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18899957 No.18899957 [Reply] [Original]

My sister has come out as a non binary asexual and I’m trying to cope by intellectually dissecting where gender ideology comes from. Is this book actually a good look at this stuff. Of course please recommend me books or tell me your thoughts. Also please pray for my family.

>> No.18899978
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>My sister has come out as a non binary asexual and I’m trying to cope by intellectually dissecting where gender ideology comes from. Is this book actually a good look at this stuff. Of course please recommend me books or tell me your thoughts. Also please pray for my family.

>> No.18899982

The only way to really cope is to forget about her and focus on your own life. But if you'd like to know where this comes from, you'd do better to read Harvey Mansfield's Manliness than this anti-Semitic garbage.

>> No.18899986

>My sister has come out as a non binary asexual
Wait six months, odds are she'll quietly go back to the good ol' cishet woman identity.

>> No.18899991

>anti-Semitic garbage

I know which anon's opinion I'd like to discard next

>> No.18900003

>this anti-Semitic garbage.
It's pretty good. Otherwise they wouldn't have banned it.

>> No.18900021

>Otherwise they wouldn't have banned it.
>one retailer decided not to sell it, therefore it's banned even though it's published and can be bought from many other places including the publishers themselves

>> No.18900032

I don’t think so Anon. She has always been different from normal girls. She was always a tomboy and never was comfortable being girly or anything to do with dating.

>> No.18900039

Yeah, the most popular retailer. You can find tons of articles whining about how anti semitic it is too which is usually a good mark for a book.

>> No.18900045

>The only way to really cope is to forget about her
the classic "I care about family values" American take.

>> No.18900050

It’s is all rather absurd. Living in the modern west really is a clown world.

>> No.18900054

Asexuals are great, they don't do degenerate shit. You should be thankful, it's better than having a whore sister.

>> No.18900058

There is nothing you can do. Accept it and move on.

>> No.18900076
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I will always love my sister but I’m tired of my family getting spiritually raped by modernity. My cousin is a literal MTF with a Wicca lesbian wife and are raising their son non binary.

>> No.18900078

Yeah my sister was like that growing up. She just came out as lesbian eventually. Why is that not the default option for people like that?

Or she's just a tomboy that also wants to have sex with men, so she's straight.

That's as complicated as it should get.

>> No.18900082

And your sister is an asexual who won't have a family, harming no one. Way better than a degen tranny

>> No.18900083

I understand this but it still sucks. I think she’s on a path that leads to self destructive nonsense. I want to believe things will be normal again.

>> No.18900087

Anon, you could just be supportive of your sibling and care for them just as you did before instead of being a weirdo and thinking you can defeat this with a book

>> No.18900120

Consider whether or not things were ever normal, and whether or not we would even be able to recognize a normal human life. This is why I suggest reading Leo Strauss.

>> No.18900129

Please elaborate anon

>> No.18900132

Based Leo Strauss's ghost posting "Read Leo Strauss" all day.

>> No.18900138

I love my sister Anon I will try to support them anyway I can. But I can’t pretend all this extremely online identity stuff wasn’t created like a decade ago.

>> No.18900154

>lmfao dude why do you care about your sister just let her cut her tits off and get addicted to drugs and mutilate her vagina and kill herself just consoom brah mind your own biz
Yeah nah

>> No.18900170

I couldn’t handle this. I don’t think my parent could handle this either

>> No.18900183

Look into John Money, the psychologist who invented the word “gender” and his transgender experiment on David Reimer.

>> No.18900187

Also Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shriner is non-negotiable. You have to read that book if you want to understand what’s happening.

>> No.18900196

I know about him raping kids but I don’t think anyone will care about it. People don’t listen to arguments and my sister is an Uber social conformist. It just happens that she was a lonely young women who made a bunch of friends on deviant art and fell in with their ideas.

>> No.18900202

Can I get a run down anon?

>> No.18900216

If she's nonbinary, that means she's not transsexual.
The anons posting about cutting tits and other trans shit are retarded.

