I actually don't mind reading it on a screen at all. I even pulled up the mobile site the other day and read an entry on a blog, it was really crisp and clear and looked good on a small screen. I guess you're talking about the interface?

>> No.18901688

>big white screen dedicated to subscription box
>have to click "Let me read it first"
>every page is the same vertical list of small previews
>about page is tucked at the bottom in small text as "What is _____?" assuming you would typically only view a Substack when you already know everything about the writer and what subject(s) are tackled
It's not unreadable, but it is about the worst blog design option. Stuff like the vertical lists is designed more for mobile, so that would seem less obnoxious there, but mainly they just want you to get the emails. It's all set-up like something you're not supposed to be seeing.

>> No.18901953

I want to put my ideas on literature out there but I don't know how to do it. What do I do?

>> No.18902094

Oh, so I guess it is the interface. I'm so used to linking people directly to the things I publish, and the actual essays and blog entries on the page are pretty well laid-out when you get to them. I do think the actual entry page is a little clunky.

>> No.18902234

I'm not giving them my fucking email. What a retarded design.

>> No.18902290

it's better than the alternatives especially wordpress lmao
it's robust because it's set up as a email newsletter
the web experience is not shit beyond 1 pop-up

nothing needs to be monetized

>> No.18902353
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>serious writers or thinkers would self host, with a humble, subtly placed crypto donation button at the bottom of their page.

So I just build my own fucking website, then? What, do I use Wix or Squarespace? I don't know if you are aware, Anon, but a lot of people whose talents lie in creative writing are not the most adept at computer programming.

>> No.18902371

it doesn't really take effort to make your site but it's still a small overhead that you have no reason to suffer, idk why he thinks it makes a difference whether you self host or just post on substack

>> No.18902400

honestly to build your own simple text-based blog with maybe some navigation to your other social sites (if you have them) etc., you could learn enough html & css in like a week if you were so inclined. it's a useful skill to have anyway so there's not really any downside unless you consider putting barely any time into something hugely helpful a waste
but it doesn't really matter, there are tons of sites like substack, medium, tumblr and whatever else you can think of. or you can just go the website route with squarespace or some shit but if it's text based i really see little point in paying so much for the hosting
just be a madlad and host your own shit on neocities or something

>> No.18902451

>humble, subtly placed crypto donation button at the bottom of their page

>> No.18903333

You don't need to know programming to make a website. Stop being proud of your own technological incompetence.

>> No.18904253

if you don't have the patience and wits even to learn how to use Squarespace then you're too retarded to learn anything worthwhile anyway

>> No.18904261

>learn anything worthwhile

>> No.18904271

ANGELICISM01 滲み出るエロス

>> No.18904297

>So I just build my own fucking website, then?

Yes. Start by registering a domain. The .xyz TLD is cheap as fuck. It'll cost you $8 per year or something like that.

>What, do I use Wix or Squarespace?

Neither. It's very easy to design a simple website using static pages. The simpler the better.

> I don't know if you are aware, Anon, but a lot of people whose talents lie in creative writing are not the most adept at computer programming.

It's hardly programming. You're just formatting text so it appears how you want it on your website. Instead of a .docx file you'll have a .html file of your work. You only need to know basic HTML, and a bit of CSS. You can find a website you kind of like and copy their html/css files to get a similar look. For example: https://bestmotherfucking.website/

Here's a guide (avec memes) to get your started: https://landchad.net/

Then you'll need to set up RSS so people can get updates from your site. If you're serious about what you're putting out there you should put in a bit of effort.

>> No.18904466

Hi Luke!

>> No.18905495

>>ANGELICISM01 滲み出るエロス
mind explaining? i'm seeing sprinkles of genius but for the most part i can't parse what i'm reading