>who invented the word “gender”
This is literally on the level of that tiktoker who claimed that Alexander the Great was female. Absolute schizophrenia.

>> No.18900233

Can you give your views Anon? Did this guy not start the idea that sex and gender are separate that you can have some metaphysical gender identity not based in biology.

>> No.18900249

My view is that the word "gender" was not invented in the 20th century.

>> No.18900261

I take pride in what I do. He might be the greatest political philosopher of the last generation, if only because of the project that he set off.
Strauss never makes any open statements concerning these issues, but he gives us powerful hints of their origins, their nature, and their endpoint. What I mean is that, by exploring the nature of modern political philosophy and using it as a springboard to recover the self-understanding of classical political philosophy, he enables us to understand where we have been and where we are going, while also preparing the way for something different.
In this case, you are seeing the most recent phase of the operation of a set of ideas that were created with the intention of liberating man from "unreason." This means that it is not enough to look at one small issue, however deeply, because the fundamental orientation of thought that resulted in this outcome will be left untouched. You must read Leo Strauss, then read his students, and then read the work of the great political philosophers of modernity, because everything that you see around you is latent in their works. This means forgetting about the present, whatever may happen - Strauss came from a town the Jewish population of which was exterminated during the war - and focusing on contributing to the future construction of something better.

>> No.18900263

So she’s just a tomboy then. That’s all. This agender matrix demi-sex shit is just about attention. How tf do you “come out” as asexual? You just don’t like sex. There’s nothing to “come out” over. Your sister is probably more of a narcissist than any sort of tranny.

>> No.18900279

>metaphysical gender identity
What’s crazy to me is these people believe they’re being scientific. They appeal to science while they claim their real Self is trapped in the wrong body. What the fuck is the real Self then? This shit is schizo theology. Fucking dad.

>> No.18900281

found the weak ones

>> No.18900294

A tomboy is a tomboy, not a word salad freakshow.

>> No.18900297

Kind of a non point anon. Of course he didn’t literally mean the word gender was invited then but the idea of gender ideology. Don’t make we break out the words are just sensible meaningful signs etc

>> No.18900308

I all ready got most of these ideas for hanging around the NRX people. But I would be interested in reading more about this.

>> No.18900317

You will read and see for yourself.
Here are some suggestions:
Natural Right and History (most suggest starting here)
Persecution and the Art of Writing
On Tyranny (this work is dense and difficult, but his comments in the introduction on the collectivization of thought are related to this issue. I will post a quote from this later.)
Thoughts on Machiavelli (possibly his most difficult work, but if you read it all the way to the end and pay very careful attention to certain passages which may at first glance appear to be digressions, you will see its importance)
What is Political Philosophy? And Other Essays (I will post a quote from this later)
Ten Essays on Political Philosophy
The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism
Toward Natural Right and History

The quotes will be reposts from an earlier thread, but they should give you a taste of what's in store.

>> No.18900319

Have you tried telling her that? Or telling her how silly she is making herself? Or finding someone else she might listen to to give her a talking to? It’s best to confront things like this early on.

>> No.18900325

From "What is Political Philosophy?"

Nor can we say that democracy has found a solution to the problem of education. In the first place, what is today called education, very frequently does not mean education proper, i.e., the formation of character, but rather instruction and training. Secondly, to the extent to which the formation of character is indeed intended, there exists a very dangerous tendency to identify the good man with the good sport, the cooperative fellow, the 'regular guy,' i.e., the overemphasis on a certain part of social virtue and a corresponding neglect of those virtues which mature, if they do not flourish, in privacy, not to say in solitude: by educating people to cooperate with each other in a friendly spirit, one does not yet educate non-conformists, people who are prepared to stand alone, to fight alone, 'rugged individualists.' Democracy has not yet found a defense against the creeping conformism and the ever-increasing invasion of privacy which it fosters. Beings who look down on us from a star might find that the difference between democracy and communism is not quite as great as it appears when one considers exclusively the doubtless very important question of civil and political liberties, although only people of exceptional levity or irresponsibility say that the difference between communism and democracy is negligible in the last analysis. Now to the extent to which democracy is aware of these dangers, to the same extent it sees itself compelled to think of elevating its level and its possibilities by a return to the classics' notions of education: a kind of education which can never be thought of as mass-education, but only as higher and highest education of those who are by nature fit for it. It would be an understatement to call it royal education.

>> No.18900327

I don’t know Anon. Yes logically you are right that this is a big nothing and it’s all self gazing quasi narcissism. But she puts so much almost religious emphasis on these labels and being part of the LGBT community and identity. This is not a cry for attention I don’t no where this comes from psychologically.

>> No.18900332

From On Tyranny

The experience of the present generation has taught us to read the great political literature of the past with different eyes and with different expectations. The lesson may not be without value for our political orientation. We are now brought face to face with a tyranny which holds out the threat of becoming, thanks to 'the conquest of nature' and in particular of human nature, what no earlier tyranny ever became: perpetual and universal. Confronted by the appalling alternative that man, or human thought, must be collectivized either by one stroke and without mercy or else by slow and gentle processes, we are forced to wonder how we could escape from this dilemma. We reconsider therefore the elementary and unobtrusive conditions of human freedom.
The historical form in which this reflection is here presented is perhaps not inappropriate. The manifest and deliberate collectivization or coordination of thought is being prepared in a hidden and frequently quite unconscious way by the spread of the teaching that all human thought is collective independently of any human effort directed to this end, because all human thought is historical. There seems to be no more appropriate way of combating this teaching than the study of history.

>> No.18900336

My reading list is already stacked right now but I will add them. Thank you Anon I appreciate you.

>> No.18900338

>trying to stop women being special snow flakes
Just admit you’re gay, son. M2M alliance. Face to face. Heart to heart. Cock to cock. With full fidelity. Cockrub warriors unite.

>> No.18900339

You faggots talk a lot about family but whenever your actual family members need love and support all you want to do is shit on them. Trying to fight with her about this will only alienate her further.

>> No.18900352

>Of course he didn’t literally mean the word gender was invited then
>John Money, the psychologist who invented the word “gender”
Sounds just like a metaphor, yes.
I'd prefer the anon himself explaining whether he meant it literally or not, rather than you acting as an advocate for his retardation.
Mind you, this isn't the first time I've seen this claim formulated specifically in this way, that he invented the word, not just the concept.

>Don’t make we break out the words are just sensible meaningful signs etc
Is this some metaphor too?

>This is not a cry for attention
It sounds very much like a cry for attention, though, why do you think it isn't so?

>> No.18900355

She won’t listen to me she already thinks I’m crazy for not conforming to current cultural trends. She has a victim narrative we’re shes a lgbt victim of our Christian parents. That they are going to disown her and never speak to her etc even though they never would and never have acted like that. She probably thinks I’m going to hate her which hurts the most.

>> No.18900363

Love and support means not letting family members practice self-destructive behavior

>> No.18900370

Stop projecting sperg. Just because I don’t think gender ideology is real. Doesn’t mean that I don’t care about her and want her to be happy.

>> No.18900376

Bro you're on 4chan asking for books to help you argue with her and "intellectually dissect" her gender and sexuality. It's perfectly reasonable that she would think you hate her, even if you don't. You have said yourself that she was always different, why are you surprised now? How did your parents react to your trans wiccan sister or whatever?

>> No.18900388

Always tell her your true feelings on the subject. Pray everyday for her wellbeing.

>> No.18900390

What is self-destructive here? She uses some words OP doesn't like to describe herself?

Did she seem happy before coming out? How about now?

>> No.18900391

Because she literally won’t see or talk to our parents unless she has to. It’s more like she’s looking for some sense of community and away to turn her being uncomfortable with dating and sexuality into a fixed label that she can apply to herself instead of working on her self as an individual.

>> No.18900406

Yes I’m keenly aware I’m a massive sperg. I still think that these ideas are not reasonable and were probably created by bad people. My parents are confused and think my trans cousins is a weirdo but he was a weirdo before that.

>> No.18900414

>What is self-destructive here?
Non-binary, a rejection of the obvious truth that she is a woman. Asexual, while celibacy is a good the term “asexual” is entangled with gender studies poison.

>> No.18900420

I haven’t talked to her about we’re not as close anymore. She lives in another state with a person who is a strange disabled goth punk lesbian type women and her grandpa. I don’t actually know if she is a lesbian but she looks like one.

>> No.18900425

shilling your book again are you?

>> No.18900427

So it literally is just her using words you don't like lol grow a pair you huge baby

>> No.18900438

The more you post the less reasonable you seem. I thought you were at least involved in her life

>> No.18900442

I think that Anon is right. I love my sister and I want to support her but the ideas around gender have no basis in reality. I think she’s trying to find a community and sense of belonging which is good but the LGBTQ and their narratives seem terrible to me.

>> No.18900455

I want to be involved but you maybe be right. I’ve been a bad brother to my siblings I won’t deny it.

>> No.18900456

>non binary
kek so many woman doing this now, the LARP will not last. In 5-10 we will look back and see how retarded this all was. I do feel bad for those that get swept up by it all.

>> No.18900469

>the LGBTQ and their narratives seem terrible to me
You keep saying this but have not articulated why. Again, you said she was always different, are you really surprised?

Finally, a glimmer of self-awareness

>> No.18900470

You can always try to be a better brother now. Ignore that homosexual

>> No.18900479

The guy you're arguing with is trying to play a trick on you. Ignore him.

>> No.18900492

Don't listen to the retards here. Rape your sister.

>> No.18900498

I am not trying to trick him, he will only further drive a wedge between them if he comes at her with a bunch of anti-lgbt stuff. That is completely obvious.

>> No.18900513

Ignore these idiots OP

>> No.18900518

I guess I just don’t believe people can “be” gay. That there is some coherent identity around sex. Plus everything around gay culture seems so hedonistic and repulsive to me. But I recognize I might be wrong. I just want my sister to be safe and live a good life I don’t want her to get sucked into these communities. But I recognize it’s not my decision and I’ll love her always. I’ll try to reach out to her to let her know that I’ll love her no matter what as long as I live.

>> No.18900533

Look into your own heart and think why you would post that. I’m not Innocent of edgy posting but it’s poison.

>> No.18900540

I won’t do that I just want to understand why she thinks this way.

>> No.18900545

Forget about your sister. How old are you, by the way?

>> No.18900564

>why you would post that
Because I hate this site and I want everyone on it to suffer.

>> No.18900570

You should ask her, not us

>> No.18900610

She doesn’t really handle disagreements well. She get very emotionally upset easy. Plus she think I’m a sperg. I’m on 4chan so maybe she’s right there.

>> No.18900633

I want you to be happy anon. Try finding something that makes you happy. Log off and go for a walk or try meditation. Don’t just sit around being mad online. I’ve done it and I wouldn’t recommend it.

>> No.18900656

>I don’t no where this comes from psychologically
A confused desire for attention. If she had been living in Puritan New England, she’d be going on about she was either a sinner or a witch.

>> No.18900678

I agree that this happens but that is not what’s happening with her. It’s more likely she’s looking for labels to build up her identity. She keeps looking for reasons to be “damaged” or and outsider. I think it’s to fit in with her friends and away to cope with her own personal struggles. But I’m also pulled in the direction that she was always different and that I just want her to be happy.

>> No.18900685

It doesn't have to be a disagreement. Ask her how/when she realized she was non-binary, or something along those lines, and what that means to her and so on. Don't make it about you and how you feel.

>> No.18900695

People accused others of being witches, nobody would freely admit to it

>> No.18900709

I’ll try one day anon but I will control my own narcissism